There are some reassuring messages in this latest newsletter from Valerie Donner.Regarding the Earth changes,especially a massive tsunami wave striking the USA east coast,please use your discernment.The Galactics may have a different plan.
Straight from the Heart
October 4 2021 2021年10月4日
Dear Ground Crew:
Here is the latest from Apollo:"What is new with you is also new with me.We are following the currents of energy which are constantly changing.Your emotions fluctuate.It can be challenging to stay on an even keel.The joy and brilliance of the light that is impacting the earth right now is exceptional.The insanity of the third dimensional world is maddening.We admire the ground crew for your stamina and for your resilience.These energies are impacting the consciousness of planet earth and awakening increasing numbers of people on the planet.It is all coming to a head.Soon these laborious days will reach their end with the culmination of light.Earth will never be the same and neither will you."
Today as of this writing Facebook,Instagram,and WhatsApp,are down globally.Is this the beginning of something big?Please be ready and prepared with back up plans and extra food and water.Will the whole Internet go down?Do not worry,the Galactic's have something much better than the current system we have.
今天,在写这篇文章的时候,Facebook,Instagram 和 WhatsApp 在全球范围内都在下降。这是一件大事的开始吗?请准备好备用计划和额外的食物和水。整个互联网会瘫痪吗?别担心,银河系拥有比我们现有系统更好的东西。
According to Simon Parks,
根据 的 Simon Parks 的说法
"Urgent-social media down over 75%of planet.
Don't panic.White hat operation.
Be calm.
There will be no real war.
This is the actions that so many of you have waited for.
I warned during my last podcast.
I gave the dates so hopefully you have all prepared.
Unless the plan changes dramatically,expect US and UK to lose all communication soon."
Here we are again in the continuum of the Ascension process.It is getting exciting because the earth is now participating in some major Earth changes.There is volcanic activity in La Palma in the Canary Islands,Mt.Etna in Italy,and Kilauea in Hawaii along with earthquakes,hurricanes,floods,and fires.I felt a 3.5 earthquake October 2,near where I live.As we cleanse ourselves from the past,the earth is also doing similarly.
在这里,我们再一次处于扬升进程的连续统一体中。这是令人兴奋的,因为地球现在正在参与一些重大的地球变化。加那利群岛的拉帕尔马、意大利的 Mt.Etna 和夏威夷的基拉韦亚都有火山活动,还有地震、飓风、洪水和火灾。10月2日,在我居住的附近,我感觉到了3.5级的地震。当我们从过去中净化自己时,地球也在做着同样的事情。
It appears that we could be in for some shocking changes.Mother Earth will no longer allow what has been happening and will take back control.
It has been explained that wherever man has interfered with the earth's normal weather patterns,etc.that the earth is going to prove her power and take it back.
One of my longtime teachers,Archangel Gabriel,through full body channel Karen Cook,did a class on August 2,2000,titled"Seven Unchangeable Earth Changes."He mentioned the East Coast of the United States and the Canary Islands that could have 200-to-300-foot waves that would hit the coast.It would also affect the UK.We need to keep our eyes open about what's going on with La Palma,as well as other places.I recently talked with him,and he said that"Often times people will not believe that something of such a magnitude could occur."Listen to your inner guidance and know that you will be protected.If you get an intuition that you need to move you need to follow that.Some people are getting nudges to move right now.
I asked Archangel Gabriel if the 2000 predictions,and the 2005 predictions that he made in another class,are still in the same timeline and he indicated they are.
Here are the seven major Earth changes he mentioned in 2000:
- California calamities particularly in coastal areas
- 加利福尼亚州特别是沿海地区的灾难
- Effects of Europe
- 欧洲的影响
- The gradual changing of earth's axis
- 地轴的逐渐变化
- Explosions of volcanoes in the Ring of Fire
- 火环中的火山爆发
- The plagues and he said,"This could be tempered."
- 他说:"这是可以调和的。"
- Seismic activity under the ocean floor
- 海底地震活动
- Meteor showers flowing across Europe.
- 流星雨席卷欧洲
During this time you will be taken into the fifth dimension.With faith you will move through the changes without a hair on your head being touched.Trust God.Realize how much you are greatly loved.Look to natural means of healing the body."Archangel Gabriel.
Some of you may not realize that I've been writing on this website for 25 years now.I've called myself"a voracious consumer and disseminator of information."I love sharing information through my own"spiritual media."
I just wrote the following poem about this:
Queen of Information
By Valerie Donner
作者:Valerie Donner
I am the queen of information.
Do you know what that means?
I love asking questions
About all kinds of things.
I read books.
I read information on the computer.
I hang out with smart people
Because I am an information recruiter.
It makes me happy to
Discover everything I can.
I don't care if it comes
From an expert or a note from a trash can.
I wonder if I will
Ever know enough,
Or will I keep on searching
Until I call some peoples'bluff?
Wherever I go.
Whatever I do.
I will always be happy
To share with you.
The other day I was listening to Tarot by Janine on YouTube.She was talking with Hunza,an indigenous person who travels the world to share his teachings.This is what he told us:"Everything for everybody,everywhere,every day in every star system."This message touched my heart and rings true for the future of our planet.
有一天我在 YouTube 上听 Janine 的塔罗牌。她正在和罕萨交谈,罕萨是一个周游世界分享他的教义的土著人。这就是他告诉我们的:"每个人的一切,每个地方的一切,每天在每个星系中。"这个信息触动了我的心灵,对我们这个星球的未来来说是真实的。
Many years ago I worked briefly with Jose Arguelles,anthropologist,and author of the"Mayan Factor,"and this is what is proclaimed:"Human beings are the only species that pays to be born,pays to live and pays to die!"Think about how profound these words are!We are now beginning to realize how enslaved this planet has been.The whole equation has been off,and it is not God's will for the earth to be in such darkness.
许多年前,我曾与人类学家、《玛雅因素》(Mayan Factor)一书的作者何塞•阿格列斯(Jose Arguelles)进行过短暂合作,书中宣称:"人类是唯一值得出生、值得生存、值得死亡的物种!"想想这些话有多么深奥!我们现在开始意识到这个星球是如何被奴役的。整个方程式已经被打破了,让地球处于这样的黑暗之中并不是上帝的旨意。
We are in the shift of the ages where all of life on the earth will be free.We are in the process of going through the final stages of the time of darkness.This is the time of magic and miracles.We still need to be strong and have faith,but this nightmare is nearly over.
If you are interested in how the Galactic's are assisting us here is an example and Dr.Michael Salla's website,
"Have Tall Gray alien leaders just been captured by the Galactic Federation?"It's also on YouTube with Elena Danaan,click below to watch video:
"高大的灰色外星领导人是不是刚刚被银河联邦(消歧义)捕获了?"也可以在 YouTube 上与 Elena Danaan 一起观看,点击下面的视频:
Every day is a new day,and we have to figure out how to take care of ourselves every day because it's different.
Some people who we've had in our lives a long time are removing themselves from our lives or we are choosing not to be around some of them.
The third dimensional world is getting boring.
Some animals are disappearing,and new animals are arriving.
Some people are dropping their veneer and becoming much more transparent.
Some people are having more faith in God.
Greedy,service to self-businesses and people,are having a challenging time continuing with their ways.
Angels,the Galactic's,Masters and all the higher beings are helping us greatly.We are very close to each other now.The other day after seeing my massage therapist,when I was getting dressed'I dropped one of my favorite earrings and it disappeared.I asked the angels to bring it back to me because it was one of my favorite earrings.About five days later it showed up in my jewelry box!
Our inner voice,and inner guidance is strong.
We are thousands of times more empathetic than we used to be.We feel everything.
Although I haven't seen it,some scientists are starting to realize/admit that we now have two suns and two moons.
New people are coming into our lives with whom we have more resonance.
Many of us have had it with all of these going on's.I believe Source has heard us.(COVID=Certification of Vaccinated ID)
A Message from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council through Valerie Donner October 3,2021
Greetings I am Mira:I am pleased to speak with you today to give you a short report on some vital information.
I am from the Pleiadean high Council and have been devoted and dedicated to the Earth's ascension by working with the Earth Council for many years now.
I am pleased to announce that our presence is very close and nearby.Everything is in place for the next steps for earth's freedom as well as for yours.This makes all the difference in the world and in our planetary system,as well as,for all of life.The horrendous control of the earth is about to be completely released.Much has been done already.There will be a lot of work and cleanup that is required while rearranging much of life on the earth.
We are grateful and delighted with the assistance that has been given from all of creation.This is our most important project.We admire our ground crew for your hard work.We are moving forward with the speed of light,and before you know it with the blink of the eye,your lives will be different.You have earned your freedom and you've held a steady light even in times of fear and darkness.We applaud you!
Yes,the best is yet to come!When the brightest lights,minds and hearts of God joined together for this huge transfiguration of the earth,they are unbeatable!It's been long,hard work for all parties involved.The rewards are beyond description.The beauty is beyond belief.The love and peace that passes all understanding is yours for the taking.Safety and protection,abundance and joy,and blessings are yours to behold.All of this and so much more will have made it all worthwhile.
The earth is an exceptional planet.This Ascension process that you are going through is nearly complete.The earth herself is sighing a breath of relief like a mother who has just given birth to her baby.She has tolerated abysmal treatment from dark forces and an unconscious humanity.Now humanity is awakening,and they are beginning to see what the earth has had to experience.Look at what has been imposed upon the bodies of many people on the planet.This is a planetary emergency and that is why we are allowed to speed everything up and bring it to completion.We believe you've had enough and so have we!
Anything that is less than a completion of this evil would be insanity.We hear that word often and we agree with you.The lack of respect for life,for each other,for the planet,and every aspect of life is atrocious.We know there are other words for this behavior but there's no point in belaboring what the forces of evil have done.
We are here to work with you in peace,love and harmony for your new earth and your new lives.
We love you can we bless you.
I am Mira
Where We Go One We Go All.
Love and Light