
2020年11月26日08:22:54新人阅读犹大|坚强地处于爱中,幸福会伴你左右已关闭评论50137字数 4142阅读13分48秒阅读模式


Hallelujah,Earth begins in the final version against the dark demons that are contained within each being in the lower energy of being.However,the light has sanded away the darkest edges and through the fog many can now glimpse a light of the most beautiful rainbow colors.It is also within each one.All living things have a divine light within them and it is when we seek this light that it grows stronger and gradually displaces everything that darkens our mind.


Where,then,is humanity today?Yes,as a collective you have begun to discern the light and see that there is another world,another opportunity to relate to the life you live.Individually,you are on many different levels.Some of you have taken the step into the light,others have sought and found it,but have not really taken the step fully and surrendered to it.Still others may feel confused by everything that divides in and around them and try to hold on to what was.Slowly but surely,however,the light opens up for new insights and even the most hardened heart can begin to weaken before what divides within them.


It is time for humanity to wake up from its deep sleep and see reality for what it is.The reality that is contained within is all and which now calls for an awakening.Each of is going through its own awakening.You have the help within is,a voice,an intuition that urges you to a deeper understanding of yourself and the world you live in.Difficulties can arise both difficult and easy,but for every difficulty you take is through,so have a new insight has emerged.They know this well,those who have trampled on this road for a while.There is help to be had both I am the outer world as well as I am the inner world.Once you have taken the first steps towards the light,the steps continue by themselves.You can not go back to what it once was,once you have taken your first step.Depending on where you stood energetically when you took the step determines how fast you can reach a higher understanding of yourself,a higher understanding of life and the higher meaning that can be seen and understood by every living being.


It is important that you fight now,dear Earthlings,fight for the light within yourself,let love and compassion be the light that guides is now.It is an important time,where the onset of darkness is currently affecting the entire Earth at all its levels of life.Be focused and let love shine through in everything you think,say and do.The Earth needs all the light and all the acts of love that you can give,so that they can light up their light a little everywhere on Earth.


Be in silence,be grounded in yourselves,seek the love and the light within you.Send it out and let it come back tenfold and send it out again and again…There is such a beautiful image of the Earth in people's hearts,let it shine forth and strengthen it further.Let it follow you in your steps and see what divides,miracles can happen where you least expect it.Things that make you happy,happy and content with life.Be strong in your love and happiness will stand by you.The world is changing in your change of self.Your invisible eyes become seeing and the light of clarity reaches your sight.You can now live to your full potential and influence the ascension of humanity to the light that lives in themselves.


Yes,there are great events happening on Earth today and you dear humanity are a part of them.We all surround ourselves with all the universal love that stands for buds.We follow and lead your steps so that you may walk the fastest path to the gate of light and love.Inside that gate there is a realm of light and love that you have so long sought.It is to that light that many have now begun to direct their steps.


Great love





传导:Ann Dahlberg

翻译:Nick Chan

  • 本文由 发表于 2020年11月26日08:22:54
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