Commerce, Georgia was the site for the Trump Rally last evening which you can watch on Rumble via the Right Side Broadcasting Network.
Or you can watch select clips here on the President’s page on Rumble. Possibly uploaded by Dan Scavino Jr?
或者你可以在总统的 Rumble 页面上观看精选的视频片段,可能是 Dan Scavino Jr 上传的?
I didn’t finish the post from yesterday so it is now today’s.
There is an interesting update on Supreme Court Justice Thomas after his release from hospital recently. The crew points to this article below at Real Raw News. When we say the deep state/shadow government is ruthless we are not simply tossing dramatic adjectives around. They have eliminated many “inconvenient” people over decades to tip the scales in their favour but the White Hats learned a few things over the years and the tables have been turned. Unfortunately, another SCOTUS member Justice Antonin Scalia may have also been taken out a few years ago but the psychopaths in the shadow governments are being exposed to the Light and positive assets are sometimes protected.
最近,最高法院法官托马斯从医院出院后,有一个有趣的最新消息。工作人员指出下面这篇文章来自 Real Raw News。当我们说深层政府/影子政府是无情的时候,我们不是简单地抛出戏剧性的形容词。他们在过去几十年里消除了许多“不方便”的人,以扭转局势,使其有利于自己,但“白帽子”在过去几年里学到了一些东西,情况发生了逆转。不幸的是,另一位《最高刑事法院》成员大法官安东宁 · 斯卡利亚可能也在几年前被除掉了,但是影子政府中的精神病患者正在暴露在光明之下,有时候正面的资产也会受到保护。
SCJ Clarence Thomas Poisoned!
克拉伦斯 · 托马斯中毒
This is another illustration of the “knowing” aspect of the scamdemic. The psychopaths know what cures diseases and they use those cures for themselves while they try to prevent us from even talking about them. They want us dead or feeding their corrupt medical industrial complex.
I still cannot believe people are going along with the medical tyranny out of ignorance and dutiful obligation more than TWO YEARS after the psychopaths began terrorizing everyone. How stupid can people be? We should have left this insane psyop behind long ago.
Opposition continues in the Great White Gulag.
Military Tribunals: Dr Zelenko Shows No Mercy for Crimes Against Humanity, Execution If Found Guilty [VIDEO]
军事法庭: Zelenko 博士对反人类罪毫不留情,如果被判有罪将被处决[视频]
We Are in a Holographic Matrix
I have railed about the allopathic medical industrial complex, the healthkill sector and their indoctrination of the medical field and their butchery and slow kill tactics. We have discussed the suppression of healing methods that actually work safely to resolve our afflictions, whether physical, mental, or emotional, but there has never been a lot of material crossing my path that resonated like the following.
There is some overlap with other “alternative” modalities like chiropractic, and in reference to the NAET system I recently mentioned how a holistic doctor I visited about 17 years ago used some very unorthodox and previously unknown practices on me with marvelous results. Touch can do miraculous things when you understand how the Human organism is built and functions and what happens to cause it to break down.
在脊椎指压治疗法等其他“替代”方法上有一些重叠,关于 NAET 系统,我最近提到了大约17年前我拜访的一位全科医生是如何对我使用一些非常非正统的、以前不为人知的方法,并取得了非凡的结果。当你理解了人类有机体是如何构建和运作的,以及是什么事情导致了它的分解,触觉就会发挥神奇的作用。
This video is so good that I stopped watching after 10 minutes because I couldn’t give it the focus in that moment that it deserves and demands. I had to have the time to dedicate to fully absorb this so I could reap the benefits and share it for those of you who will appreciate it as I do. Following are the video intro notes from Youtube, and then the documentary itself. If you can only watch one video THIS WEEK, I recommend this one.
这个视频太棒了,10分钟后我就不看了,因为在那一刻我无法给予它应有的关注和要求。我必须有时间来充分吸收这些知识,这样我才能收获利益,并与那些像我一样欣赏这些知识的人分享这些知识。以下是来自 Youtube 的视频简介,然后是纪录片本身。如果你这周只能看一个视频,我推荐这一个。
This documentary illustrating Neuro-Muscular Release Therapy embodies the true nature of who we are, the vessel we occupy in this lifetime, and the “user manual” we should have been given as a child. It overwrites the lies and provides a blueprint for us to thrive in the personal avatar they call a biological super computer.
It takes the concepts shared by Kryon in the “Hidden in Plain Sight” video I shared the other day and goes very deeply into the self-care and nurturing of our godly selves on every level. This research and its application in the “holographic matrix” we inhabit should be mandatory education.
We ARE the magnificent Beings Kryon spoke of that prompts him to repeatedly say, “I am Kryon; in love with Humanity”, and nearly every time it makes me cry, because we ARE loved. Kryon of magnetic service might make more sense after watching this. Experiencing a tune-up to our technology in the service bay will change our lives. There is nothing noble about carrying around our war wounds from past lives, the DNA passed on to us by our parents, childhood traumas, or any pain that locks up our electro-magnetic circuitry.
我们是伟大的Kryon生命,这让他不断地说,“我是Kryon,爱上了人类”,而且几乎每次都让我哭泣,因为我们被爱着。磁性服务公司的克里昂在看过这个之后可能会更有意义。在服务舱里体验我们的技术调整将会改变我们的生活。带着前世留下的战争创伤、父母遗传给我们的 DNA、童年创伤、或任何困住我们电磁回路的痛苦,这些都不是什么高尚的事情。
We have NOT been forgotten. Decades of strategizing, execution, covert operations, and infiltration and seeding of key players has gone into “The Plan to Save the World”. There has been untold sacrifice to bring us to the culmination of this brilliant effort to free us from bondage and the trap we have unwittingly been stuck in for so long we didn’t even realize it. We are so much more than our jailors have ever let us know.
This video compiles a great deal of information we learned over the years and adds a fresh aspect as well that can unlock our potential to heal and rejuvenate and hold a higher vibration; a healthy resonance in tune with the Earth and each other because it’s all about frequency. As you know, we all generate a unique energy signature and it is up to our “inner physician” to do the routine maintenance on our biological device; our personal technology.
这个视频汇编了我们多年来学到的大量信息,并且增加了一个新的方面,也可以释放我们的潜力来治愈和振兴,并保持一个更高的振动; 一个与地球和彼此协调的健康共振,因为这都是关于频率的。众所周知,我们都会产生一种独特的能量信号,这取决于我们的“内科医生”对我们的生物设备——我们的个人技术——进行日常维护。
In this film you will see things you have never seen before. It’s almost like magic—-but that is only because we do not understand the nature of our reality or who we are. Please share. It just might enable people to breathe a huge sigh of relief; to release the past and what does not serve them and to avoid triggering unnecessary trauma—-or “strauma”. They tell us that simply watching the release experienced by others generated a release in some people. That speaks to our connection to each other.
Enough talk. Welcome to the incredible work of Micah Skye. The best news… this is only Part 1. Part 2 is coming later. 1 hr 32 min.
别说了。欢迎来到迈卡 · 斯凯令人难以置信的作品。最好的消息是... 这只是第一部分。第二部分稍后会讲到。1小时32分钟。
Video Notes:
“Aloha and Sat Nam! We started this documentary over 15 years ago, for so many reasons. I have witnessed a great disconnect in not just western culture, but globally around touch and the power of our own healing technology. The human body is designed to be touched, to be released.
“Aloha and Sat Nam! 我们在15年前开始拍摄这部纪录片,原因有很多。我亲眼目睹了不仅是西方文化,而且全球范围内的触摸和我们自己的治愈技术的力量的巨大脱节。人体被设计成被触摸,被释放。
We are born into the simulation then we are indoctrinated, then we identify with the simulation and all of its indoctrination and it forms the very reality then we experience, no, and are Deeply identified into the illusion of our constructed reality being all that is.
What if that constructed reality was false and through systems of control, indoctrination, and toxification that was deeply compromising the divine vehicle we were created into in the simulation resulting in a mass psychosis of our experience here mentally, physically, and spiritually?
Cut to over two years into a global plandemic lockdown based off the general ignorance and lack of non-indoctrinated institutionalized medicine, human beings are more fear based and alienated to touch, to connection, and our humanity than I ever could’ve imagined.
We’re on the brink of a new age cosmologically, and that means a lot of change on the horizon. It was clear that the world needed this film now more than ever. Join us in the exploration into the power of the human mind, body, and spirit as we learn about the true power of humanity to heal thySelf all through the power of RELEASE.
从宇宙学的角度来看,我们正处在一个新时代的边缘,这意味着地平线上将会发生许多变化。很明显,这个世界比以往任何时候都更需要这部电影。和我们一起探索人类思想、身体和精神的力量,因为我们了解到人类的真正力量,通过 RELEASE 的力量来治愈你自己。
We are honored to announce that RELEASE Part 1 will be premiering internationally March 2022, and Part 2 will be releasing globally this fall 2022. So think of this as our almost full feature length documentary on the power of touch and healing, and like the healing process is never finished!
We just know we need to share this with humanity now, and sometimes one individual can truly open your eyes to greater Transpersonal awareness as they embody such deeply connected aspects of our humanity that connects us all. It’s seems we need to find that collective connection to our humanity now more than ever…”
我们只知道我们现在需要与人类分享这一点,有时一个人可以真正打开你的眼睛,让你看到更大的超个人意识,因为他们包含了我们人性中如此紧密相连的方面,将我们所有人联系在一起。现在看来,我们比以往任何时候都更需要找到这种与人性的集体联系... ...”
Eli is having a good weekend.
Eli 周末过得很愉快。