[Kp note:inthis TweetTRON states that this is Part 5 of"The Looking Glass"series.See below the video for links to others in the series.]
[Kp 注:在这条推文中,TRON 说这是"镜中奇遇"系列的第五部分。参见下面的视频链接到其他的系列。]
TRON goes through several Q posts and Trump Tweets about the"March Madness"meme.Connects LOTS of dots.
Tron 浏览了几个Q帖和特朗普关于"疯狂三月"的推文。连接了很多点。
Lots is happening,already,as pointed out inthis Kp blog post,and this Liz Crokin video.
正如这篇 Kp 博客文章和这段 Liz Crokin 视频中指出的那样,已经发生了很多事情。
Of particular note,is that in addition to all the travel bans,sports teams postponing their season,Congress is"off"from March 14-22,and TRON states,"What a perfect time for the[cabal]roundup to begin".We shall see(or maybe not see!).
特别值得注意的是,除了所有的旅行禁令,运动队推迟了他们的赛季,国会从3月14日至22日"关闭",TRON 说,"多么完美的时间(阴谋集团)围捕开始"。我们将看到(或者可能看不到!).
As before,I suggest each of us Hold the Light for this transformation we are now going through.It is big.And it is also an opportunity to"Help our neighbors(family,friends)"to be at some level of peace as this all unfolds.
Q team goes dark yet the crumbs continue to come down from all directions.With all these 1 year and 2 year deltas–Q proofs hitting,and countdown markers,March proves to be an interesting month.
Do you have your[]filled in?
Lets figure it out___together.
Previous Looking Glass videos in the series:
Part 1:https://youtu.be/AdihzHtxbBk
Part 2:https://youtu.be/PLx4gtVkdWs
Part 3:https://youtu.be/6uTgcxpTth4
Part 4:https://youtu.be/hpZvJtx6OO8
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