
2022年4月26日15:31:48光明时代报告我们崛起|Kejraj已关闭评论5861字数 3138阅读10分27秒阅读模式

我们崛起|KejrajGreetings friends! From heart to heart in this moment we speak I am Kejraj!

朋友们,你们好! 在这一刻,我们心心相印地说,我是Kejraj!

You are an integral part of the greatest show in the Universe. You have the most vast audience ever. Cheering you on, and shining their light on you. Rise, as you have proven yourselves, with an outstanding performance.


The time has arrived, for the Collective’s wounded heart to be healed. For all the pains and sorrows to be transmuted into light.


We rise, my friends. We rise, for the days of the old are very soon to end. It is time for a new beginning, one of peace, prosperity, and love for all.


You have done what you came to do on Earth. Clearing and transmuting the lower frequency energies. Guiding and helping humanity by being an example of the higher light.


Your mission continues in the new reality, on the New Earth. The building of the Light Communities, this is to be started by you, the lightworkers.


You are to make great contributions to the New World. All the wisdom from previous lifetimes, and your current lifetime, you are to use it in bringing about the new way of life on Earth. And all have something unique to offer.


You stand now on the precipice of this immense change over, for the light has taken over the world.


Each moment the dark dissolves and loses its grip on the matrix and the Collective, as the two have decided to part ways.


The old cannot be held together any longer. For it is not supported by the higher energies entering Earth.


The Dark fears this, they know it is the end of their rule. They cannot stop the light from bringing about the shift of the ages.


This process of evolution on Earth is not just about humanity. It is about the Earth, and all of her kingdoms, and the Galaxy as a whole. The process can no longer be stalled because some humans refuse change, and fail to see what is right in front of them. It is alright. Perhaps it simply isn’t their time, it is their Soul’s choice to experience ascension in a different lifetime, on another planet.


For those who have chosen to ascend with the Earth, Earth has made the announcement, communicated with the Spiritual Hierarchy and Source, on the decision to accelerate the shift. She has waited, patiently for millions of years for this moment, and is ready to release the old. There are to be no more delays.


The Ancient Guru within you has been reawakened, from a long rest. All of your gifts and talents are beginning to come forth.


It is truly time to readjust focus, and choose love over and over again, until you are totally immersed in it, and you realize that you have been this divine light love all along. It is your very essence. It is time for a higher realization, and rise like a sun, allowing your light to shine brighter than ever before.


We rise, into the new realm of light.


I am Kejraj!

我是 Kejraj!


  • 本文由 发表于 2022年4月26日15:31:48
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