Ep. 3182a – Biden’s Economy Is Built On Lies, It’s An Illusion, Economic Truth Will Win
Ep. 3182b – All Roads Lead To Obama, Muslim Brotherhood, Sleeper Cells, Countermeasures
X22 Report
Streamed on: Oct 9, 7:45 pm EDT
X22 ReportStreaming on: Oct 9,7:45 pm EDT X22报道于美国东部时间10月9日下午7:45播出
Newsom is destroying CA, as he follows the [WEF] agenda the people are going to see that it is a failure. Germany and CA are imploding. The people are experiencing the economic lies that Biden continually puts out, in the end the people will realize that Biden lied about the economy and Trump told the truth. Game over.
X22 Report
Streamed on: Oct 9, 8:15 pm EDT
X22报告流媒体: 美国东部时间10月9日晚8:15
The [DS] pushed their next event, they are using this event in Israel to distract and push their 16 year plan to destroy America. But what is happening is that the people are seeing that the Biden administration has caused this problem through his actions. All roads are going to eventually lead to Obama, the narrative is building and the people will see soon. The patriot plan is coming full circle and the people will know who the true enemy really is, once they know, they will take back the country.