通过 GCR 恢复共和国| 截至2022年7月9日星期六的更新

2022年7月9日15:55:43大揭露通过 GCR 恢复共和国| 截至2022年7月9日星期六的更新已关闭评论878字数 44590阅读148分38秒阅读模式

通过 GCR 恢复共和国| 截至2022年7月9日星期六的更新

202279日美国东部时间12:01作者: Judy ByingtonMSWLCSW,治疗师,记者,作者: "22张面孔: 珍妮 · 希尔非凡的生活和她的22个多重人格。"

Your Government is Imploding.


Stay Calm.


Only One Day Left


24 Hours Between Darkness and Light


Huge BQmbs Incoming

巨大的 BQmbs

Digital War


They Are Not Ready For This


We Will Win



…Q on Fri. 8 July 2022




Mission Accomplished


Destruction Ahead


Good JOB Q Warriors!

Q 勇士们,干得好!

Follow: @PresidentQ17

追踪:@president q17

Judy Note: With mass arrests going on around the world, the US
Supreme Court has ruled that the 2020 Election was invalid; Biden and Obama have been tied to Ukraine Bio-Weapon Labs and international Child Sex Trafficking; Monkey Pox(and CV-19) has to be proven to be a man made manipulated virus developed in those Ukraine Bio-weapon labs; the Earth was close to a Nuclear Standoff, there were major food shortages across the globe while it headed toward a financial market crash and with 130-140 countries that now have asset-backed currency, we were on the brink of a Global Currency Reset and return to a gold standard.

美国最高法院裁定2020年大选无效; 拜登和奥巴马与乌克兰生化武器实验室和国际儿童性交易有关; 猴痘( CV-19)必须被证明是在乌克兰生化武器实验室开发的人造病毒; 地球接近核僵局,全球粮食严重短缺,金融市场崩溃,130140个国家现在拥有资产支持货币,我们正处于全球货币重置和回归金本位的边缘。

  • Biden Out, Trump In: Supreme Court Has Ruled 2020 Election Invalid https://rumble.com/v1bd0d3-continuation-of-july-6th-livestream-intel-drop.html

    拜登下台,特朗普上台: 最高法院裁定2020年大选无效

  • Groundbreaking Study finds Monkeypox Outbreak is result of Biolab manipulated Virus released intentionally: https://expose-news.com/2022/07/08/study-monkeypox-manipulated-lab-intentionally-released/


  • We're coming close the Nuclear Event full standoff. …White Hat Intel

    我们正在接近核事件全面对峙... 白帽情报

  • Wars were coming to the brink of a Near Death Civilization Event that would lead to exposure of the Deep State inside the Military commands.


  • It Starts in London: London Bridge Falling Down. Boris Johnson Just Resigned as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.

    伦敦大桥倒塌:鲍里斯 · 约翰逊刚刚辞去了英国首相的职务。

  • RED ALERT London Has Fallen! First domino is down, Watch the water ripple effect. Georgia Guide Stones 1/4 stone down is the 1st on 4 pillars of the Financial Market. London fall and crash the 3 other as they are all connected and balance the global market. Black Swan Event Global Reset Market Crash started. V for Vendetta prophecy End Game is now. V for VENGEANCE! Project London Bridge activated. …Great Awakening World Trump + Q

    伦敦陷入红色警报!第一个多米诺骨牌倒下了,注意水的涟漪效应。Georgia Guide Stones 1/4 stone down is the first on 4 pillars of the Financial Market 1/4英石是金融市场四大支柱中的第一个。伦敦股市下跌,另外三个股市崩溃,因为它们都是相互关联的,并且能够平衡全球市场。黑天鹅事件全球重置市场崩溃开始。V for Vendetta prophecy End Game is now 仇杀预言结束游戏。V 复仇!伦敦桥项目启动。... ... 大觉醒世界 Trump + q

  • Ukraine: Lugansk People's Republic was now fully liberated by the Russians from the Nazis: https://t.me/EXPOSEthePEDOSendOfTheCABAL/2895

    乌克兰: Lugansk 人民共和国被俄国人从纳粹手中完全解放了:

  • Western Europe on Suicide Watch as Food, Energy Collapse Gets Worse!


  • President Q: In 24 hours there will be a live private stream with President Donald Trump! It won't be covered by any media - it will only be available here on this private channel. Trump will tell you the real reason why he left Truth Social - You will be surprised. There are many traitors among us. The only way to join this channel is with this invite link. Join and share with everyone: https://t.me/+K3OoV2le8W9jODY8

    美国总统问: 24小时后将有一个私人直播节目,唐纳德 · 特朗普总统将在节目中现场直播!它不会被任何媒体报道,只有在这个私人频道上才能看到。特朗普将告诉你他离开真相社会的真正原因——你会感到惊讶。我们之中有很多叛徒。加入这个频道的唯一方法就是这个邀请链接。加入并与大家分享: https://t.me/+ k3oov2le8w9jody8

  • The Son of JFK: Q General. The True Q General. I am here. I am back. This is the last time you can request to join this group to see and share the videos by The General. The invite link will be deleted in 24 hours. Everyone will be approved by tomorrow: https://t.me/+xkvUOqxXaIQzMDU0

    肯尼迪之子: q General。真 q 将军。我在这里。我回来了。这是你最后一次申请加入这个小组来观看和分享将军的视频。邀请链接将在24小时内被删除。每个人都会在明天被批准: https://t.me/+ xkvuoqxxaiqzmdu0

A. Global Currency Reset:


  • There were multiple sources who indicated Tier 4B could possibly be notified by Sun 10 July or Mon. 11 July and start foreign currency exchanges/ Zim redemption on Tues. 12 July.

    有多个消息来源指出,4B 级可能在710日星期日或711日星期一之前通知,并在712日星期二开始外汇兑换/Zim 赎回。

  • Fri. 8 July MarkZ: there is phenomenal chatter as they are moving and putting whales into position. We are in a heightened stage right now. I am getting a lot of reports from whales in different redemption areas that are being asked to come back and stay no matter how long it takes. I am getting reports from larger Tier 3 groups that they have been funded. But I've yet to find someone that has cash in their pockets.

    78日星期五马克兹: 当他们移动鲸鱼并把它们放到位置上时,会有非凡的声音。我们现在正处于一个高度发达的阶段。我收到了很多来自不同救赎区域的鲸鱼的报告,他们被要求回来,不管需要多长时间。我收到了来自更大的三级组织的报告,他们已经得到了资助。但是我还没有找到口袋里有钱的人。

  • According to Bruce Tier 4B should be notified by Sun 10 July or Mon. 11 July and start on Tues. 12 July.

    根据 Bruce 的说法,4B 应该在710日星期日或711日星期一之前得到通知,并从712日星期二开始。

  • Coach Jerry: "I'm estimating that the 'Great Reveal'
    Mass Military Action, coupled with us being at our appointments, will happen between now &
    Sat. 30 July."

    教练杰瑞: "我估计'大揭露'大规模军事行动,加上我们在我们的约会,将发生在现在和730日星期六之间。"

  • Over the weekend the Iraqi government was officially seated and the Iraqi Dinar was put on a platform that connected to the Quantum Financial System. Back on Sun. 26 June the Dinar began trading on Forex Back Screens starting at $.28, and was quickly going up in value to eventually reach a possible $17 by the time the GCR was official.

    上周末,伊拉克政府正式就职,伊拉克第纳尔被放置在一个连接量子金融系统的平台上。回到 Sun626日,第纳尔开始在外汇后台交易,起价为0.28美元,随后迅速升值,最终在 GCR 正式成立时可能达到17美元。

  • Since
    Sun. night 3 July 140 countries have been trading their gold/asset-backed currencies on the Market.


  • At 1 am EST Mon. 4 July: The Fed lost it's charter to print money in 2012, and they received a ten year extension that ended July 4 2022. Stock Market Crash predicted.

    美国东部时间74日凌晨1: 美联储在2012年失去了印钞的许可,他们获得了10年的延期,到202274日为止。股票市场崩溃预测。Http://www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/082515/who-decide-when-print-money-us. asp

  • Bruce:
    There were 130-140 countries that now have asset-backed currency including the twelve BRICS nations.

    布鲁斯: 现在有130140个国家拥有资产支持货币,其中包括12个金砖国家。

  • Bruce:
    Iraq has been connected to the QFS since Wed. 6 July.

    布鲁斯: 76日星期三以来,伊拉克一直与 QFS 保持联系。

  • On Wed. 6 July a very valid Tier 3 source confirmed that at least two Bond Holders had been notified that they would be paid out in full from Friday 8 July 2022 through Monday 11 July and that at least some of that money would be paid directly from the Rodriguez Trust.

    76日星期三,一个非常有效的三级消息来源证实,至少有两名债券持有人已被通知,他们将从202278日星期五至711日星期一全额支付,其中至少一部分将直接从 Rodriguez 信托基金支付。

  • Bruce: The new Dinar international rate will be posted in their Gazette this Saturday 9 July.

    布鲁斯: 新的第纳尔国际利率将于79日星期六公布在他们的公报上。

  • Bruce: 80% of Private and commercial flights in the US have been grounded – the reason to prevent Deep State Cabal from traveling. They made those arrests. They resumed those flights on Thurs. 7 July in order for the Bond Holders and paymasters had to get into position in Miami and Reno.

    美国80% 的私人和商业航班已经停飞了这就是为什么深州秘社不能飞行的原因。他们逮捕了那些人。他们在77日星期四恢复了这些航班,以便债券持有人和支付人不得不在迈阿密和里诺就位。

  • The Chinese Elders have apologized for the delay in completing the Global Currency Reset saying, "The leadership just needed more time."

    中国的长老们已经为推迟完成全球货币重置道歉,他们说: "领导层只是需要更多的时间。"

  • On Tues. 28 June Putin announced the BRICS Countries were establishing a Global Currency Reset.


Reminder: No one, and I mean Absolutely No One knows the exact time and date that the Global Currency Reset would be finalized, with codes entered for notification of Tier 4B (us, the Internet Group) to set redemption/ exchange appointments – it dependent upon an earth shattering Event such as a global financial crash. The exact time would be decided by the Military out of calculations of their Quantum Computer and based upon concerns for safety of The People. Trust the Plan.

提醒: 没有人,我的意思是绝对没有人知道全球货币重置的确切时间和日期将最终完成,与代码进入通知 Tier 4B (我们,互联网集团)设置赎回/兑换约会-它取决于一个惊天动地的事件,如全球金融崩溃。确切的时间将由军方根据他们的量子计算机的计算和对人民安全的考虑来决定。相信计划。

B. Restored Republic:


  • On Mon. 4 July at 8 am EST and on the hour every hour there were major announcements in Washington DC and certain other cities asking people to stay in their homes (while the White Hats made arrests)


  • On Tues. 5 July John F. Kennedy Jr. was said to have appeared in public for the first time: "I,
    John F Kennedy Jr, do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God." https://t.me/CodezVII

    75日星期二,据说小约翰 · 肯尼迪第一次公开露面: "我,小约翰 · 肯尼迪,庄严宣誓,我将支持和捍卫美国宪法,抵御国内外一切敌人; 我将真诚地信仰和忠于宪法; 我将自由地履行这一义务,没有任何心理上的暧昧含煳; 我将很好地、忠实地履行我即将履行的职责: 愿上帝保佑我。"

  • On Tues. 5 July
    Mass Arrests Began in Washington DC and other Cities; over 70,000 California
    Truckers were forced off the roads and the large Hadron Collider particle accelerator out of CERN was activated by the White Hats: .https://home.web.cern.ch/news/news/physics/lhc-run-3-physics-record-energy-starts-tomorrow

    75日星期二,大规模逮捕开始在华盛顿特区和其他城市; 超过70,000名加利福尼亚卡车司机被迫离开道路,白帽子激活了欧洲核子研究中心的大型强子对撞机粒子加速器:

  • All Deep State generals, colonial, commands in Military through the world will be exposed at the end of the Events.


  • Europe must fall first because this is where the Deep State roots harbor most of it's command: Kazarian Mafia, Jesuits, Rothschilds, Davos Group, ect. Currently the European Union is admitting they are inside a collapse.

    欧洲必须首先陷落,因为这里是深层国家根基的庇护所,它的大部分指挥: 可萨黑手党,耶稣会,罗斯柴尔德,达沃斯集团,等等。目前,欧盟承认他们正处于崩溃之中。

  • Through the collapse of Europe, NATO and the UN will be exposed, as will Deep State Central Banking.


  • Since last Summer every military throughout the world was positioning and getting ready for Events – that are now here. We are inside Black Swan Events.


  • Flights were no longer going in or out of Iraq, and in other countries including 80% of commercial flights in the US due to the White Hats wanting to arrest certain people. Those flights resumed on Thurs. 7 July so Bond Holders could get to their appointments.

    伊拉克和其他国家的航班不再进出伊拉克,包括美国80% 的商业航班,因为白帽子想要逮捕某些人。这些航班在77日星期四恢复,这样债券持有人就可以去赴约了。

  • For the last five days the EBS and CERN Hadron Collider were being tested.

    在过去的五天里,EBS CERN 的强子对撞机都在进行测试。

C. Possible Agenda:


  • Sat. 9 July would be three days before July 11th. Could this be the three days of Darkness?


  • Sun. 10 July: Nicholas Tesla Birthday; watch the sky for Free Energy Violet Flames Lightnings.

    710日星期日: 尼古拉斯 · 特斯拉诞辰,仰望天空获得自由能量紫罗兰火焰闪电。

  • Mon. 11 July: 120 days to the Midterm Election; Great Flood of Truth and some False Flag Events. Mirror
    Like 711 coming July 7th.

    711日星期一: 距离中期选举还有120; 真理的洪水和一些虚假的旗帜事件。77日,魔镜711Https://twitter. com/elonmusk/status/1543050489050402816

  • Thurs. 11 Aug. 2022: Election Day


  • Sun. 11 Sept. 2022 Midnight: "THE EVENT" Total Blackout, Communication, Internet and electricity shutdown. Martial Law. Military everywhere. Election + 1 Q. Watch latest Batman end of movie.

    2022911日午夜: "事件"全面停电,通讯,互联网和电力关闭。戒严令。到处都是军队。选举 + 1 q 观看最新蝙蝠侠电影结束。

D. The Real News for Fri. 8 July 2022:


  • Black market for body parts exists in America… funeral home operator just charged in criminal scheme – NaturalNews.com: https://www.naturalnews.com/2022-07-08-black-market-body-parts-funeral-home-operator-charged.html


  • Former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is dead? What do you see? What do you hear? This is another false flag fake event. Witness protection program. …Great Awakening World Q+Trump. (This was regarding: Japan:
    Ex Prime Minister of Japan Shinzo Abe Assasinated):
    Really BAD NEWS FOR THE WORLD! Former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is dead. He was assassinated. His killer was captured and will hopefully be dealt with swiftly and harshly. Few people know what a great man and leader Shinzo Abe was, but history will teach them and be kind. He was a unifier like no other, but above all, he was a man who loved and cherished his magnificent country, Japan. Shinzo Abe will be greatly missed. There will never be another like him! —President Donald J. Trump

    日本前首相安倍晋三死了?你看到了什么?你听到了什么?这是另一个假旗假事件。证人保护计划。... 伟大觉醒世界 q + t 臀部。日本: 日本前首相安倍晋三被暗杀事件: https://www.reuters. com/WORLD/asia-pacific/Japan-Ex-Prime-Minister-Abe-may-have-been-shot-taken-hospital-nhk-2022-07-08/Really BAD NEWS FOR THE WORLD!日本前首相安倍晋三去世。他是被暗杀的。杀害他的凶手已经被抓获,希望能够迅速而严厉地处理。很少有人知道安倍晋三是一个什么样的伟人和领袖,但历史会教会他们善良。他是一个独一无二的统一者,但最重要的是,他是一个热爱和珍惜他伟大祖国——日本的人。安倍晋三将会被深深怀念。再也不会有第二个像他这样的人了!唐纳德 · j · 特朗普总统

  • Sri Lanka has fully collapsed as the Prime Minister declares the nation bankrupt. Expect more of this in the coming months due to food and energy inflation.


  • Spygate: Never has a president left office to collude with others to impede the next sitting president of the US until Obama. Why? The Why will be answered soon. Dark to Light. …Q

    间谍门: 在奥巴马之前,从来没有一位总统离任后与其他人勾结来阻碍下一任美国现任总统。为什么?"为什么"很快就会有答案。从黑暗到光明。... q

  • Obama, as an Illinois Senator, helped negotiate a deal to build a level-3 bio-safety lab in the Ukrainian city of Odessa. Former Senator Dick Lugar & Obama also helped coordinate efforts between the U.S & Ukrainian researchers. Georgia's Biolab Lugar center named after Richard Lugar. In 2013, Lugar to receive nation's highest civilian honor from President Obama.

    作为伊利诺伊州参议员,奥巴马协助谈判,在乌克兰城市敖德萨建立了一个三级生物安全实验室。前参议员迪克 · 卢格和奥巴马也帮助协调美国和乌克兰研究人员之间的努力。格鲁吉亚以理查德 · 卢格命名的生物实验室卢格中心。2013年,卢格接受奥巴马总统授予的全国最高平民荣誉。

  • Elon Musk terminates $44 billion Twitter deal. SEC filing: Twitter is in material breach of multiple provisions of that Agreement, appears to have made false and misleading representations. https://www.disclose.tv/id/1545519276555223042/

    Elon Musk 终止了价值440亿美元的 Twitter 交易。美国证券交易委员会提交的文件: Twitter 严重违反了该协议的多项条款,似乎做出了虚假和误导性的陈述。

  • The War for the World, Part Three, Mr. Truth Bomb: In this film we look at how Patriots are in control as President Putin and the Global Patriots battle the Deep State Cabal in the War for the World. https://rumble.com/v12hqe5-putin-vs-the-deep-state-part-three-the-war-for-the-world-a-film-by-mrtruthb.html

    世界大战,第三部分,真相炸弹先生: 在这部电影中,我们看到爱国者如何控制普京总统和全球爱国者在世界大战中与深层国家阴谋作战。

E. International Child Sex Trafficking, Organ, Adrenochrome Harvesting Ring:


F. 2020 Election Fraud:


  • Wisconsin has decertified the 2020 Election results due to voter fraud.


  • Maricopa County Republican Committee Votes unanimously To Reject Fraudulent 2020 Election Results. Trump: "Wow, just like Texas and other places. Our 2020 Presidential Election is a laughingstock around the world." https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/07/breaking-update-maricopa-county-republican-committee-votes-unanimously-reject-fraudulent-2020-election-results/

    马里科帕县共和党委员会一致否决2020年选举结果舞弊。特朗普: "哇,就像德克萨斯和其他地方一样。我们2020年的总统大选是全世界的笑柄。" com/2022/07/breaking-update-maricopa-county-republican-committee-votes-unanimous-reject-fraudulent-2020-election-results/

  • Wisconsin Supreme Court Rules Public Absentee Drop Boxes illegal: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/07/breaking-big-wisconsin-supreme-court-rules-absentee-drop-boxes-illegal/


  • Wisconsin Supreme Court Outlaws Outside Use of Ballot Drops:

    威斯康星州最高法院禁止非法使用投票箱: https://mypatriotsnetwork. com/patriot/Wisconsin-Supreme-Court-Outlaws-Outside-Use-of-Ballot-drop-boxes/

G. Global Mass Arrests and Other Deaths, Resignations:


  • UK: Boris Johnson Resigns as UK Prime Minister: https://edition.cnn.com/2022/07/07/europe/boris-johnson-resignation-intl/index.html

    英国: 鲍里斯 · 约翰逊辞去英国首相职务: https://edition. cn. n. com/2022/07/07/europe/Boris-Johnson-resignation-intl/index. html

  • Homeland Security Workers Charges for Spying: https://trumptrainnews.com/2022/07/08/two-homeland-security-workers-charged-in-alleged-chinese-spying-scheme/

    国土安全部工作人员被控从事间谍活动: https://trumptrainnews. com/2022/07/08/two-Homeland-Security-Workers-charged-in-alleged-chinese-spy-scheme/

  • Netherlands: Breaking The Netherlands: An ambulance rushed to Drakensteyn Castle on Thursday morning. Drakensteyn Castle is the home of Princess Beatrix in Lage Vuursche. Beatrice was also the Satanic Witch behind this story: http://beforeitsnews.com/celebrities/2014/06/european-royals-killing-naked-children-for-fun-at-human-hunting-parties-2465154.html

    荷兰: 打破荷兰: 周四早晨,一辆救护车冲向 Drakensteyn 城堡。Drakensteyn 城堡是比阿特丽克斯公主在 Lage Vuursche 的家。碧翠丝也是这个故事背后的撒旦女巫: http://beforeitsnews. com/celebrities/2014/06/european-royals-killing-naked-children-for-fun-at-human-hunting-parties-2465154

  • Prison Barge sitting in NY Harbor for the last few days: There's a lot of arrests already. The FEMA camps will be filled with criminals soon. There's A LOT of boats like this worldwide.

    监狱驳船停在纽约港最后几天: 已经有很多人被捕了。联邦应急管理局的营地很快就会挤满罪犯。全世界有很多这样的船。

H. Global Financial Crisis:


  • Germany: Uniper applies for state aid. Germany's largest natural gas trader is on the verge of bankruptcy.

    德国: 联合石油公司申请国家援助。德国最大的天然气贸易商处于破产边缘。

  • Goldman: "The World Is On The Brink Of A Rather Severe Recession": https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/goldman-world-brink-rather-severe-recession

    高盛: "世界正处于相当严重的衰退边缘": https://www.zerohedge. com/markets/Goldman-World-Brink-Rather-Severe-Recession

  • Sri Lanka has fully collapsed as the Prime Minister declares the nation bankrupt. Expect more of this in the coming months due to food and energy inflation.


I. Global Food, Fuel, Goods, Energy, Drought Crisis:


  • Hoover Damned: Mega-Drought Pushes Millions in US to Energy Brink. Water levels at the Hoover Dam are edging closer to what's known as "deadpool" - when it can no longer produce energy. Potentially millions of people in the US are now facing an energy or water crisis due to drought.Thousands across southern California have been advised to limit watering lawns and use recycled water from neighboring areas, while only golf courses remain an oasis of green in a vast dustbowl. Climatologist Steph McAfee maintains that the current two-decades of drought, however, are not unusual (AFP). Many parts of the US are facing rolling blackouts and power outages during the summer months. (RT)

    胡佛诅咒: 超级干旱将美国数百万人推向能源边缘。胡佛大坝的水位正在接近所谓的"死水潭"——当它不能再生产能源的时候。由于干旱,美国可能有数百万人正面临着能源或水资源危机。南加利福尼亚州的数千人被建议限制浇灌草坪,使用来自邻近地区的循环水,而只有高尔夫球场仍然是一个巨大的灰尘盆地中的绿洲。气候学家 Steph McAfee 坚持认为,目前20年的干旱并不罕见(法新社)。在夏季的几个月里,美国的许多地区都面临着轮流停电和断电。(RT)

  • Fox News Tucker Carlsen: As gas prices set records in this country -- as Americans can't fuel their cars -- the Biden administration is depleting our emergency oil reserves for the benefit of China and India.

    福克斯新闻塔克 · 卡尔森: 随着美国汽油价格创下新高——美国人不能为汽车加油——拜登政府正在为了中国和印度的利益耗尽我们的紧急石油储备。

  • "The Rockefellers are working to further disrupt and eventually rob humanity of all control over the food supply. Obviously, this is all due to the fact that Bill Gates is the largest owner of farmland in the country, as well as Klaus Schwab's "Great Reboot" program: "You will own nothing and be happy." There is a much larger agenda behind the current food shortage across the globe, and anyone who has been paying attention can see where this is going. We must do all we can to grow our own food and help each other."

    "洛克菲勒家族正致力于进一步扰乱并最终剥夺人类对食品供应的所有控制权。显然,这一切都是因为比尔盖茨是美国最大的农田拥有者,以及克劳斯施瓦布的"伟大的重启"计划: "你将一无所有,并且快乐。"目前全球范围内的食物短缺背后有一个更大的议程,任何一个关注这个问题的人都能看到这个议程的走向。我们必须尽我们所能种植自己的粮食,互相帮助。"

  • Stunning Amount of Oil Released by Biden to Be Shipped Abroad: https://resistthemainstream.org/stunning-amount-of-oil-released-by-biden-to-be-shipped-abroad/?utm_source=telegram
  • European farmers protest spread to Poland and Italy in huge backlash against the mandates.


J. Planes, Trains, car transportation Grounded:


  • Fri. 8 July Moscow: Moscow Swamped By Stormy Deluge. Parts of the Russian capital was flooded due to heavy rain, while strong winds have reportedly torn roofs off of several buildings and felled trees all over the city.The weather also partially halted the work of the Moscow underground, and significantly disrupted car traffic.

    莫斯科: 莫斯科被暴风雨淹没。由于暴雨,俄罗斯首都部分地区被淹。据报道,强风撕裂了几栋建筑的屋顶,并吹倒了全城的树木。天气也部分中断了莫斯科地铁的工作,严重干扰了汽车交通。

  • Romania: A natural disaster flood turned cities upside down in an hour. Severe flooding in Craiova, Romania: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gCtmnW1m1HE

    罗马尼亚: 一场自然灾害的洪水在一个小时内把城市翻了个底朝天。罗马尼亚克拉约瓦的严重洪水:

  • Spain: Europe storm strikes Spain! Hailstorm caused flooding in Andorra, Teruel

    西班牙: 欧洲风暴袭击西班牙! 冰雹导致安道尔洪水泛滥,特鲁尔


    Http://www.youtube. com/watch? v = hej2cb9 _ kco

K. Covid/ Monkey Pox/ Vax Hoax:


  • Groundbreaking Study finds Monkeypox Outbreak is result of Biolab manipulated Virus released intentionally: https://expose-news.com/2022/07/08/study-monkeypox-manipulated-lab-intentionally-released/


  • A Covid Memorial wall in London takes a full 10 minutes to walk its length. 197,635 Covid deaths to date - and counting. Boris Johnson's unforgivable legacy.

    伦敦的冠状病毒疾病纪念墙走完全程需要10分钟。迄今为止,已有197635人死于冠状病毒疾病。鲍里斯 · 约翰逊不可饶恕的遗产。

  • Bruce: The Deep State was creating another virus to be released on the world this Fall. That Bio-weapons Lab was found in Mozambique Africa and was destroyed by the White Hats four days ago.

    布鲁斯: "深层国家"正在制造另一种病毒,将于今年秋天在世界上发布。那个生化武器实验室在莫桑比克非洲被发现四天前被白帽组织摧毁了。

  • Aids, Corona Virus, H1N1, Ebola, Swine Flu, BSE, ZILA, SARS were all patented. You weren't sick. You were poisoned. …JFK Jr.

    艾滋病、冠状病毒、 h1n1病毒、埃博拉病毒、猪流感、疯牛病、齐拉病毒、非典型肺炎都获得了专利。你没有生病。你是被毒死的。小肯尼迪。

  • globalists' depopulation and starvation: https://www.naturalnews.com/2022-07-08-farmers-protest-spread-poland-italy-backlash-globalism.html

    全球主义者的人口减少和饥饿: https://www.naturalnews. com/2022-07-08-farmers-protest-spread-poland-italy-backlash-globalism.html

  • All animals died in the original Pfizer Vax Animal Trials, so they stopped the experiments and classified the shot as experimental.


  • We the People Sued Big Pharma – whose defense was "the government made me do it."


L. White Hat Intel:


  • The HUNTER(s) become the HUNTED. Hunter BIDEN ( +The Big Guy) and Rosa Seneca are major investors in METABIOTA Inc. – a Data Collecting service and partner of industry and governments worldwide dedicated to build resilience to epidemics.

    猎人变成了猎物。Hunter BIDEN (+ The Big Guy) Rosa Seneca METABIOTA 公司的主要投资者。- 一个数据收集服务和全球工业和政府的合作伙伴,致力于建立对流行病的恢复力。

  • One of those partners was engineering firm Black & Veach – which was described as "the main supplier of equipment for Pentagon bio-laboratories around the world."

    其中一个合作伙伴是工程公司 Black & Veach,该公司被描述为"世界各地五角大楼生物实验室设备的主要供应商"

  • Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov said the Russian services have so far detected 30 laboratories in 14 settlements in Ukraine involved in "Pentagon's military biological program" in that country. The official claimed the fund invested at least $2.4 billion in those operations.

    伊戈尔 · 基里洛夫中将表示,俄罗斯情报部门迄今已经在乌克兰的14个定居点发现了30个实验室,这些实验室参与了"五角大楼在乌克兰的军事生物计划"。这位官员声称,该基金在这些行动中至少投资了24亿美元。

  • Nathan Wolfe founder of METABIOTA is partners with Peter Daszak from ECO health Alliance, which is where Anthony FAUCI was funneling money for the Gain Of Function project.

    METABIOTA 的创始人 Nathan Wolfe ECO 健康联盟的 Peter Daszak 的合作伙伴,这是 Anthony FAUCI Gain Of Function 项目提供资金的地方。

  • Collaborators on this project include Conservation Medicine and government partners in Malaysia, Chulalongkorn Hospital in Thailand, Duke - National University of Singapore, Uniformed Services University in the USA, and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in the USA, Duke University Durham.


  • GHISLAINE MAXWELL a close friend with NATHAN WOLFE (aka Virus Hunter), who in 2011 published a book named "THE VIRAL STORM" about the upcoming PANDEMIC. In the book, WOLFE thanks JEFFREY EPSTEIN and Dr. SANJAY GUPTA for their contribution Support and donations.

    GHISLAINE MAXWELL NATHAN WOLFE (又名病毒猎人)的密友,他在2011年出版了一本关于即将到来的大流行的书,名为《病毒风暴》。在这本书中,WOLFE 感谢 JEFFREY EPSTEIN SANJAY GUPTA 博士对他们的捐赠和支持。

  • JEFFERY EPSTEIN funded Bio-labs in UKRAINE through money laundering schemes through UKRAINIAN banks and oil companies and oil tycoon BURISMA Mykola Zlochevsky who put HUNTER BIDEN as a board member at Burisma from 2014-2019 and helped the BIDENS funnel /money launder BILLIONS into UKRAINE.
  • •杰弗瑞·爱泼斯坦(jeffery EPSTEIN)通过乌克兰银行和石油公司的洗钱计划资助了乌克兰的生物实验室,石油大亨布里斯马·米科拉·兹洛切夫斯基(BURISMA Mykola Zlochevsky)2014年至2019年让亨特·拜登(HUNTER BIDEN)担任布里斯马的董事会成员,并帮助拜登一家向乌克兰洗钱数十亿美元。
  • The Web of the UKRAINE Scandal and BIDENS involvement in the BIOLABS investments, investments in METABIOTA and their DEALINGS with ECO HEALTH, FATIGUE FAUCI, DAVOS GROUP FUNDING (WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM ) and their illegal Oil dealings and money laundering system is being EXPOSED which will all connect to BIDENs selling U.S. SECRETS, CLASSIFIED INFORMATION TO WORLD ELITES AND SEVERAL COUNTRIES.

    乌克兰丑闻网络和拜登参与 BIOLABS 投资、 METABIOTA 投资及其与 ECO HEALTH FATIGUE FAUCI DAVOS GROUP FUNDING (世界经济论坛)的交易以及他们的非法石油交易和洗钱系统正在被揭露,这些都将与拜登向世界精英和一些国家出售美国机密和机密信息有关。

  • Which was all connected to Inside Trading, the virus and creation of the Plandemic.


  • Q: Trust the Plan: Devolution, Continuity of Operation and Government

    Q: 相信计划: 权力下放、运作的连续性和政府

  • Continuity of Operations (COOP): is a United States federal government initiative, required by U.S. Presidential Policy Directive 40 (PPD-40) Devolution Plan to ensure that agencies are able to continue performance of essential functions under a broad range of circumstances. PPD-40 specifies certain requirements for continuity plan development, including the requirement that all federal executive branch departments and agencies develop an integrated, overlapping continuity capability, that supports the eight National Essential Functions (NEFs) described in the document.

    业务连续性(COOP) : 是美国联邦政府的一项倡议,符合美国总统政策指令第40(PPD-40)权力下放计划的要求,以确保各机构能够在广泛的情况下继续履行基本职能。Ppd-40具体规定了制定连续性计划的某些要求,包括要求所有联邦行政部门和机构发展综合、重叠的连续性能力,以支持文件所述的八项国家基本职能。

  • The Federal Emergency Management Agency provides guidance to the private sector for business continuity planning purposes.[1] A continuity plan is essential to help identify critical functions and develop preventative measures to continue functions should disruption occur.[2] Continuity of government (COG) is the principle of establishing defined procedures that allow a government to continue its essential operations in case of a catastrophic event such as nuclear war.


  • Both plans keep the U.S. systems from collapsing(fully) and keeps the public perception from fully knowing what's happening behind the scenes for the reasons of Public Panic and Civil War outbreak.

    这两个计划都是为了防止美国的系统崩溃(完全崩溃) ,也是为了防止公众因为公众恐慌和内战爆发的原因而完全不知道幕后发生了什么。

  • As Military Operations are taking place behind the scenes to secure/reverse the Three Branches of Government from a foreign captured Operation.


  • Military is helping in public dissemination of information through several key sources/EVENTS and including several civilians who become operators inside the Atonement Military Operations.


  • The Military must first exercise all legal avenues (done by the book Q) through all 3 BRANCHES of the U.S system before FULL Military action and OVERT/COVERT Operations can be DECLASSIFIED.

    在全面军事行动和公开/秘密行动可以解密之前,军方必须首先通过美国系统的所有3个分支行使所有法律途径(通过 q 书完成)

M. Telegram Channels to follow: Every Q Warrior will share this list of channels - It's extremely important for all of you to share and follow EVERY channel from this list for a reason that you will soon understand. (Private Q Evidence: Not everyone will be approved. We see everything).

每个 q 勇士都会分享这个频道列表——分享和关注这个列表中的每个频道对你们来说是非常重要的,因为你们很快就会明白原因。(私人 q 证据: 不是每个人都会被批准。我们看到了一切)







Q Leak Q Evidence:

Q Leak q Evidence: https://t.me/+ bzrk-cvzp7bhzwex

WikiLeaks Media Private: https://t.me/+G6KfCExqEmk3ZDc0

WikiLeaks Media Private: https://t.me/+ g6kfcexqemk3zdc0维基解密私人媒体: https://t.me/+ g6kfcexqemk3zdc0

N. History Overload:


  • Ready for a brain overload?
    Who is Patrick Bouvier Kennedy?

    帕特里克 · 布维尔 · 肯尼迪是谁?

  • Abraham Lincoln was Abraham Kahlooni of the Druze Bloodline, from the line of the Davidic Kings and descendants of Jethro, the Priest of Median in the Bible and the Torah (Exodus 2:18). They descend from an ethnic minority called the "Druze," and they inhabit the Golan Heights area of Israel from the town of Qunaitara & Majdal Shams and before that the town of "Kahloonia" in Mount Lebanon [45 Km south east of Beirut]

    亚伯拉罕 · 林肯是德鲁兹血统的亚伯拉罕 · 卡鲁尼,来自大卫王系,也是《圣经》和《律法》中中位神的祭司叶忒罗的后裔(出埃及记2:18)。他们来自一个叫做" Druze"的少数民族,居住在以色列的 Golan Heights 地区,起源于 Qunaitara & Majdal Shams 镇,之前是黎巴嫩山上的" Kahloonia"[贝鲁特东南45公里]

  • Abraham Lincoln had 4 children with wife Mary Todd Lincoln - Robert Todd Lincoln, William Wallace Lincoln, Edward Baker Lincoln and Tad Lincoln two of which were sent to Libya to live - they didn't die as recorded.
    These were William Wallace Lincoln and his brother Tad.

    亚伯拉罕 · 林肯和妻子玛丽 · 托德 · 林肯有4个孩子——罗伯特 · 托德 · 林肯,威廉 · 华莱士 · 林肯,爱德华 · 林肯和泰德 · 林肯,其中两个被送到利比亚生活——他们没有像记录中那样死去。他们是威廉 · 林肯和他的兄弟 Tad

  • William Wallace was brought to Benghazi – Libya in 1863, they changed his identity, and was raised by The Sanussi Royal family of Libya and living in that Country for the rest of his life.


  • William became known as "Omar Mukhtar," the great freedom fighter who fought against The Italian Military invasion of Libya from 1911, until his arrest near Caves Valley (180 Km east of Benghazi), on Friday [11th September 1931] when he was defending those Holy Valleys of Marcus the Evangelist, Valley of The Bible and Mary's Lake in the region of Cyrene 280 Km east of Benghazi.

    威廉成为著名的"奥马尔穆赫塔尔",伟大的自由战士谁反对意大利军事入侵利比亚从1911年,直到他被捕洞穴谷附近(180公里以东的班加西) ,星期五[1931911] ,当他保卫那些圣谷的马库斯福音传道者,圣经谷和玛丽亚湖在地区昔兰尼280公里以东的班加西。

  • He was transferred to face trial on Tuesday 15th September 1931 held by The Italian Military Tribunal in Benghazi, the trial ended in just one day. He was sentenced to death and was hung on Wednesday 16th September 1931, (age 81) in The Town of Solluk 50 Km south of Benghazi "US Peridous"- Libya.

    1931915日星期二,他被转移到班加西的意大利军事法庭接受审判,审判在一天之内就结束了。他被判处死刑,并于1931916日星期三(81)在班加西以南50公里的 Solluk 镇被绞死。

  • William had 3 daughters and one son. Saidea, Gaillea & Mary. His only son was taken and shot by the Italian military police in downtown Benghazi in 1942.

    威廉有三个女儿和一个儿子。SaideaGaillea & Mary.1942年,他唯一的儿子在班加西市中心被意大利军警带走并枪杀。

  • Mary, William's daughter met and married a Prince - Said Issa H Kahlooni - from Golan Heights born in the Orchards in Mt Lebanon. The family Tree of Issa Kahlooni is well known in Lebanon Syria and Israel - Issa means Jesus. They arrived at the Port of Derna in Libya in March 1911. They had 2 boys who were both kidnapped from Benghazi, and handed over to mafia boss family Joseph Kennedy and was raised by him and his wife Rose Kennedy. They would later be known as John F Kennedy and Joe Kennedy. John F Kennedy was raised to become the 35th President of the USA. He is not a Kennedy, he is a Lincoln/Kahlooni.

    玛丽,威廉的女儿遇见并嫁给了一位王子- Issa h Kahlooni-来自 Golan 高地出生在黎巴嫩山的果园。Issa Kahlooni 的家谱在黎巴嫩叙利亚和以色列都很有名—— Issa 的意思是耶稣。他们于19113月抵达利比亚的代尔纳港口。他们有两个儿子,都是在班加西被绑架的,然后被交给了黑手党老大家庭约瑟夫 · 肯尼迪,由他和他的妻子罗斯 · 肯尼迪抚养长大。他们后来被称为约翰 · f · 肯尼迪和乔 · 肯尼迪。约翰 · f · 肯尼迪成为美国第35任总统。他不是肯尼迪家的人,他是林肯/卡鲁尼家的人。

  • John married Jackie Kennedy and had four children: Arabella Kennedy, John F Kennedy Jnr, Patrick Kennedy and Caroline Kennedy.
    Patrick and Arabella didn't die as recorded.
    Patrick Kennedy was flown to Libya. Joe Kennedy was Flynn's Father. John F Kennedy Jnr is Ezra's Grandfather. Tad Lincoln was Donald Trump and Elvis' grandfather.

    约翰与杰姬 · 肯尼迪结婚,有四个孩子: 阿拉贝拉 · 肯尼迪、小约翰 · f · 肯尼迪、帕特里克 · 肯尼迪和卡罗琳 · 肯尼迪。帕特里克和阿拉贝拉并没有像记录中那样去世。帕特里克 · 肯尼迪飞往利比亚。乔 · 肯尼迪是弗林的父亲。小约翰 · f · 肯尼迪是以斯拉的祖父。泰德 · 林肯是唐纳德 · 特朗普和埃尔维斯的祖父。

  • Elvis, Trump, Assange, Lincoln Kahlooni, JFK, Joseph, John F Kennedy Jr and Patrick are all Lincoln/Kahlooni and are cousins.

    埃尔维斯,特朗普,阿桑奇,林肯 · 卡鲁尼,肯尼迪,约瑟夫,小约翰 · 肯尼迪和帕特里克都是林肯和卡鲁尼的堂兄弟。

  • Elvis Presley is the TIP OF THE SPEAR.
    Elvis was in the SPEARHEAD Division & also kept a SPEAR TIP on his book shelf.
    Elvis told us all on August 15 1977 via the WOW Signal that he wasn't going to be dying. Ask Howard Hughes.

    埃尔维斯 · 普雷斯利是矛尖。埃尔维斯曾在先锋部门工作,他的书架上也有一个矛尖。1977815日,猫王通过 WOW 信号告诉我们他不会死。问问霍华德 · 休斯。

  • The HH, John G Trump & Nikola Tesla connection is very important.


O. Fri. 8 July 2022 Mount:


  • As of today Fri. 8 July the contract with almost 400,000 military members is over. U.S. General Milley has terminated the contract with almost 400,000 military members illegally. He has said if they won't take the VAX, which is "experimental", then they are out of the military.


What a "SHOW" We have


1. 14 doubles playing Joe Biden now.


2. 10 Trudeaus in Canada


3. Putin is a double


4. Dmitry Medvedev is a double...the nose is different


5. Boris Johnson is a double, we know, because his own dad said, "That is not my son."


6. The "Frazzled Rat" [Hillary Clinton] has had 6 doubles


7. O-bummer has had 6 or 7 doubles


P. Deep State Mind Control:


  • The DEEP STATE had planned long ago for you stay in your home and live through computers AI world.


  • They plan to control all humans through these networks of Metaverse, a New World Order government where they control everything you say and do.

    他们计划通过 Metaverse 的网络控制所有人类,一个新世界秩序政府,在那里他们控制你的一切言行。

  • They plan for billions to die in the real world from a bioweapon virus's death vaccines shots, poverty and planned wars.


  • Billions more will be controlled through the Metaverse – a place where you can't smell, feel, touch, taste the fake virtual reality. The Metaverse is the Deep State Plan "where you will own nothing and be happy."

    还有数十亿人将通过 Metaverse 被控制在一个你闻不到,感觉不到,摸不到,尝不到虚拟现实的地方。Metaverse "深层国家计划""在那里你将一无所有并且快乐。"

  • MRNA Nano Graphene Oxide will connect all to the Metaverse.

    MRNA 纳米石墨烯氧化物将连接所有的 Metaverse

  • Billions of people are already buying fake apartments, land, fake insurance, fake digital Gucci bags for their Avatars that cost thousands and thousands of dollars. Even millions.


  • Your child has been conditioned already to live digital games online. Now they take the next steps of full mind control: the Metaverse.

    你的孩子已经习惯了在线直播数字游戏。现在他们采取了下一步的全面精神控制: Metaverse

Q. Must Watch Videos:


  • Wed. 6 July Juan O Savin: Juan O' Savin: Dire Intel Update - Save America Now!!! (Video) | Alternative | Before It's News (beforeitsnews.com)

    76日星期三 Juan o Savin: Juan o'Savin: 可怕的情报更新-立即拯救美国!(Video) | Alternative | Before It's News (beforeitsnews. com)

  • Fri. 8 July Situation Report: Situation Update: The Return Of MAGA! Supreme Court Overturns 2020! Mass Arrests Happening Now! Get Ready For EBS! Biden Sells Our Oil Reserves To China! - We The People News | Opinion - Conservative | Before It's News (beforeitsnews.com)

    78日星期五情况报告: 最新情况: MAGA 回归!最高法院推翻2020年!大规模逮捕现在开始!准备好 EBS!拜登把我们的石油储备卖给中国!我们人民新闻 | 观点-保守 | 新闻之前(beforeitsnews. com)

  • 78日,星期五,富尔福德报道: 新本杰明 · 富尔福德星期五的重大情报更新: 真正的重大事件即将发生!通过合格的观察者 | 预言 | 新闻之前(beforeitsnews. com)

  • Fri. 8 July X22 Report: X22Report: Shot Heard Around The World! The Silent War Is No Longer Silent! The Stage Is Set! - Must Video | Opinion - Conservative | Before It's News (beforeitsnews.com)

    78日星期五 x22报告: x22报告: 枪声传遍世界!沉默的战争不再沉默!舞台已经准备好了!新闻之前(beforeitsnews. com)

  • Fri. 8 July Scott McKay:

    78日星期五 Scott McKay: https://beforeitsnews. com/opinion-conservative/2022/07/Scott-McKay-patriot-streetfighter-scotus-did-not-over-2020-election-gold-backed-currencies-trading-must-video-3634724. html

  • Thurs. 7 July Georgia Guide Stones Demolition Signal by White Hats:
    New Kerry Cassidy & Patriot Underground: Georgia Guide Stones Car Mounted DEW? Demolition Signal By White Hats - Evidence Destroyed Immediately | Prophecy | Before It's News (beforeitsnews.com)

    77日星期四格鲁吉亚向导石白帽子拆除信号: 新凯里 · 卡西迪和爱国者地下: 格鲁吉亚向导石汽车安装露水?爆破信号白帽子-证据立即被摧毁 | 预言 | 新闻之前(beforeitsnews. com)

  • Thurs. 7 July X22 Report: X22Report: The Deep State Just Blinked! News Is About To Unlock Power Returning To The People! - Must Video | Opinion - Conservative | Before It's News (beforeitsnews.com)

    77日星期四 x22报道: x22报道: 深渊国家刚刚眨眼了!新闻即将揭开权力回归人民的神秘面纱!必须播放的视频 | 观点 | 保守 | 新闻之前(beforeitsnews. com)

"Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities," by Judy Byington, Foreword by Dr. Colin A. Ross, M.D. RAW: Dr. Colin Ross – Robert David Steele

《二十二张面孔: 珍妮 · 希尔与她的二十二重人格的内幕》
,朱迪 · 拜因顿,前言,科林 · a · 罗斯博士

Jenny Hill's witness to a Satanic Child Sacrifice Rite: Woman Sees Human Sacrifice - YouTube

珍妮 · 希尔见证了一场撒旦式的儿童献祭仪式: 女人看到了人类的牺牲
WARNING: Jenny gave a graphic description about how she at the tender age of five, was raped, tortured, forced to view a Child Sacrifice and save for Divine intervention, was almost killed herself – not unlike the sordid experiences of thousands of other child victims of Satanic Worshippers. Perpetrators giving homage to Satan were organized from the US Inc's CIA, Queen Elizabeth's, Illuminati Banking families' and Vatican's Ninth Circle Child Sacrifice Cult on down to the Clintons, Hollywood, Pizzagate and local teenage covens. They were funded by this same Cabal that ran our global monetary system – the very organization that was in the process of being brought down by activation of the Global Currency Reset and Restored Republics of the world. It's no wonder that President Trump has stated, "These people are sick."
警告: 珍妮给出了一个生动的描述,关于她如何在5岁的幼小年龄,被强奸,折磨,被迫观看一个儿童牺牲和被神圣介入拯救
,几乎自杀-不像其他数以千计的儿童受害者的肮脏经历撒旦崇拜者。向撒旦致敬的犯罪分子来自美国中央情报局、伊丽莎白女王、光照派银行家族和梵蒂冈的第九圈儿童祭祀邪教,一直到克林顿、好莱坞、 Pizzagate 和当地的青少年聚会。它们的资金来自同一个掌管我们全球货币体系的阴谋集团——正是这个组织正在被全球货币重置和恢复世界各共和国的活动所瓦解。难怪特朗普总统说"这些人病了

R. Judy Note on the Satanic Ritual Abuse of Children in Your Neighborhood:


Since 1990 I have been doing investigations on the Satanic Ritual Abuse of children at the request of brave SRA Survivor-victims, who were witnesses and victims of pedophile, torture and murder crimes of Satanic leaders and their covens. During this time I have found Satanists implanted in law offices, local police, county sheriff's offices and all the way up to the Attorney General Offices in my state and others and then the carnage went on to the internationally organized Ninth Circle Satanic Cult that runs out of the Vatican.

1990年以来,我一直在应勇敢的 SRA 幸存者受害者的要求,调查撒旦宗教仪式虐待儿童的事件,他们是撒旦领导人及其女巫团的恋童癖、酷刑和谋杀罪行的目击者和受害者。在这段时间里,我发现撒旦教徒被植入了律师事务所,当地警察局,县治安官办公室,一直到我所在州的总检察长办公室和其他地方,然后屠杀进入了国际组织的第九圈撒旦邪教,它逃出了梵蒂冈。

There's certainly no help from US or other nation's government agencies, including the FBI or CIA perpetrators. These legal entities successfully negate even the opening of cases of the ritual abuse and murder of children, let alone do valid investigations.


To be honest and to my knowledge there was no safe place on either a local, national or international level that has been set up to report Satanic Crime – likely the main reason why local, national and international Satanic Covens so easily and on a regular basis, get away with the torture and murder of thousands of children – many times bred for the purpose without birth certificates, or identification.


S. The following have been set up to report Crimes Against Children and incidents of human trafficking, although I cannot verify as to the influence of Satanists within these organizations: https://wsbt.com/news/nation-world/crime-that-hides-in-plain-sight-fbi-releases-warning-signs-of-human-trafficking


FBI Memphis (available 24 hours a day) (901) 747-4300

联邦调查局孟菲斯分局(24小时开放)(901 -)747-4300

Submit an anonymous tip

提交匿名举报 fbi 政府。

National Human Trafficking Resources Center Hotline 1-(888)-373-7888.


U.S. Immigration/ Customs Enforcement (ICE): https://www.ice.gov/webform/hsi-tip-form

美国移民/海关执法局: https://www.ICE. gov/webform/hsi-tip-form

Federal Human Trafficking Website:

联邦人口贩卖网站: https://www.state. gov/humantrafficking/

Called to Rescue 855-646-5484 http://www.calledtorescue.org/

拨打855-646-5484 http://www.calledtorescue. org/

Tim Ballard at Operation Underground Railroad:

蒂姆 · 巴拉德(Tim Ballard)地下铁路行动: https://ourrescue. org/

Saving Innocence:
https://savinginnocence.org https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FT4tmI8YxCU&feature=emb_rel_end

拯救无辜: https://savinginnocence. org https://www.youtube. com/watch

US: Childhelp National Child Abuse Hotline 1-800-422-4453

美国: 国家儿童帮助虐待儿童热线1-800-422-4453

USNCMEC Urgent victim help 24-Hour Hotline: 1-800-843-5678

USNCMEC 紧急受害者帮助24小时热线: 1-800-843-5678

Contact Interpol:

联系国际刑警组织: http://www.Interpol.int/contacts/Contact-Interpol http://www.Interpol.int/what-you-can-do/if-you-need-help

Europol Tipline Tel.: +31 70 302 5000 https://www.europol.europa.eu/report-a-crime

欧洲刑警组织热线电话: + 31703025000 https://www.Europol.europa.eu/report-a-crime

EU Hotlines:

欧盟热线: https://ec.europa.EU/anti-trafficking/citizens-corner-national-hotline/national-hotline _ en

Global: Human Trafficking Hotline Numbers:

Global: human trafficking Hotline Numbers: https://www.abolishion.org/human _ trafficking _ Hotline _ Numbers://www.abolishion.org/human _ trafficking _ Hotline _ Numbers 全球: 人口贩卖热线号码: https://www.abolishion. org/human _ trafficking _ Hotline _ Numbers

Human Trafficking Help and Resources: https://trafficking.help/us/

人口贩卖帮助和资源: https://trafficking.Help/us/

UK: Childhelp National Child Abuse Hotline
BBC Action Line

英国: 儿童帮助国家虐待儿童热线

T. The Global Currency Reset, Restored Republic and NESARA/GESARA were all about the Children

全球货币重置,恢复共和国和 NESARA/GESARA 都是关于儿童的

It's not about the money. It's about the children – the thousands of malnourished and traumatized children who in honor of Satan, were being raped and murdered so their Elite Perpetrators could supposedly gain power and rule the world.


The first official act President Trump made the morning before he was sworn into office was to pay a visit to CIA Headquarters and declare a war on an international Child Sex Trafficking Ring run by these global elites.


Let us fast and pray for these millions of little ones who right now, were being rescued from Cabal underground tunnels across the globe, and tortured and killed by Satanic Covens right next door. Let us also pray for those Military Troops worldwide who were risking their own lives to save them. The ancient doctrine of Fasting and Prayer was explained here at the 10:30:32 mark: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Mb9gU6DmKs

让我们斋戒,为这数以百万计的小人们祈祷,他们现在正从世界各地的阴谋集团地下隧道中被拯救出来,被隔壁的撒旦巫师团所折磨和杀害。让我们也为那些在世界各地冒着生命危险拯救他们的军队祈祷。古老的禁食和祈祷的教义在这里解释了10:30:32马克: https://www.youtube. com/watch? v = 4mb9gu6dmks

U. Judy Note:
I do not now, nor have I ever, received monies for writing my Updates and articles. The compensation has been in having outlets to help Save the Children by exposing truths about the very secretive Satanic Ritual Abuse, Pedophilia and Child Sacrifice that was rampant in our international society.

朱迪: 我现在没有,以前也没有收到过写更新和文章的钱。补偿是通过揭露在我们的国际社会中猖獗的非常隐秘的撒旦仪式虐待、恋童癖和儿童献祭的真相来帮助拯救儿童。

The above was a summary of information from the Internet. It would be up to the reader to do their own research and decide whether or not it was valid.


I will send the Safe Link Website out when I find out what it is, plus it will be posted on several Dinar Websites. It is my understanding that by linking into the Safe Link Website it will generate a Non Disclosure Agreement to sign in order to obtain redemption/ exchange appointments.


After signing that Non Disclosure I will be unable to email, post or talk to anyone about the exchange process for at least 90 days, so I will be going silent and taking that time to get my humanitarian project organized and going.


This is not a goodbye. I expect to be working with many of you in the near future. I can't tell you how much I have enjoyed getting to know you. You will remain in my heart forever.


A huge Thank You to those dedicated and brave Intel providers who wished to remain unknown; to our Angel Martha who worked 24/7 to expose what's really going on; to humble Wildfire Lady who is adept at exposing the truth; to Brad who does great research; to Bonni B who exposes the underlying causes of what is really happening and to Ken who uncovers almost unlimited Intel on pedophilia to help us Save the Children.

非常感谢那些尽心尽力、勇敢的情报供应商,他们希望保持默默无闻; 感谢我们的天使玛莎,她全天候工作,揭露真相; 感谢谦卑的野火女士,她善于揭露真相; 感谢布拉德,她做了很好的研究; 感谢 Bonni b,她揭露了真相背后的原因; 感谢肯,他揭露了几乎无限的恋童癖情报,帮助我们拯救儿童。

Let us Thank Q that the reset has finally come to be. I wish you well in your humanitarian efforts and look forward to seeing you on the other side where together, we will make life better for all.

让我们感谢 q,重置终于来临了。我祝愿你们在人道主义工作中一切顺利,并期待着在另一个世界看到你们,在那里,我们将一起让所有人的生活变得更好。

Patience is a Virtue. Having Virtue is a sign of a good moral being. Good moral beings have the power to overcome evil and change the world. And, we will!!! . . . Judy



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