What happens when a population of introverts,hypochondriacs,and obsessive-compulsives is continuously bombarded with messages to seclude and disinfect themselves,for fear that COVID-19 prickle-balls lurk everywhere,waiting to attack?
What happens is that emotionally damaged people start driving bad politics and bad policy.
"Fifteen days to flatten the curve."That phrase is surely now banned by corporate media,for it reminds us how the supposedly acute health threat of March 2020 was repeatedly re-packaged to keep populations off-balance and out of business not for 15 days,but for 15 months.
Never in modern times has a health issue been so flagrantly politicized,nor wielded as a club,as the Wuhan virus has been.Outside a few rational locales,almost every nation drank the COVID Kool-Aid,competing to see who could enforce the stupidest rules.
在现代,从来没有一个健康问题像武汉病毒那样被如此明目张胆地政治化,也没有像它那样被当作一个俱乐部来使用。在一些理性的地方之外,几乎每个国家都喝着 COVID Kool-Aid,竞相看谁能执行最愚蠢的规则。
Naturally,academia would lead the way:
Among Americans aged 15–24,a total of 587 died of COVID in 2020,according to the CDC,representing about 0.16%,or about 1 in 642,of COVID deaths.If you are young,you have essentially no chance of dying of COVID.The low youth mortality impact from COVID was known by April 2020.
根据疾病预防控制中心的数据,在15-24岁的美国人中,2020年共有587人死于 COVID,约占 COVID 死亡人数的0.16%,约占642人中的1人。如果你还年轻,你基本上没有机会死于 COVID。到2020年4月,人们已经知道妇幼保健中心对青少年死亡率的影响很小。
Yet many universities now require these low-risk young people to inject the experimental vaccine or be banished from campus.Did you already catch the WuFlu and have antibodies?Too bad.The great pulsating brains of academia cannot differentiate.
Young people who want to serve their country are also targets:the passive-aggressive command at West Point compels the unvaccinated to sacrifice a week's vacation to quarantine and then to wear masks in the most ridiculous circumstances imaginable—to harass them and make them look like fools.Military leaders do not care whether the experimental vaccines might do more harm than good,especially on a previously COVID-exposed youth.Take the jab and shut up,cadet;Colonel Suckup needs to PowerPoint his 100%compliance success.
想为国家服务的年轻人也是目标:西点军校的被动攻击命令迫使未接种疫苗的人牺牲一周假期来隔离,然后在可以想象到的最荒谬的情况下戴上口罩——骚扰他们,让他们看起来像傻瓜。军方领导人并不关心实验性疫苗是否弊大于利,尤其是对以前接触过 covid-的青少年。接受刺激,闭嘴,学员;苏卡普上校需要用幻灯片展示他100%服从命令的成功。
Famed baseball pitcher Anthony Fauci claims that he is Science personified,yet anyone can make simple deductions that have eluded the doctor:there is effectively no difference in COVID rates between regions that went full Stalin on COVID rules and those areas that took a more holistic or decentralized approach to the virus.
著名的棒球投手安东尼·福奇声称他是科学的化身,然而任何人都可以做出逃避医生的简单推理:在斯大林完全执行Covid 规则的地区和那些对病毒采取更全面或分散方法的地区之间,Covid 发病率实际上没有什么区别。
Great Britain,with its multiple draconian lockdowns,has a COVID case rate of 6.76%of the population,while Sweden,which mostly left schools and businesses open and went soft-touch on mask mandates,has a case rate of 10.7%.But Sweden's death rate is 20%lower than the U.K.'s,so what was the point of Britain's lockdown hysteria?
大不列颠实行了多项严厉的封锁措施,COVID 病例的发病率为人口的6.76%,而瑞典的发病率为10.7%,该国大部分学校和企业都开门营业,对口罩的使用采取了温和的措施。但是瑞典的死亡率比英国低20%,那么英国歇斯底里的封锁有什么意义呢?