本杰明报道|2023年6月12日: 美国公司确实破产了,我们现在看到的是公司的胡扯

2023年6月15日16:08:47本杰明本杰明报道|2023年6月12日: 美国公司确实破产了,我们现在看到的是公司的胡扯已关闭评论1751字数 23793阅读79分18秒阅读模式


本杰明报道|2023年6月12日: 美国公司确实破产了,我们现在看到的是公司的胡扯

The US Corporation really did go bankrupt earlier this month and what we have been watching on our so-called news is corporate theatrical performances. The evidence for this is clear.


The first thing to notice is that Washington DC remains a ghost town. As this news item confirms, US Government workers “are choosing to stay home, perhaps for good, leaving vast federal offices empty and the city struggling.”



The corporate excuse is that they are “teleworking.” 


The next bit of evidence is a photograph sent to us by P3 Freemasons showing the Rockefeller-owned UN Headquarters building in New York apparently shuttered. We are asking readers in New York to personally confirm if this is true.

下一个证据是 P3共济会发给我们的一张照片,显示洛克菲勒在纽约拥有的联合国总部大楼显然已经关闭。我们要求纽约的读者亲自确认这是否属实。

本杰明报道|2023年6月12日: 美国公司确实破产了,我们现在看到的是公司的胡扯

Yet another proof is that US ports have shut down and trade is collapsing. The shutdown of ports like Seattle is being blamed on “labor disputes,” but that does not explain the collapse in demand for cardboard boxes, a mainstay of trade.


本杰明报道|2023年6月12日: 美国公司确实破产了,我们现在看到的是公司的胡扯

Asian secret society sources explain the attempt to use Taiwanese and Thai royal gold to keep the US Corporation going has been stopped. That is why exports to the US have been stopped. They say they will restart trade if Donald Trump is made public president again. This has been promised before July 4th, but don’t believe it until you see it. We have heard this story before, so let us see if it really happens this time.  

亚洲秘密社会的消息来源解释说,企图使用台湾和泰国皇家黄金,以维持美国公司运行已被阻止。这就是为什么对美国的出口已经停止。他们说,如果唐纳德 · 特朗普再次当选总统,他们将重启贸易。这是在7月4日之前许下的诺言,但是在你看到它之前不要相信它。我们以前听说过这个故事,所以让我们看看这次是否真的发生了。

For more evidence that we all are watching is corporate theater, take a look at the background of the so-called White House being shown on Fox TV.


本杰明报道|2023年6月12日: 美国公司确实破产了,我们现在看到的是公司的胡扯

With that said, let us look at some of the latest corporate theater. The big “story” is a complete BS tale of US President Donald Trump being indicted for “keeping government documents at his home.” As many people note, Trump was indicted over something that is not illegal. See below for an example. 

话虽如此,让我们来看看一些最新的企业剧院。这个大“故事”完全是一个扯淡的故事,美国总统唐纳德 · 特朗普被指控“在家中保存政府文件”正如许多人指出的那样,特朗普被指控的罪名并不违法。下面是一个例子。

本杰明报道|2023年6月12日: 美国公司确实破产了,我们现在看到的是公司的胡扯

The “Trump indictment” is clearly part of a sophisticated campaign -by his Rothschild/Harriman backers- to take down the Rockefeller “Joe Biden” avatar. By creating a legal precedent with trump they can now go after “Biden”. That is why corporate media widely reported Congressional hearings about how Biden accepted “$5 million in bribes.”-simultaneously with the Trump indictment.

“对特朗普的起诉”显然是他的罗斯柴尔德/哈里曼(Rothschild/Harriman)支持者精心策划的行动的一部分,目的是扳倒洛克菲勒(Rockefeller)“乔•拜登”(Joe Biden)的化身。通过创造一个有特朗普的法律先例,他们现在可以对付“拜登”了。这就是为什么企业媒体广泛报道了关于拜登如何收受“500万美元贿赂”的国会听证会与特朗普的起诉同时进行。

As Representative Paulina Luna notes:

正如代表 Paulina Luna 指出的:

“Just left meeting for House Oversight. The FBI is afraid their informant will be killed if unmasked, based on the info he has brought forward about the Biden family.”


本杰明报道|2023年6月12日: 美国公司确实破产了,我们现在看到的是公司的胡扯

本杰明报道|2023年6月12日: 美国公司确实破产了,我们现在看到的是公司的胡扯

So who exactly does the FBI fear would be doing the killing and why can’t they defend a high-profile informant? Whatever happened to witness protection?


Maybe Jens Psaki Rockefeller should have asked former FBI head James Comey this instead of talking about fear of Trump retribution.

也许洛克菲勒(Jens Psaki Rockefeller)应该问前联邦调查局(FBI)局长詹姆斯•科米(James Comey)这个问题,而不是谈论对特朗普报复的恐惧。

Nonetheless, in a sign the US military is finally getting its’ act together and recognizing Trump as commander in chief, US armed forces radio, which until now has been 100% pro “Biden” propaganda, is now reporting the “Biden” bribery story. We also notice as this photo below shows, that Trump now has military and not secret service protection.

尽管如此,有迹象表明,美国军方终于开始采取行动,承认特朗普为三军统帅,迄今为止一直100% 支持“拜登”的美国武装部队电台,现在正在报道“拜登”的贿赂故事。我们还注意到,正如下面这张照片所显示的,特朗普现在有了军事保护,而不是特勤局的保护。

本杰明报道|2023年6月12日: 美国公司确实破产了,我们现在看到的是公司的胡扯

Regardless of the theatrics, it is clear both the Biden and the Trump factions are circling the drain of bankruptcy.


We talked to the creator of the Quantum Financial System who explained “An awful lot of people owe an awful lot of money and they want to kick the can down the road, The yield on the sovereign bonds is artificial. The T bills don’t have any value; they are money laundering. Everyone goes to the 18th floor [at BIS headquarters] in Basle [to get their fake money]. The cartel is the Rothschild family. This entire geopolitical landscape is all families refusing to give up their territory.”

我们采访了量子金融系统的创始人,他解释说: “很多人欠了一大笔钱,他们想把这个罐子踢下去,主权债券的收益是人为的。国库券没有任何价值,它们是洗钱。每个人都会去 Basle 国际清算银行总部的18层拿假钱。贩毒集团是罗斯柴尔德家族。在整个地缘政治格局中,所有家族都拒绝放弃自己的领土。”

The source notes the “carefully calibrated biological warfare,” by the Rockefellers is actually a sign “they are losing their grip and they know they are losing their grip.”


The Rothschilds, the head of the Jesuits and others have now surrendered, he says. “The end of the KM was the use of central banking and charging interest for money. The IT that I developed does not charge interest. They are beating a retreat. They have lost. The removal of usury has been steadily draining their swamp.”

他说,罗斯柴尔德家族、耶稣会领袖和其他人现在已经投降。“KM的终结是央行的使用和对资金收取利息。我开发的 IT 不收利息。他们正在撤退。他们输了。取消高利贷一直在稳步抽干他们的沼泽地。”

In a sign the FRB is still trying to pretend their money is real, they used fraud to turn a recent $28.4 billion of deposit outflows (NSA) into $102.5 billion of deposit inflows.


本杰明报道|2023年6月12日: 美国公司确实破产了,我们现在看到的是公司的胡扯

However, the fact they can still launder fake money like this is why we are all sick of hearing talk about “draining the swamp” or more accurately sewer. We confronted the head of MI6 about this. Here was the answer:


The only viable way to install an alternative is to remove or eject those in the shadow of the US corporation who sustain it simply as a front or laundry mat for their own criminal enterprises…[this requires] a massive forensic exercise first to define the theater of war. Thereafter it would be a matter for military intelligence and armed forces…because the problem is actually (High for Monarchy) Treason.

安装替代系统的唯一可行方法是移除或驱逐那些处于美国公司阴影下的人,这些人仅仅把它作为他们自己犯罪企业的门面或洗衣垫... [这需要]首先进行大规模的法医检验来定义战场。之后就是军事情报和武装力量的问题了,因为问题实际上是叛国。

While we are all justified in being skeptical; there does seem to be a new round of heads being chopped, prominent people going into hiding and public confessions of guilt.


Last week saw Mark Zuckerberg Rockefeller admit Meta (Facebook) censored information and opinion during the COVID pandemic. This means he has publicly confessed to being a war criminal and is now subject to arrest as such. The same is true of the heads of Google etc.

上周,马克•扎克伯格•洛克菲勒(Mark Zuckerberg Rockefeller)承认,在冠状病毒疾病大流行期间,Meta (Facebook)对信息和观点进行了审查。这意味着他公开承认自己是战犯,现在因此而被逮捕。谷歌(Google)等公司的高管也是如此。


We also note widespread articles in the truth media appearing now about Jane Burgermeister predicting forced vaccination in 2009. We were in contact with her at the time. She had just filed a big lawsuit against big pharma and the WHO for –among other things- sending out 72 kilograms of live bird flu virus mislabeled as a “vaccine.” Before she could complete it, she was killed and replaced by an identity theft fraudster. This fraudster was hunted down but we were unable to save Ms. Burgermeister, https://twitter.com/HenryMakow/status/1667971144090103808/photo/1

我们还注意到真相媒体上现在出现的关于 Jane Burgermeister 预测2009年强制接种疫苗的广泛文章。我们当时和她有联系。她刚刚对大型制药公司和世界卫生组织提起了一项重大诉讼,原因包括发放了72公斤被误标为“疫苗”的活禽流感病毒在她完成之前,她被杀害了,取而代之的是一个身份盗窃诈骗犯。这个骗子被抓住了但是我们没能救出伯格迈斯特女士, https://twitter.com/henrymakow/status/1667971144090103808/photo/1

In 2009, Jane Burgermeister Predicted COVID Hoax to a Teehttps://t.co/8NAyBPxMwA? pic.twitter.com/iwlzWrI9nL

9. Jane Burgermeister filed criminal charges with the FBI against the World Health Organization (WHO), the United Nations (UN), and several of the U.S. highest ranking government and corporate officials concerning bioterrorism and attempts to commit mass murder.


The WHO -sponsored by Bill Gates and the Rockefellers- has also been caught fraudulently sterilizing millions of Kenyan women with vaccines for “tetanus.”

由比尔 · 盖茨和洛克菲勒家族发起的世界卫生组织也被发现用“破伤风”疫苗欺诈性地给数百万肯尼亚妇女绝育


This means the WHO plus Bill Gates, the Rockefellers etc. are guilty of war crimes.

这意味着世界卫生组织加上比尔 · 盖茨、洛克菲勒家族等都犯有战争罪。

We also note the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has revoked authorization of Johnson & Johnson’s Covid vaccine for causing blood clots. This is important because it will open the floodgates for lawsuits against the vaccine manufacturers.

我们还注意到,美国食品和药物管理局(FDA)已经撤销了强生公司(Johnson & Johnson)冠状病毒疾病疫苗导致血栓的授权。这一点很重要,因为它将为针对疫苗制造商的诉讼打开闸门。


本杰明报道|2023年6月12日: 美国公司确实破产了,我们现在看到的是公司的胡扯

We also expect criminal charges to follow.


In the UK, former Prime Minister Boris “Covid” Johnson has resigned as a member of parliament, opening the way for him to face criminal charges.

在英国,前首相鲍里斯•约翰逊(Boris Johnson)已辞去议员冠状病毒疾病,这为他面临刑事指控铺平了道路。


Then we see former Scottish first minister Nicola Sturgeon has been arrested for “misspending” £600,000 of donations.

然后我们看到前苏格兰首席大臣尼古拉 · 斯特金因“滥用”60万捐款而被捕。


Next, we notice King Charles has gone to Transylvania -the home of his ancestor Vlad the Impaler aka Dracula- “on a walking holiday” without his wife. This came immediately after he was caught forging documents to keep the KM show in Ukraine in business.

接下来,我们注意到国王查尔斯去了特兰西瓦尼亚——他的祖先的弗拉德三世又名德古拉的家——“步行度假”,没有带上他的妻子。这是在他被发现伪造文件以维持在乌克兰的 KM 展览之后立即发生的。


Another high-profile person to now officially vanish is George Soros. We know he has been gone for a long time but now the corporate media is acknowledging his son Alex has taken over.

另一位正式消失的知名人士是乔治•索罗斯(George Soros)。我们知道他已经离开了很长一段时间,但现在公司媒体承认他的儿子亚历克斯已经接管。


This was “Just a formality. Alex has been de facto in charge for several years.” Elon Musk notes.

埃隆 · 马斯克指出: “这只是一种形式,亚历克斯实际上已经掌权好几年了。”。

Just a formality. Alex has been de facto in charge for several years.


By the way, an op-ed by the fake George Soros put out just before his “resignation.” outlines the current thinking of the Khazarian mafia. In it “Soros” says:

顺便说一句,冒牌乔治•索罗斯(George Soros)在“辞职”前发表了一篇专栏文章概述了可萨黑手党目前的想法。索罗斯在书中写道:

  1. AI “could destroy our civilization” so “globally enforceable regulations” have to be put in place by us.


2.Climate change is “going to cause a collapse of all the big biomass on planet Earth” so we must “rapidly remove excess greenhouse gases from the environment” and never mind that we are carbon-based life and more carbon means more life


3.Ukraine’s “valiant resistance” means “paper tiger” Russia will “disintegrate and no longer pose a threat to the world.”


4.Finally, he says “Biden is not seeking regime change in China and all he wants is to re-establish the status quo in Taiwan.” Translation, please don’t take away our Taiwanese slave colony because we need to keep stealing their gold so that we can keep our fake world going.

最后,他表示: “拜登不是在寻求中国的政权更迭,他想要的只是在台湾重建现状。”换句话说,请不要带走我们的台湾奴隶殖民地因为我们需要继续偷他们的金子这样我们才能继续我们的假世界。

It is clear they are living in a fantasy world that is as detached from reality just as their financial system is.


Another fake KM leader who seems to have disappeared is Canada’s Justin Castrudeau and his sidekick Chrystia Freeland. He just showed up in the Ukraine where a government official said “No one invited him here and we certainly don’t have time for PR while trying to launch our counter-offensive.”  




It is interesting that he showed up there just after a military tribunal in Quebec presented evidence he was guilty of war crimes.


We also note that Canada was hit by over 500 simultaneous wildfires immediately after the military tribunal. Many arsonists have been arrested and presumably will eventually point the finger at their Rockefeller etc. paymasters.


本杰明报道|2023年6月12日: 美国公司确实破产了,我们现在看到的是公司的胡扯


We also note widely reported evidence the simultaneously erupting fires appear to have been caused by directed energy weapons. 


Our own sources in the Canadian Security Intelligence Service confirm DEWs have been used.

我们自己在加拿大安全情报局的消息来源证实已经使用了 DEW。

At the same time, there is plenty of evidence that Canadian government officials tried to actively sabotage efforts to put out the fires. Here, for example, you can listen to a retired veteran firefighter explain how the government prevented him and his colleagues from helping.



There was also widespread sabotage with firefighting companies reporting slashed hoses and flattened tires. “There have been instances where crews were delayed because of damage to their equipment,” said a Lieutenant who asked his name not be used.

消防公司报告说水管被割破,轮胎被压扁,这也是一种普遍的破坏行为。一位不愿透露姓名的中尉说: “有些情况下,由于设备损坏,机组人员被耽搁了。”。


We also note that the Algonquin and other first nations staged massive rain dance ceremonies. An Apache warrior by the name of William Twofeather once explained to me these rain dances use things like coordinated foot stomps to send specific rain-causing vibrations into the atmosphere. Maybe it was a coincidence but -right after the rain dances- massive rainfall across Canada put out most of the fires.

我们还注意到,阿尔冈昆和其他第一民族举行了大规模的雨舞仪式。一位名叫威廉 · 双羽毛的阿帕契勇士曾经向我解释说,这些雨之舞蹈使用协调的脚步之类的东西将特定的引起雨水的震动传送到大气中。也许这只是一个巧合,但就在雨水舞蹈之后,加拿大各地的大量降雨扑灭了大部分的火灾。

That did not put out the KM BS though as they flooded us with reports saying things like “New York City now has the worst air quality of any city on Earth as Canadian Wildfires Blanket Northeast States in Apocalyptic Haze.”

但是这并没有让 KM BS 报道停止,因为他们让我们看到了大量的报道,比如“纽约市现在的空气质量是世界上最差的城市,就像加拿大的野火笼罩了东北各州的末日阴霾一样。”

My brother -who lives right in the middle of the wildfire region of Quebec- says the sky right next to the fires looked like this on June 6th when the fires were at their peak.


本杰明报道|2023年6月12日: 美国公司确实破产了,我们现在看到的是公司的胡扯

Now he says they look like this:


本杰明报道|2023年6月12日: 美国公司确实破产了,我们现在看到的是公司的胡扯

So how come the sky over New York is Red? Ammonium nitrate maybe? 

那么为什么纽约的天空是红色的? 也许是硝酸铵?

本杰明报道|2023年6月12日: 美国公司确实破产了,我们现在看到的是公司的胡扯

As a CIA source explains “Forest fires are another Deep State money laundering scheme of a different flavor. They create the fires, the government allocates tens and hundreds of millions of dollars in disaster relief, the money disappears, the politicians get their kickbacks, rinse, repeat.” That would explain why the Nova Scotia government refused to hire real firefighters even as they were issuing urgent appeal after urgent appeal for “firefighting money.”

正如一位中央情报局消息人士解释的那样: “森林大火是另一个不同风格的深州洗钱计划。他们制造火灾,政府拨款数千万美元用于救灾,这些钱消失了,政客们拿到了他们的回扣,清洗,再重复。”这就解释了为什么新斯科舍政府拒绝雇佣真正的消防员,即使他们在紧急呼吁“救火资金”后发出紧急呼吁

It is now well known that child sex-trafficking hotbeds follow CIA color revolutions and US disaster relief.


Here are recent examples:


-Haiti 2010

- 海地2010年

-Libya 2011

- 利比亚2011年

-Ukraine 2014-2023 

- 乌克兰2014-2023年 

“What do they have in common? Missing children and heavy involvement with the Obama State Dept. (Clinton/Kerry/Nuland),” a Mossad source comments. 


Mossad now admits “there are 366 million videos of children being raped in US. That’s more than 1 video per person that lives in this country.”


In a sign this is now coming out the Wall Street Journal has given credibility to “Pizzagate.” It reports Instagram -owned by Mark Zuckerberg Rockefeller- has become a sanctuary for a large network of pedophiles who use hashtags like Cheese Pizza (Child Pornography) and MAP (Minor Attracted Person).

有迹象表明,《华尔街日报》给“ Pizzagate”带来了可信度据报道,由马克 · 扎克伯格 · 洛克菲勒(Mark Zuckerberg Rockefeller)所有的 Instagram 已经成为一个大型恋童癖网络的避难所,他们使用的标签包括奶酪披萨(Cheese Pizza)(儿童色情)和 MAP (未成年吸引人)。


Trading in children is not new. Did you know it used to be legal to send children through the U.S. Postal Service, (See attached 2 photos). Could this have been a legal method for child trafficking pedophiles to move children around the country back in the early 1900’s? 🤔 


本杰明报道|2023年6月12日: 美国公司确实破产了,我们现在看到的是公司的胡扯 本杰明报道|2023年6月12日: 美国公司确实破产了,我们现在看到的是公司的胡扯


Now Trump retruthed this post today stating that Mel Gibson is about to expose all of them in a four-part series exposing child slavery. 

现在特朗普今天反驳了这个帖子,他说梅尔 · 吉布森将在一个由四部分组成的揭露奴役儿童的系列文章中揭露他们所有人。 

本杰明报道|2023年6月12日: 美国公司确实破产了,我们现在看到的是公司的胡扯

The world center for child slavery is now Ukraine. Their Ukrainian government has lost around 5000 soldiers and 100 tanks since their long-advertised offensive started last week. Again remember, this is not really a war because what we are dealing with is private corporations buying used military equipment and hiring mercenaries. The important point is they have no air defenses and tanks are sitting ducks without air defenses.


Another thing to note is the Ukrainians are led by war criminals. A prisoner of war captured by Russian fighters in the Zaporizhzhya region says that the Ukrainian army was conducting demining operations by sending untrained young soldiers forward into the minefields in civilian vehicles, according to Polish intelligence.


They are also killing journalists to try to prevent news of their atrocities from coming out. The Italian journalist Andrea Lucidi posted the following on her telegram channel:

他们还杀害记者,试图阻止有关他们暴行的新闻曝光。意大利记者 Andrea Lucidi 在她的电报频道上发布了以下内容:

A few days ago I was added to the Kill-List of the Ukrainian security services “Mirotvoretz”. As an Italian, I can’t help but remember that Andrea Rocchelli was also included on this list, killed by the Kyiv army in 2014, whose photo is still present in this database with the words “liquidated” on it.

几天前,我被加入了乌克兰安全部门“ Mirotvoretz”的暗杀名单。作为一个意大利人,我不禁想起安德里亚 · 罗切利也在这个名单上,他在2014年被基辅军队杀害,他的照片仍然在这个数据库中,上面有“清算”的字样。

The Ukrainians were also forced to blow up the Kakhovka dam in southern Ukraine to try to stop a Russian move to retake Odesa, Russian FSB sources say.


Things are going to get even worse. Chinese President Xi Jinping recently said: “Stop blaming China. China is not helping Russia, but if it decides to help, not even God will save you.”

事情会变得更加糟糕。中国国家主席习近平最近说: "不要再指责中国了。中国没有帮助俄罗斯,但如果它决定帮助,连上帝都不会救你。"

Now, for the first time, images of Chinese military equipment supplied to Russian troops have emerged. For example, General Kadyrov demonstrated Chinese-made armored vehicles in service with the local Rosgvardiya departments.

如今,中国向俄罗斯军队提供军事装备的画面首次浮出水面。例如,卡德罗夫将军展示了在当地 Rosgvardiya 部门服役的中国制造的装甲车。

本杰明报道|2023年6月12日: 美国公司确实破产了,我们现在看到的是公司的胡扯

The Russians feel God is on their side. That is why Vladimir Putin recently said: “Demons have taken over the West [and are trying to] kill everything spiritual on this planet. I know that I will succeed because I have GOD’S STRENGTH and SUPPORT,”

俄国人觉得上帝站在他们这边。这就是为什么弗拉基米尔•普京(Vladimir Putin)最近表示: “恶魔已经控制了西方(并试图)消灭这个星球上的一切精神力量。我知道我会成功,因为我有上帝的力量和支持

The KM in Israel appears to be coming clean on this sort of thing because they realize unless they make peace with God they will not be able to flee to their planned Khazaria in the Ukraine or anywhere else.


Iran now has nuclear weapons, hypersonic missiles and an alliance with all the other Muslim countries. As the Mossad-linked site Debka notes, Iran has swiftly followed up on its thaw with Saudi Arabia by offering to help the oil kingdom develop a nuclear program. Beijing which brokered the reconciliation is again stepping forward with backing

伊朗现在拥有核武器、高超音速导弹以及与所有其他穆斯林国家的联盟。与摩萨德有关的网站 Debka 指出,伊朗已经迅速跟进与沙特阿拉伯的解冻,提出帮助这个石油王国发展核计划。促成和解的北京方面再次在支持下挺身而出


 so Israel now has no choice but to make peace.


They are also hoping peace will allow them to rebuild their temple. Israeli lawmaker Amit Halevi has proposed giving Muslims control of the southern end of the Temple Mount complex, which contains the Al Aqsa Mosque, while Jews would receive the central and northern areas where they could build their temple.

他们也希望和平能让他们重建神庙。以色列议员阿米特 · 哈雷维(Amit Halevi)提议让穆斯林控制圣殿山建筑群的南端,其中包括 Al Aqsa Mosque,而犹太人将获得中部和北部地区,在那里他们可以建造自己的圣殿。

Amit Halevi's plan would give Muslims control of the southern end of the Temple Mount complex, which contains the Al Aqsa Mosque, while Jews would receive the central and northern areas.https://t.co/HzhHx85JAp


The KM, of course, is not planning to go quietly into the night. Our sources in the Secret Space Program say they are on schedule to carry out some sort of massive “UFO and alien event” in August.

当然,KM并不打算悄无声息地进入深夜。我们在秘密太空计划的消息来源说,他们正按计划在八月进行某种大规模的“ UFO 和外星人事件”。

Certainly the corporate news has been flooded recently with UFO-type stories. For example “Pentagon UFO whistleblower David Grusch” was widely reported as saying “UFO Reverse-Engineering Project Should Be Made Public.” 

当然,公司新闻最近充斥着 UFO 类型的故事。例如“五角大楼 UFO 告密者大卫 · 格鲁施”被广泛报道说“ UFO 反向工程项目应该公之于众” 


Then we have TV news reports of 10-foot-tall aliens landing in a backyard.



Also, the Daily Mail chimed in with a story about “a crashed UFO recovered by the US military that ‘distorted space-time.’” Apparently ‘They had a guy go into it and it was the size of a football stadium, while the outside was only about 30 feet in diameter.’”



There is also a flurry of announcements by the US Space Force such as this one about “Satellites to Counter Cosmic & other Threats.” 



Here are some more of the flood of UFO sightings and reports we are seeing:

以下是我们看到的更多 UFO 目击事件和报道:

1. A revolving flashing UAP

旋转闪烁的 UAP

2. Multiple UAP Orbs over Russia 18-10-2022

俄罗斯上空的多个UAP球体 18-10-2022

3. UAP Orb over Iran

 伊朗上空的UAP Orb

4. A fleet of UAP Orbs over California 30-05-2023

加州上空的UAP Orbs舰队 30-05-2023

5. 2 UAP Orbs over Texas 27-05-2023

2个UAP球体在德克萨斯州上空 27-05-2023

We also had a former UFO, now known as a Northrop Grumman Stealth B2 bomber Airborne flying over Florida USA, in June 2023.

2023年6月,我们还发现了一架以前的不明飞行物,现在被称为诺斯洛普·格鲁门隐形 b 2轰炸机,正飞越美国佛罗里达州上空。

While we find all this UFO stuff fascinating, the only things we are seeing are videos and unsubstantiated reports. Nonetheless, you can be sure a corporate UFO show will be appearing on a screen near you soon.

虽然我们发现所有这些 UFO 的东西令人着迷,但我们看到的只是视频和未经证实的报告。尽管如此,你可以肯定,一个企业 UFO 表演将出现在屏幕上,你附近很快。

We are still waiting to actually ride on a flying saucer ourselves. We hope it is real but no proof yet.


  • 本文由 发表于 2023年6月15日16:08:47
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