
2020年12月18日09:49:02最新动态xekleidoma|2020-12-16:所有集体冥想之母已关闭评论964147字数 3756阅读12分31秒阅读模式


The December 21 Age of Aquarius Final Activation global mass meditation is the most important meditation that ever was or ever will be done.There is only a small fraction of the underground Chimera left and they see their final defeat coming.Some of the remaining superposition state toplet bombs are attached to their bodies,others are in the underground bases.Cobra is talking about 2021 because he wants to keep an element of surprise and prevent the Cabal from doing any last minute dirty tricks before they are arrested.After the last Chimera and toplet bombs are cleared the light forces will trigger the mass arrest of Cabal members and servants,provided no serious new obstacles are discovered(part of the light forces are more reticent as the dark forces have come up with so many nasty surprises in the past).Large movements of troops have been reported recently,which are being brought into position to carry out the necessary arrests.Get yourself ready for the energies of the Age of Aquarius by anchoring to your higher self,your soul family,your spirit guides and any being of light you have a strong connection with,because the energies at the winter solstice will be very intense.


Tank(Steffen Rowe) gives out information about the coronavirus tests and vaccines. The tests contain technetium, which is a radioactive element that is brought into your body for purposes of suppressing the role of the pineal gland in intuition and suppressing the brain in critical thinking. Hence the long swabs that are stuck all the way up the nose of unsuspecting sleepers to get the stuff as close to the frontal lobe of the brain and etheric implants in the head as possible. The vaccines contain syncytin-1  which causes the bodies of those injected to create an immune response to this vital protein and indirectly create infertility in men and women which can even be passed on from men to women through the sperm when they have unprotected sex.Anyone awake enough and with sufficiently active intuition will have avoided being tested and will avoid being vaccinated like the plague,but you may want to warn less awake family members,friends,relatives and colleagues of which there are still plenty.

Tank (Steffen Rowe)提供有关冠状病毒测试和疫苗的信息。这些测试包含锝,这是一种放射性元素,它进入你的身体是为了抑制松果体在直觉中的作用和抑制大脑在批判性思维中的作用。因此,那些长长的棉签一直粘在毫无戒心的睡眠者的鼻子上,尽可能靠近大脑额叶,并在头部植入以太植入物。这种疫苗含有合胞体蛋白 -1,使注射者的身体对这种重要蛋白产生免疫反应,间接导致男性和女性不孕不育,当他们发生无保护措施的性行为时,这种蛋白甚至可以通过精子从男性传给女性。任何足够清醒并且有足够积极直觉的人都会避免接受测试,并且会像避免瘟疫一样避免接种疫苗,但是你可能想警告那些不太清醒的家庭成员、朋友、亲戚和同事,他们还有很多。

(As Cobra stated: If we wish to achieve an impact on the physical plane and reach the critical mass, it is extremely important that we do our meditation exactly at the time which has been determined by the Light Forces to have the maximum positive impact, which is at 6:22 pm UTC on December 21st. Doing the meditation earlier or later, or doing it in a significantly different way will NOT help us reaching the critical mass, as we are living on a physical plane that is subject to laws of space and time and if we wish to influence the physical plane, we need to do this with laserlike precision, especially timewise and with unified and focused intent. The livestream on YouTube starts at 15:30 UTC.)


Age of Aquarius Final Activation on December 21st






Age of Aquarius Final Activation on December 21st livestream

144K December 21 Age of Aquarius Final Activation




  • 本文由 发表于 2020年12月18日09:49:02
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