I feel as if I am a character in'The Truman Show'movie.My double-vaxxed neighbors are going about their daily lives-mowing the lawn,watching the mainstream news-completely oblivious to the fact that they are living through an extraordinary global operation to rescue humanity from millennia of enslavement by the dark forces.
Incredibly,as I wrote those words,one of the said neighbors knocked on my door to give me lemons.That's the thing-these are GOOD people with kind hearts.However,they have chosen to follow a path that will have consequences.At this late stage in the game there is nothing any of us can do about their choices.
Is your tribe now clear to you...?Have the last few weeks sorted the chaff from the wheat and you now KNOW who your people are...?It's been an illuminating time for me.I have managed to stay reasonably detached and observe what is taking place-in my personal life and globally.
I am learning that many people are undergoing huge challenges in their lives.All the unfinished business from all their previous lives has now landed unceremoniously on their doorstep in a big yucky pile.Unsurprisingly,many are overwhelmed,depressed and on medication.It is not difficult to see why the global suicide rate is sky rocketing.
I am in close connection with a soul brother.We talk most days.We have decided that taking life one hour at a time is the way to go at present.It echoes Master Hilarion's advice:'Feel your way through Ascension,moment by moment'.I ask myself in a moment,'What will I do next?'It may be as simple as stepping outside the door to check the weather for my daily walk.I just do the NEXT thing.All those'next things'add up to a day.I go to bed,get up and do it all over again the following day.
I am sensing that the most isolated time is now over for Light Warriors.We endured a few months where there was very little intel.President Trump and the Alliance were silent.Every day we diligently dug for clues and held our faith because that's all we had to go by.Trust and faith in the Divine Plan.Our hearts told us that everything was okay.
All that is changing.The Light is pouring onto the planet and President Trump and the Alliance are about to lead us into a glorious phase of widespread revelations.It will be a shocking time for unaware people-but we Light Warriors will embrace this development with gusto.We have waited patiently.Bring it on
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Where We Go One We Go All.
Love and Light