Republican Senator Matt Gaetz has successfully entered the hard drive of Hunter [B]iden's laptop into the Congressional Record. Many Anons believe that the contents of the laptop is enough to bring down the entire [D]eep [S]tate. Q said, 'We have it all.' Subpoena Hunter [B]iden. BOOM.
共和党参议员马特 · 盖茨已经成功地将亨特拜登笔记本电脑的硬盘存入了国会记录。许多无名氏认为,笔记本电脑的内容足以摧毁整个系统。Q: ‘我们什么都有。传唤亨特拜登。繁荣。
Here is media confirmation that Hunter [B]iden bankrolled bio-weapon labs in Ukraine. Oh, it's Russian media, by the way. Please don't look to most Western MSM for the truth about the [B]idens.
Q said, 'Trust Grassley'. Senator Chuck Grassley just spoke out in the Senate about the [B]iden corruption.
参议员恰克 · 格拉斯利刚刚在参议院发表了关于拜登的腐败问题的讲话。
A reminder that Q said, 'Gold will end the Fed...' Russia and gold - BIG news, Light Warriors.
提醒一下,q 说,‘黄金将终结美联储... ...’俄罗斯和黄金的大新闻,光武士。
Mainstream media gave extensive coverage to the memorial service for top
主流媒体对顶级撒旦教徒 "菲利普亲王 "的追悼会进行了广泛报道。我的朋友斯蒂芬在追悼会的一张照片中发现了蜥蜴女王的磷光眼。以下是萨曼莎-阿尔德森在Telegram上的确认。我们可以期待她的死亡公告(FINALLY)很快到来。我相信这将引发股市/金融系统的崩溃,该系统正在永久毁灭的边缘徘徊。
The fake memorial service today is pre-recorded with a lot of CGI thrown in there. Queen has a Vril Eye, you can see it plain as day. Lizard Queen was executed in 2019. All pedo royals and pedo government/officials have been dealt with, top of the chain. These sick Bastards are either playing a part for the Alliance, arrested and awaiting trial, serving a sentence, EXECUTED for committing war crimes, sedition, Treason, Genocide, crimes against humanity/children and Genocide. Do you really think the Whitehats are letting these satanic psychopaths run round freely? Think BIGGER. We only see 20% of habbenings. Military tribunals are still going on behind the scenes. Millions of across the planet being arrested and processed.
今天的假纪念仪式是预先录制的,里面有很多电脑特效。皇后有一只眼睛,你可以清楚地看到它。蜥蜴女王于2019年被处死。所有的佩多王室成员和佩多政府官员都已经被处理了,处于链条的顶端。这些生病的混蛋要么是在为联盟做事,被逮捕并等待审判,服刑,因犯下战争罪、煽动叛乱罪、叛国罪、种族灭绝罪、反人类罪/儿童罪和种族灭绝罪而被处决。你真的认为怀特海特家族会让这些撒旦般的精神病患者自由行动吗?想得更远。我们只看到20% 的港口。军事法庭仍在幕后进行。全世界数以百万计的人正在被逮捕和处理。NO FQQKING DEALS!!
没有交易! (萨曼莎奥尔德森,电报)
Here is a question for you - if the Pfizer jabs are so safe, how come Albert Bourla, Pfizer Chairman and CEO, has not had any of his own jabs...??? Listen to him - he admits it quite openly.
这里有一个问题给你-如果辉瑞注射是如此安全,为什么阿尔伯特包尔拉,辉瑞的主席和首席执行官,没有任何他自己的注射... ? ? ?听他说——他很坦率地承认了这一点。
A leading USA advocator for the jab - she called herself "Queen of the Vaccine" - has suddenly died of 'unknown causes'.
The UK NHS will be giving toys to children to lure them in for their jab. These are the same children who have an almost 100% survival rate if they get the (rapidly waning) virus. Pure evil.
英国国家医疗服务系统将会给孩子们提供玩具来吸引他们注射疫苗。同样是这些孩子,如果他们感染了(迅速减弱的)病毒,存活率几乎为100% 。纯粹的邪恶。
BP from Starship Earth wrote an op-ed today - I resonate with it. I have been writing and researching truth intel for as long as BP and I share many of her opinions. Starship Earth Newsletter is a daily read for me.
Finally, there have been comments recently about grief and sadness. Several days ago, my friend Emma got this down load about grief...
For those who are feeling grief and sadness, you are not crazy. You are not alone. It's COLLECTIVE grief. Some of us feel it more than others at different stages. It doesn't really belong to us personally. Well, it DOES, but it belongs to EVERYONE. What we need to do is to channel it and let it move through us. Don't try to fight it, and don't hold on to it. Let it comes through in waves. Remember to be super nice to yourself. Stay calm and out of fear.
The action is ramping up now, Light Warriors. It feels as if we will suddenly turn a corner one day and a BIG domino will fall, changing life on Earth forever. You are READY.
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Where We Go One We Go All.
Love and Light 爱与光