头条新闻和间谍大战|Kat Anonup 更新

2022年9月8日07:56:34新人阅读头条新闻和间谍大战|Kat Anonup 更新已关闭评论5402字数 1928阅读6分25秒阅读模式
头条新闻和间谍大战|Kat Anonup 更新

@katisthesea3 @ katisthesa3

9-6-22 Q The Storm Rider

9-6-22 Q 风暴骑士

Headlines 头条新闻

CNN takeover by White Hats 白帽子收购 CNN

White Hat Bin Salman making CNN/Soc Media moves

White Hat Bin Salman 让 CNN/Soc 媒体采取行动

In Kash Patel interview, President & Commander Trump 在 Kash Patel 的采访中,总统和指挥官 Trump
confirms 2020 ELECTION WILL BE FIXED BEFORE 2024 确认2020年的选举将在2024年之前确定

Deep state demons/Rocks/Roths/DuPont/Bush/cabal 深层国家恶魔/岩石/罗斯/杜邦/布什/阴谋集团
LIED to Chinese Dragon/Elders about Obama 关于奥巴马的谎言
& stole TRILLION$ in Gold from them 从他们那里偷走了万亿美元的黄金
& robbed TRILLION$ from the American people 从美国人民手中抢走了万亿美元
through the bank collapse of 2008 经历了2008年的银行倒闭

Chinese Dragon Family want Trump back!!

中国龙族想要川普回来! !

President Trump… Speaker-of-the-House?! 



3 pages QTSR 3页 QTSR

头条新闻和间谍大战|Kat Anonup 更新

In response Angels Here -Z to her Publication

作为对《天使在此 -Z 》出版物的回应

I understand, Nana 我明白,奶奶
But I think it’s as we’ve lately discussed. 但我觉得就像我们最近讨论的那样
WE HAVE NO IDEA WHO IS A WHAT?!?! 我们不知道谁是什么? ! ?
Not only who is a White or Black Hat 不仅仅是白帽子或黑帽子
but who is a man or a woman?!?! 但谁是男人还是女人? ! ?

Juan O Savin
When you’re doing Intelligence work 当你在做情报工作的时候
a lot of stuff may not look right to people. 很多东西在人们看来可能并不正确
You think this guy’s a bad guy, 你觉得这家伙是个坏人,
in reality, to play the part,  实际上,扮演这个角色,
you gotta LOOK like a real bad guy 你得看起来像个真正的坏人
so you have people 所以你有人
that may NOT be the bad guy you thought they were. 他们可能不是你想的那种坏人
Conversely, a lot of people you think are good guys 相反,很多你认为是好人的人
& they’re played up as the good guy & 他们被当作好人
aren’t the good guy either. 也不是好人
So you gotta dig deeper. 所以你得深入调查
Links & chains. 连结及链条
In a captured operation you grab a chain of people 在一次被俘的行动中,你抓住了一连串的人
& you only know the person above & below you. 你只认识你的上下级
In this sequence of contacts 在这一系列的接触中
somebody further up the chain can be grabbed 可能会有更高层的人被抓
or down the chain 或者下一代
& put into somebody else’s thing. (放进别人的东西里)

8-8-22 Doq Holliday @doqholliday @ doqholliday
I have to hand it to the white hats and military 我不得不佩服白帽子和军队
for confusing the sh*t out of people. 把别人搞糊涂了


  • 本文由 发表于 2022年9月8日07:56:34
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