
2022年3月15日18:25:17新人阅读如何与黑暗势力断绝联系已关闭评论7523字数 8296阅读27分39秒阅读模式

如何与黑暗势力断绝联系As Lightworkers, We Need Greater Awareness and Knowledge about Demonic Possession.


This subject may well surprise many of my readers. Finally, I was warned very clearly about the absolute need for awareness and knowledge coming to the forefront regarding this matter now.


I am not aware of any Lightworker blogs addressing this issue!? It sounds a bit like “if we just pretend these entities don’t exist, they will disappear”.


Breaking contracts


We have learned as Lightworkers that in order to keep ourselves free from darkness, we must clearly state that we wish to break all contracts with dark beings. I have been informed by my Guides that about 18% of Lightworkers have broken these contracts.

作为光之工作者,我们已经学会了,为了让我们自己从黑暗中解放出来,我们必须清楚地声明我们希望打破与黑暗存有的所有契约。我已经从我的指导者那里得知大约有18% 的光之工作者已经打破了这些合同。

We’ve all had contracts with dark beings whether we like it or not, because otherwise we wouldn’t have been able to gain access to this matrix world that has been controlled by archons – the fallen angels.


For example, if we chose to come here to this planet from elsewhere in this galaxy, or in Andromeda’s sister galaxy, to help support the removal of darkness and set humanity free, we had no choice but to make deals with the Archons to be authorized. to incarnate on Earth.


Archons had their draconian reptilians and other parasitic beings under their control-to-control humanity.


Demons don’t follow any laws. Demons don’t make deals or contracts. Demons for their survival depend on the existence of negative emotional energy. They look for environments where they can consume negativity in some way.


People who are basically good human beings and who have an interest in doing good things for humanity can still be usurped by demons due to lack of conscience.


Knowledge is power


I have not necessarily decided to avoid delving into this subject beforehand. However, for whatever reason, I wasn’t ready to do that until now.
Now that I have begun to investigate this matter, I understand that knowledge in this area is key to our ability to see the whole truth of the matter in dealing with darkness.


I see clearly now that because we do not have a basic understanding of this matter, we are open to being continually deceived in various circumstances.


When dark consciousness is not present, it can continue to exist, manipulate and disempower many.


This loss of power happens simply because when difficulties arise in our lives that we don’t know how to deal with, that we don’t understand, we don’t even consider this issue as an eventual source of the problem.




When there are apparent inconsistencies in a person’s behavior that intrigue us, when someone surprisingly acts out of conduct, having knowledge and awareness of this matter may well be important in resolving the situation.


Why do demons choose certain individuals?


Demons do not seek permission to enter a host body. Demons do what they like to do. They choose a victim and enter.


Are they attracted to certain individuals for greater gratification!? That is, for greater success in taking on some aspects of a person’s life.


There are no humans who seek to host a demonic being. However, some belief systems held by humans would certainly make a more attractive host for a demon. Darkness is always an attraction. Darkness can be a lack of awareness.


Let’s give some examples


  • If someone has a tendency to spend their lives telling lies.
  • 如果有人倾向于一辈子都在说谎。
  • If someone has very strong anti-religious belief systems, that is, they don’t believe in God or the supernatural world.
  • 如果一个人有非常强烈的反宗教信仰体系,也就是说,他们不相信上帝或超自然的世界。
  • If someone is addicted to alcohol.
  • 如果有人对酒精上瘾。
  • Someone who has antisocial behavior with a tendency to avoid interacting with other people.
  • 有反社会行为倾向于避免与其他人互动的人。
  • Someone whose life is controlled and restricted in some way.
  • 生活在某种程度上受到控制和限制的人。
  • If one is attracted to the knowledge of the ‘dark arts’.
  • 如果一个人被黑暗艺术的知识所吸引。
  • Someone who goes through life unconsciously and doesn’t take responsibility for their actions.
  • 一个无意识地度过一生,不为自己的行为负责的人。

How prevalent is demonic possession?


With 100% certainty, you have met/know someone in your life who was/is possessed by a demon. I’m sure this will surprise my readers and many will not believe this statement. That is good. I am in no way suggesting that people start looking for or selecting people who might be possessed in their environment.

100% 肯定地说,你在生活中遇到/认识了一个被恶魔附身的人。我相信这会让我的读者感到惊讶,很多人不会相信这种说法。这很好。我绝不是建议人们开始寻找或选择那些在他们的环境中可能被附身的人。

My goal with this series of articles is to bring awareness to this issue because with knowledge we can do much more to correct this sad situation than when we are in the dark about it matters.


Different types of demons


I found a very interesting and enlightening article by someone in Central Europe where I found a list of demonic entities. This person, since childhood, has been able to clearly see different dimensions and has a great deal of first-hand knowledge on the subject of demons. I will provide the names of some of the entities my Guides have confirmed.


  • Demons 恶魔
  • Devil Beings (Ghosts of very evil deceased humans)
  • 魔鬼生物(非常邪恶的已故人类的鬼魂)
  • Hungry Ghosts (Lost and trapped human souls).
  • 饥饿的鬼魂(迷失和被困的人类灵魂)。

This blogger has the following opinion and I feel it is a point of view worth discussing. She says;


“I don’t believe in ‘fighting’ the darkness because we need both worlds… when people have unresolved issues and pain and are avoiding dealing with those issues… the darkness (demons) connecting to that, can bring them into the unresolved spotlight.”

“我不相信‘战胜’黑暗,因为我们需要两个世界... ... 当人们有未解决的问题和痛苦,并且避免处理这些问题时... ... 与之相连的黑暗(恶魔)会把他们带到未解决的聚光灯下。”

She believes that “this is the functionality of darkness… the cause of the darkness entering in the first place”.

她认为“这是黑暗的功能性... ... 首先是黑暗进入的原因”。

I must say with great conviction that I cannot agree with any of these statements. It is sad to say that this type of opinion about darkness prevails in our world.


Now I will try to explain why I do not agree with these ideas.


We now know a lot of information about the origins of darkness on this beautiful planet. If you are interested and are not yet familiar with the information from the Resistance Movement via Cobra, you can access my website page entirely dedicated to this subject.


Also, I would like to say something here as a reminder that all this darkness is going to end! When I say end, I mean END.


Forget anything you might think you know about 1000 years of peace and then the ‘devil’ being allowed to return for another time, etc.


Is not true


We are the last dark planet to be freed!


When The Event is a fact, that will be the time of the true beginning of the end of the reign of darkness (I must say at this point that we have already taken HUGE STEPS forward and that SO MUCH darkness has passed). The darkness will not make a return visit here.


I remember an interview about 6 years ago with Drunvalo Melchizidek. This same question was asked of him, and he replied something like “this fall into darkness will never happen again. WE (said he) will not allow it!” I realized that the ‘we’ included me! I will never allow that to happen again! My inner voice, the voice of the devil that comes from programming lives says “who do you think you are making such a statement!? The Queen of Sheba!?”

我记得6年前 Drunvalo Melchizidek 的一次采访。他也被问到同样的问题,他回答说: “这种坠入黑暗的事情再也不会发生了。我们(他说)不会允许的!”我意识到‘我们’包括了我!我绝不允许这种事再次发生!我内心的声音,来自编程生活的魔鬼的声音说: “你认为你在做什么声明! ?”?示巴女王?”

Well, we are all ONE


I don’t believe for a split second that the Divine Mother Goddess desires more suffering on the part of humanity. When I say One and We, I mean the entire Company of Heaven, the entire Council of Love, and the entire Galactic Confederation. And all of us together will never allow these ‘mistakes’ to happen again.


Let’s create a kind of ‘reset button’ to be used so no one gets lost again!


**By Thereze Sumi

* * By Thereze Sumi

**Shared per request


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