Ep. 2961a – Trump Asks: “Whatever Happened To Global Warming?”, [WEF]/[CB] Economic Agenda Failing
特朗普问: “全球变暖究竟发生了什么?”,[WEF]/[CB]经济议程失败
Ep. 2961b – Horrible Things About To Happen To Many Corrupt Politicians, Consequences, Rays Of Light
The people in Sweden are now hoarding food. The inflation and high fuel costs are making it very difficult for the people, some people are resorting to stealing food. The global warming hoax has failed, it just disappeared. The [CB]/[WEF] to centralize the system has fallen apart.
瑞典人现在正在囤积食物。通货膨胀和高昂的燃料成本使得人们的生活变得非常困难,一些人正在采取偷窃食物的手段。全球变暖的骗局已经失败了,它就这么消失了。集中系统的[ CB ]/[ WEF ]已经分崩离析。
The people have been waking up, they need to wake up to see the [DS] system. now the people are starting to realize how the country is, how much control the [DS] had over the people. Now their control is gone, the people are awake and now the crimes of the [DS] are being exposed. Trump wants to know what the consequences will be for all of their crimes. The people now will demand accountability, they will want trials. The question is, did Trump just activate Wray?