There has been an easing of corona restrictions in the past months and weeks in Europe and elsewhere,while in some other countries restrictions are newly imposed.You can put a bird in a bigger cage and it will feel like a relief for a while,but before too long the bird realizes it is still locked up.At the same time we are seeing an ongoing crackdown on critical voices ranging from removal of social media posts to arrests,death threats and murder attempts.While the assassination of president Jovenel Moïse last night confirms the shaky and destitute state of affairs in Haiti,the Netherlands is being confronted with a brutal attack on crime reporter and justice advocate Peter Vries which sent ripples of outrage and shock through Dutch society.The reporter helped solve various high profile crime cases with his team which could not be solved by the police and he is popular and beloved with many people as a result,but his unrelenting quest for justice and uncompromising reporting on underworld business has also earned him dangerous enemies.The Netherlands,once a safe and orderly little country,has become a big player in organized crime due to lax policies on drugs and the prime trade,production and distribution infrastructure among other things.
在过去的几个月和几周里,欧洲和其他地方的冠状限制有所放松,而其他一些国家的限制则是新近实施的。你可以把一只鸟放在一个更大的笼子里,这会让你感觉轻松一阵子,但是不久之后,这只鸟就会意识到它仍然被锁着。与此同时,我们看到了对批评声音的持续打击,从删除社交媒体帖子到逮捕、死亡威胁和谋杀企图。虽然昨晚总统 Jovenel Moïse 被暗杀证实了海地的动荡和贫困状态,但荷兰正面临着对犯罪记者和司法倡导者皮特 r 德弗利的野蛮攻击,这在荷兰社会引起了愤怒和震惊的涟漪。这位记者与他的团队一起解决了警方无法解决的各种备受瞩目的犯罪案件,因此他受到许多人的欢迎和喜爱,但他对正义的不懈追求和对黑社会事务的不妥协报道也为他赢得了危险的敌人。荷兰曾经是一个安全和有秩序的小国,但由于对毒品政策松懈,以及主要的贸易、生产和分销基础设施等原因,荷兰已成为有组织犯罪的重要参与者。
Faced with such acts of violence we can only go within and cultivate peace in ourselves.There is just one law that really matters:do no harm lest you be harmed yourself.What you do unto others,you do to yourself.I want to point out that all people who have been killed or who otherwise found an untimely death as a result of actions and influences of the dark forces will be offered the opportunity to return to the physical world in a new body that basically looks the same as their original body but fully healthy and well.The light forces have the technology to make it happen.
With regards to the underground situation,people wonder why it is taking the light forces so long to get things done.The answer is twofold:first of all,the clearing of the Chimera fleet was planned and prepared for years and the light forces had a good insight into that situation and what was needed to resolve it.Secondly,there was not as much anomaly in space which makes manifestation rather easy and quick.Below the surface that is a whole different ball game due to the quantum anomaly well that has been building for centuries and lack of insight into what was really going on in the Chimera bases.That's why the light forces have underestimated the underground war.Our continued support in any way,shape or form is requested and desired.
The Sea Breeze 2021 navy exercise in the Black Sea lasts until July 10.Anyone who knows what the military of non-NATO countries Australia,Brazil,Israel,Japan,Pakistan,South Korea and Senegal are doing in the Black Sea,please tell me.Wisdom says:stop poking the bear if you don't want the bear to lash out.