QFS ends corrupt Cabal central banking systems
The Quantum Financial System – QFS has no comparison to anything that has ever been presented to the world before. It has no opponent; it has no equivalent in advanced technology that any other system possessed before. It is brand new. It is supreme in applied technology so that it offers one hundred per cent financial security and transparency to all currency account holders. With the QFS, the world can easily be changed to gold-backed currencies that completely eliminate the transfer facility of the Cabal’s old central banking system.
量子金融体系(Quantum Financial System)—— QFS 无法与之前向世界展示的任何东西相提并论。它没有任何对手,在先进技术方面也没有任何其他系统可与之媲美。它是全新的。它在应用技术方面是至高无上的,因此它为所有货币账户持有人提供百分之百的财务安全和透明度。有了 QFS,世界可以很容易地改变为黄金支持的货币,完全消除了阴谋集团旧的中央银行系统的转移安排。
There is no equivalent technology to explain and understand the advanced structure of QFS.
没有等价的技术来解释和理解 QFS 的先进结构。
The QFS system is the new global network for the transfer of gold or asset-backed money, already initiated in Russia, China, and the US to replace the centrally controlled Swift system.
QFS 系统是一个新的全球黄金或资产支持货币转移网络,已经在俄罗斯、中国和美国启动,以取代中央控制的 Swift 系统。
This new Quantum Financial System QFS operates on a quantum computer, placed on an orbiting satellite, and is protected from hackers by a secret space programme. This quantum technology was provided by benevolent alien Galactics.
The purpose of the new financial system is to put an end to corruption, usury and manipulation by cabal criminals within the banking world. Its strength is its implemented restrictions that prevent corrupt bankers from making significant profits.
The QFS is completely independent of the existing centralised banking system and makes all other transfer systems such as SWIFT and blockchain superfluous. In any case, blockchain technology is not needed to replace existing deficiencies in at least two other transfer networks, which calls into question the need for cryptos.
Moreover, after the Money Revaluation (RV), all sovereign currencies will be gold or asset-backed, which guarantees sustainable value, and makes the need for unbacked cryptos redundant. Remember; cryptos are nothing more than numbers in computer memories.
The hype around Crypto-currencies is a contemporary example of sheeple herd mentality. Born from a lack of logical independent thinking; when buying a piece of value, it is rational to exchange it for an equivalent piece of value against the exchanged object.
围绕加密货币(crypto-currency)的大肆宣传是当代“羊群效应”(sheeple herd mentality)的一个例子。由于缺乏独立的逻辑思维; 当购买一件价值,它是合理的交换一件等价的价值与交换的对象。
With the activation of the QFS, the Galactic Alliance has completely eliminated the Central Banking System, which was designed by the cabal to destroy the global economy and keep the world’s population in debt bondage.
随着 QFS 的启动,银河联盟已经彻底消灭了中央银行系统,这个系统是阴谋集团为了摧毁全球经济和使世界人口陷入债务奴役而设计的。
The little-known reality is that QFS has been running in parallel with the Central Banking System for months, if not over a year, and has repelled many attempts at hacking by the Cabal. As a result, many bankers have been caught red-handed with illegal money transfers and have been consistently arrested.
It is even less known that this new money transfer system was invented in preparation for the central bank’s takeover of the debt money system to end financial debt slavery and control the population.
The Alliance handed President Trump the magic wand to take over the old central banking system without any major problems.
Our returning extraterrestrial author Vital Frosi, reports more on this.
我们返回的外星作家 Vital Frosi,报告更多关于这一点。
Beloved ones!
Although it is not visible to everyone, we are at the turning point of all known systems. We have been talking in depth about the changes in this end of this Earth cycle for the last 6-7
years. The planetary transition is nearing completion after three long Centuries. The most important changes are taking place now, in this decade, especially between 2020 and 2025.
We understand that many still do not perceive anything, because everything is a matter of consciousness and frequency. The changes between 3D and 5D are only visible to those who expand their consciousness to higher frequencies. A consciousness that is stuck in 3D will never perceive and understand anything that vibrates in 5D.
我们明白,许多人仍然没有感知到任何东西,因为一切都是意识和频率的问题。3D 和5D之间的变化只有那些将他们的意识扩展到更高频率的人才能看到。一个停留在3D中的意识永远不会感知和理解任何在5D 中振动的东西。
So we can say that the shift is not for everyone, because it is a perception. It would be like standing at the foot of a mountain and wishing to see the panorama on the other side. Those who climb to the top can see, describe and understand what is there. Those who do not climb to the top understand nothing because they do not have the perception of the reality that exists on the other side.
Change is always an opportunity to get rid of something useless and add something new and better. It is change that promotes the evolution and progress of everything. If there were no changes, everything would always remain the same, that is, static indefinitely.
The evolution of worlds and its humanity is only possible through constant movement. Everything is spiralling, from the Milky Way galaxy, a Star, a Planet, and even the direction of winds, storms, or ocean currents, to even the energies that sustain life. Without movement, life would not exist.
At the end of this Planetary Cycle is also an increase in Ascension of the souls who have incarnated here on Earth. There will be great opportunities for those who have finished developing their consciousness. It is estimated that at the end, just before the Transition, 1/3 of humanity will be ready. They are the ones who will inherit the new earth.
It will now be a time of Abundance for all who recognise the concept of value. With the removal of the world’s controllers, prosperity finally comes to all who are ready at their level of cooperative consciousness. They will be the beneficiaries of abundance.
Many understand that abundance and prosperity are only related to the financial aspect. This is a misconception, because abundance encompasses the whole. Money is only one aspect of abundance.
Complete satisfaction in emerging time, whether professional, in relationships, in perfect health, and yes, also in finances, is all in the abundance package. It would be useless to have a good bank balance and feel unhappy in other things.
We have said before that the Universe is an excellent manager of things. It charges, but also knows how to repay. The Universe is abundant with those who cooperate.
From now on, we are witnessing the end of competition as it gives way to cooperation. Those who are not attuned to the new frequencies will find it very difficult to remain on this Planet.
The Quantum Systems are already in operation, and no human action will go unnoticed and evaluated by them. For example, the QFS (Quantum Financial System) is already working, and it can track all money flows in real time. Because it is a Quantum System, it can fool nothing and nobody.
量子系统已经在运作,没有人类的行动会被他们忽视和评估。例如,QFS (量子金融系统)已经在工作,它可以实时跟踪所有的资金流动。因为它是一个量子系统,它不能欺骗任何东西和任何人。
I have already written an article about QUANTUM COMPUTER in the past. It would be good to read it again to better understand today’s article. Everything is taken into account, even the thoughts and intentions of every human being.
This Quantum Computer will certainly bring the abundance that is to come from now on. There is no mistake; everyone will be rewarded according to their deeds. Thus, there will be abundance for all who recognise values.
This means for all who vibrate in good conduct and honesty, in other words, for all who practice what is understood to be ethical and moral, will receive this abundance. Nothing could be more righteous!
But those who take pleasure in evil, who practise injustice or profit from their own cause, will have nothing at all.
Some say: but they are already rich! Count on it; all new systems change everything, including the revalidation of coins. Illegal money will not be converted, therefore it will be worth nothing. It will not even be able to be used as toilet paper. The new poor will be those who are sitting on mountains of money with no intrinsic value.
有人说: 但是他们已经很富有了!相信它吧,所有的新系统都会改变一切,包括硬币的重新验证。非法的钱不会被转换,因此它将一文不值。它甚至不能用作卫生纸。新的穷人将是那些坐拥巨额资金却没有任何内在价值的人。
For them, despair strikes. They may even become dangerous at some point and try to take revenge, but it is not very likely that they will succeed, even for a moment. The swindlers will no longer be able to cheat. It is the end of the Deep State Illuminati/Jesuits. It is the end of the New World Order! The Quantum System has already been activated, and put into action. It is now only a matter of time before everything is actually displayed.
Yet not everyone sees the new reality. The consciousness that is stuck in the Third Dimension cannot understand the new 5D reality. It will only be visible to those who are already in the frequency that leads to the New Earth.
So there is no point in arguing between 5D minds and 3D minds. Just understand that everything is in motion and the wheel will not stop until it reaches its destination.
I am Vital Frosi and my mission is enlightenment!
我是Vital Frosi,我的任务是启蒙!
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