Ep.2603a–The[CB]Supply Chain Plan Is Backfiring,People See Through It
Ep.2603b–All Eyes Are Now On The[DS],Patriots Building The Offensive,Think Hatch Act
The[CB]is moving their plan forward,but people are seeing through it.Everything is now accelerated and the[DS]/[CB]cannot hide in the shadows,they are in the light.The supply chain shutdown is being pushed,there were changes in CA and they knew about it,this was to push their agenda.People are figuring out who the true enemy is.
The[DS]is now panicking,Durham is on the hunt and all eyes are now on the[DS]players.One by one they are trying to get ahead of the Russia,Russia,Russia story.This will not work,propaganda cannot win over facts and truth.Trump has more leverage now than he did before,think hatch act,what can he do now that he couldn't do before.He is replacing the swamp in real time through the rule of law and real elections.The people are following his lead,nothing can stop this,nothing.