KatIstheSea3 @katisthesea3
Part 1:
35:02 If we go back to the Inauguration
I published it 8-hours before it happened.
35:07 You did. And Charlie, thank goodness for that1月35日: 07你做到了。查理,感谢上帝
because I was actually on a radio show因为我真的上过电台节目
& I was waiting for it to start & I was watching Fox News& 我在等待开始 & 我在看福克斯新闻
but it had ALREADY STARTED here in Britain.但它已经在英国开始了。
35:26 And I knew, because of you, that’s what was going on.
And I’m so glad that people trust you
that people give you that information to share it with us.
35:33 I got it from the Tyler Perry studios DIRECT from some guy.查理35:33我从泰勒・佩里工作室直接从一个人那里拿到的。
Who was following what I was doing.跟踪我的人。
He said I’ve got a copy, I’ll send it over to you.他说我有副本,我会发给你的。
Thank God for the whistleblowers.谢天谢地有告密者。
36:15 More & more people are seeing now this is a pantomime.36:15现在越来越多的人看到这是一出哑剧。
If you think for one minute that Biden is alive on this planet如果你认为拜登还活在这个星球上
you need should check in & see a brain surgeon.你应该去看脑外科医生。
He was taken out a long time ago. 3+ years ago.他很久以前就被除掉了,三年多以前。
It is all done to wake people up..这一切都是为了唤醒人们. 。
38:24 When people come to me & go38:24当人们来到我身边
“When is it going to happen? When is it going to happen?”“什么时候发生? 什么时候发生?”
To me, it doesn’t bother me when it happens.对我来说,当它发生的时候,我并不觉得困扰。
It’s happening in real time. We’re seeing the COLLAPSE of the OLD SYSTEM.它是实时发生的,我们看到了旧系统的崩溃。
38:24 It’s happening. That’s what I was saying about expectation.1月38:24它正在发生。这就是我所说的期望。
Cuz I watched the Inauguration & thought,因为我看了总统就职典礼,心想,
OK, when are they going to come in & arrest all these people?好的,他们什么时候来逮捕这些人?
Then I thought, forget about that.然后我想,算了吧。
Pay attention to what you’re being told today.注意你今天听到的话。
What you were told yesterday昨天告诉你的
Because those are the important messages God is sending you因为这些是上帝给你的重要信息
& if you listen to them you will be able to figure things out.(如果你听他们的话,你就会明白)。
39:57 This is not a game.查理39:57这不是游戏。
This is a war & a lot of lives will be lost.这是一场战争,会有很多人丧生。
They want to reduce the population by 6.5 billion people.他们想减少65亿人口。
To take out these BioWeapon factories in Ukraine摧毁乌克兰的生化武器工厂
they’ve had to sacrifice 500k in Ukraine他们在乌克兰牺牲了50万
to save 6 billion people.来拯救60亿人。
Because the BioWeapons were to wipe out 6 Billion people.因为生化武器要消灭60亿人。
40:51 I didn’t see the evilness for a while.1月40日: 51我有一段时间没有看到邪恶。
A very close friend kept saying they’re evil.一个非常亲密的朋友一直说他们是邪恶的。
I’ve been trying to wrack my brain我一直在绞尽脑汁
what was it that made me see they were evil是什么让我觉得他们是邪恶的
because I would like to be able to help other people因为我想帮助别人
but I don’t know what it was but you just finally get it.但我不知道那是什么,但你终于明白了。
You see all of these actions. You can’t explain them away.你看到所有这些行为,你无法解释它们。
They’re intentional.他们是故意的。
41:24 Yeah. And what’s happening right now in Maui查理41:24是的。现在在毛伊岛发生的事情
with the children that are missing和失踪的孩子们在一起
is the same thing that happened in Haiti和海地的情况一样
all these children went missing.所有这些孩子都失踪了。
Tim Ballard,
I got a phone call from Mel GibsonTim Ballard 我接到 Mel Gibson 的电话
who did the final edit of SOUND OF FREEDOM.做了《自由之声》的最后剪辑。
He supports orphans in Ukraine & was worried他在乌克兰抚养孤儿,他很担心
& asked if I could help get em out?问我能不能帮忙把他们弄出来?
When I showed up in Ukraine with a list of 20 names当我带着20个名字出现在乌克兰的时候
the Ukrainians countered乌克兰人反驳道
with a list of 10,000 names of orphans上面有一万个孤儿的名字
I know Human Trafficking我知道人口贩卖
I know how kids get forced into that market;我知道孩子们是如何被迫进入那个市场的
the aftermath of a hurricane, earthquake or war.飓风、地震或战争的后果。
But we CAN expect MIRACLES人贩子称之为收获季节,但我们可以期待奇迹
when we’re fighting to protect children.当我们为保护孩子而战的时候。
Juan O Savin
America is a captured operation.Juan O SavinAmerica 被俘虏了。
Countries around the world世界各地的国家
have been captured by a cabal被一个阴谋集团抓住了
that wants to now seal the deal globally.想要在全球范围内完成这笔交易。
Choke us off & replace us with their own thing.掐死我们,用他们自己的东西取代我们。
DEAD!!你给我记住,他们要你死,死! !
They want 13 out of 14 of us DEAD.他们要我们14个人中的13个死掉。
‘We want to bring the population of the planet我们想把地球上的人口
down to ½ a billion’.下降到十亿。
We the Moloch & Baal worshipers我们摩洛和巴力崇拜者
save planet Earth by killing everybody?通过杀光所有人来拯救地球?
It’s a challenge to God himself这是对上帝的挑战
who gave the Earth & all that’s in it赐予地球和地球上一切的神
to Adam & his seed.敬亚当和他的后代。
And they don’t just want you working for them他们不只是想让你为他们工作
as slaves当奴隶
In THEIR MINDS they have robots for that.在他们的头脑中,他们有机器人来做这件事。
The ONLY thing they want you for is FOOD.
The ONLY thing they want you for is SEX.他们唯一需要你的就是食物,唯一需要你的就是性。
It’s that raw.就是这么原始。
This is a cult.这是个邪教。
Their symbology everywhere tells you the story他们的符号无处不在
they’re not even hiding it.他们甚至都没有隐瞒。
42:08 The corruption is being exposed in real time.
There’s still plenty of people not awake.
42:26 40% are ready to be awakened.42:2640% 的人已经准备好被唤醒。
20% are awake.百分之二十的人醒着。
10% are waking up.10% 的人醒了。
40% are in the middle ready to be convinced40% 的人处于中间状态,准备被说服
& want to see it on TV.(想在电视上看到)。
10% are falling back to sleep.10% 的人又睡着了。
20% will never ever wake up.20% 永远不会醒来。
43:25 I don’t give predictions as much as things to look for.1月43日: 25我给预测的不如给寻找的东西多。
given the fact that Fani Willis wants to bring those 19 people鉴于法尼-威利斯希望在 2024 年 1 月初让这 19 人
at the beginning of January of 2024在 2024 年 1 月初
44:19 He was going to have a Press Conference他本打算召开新闻发布会
& his attorney said no, we want to put all of that information但他的律师说不行,我们要把所有信息
In a LEGAL filing放在法律文件中
& there will be no way they will be able to deny it being heard他的律师说不行,我们要把这些信息都写进法律文件中
& the Media will have to cover it.媒体将不得不报道。
44:14 I think that is going to be a major Trigger point.
44:04 I don’t know if we’re going to have 2024 [Election.]
1月44日: 04我不知道我们是否会有2024年的选举
44:24 She wants to put all 19 people,
cuz she’s trying them all at the same time,
which doesn’t make sense to me, but that’s alright.
44:40 She wants it to start the beginning of January 2024.44:40她想从2024年1月开始。
She wasn’t ready to go on that Monday那个周一她还没准备好
But she got that call.但她接到了那个电话。
Then what we have to look at那我们要看的是
supposedly this Clerk that released it was making it up据说是这个发布的职员编造的
turned out to be the exact indictment.结果证明是完全正确的起诉。
What did the Grand Jury really decide, & did they decide,大陪审团究竟做出了什么决定,
or was it a foregone conclusion?还是已成定局?
45:20 I got a cryptic message查理45:20我收到一条神秘的信息
That crossed references a Q drop交叉引用了 Q 降
which was BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM就是“嘭,嘭,嘭,嘭”
& we’ve just had the 4th indictment.(我们刚刚收到第四份起诉书)。
That was the 4 booms.那是四声爆炸。
Apparently the 4th one was the important one.显然第四个才是最重要的。
46:15 THE MOST IMPORTANT because we can’t move on
until we resolve the 2020 Election issue. We can’t.
1月46日: 15最重要的是因为我们不能继续前进,直到我们解决了2020年大选的问题。我们不能。
46:21 When do you think the public might find out
about the Military, Charlie?
46:30 Charlie查理46:30
The MILITARY worldwide was rolled out last week上周全世界的军队都出动了
in a “training” exercise.在一次“训练”演习中。
They’ve all been rolled out & have not returned.他们都被推出去了,还没有回来。
So everything is in place.一切就绪。
50:36 There’s a lot of people out there that want things to move faster,50:36外面有很多人希望事情进展得更快,
none more so than Jan, Mahoney & myself简,马奥尼和我自己就是最好的例子
but we’ve accepted that it’ll be God’s time但是我们已经接受了这是上帝的时代
& it’ll be done at the right time.(会在适当的时候完成)。
Every time it takes a bit longer you look back & understand why.每次花更长的时间,你回头看并明白为什么。
When they talk about draining the swamp当他们谈论排干沼泽的时候
it’s not a simple job这不是个简单的工作
& changing the whole system is not a simple job.(改变整个系统不是件容易的事)。
They’re making sure there are no mistakes,他们在确保没有错误,
aren’t they Jan?他们不是简吗?
51:07 Jan1月51:07
Well, they are.是的。
And when you’re trying to change a system当你试图改变一个系统
you have to weed out who’s trying to sabotage it你必须除掉那些试图破坏它的人
while you’re also trying to put the new things in.同时你也在尝试把新的东西放进去。
51:22 which you’ve discussed often with NESARA / GESARA.51:22你经常和 NESARA/GESARA 讨论这个问题。
That as the other part. Just as much as we’re waiting那是另一部分,就像我们在等待一样
they’re initiating certain things他们在启动某些东西
because they want to see who will counter it因为他们想看看谁会反击
so that they can get rid of them or see if they can bring them in to it.这样他们就可以摆脱他们,或者看看他们是否可以把他们带进来。
52:03 My interviews from what I understand are on YouTube.
You can get me on Twitter @biz_shrink
Real Dr. Jan Truth Social
Dr. Jan substack.com
52:03据我所知,我的采访在 YouTube 上。你可以在推特上找到我@biz _ shrinkReal 博士 Jan Truth SocialDr。Jan suback.com
53:36 Trump has the perfect temperament to be President right now.
1月53日: 36特朗普现在拥有当总统的完美气质。
53:50 I have a feeling the 2024 Election might not happen53:50我有预感2024年大选可能不会举行
because there might be some other things that come out因为可能会有其他的事情发生
that weren’t anticipated意料之外的事
that have to be dealt with.需要处理的事情。
55:02 If we do have an Election55:02如果我们真的举行选举
the Military will come out at that point.军队会在那个时候出来。
They will supervise the Election.他们将监督选举。
That will be the only way.这是唯一的办法。
56:05 We have the National Guard as well.
57:19 NESARA / GESARA is happening in front of our very eyes.
We’re seeing debt forgiveness all over the place.
This is breaking people in.
查理57:19 NESARA/GESARA 就发生在我们眼前。我们看到债务免除到处都是。这是在破门而入。
57:25 There’s a very interesting point in law57:25法律中有一个很有趣的观点
that when the fiat currency disappears当法定货币消失的时候
when the banks go down
you can’t transfer that debt across onto the QFS
or the BRICS system for that matter
because that debt is part of the old system.当银行倒闭的时候你不能把债务转移到 QFSor 金砖国家系统因为债务是旧系统的一部分。
It’s fiat currency. From the Federal Reserve. Part of the old system.这是法定货币,来自美联储,旧体系的一部分。
And when they go当他们离开
it’s like when a company goes bankrupt就像公司破产一样
& you owe them money.你欠他们钱。
57:55 The receiver might come & say ‘help me out.’57:55接收器可能会过来说‘帮帮我’
But we’ve already seen in Ireland但我们已经在爱尔兰看到了
where a bank went bankrupt银行破产的地方
the receivers didn’t do that.接收器没有这么做。
The receivers didn’t go out looking for money.接管人没有出去找钱。
They simply cleared the balance sheets.他们只是清理了资产负债表。
58:15 And that’s what will happen.
I don’t like to use the term “debt forgiveness”
because it was theft in the first place.
58:25 And the tax was theft in the first place.
I had this conversation the other day.
58:38 I sat down in a round table 3-years ago58:38三年前,我坐在一张圆桌旁
& discussed what % it would take并讨论了需要什么
when we looked at the new system;当我们审视新体系时;
if you taxed all brand new non-essential items如果你对所有新的非必需品征税
It was between 14-17%在14% 到17% 之间
That would do away with income capital gains, death duties,这样就可以免除收入资本利得,死亡税,
all the other taxes,所有其他的税,
but then you’d reduce the government size但是你会减少政府的规模
to a different type of government.一个不同类型的政府。
You’d only need 5% of the government.你只需要政府5% 的股份。
It’s 95% top heavy.95% 的头重脚轻。
1:00:06 I was excited to see Jan again.1:00:06我很高兴再次见到简。
She joined us with Mahoney & myself她和 Mahoney 还有我一起加入了我们
at Christmas in London for our Christmas company do.在伦敦的圣诞节为我们的圣诞公司做。
It was a real pleasure.真的很荣幸。
For us it’s important that people to see us in real life.对我们来说,让人们在现实生活中看到我们很重要。
We get a lot of people say oh it’s a clone, it’s a body-double, it’s not real..我们听到很多人说这是克隆人,替身,不是真的。
Jan can tell you.珍可以告诉你。
I can. I can tell you his whole family is real.
JanI 可以,我可以告诉你,他全家都是真的。
1:00:53 I was at Mar-a-Lago this year & I’ve been invited again.查理1:00:53我今年在马阿拉歌庄园,我又被邀请了。
I’m looking forward to that.我很期待。
It’s always nice to be around the right people和正确的人在一起总是好的
To understand what’s going on.去了解发生了什么。
1:01:24 AND They need you so they can understand what’s going on
from your perspective.
That exchange is vital.
1:01:25 Then the additional thinking & decisions & thinking
continue to develop & move. So yes.
With blessings of Peace, Happiness, Health and Abundance unceasing,
This is Kat, over & out
# The Best IsTruyToCome # GodWins # WWG1WGA