Since we were speaking of the weather manipulation in Australia, I noticed this alert this morning. It looks bad and it makes sense after hearing what Jason Shurka had to say in his intel drop. There are unspeakable crimes that have taken place in Oz and they are trying to erase them before the world finds out. Link to Telegram.
因为我们正在谈论澳大利亚的天气操纵,今天早上我注意到了这个警报。这看起来很糟糕,而且在听了 Jason Shurka 在他的情报发布会上说的话之后,这一切都说得通了。奥兹国发生了不可言喻的罪行,他们试图在全世界发现之前消除这些罪行。链接到 Telegram。
3:40PM TORNADO WARNING ROCKHAMPTON! A tornado has been confirmed near Rockhampton as part of a large supercell located over Keppel Sands, Emu Park and Yeppoon. This cell is moving directly into Rockhampton and North of Rockhampton. SEEK SHELTER NOW!!
Image Weatherzone Detailed forecasts including high resolution maps, high detail and accurate write ups, as well as video forecasts and email alerts are available via the HSC website >下午3:40龙卷风警告 ROCKHAMPTON!一个龙卷风已经在罗克汉普顿附近被确认为位于 Keppel Sands,Emu Park 和 Yeppoon 上空的大型超级单体的一部分。这个小组正在直接进入罗克汉普顿和罗克汉普顿北部。马上寻找庇护所! !详细的预报包括高分辨率地图,高细节和准确的报道,以及视频预报和电子邮件警报都可以通过 HSC 网站 >天气预报中心获得
Michael Jaco and his guests discuss the Ukraine “space ark” and the fact that what is activating it is the rising consciousness of Humanity.
City sized spacecraft under Ukraine, Israel & Bermuda being activated by rising consciousness.
That was a taste of our future.
What else is coming around the next turn? Well, for one thing—advanced tech. It will blow our minds because what the “elite” have had for decades they kept from us. They gave us a little dribble here, a fancy gadget there, a tempting tid-bit to generate income for themselves when it suited them, but they never let us know what is really available.
They also hid their ulterior motives because it was largely about tracking and spying on us. The “smart” appliances, the “smart meters”, everything we do that is automated and involves chips [including our vehicles] can be controlled, hacked, and what the gods giveth, the gods can take away.
他们还隐藏了不可告人的动机,因为这主要是为了追踪和监视我们。“智能”电器,“智能电表”,我们所做的一切都是自动化的,涉及到芯片(包括我们的车辆) ,都可以被控制、黑客入侵,神赐予的东西,神可以拿走。
If Canadians think this Digital Identity is the bee’s knees, they’ve got another think coming. The ultimate control mechanism for Humanity is to have us, our medical data, our bank accounts, everything linked to one source which would give them the ability to simply shut us down in one second if we don’t “behave”. The social credit system would be our worst nightmare.
If Canadians don’t like what their “government” mandates, guess what they’ll do. They’ll shut you down. Comply or else. If you don’t see the terrifying consequences of this kind of system it won’t take long before you do.
Theresa Tam-the-Man gives you a peek into the future. After the millions of people in the streets protesting for weeks they are still putting this out there for the zombies who live in the fear bubble and believe there is a threat.
特里萨 · 塔姆带你窥视未来。数百万人在街头抗议了几个星期后,他们仍然把这个放在那里,为那些生活在恐惧泡沫中的僵尸,并相信有威胁存在。
Where does this all end? Perhaps in a divinely enabled event that will snatch us from the jaws of evil in the nick of time. Jetson White did another update on the man-made Rapture Event he believes is coming. It’s based on the evidence we’ve seen for years now; unexplained phenomena. Things are possible that we never dreamed were possible because our existence has been a colossal lie from birth to death.
这一切何时结束?也许在一个神启的事/件中,会在关键时刻把我们从邪恶的嘴里抓出来。杰森 · 怀特对他认为即将到来的人造狂喜事件进行了另一次更新。这是基于我们多年来所看到的证据: 无法解释的现象。我们做梦也想不到的事情有可能发生,因为我们的存在从出生到死亡都是一个巨大的谎言。
Fortunately, we have powerful help from outside this construct and while the satanic predators have trapped us here by keeping the knowledge of our mission and our abilities hidden, it sounds like there will be a scientifically engineered escape so we can move on in our spiritual evolution. Jetson shows us it involved sound, and resonance, which has measurable effects on physical properties of us and our world.
In an enclosed space, in particular, the resonance can have profound effects as he illustrates in the video below.
The Trump Time Travel Series 2022 Revisit-Part 6
And this video illustrates the very real possibility that we are indeed within a closed space, under a dome. Some amateur rocketeers launched a rocket equipped with cameras which travelled for 73 miles before it stopped dead in its tracks. Have a look. Note that THIS rocket went straight up, as opposed to the dramatic arc the commercial ones use when we watch on television. Without the dome, Jetson’s theory wouldn’t work. Might be something to think about. Less than 2 min.
The firmament: Rocket hits the Dome
苍穹: 火箭击中穹顶
In a world where people wear masks for two years so they don’t get a cold, anything can happen.
Gotta run, folks. Enjoy your weekend. ~ BP