昴宿星高级理事会的米拉: 矩阵

2022年1月6日18:44:24新人阅读昴宿星高级理事会的米拉: 矩阵已关闭评论7342字数 2969阅读9分53秒阅读模式

昴宿星高级理事会的米拉: 矩阵Greetings: I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council and currently working with the Earth Council for the ascension of the earth.

问候: 我是来自昴宿星高级理事会的米拉,目前正与地球理事会一起为地球的提升而工作。

We see that your blood is flowing, along with the blood of the earth, to preserve its integrity and to protect itself from that which is not. Your bodies have been assaulted for a long time. And your lives have been programmed and controlled to the fullest extent by the dark ones who would harvest you.


No wonder I have been fully focused for these many years on the earth! We proclaim today that you will never ever be harvested again! The dark ones are being dealt with and many have already been removed. We have big plans for the earth and a wonderful new planet coming into creation for all who live on her. The days of agony and despair will soon be a thing of the past. It is time to let go of the horrendous ways life on earth and how she has been treated. It is over!


You will soon become aware of the mysteries of your own bodies, as well as, that of the earth. You are the light brigade who are activating your powerful multi-dimensional selves. Upon doing this, you are also working with the planet to become her fully awakened self. What a powerful combination! This is why you were specifically chosen to be on the earth at this time. Your light, consciousness, love, energy, healing and beautiful hearts, are bringing this great awakening.


In the beginning of this new year 2022 you are already being shocked with information! In fact, you could be shaken to the core. You are clearly learning that life is not the way you thought it was due to the fact  that you have been living in a false reality called “the matrix.” You are awakening to the truth that some people you thought were good are bad and that some people you thought were bad are good! Many organizations will prove to be untrustworthy and even horrific!

在2022年的新年伊始,你们已经被信息震惊了!事实上,你可能会彻底动摇。你们清楚地认识到,生活并不是你们想象的那样,这是因为你们一直生活在一个被称为“矩阵”的虚假现实中你开始意识到这样一个事实: 有些你认为是好的人其实是坏的,有些你认为是坏的人其实是好的!许多组织将被证明是不值得信任的,甚至是可怕的!

What happens next is that you will take your power back as divine spiritual beings on beloved mother earth. The past will dissolve and in the future life will be light infused in beauty, joy, happiness, abundance, peace, freedom and all good things. You truly deserve this goodness!


Tomorrow is a new day. You will be divinely guided through the morass of possibilities for your new lives. We will be working with you joyfully to provide what we have to share to make your lives better and easier. We will enjoy getting to know you. Have fun and celebrate you and the new earth.


I lovingly say goodbye for now. I am Mira, your galactic friend.


**Channel: Valerie Donner

* * 频道: Valerie Donner



  • 本文由 发表于 2022年1月6日18:44:24
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