
2019年12月15日14:09:48新人阅读Sierra(NZ)|祝贺你,鲍里斯•约翰逊!已关闭评论72716字数 2916阅读9分43秒阅读模式

Source:Dinar Chronicles

Boris Johnson's landslide victory in the UK election is also a massive victory for the Alliance.Are you tired of winning yet??


Phoenix from PIR has done an excellent summary of the major wins for the Alliance this week.I consider his videos essential daily viewing...



Phoenix(at 5'50"):'The USMCA was signed(trade agreement between USA,Mexico and Canada)...the China/US trade deal went through....and we have Brexit(Boris Johnson's election win means Brexit is in the bag).We've had three major things that are financially and economically VITAL to changing the global economy that have happened in a 48 hour period.'


Phoenix:'Britain and US now have the ability to strike a trade deal that is bigger than the entire EU.And Brexit will be quick-Boris would like to do Brexit before Christmas.'


Phoenix quoted Q:'Timing is everything...'.President Trump signed the US/China trade deal,cementing the financial connection between the two biggest economies in the world,on Friday 13th in Chinese time.The number 13 is considered very lucky in China.He made a point of signing it in the early hours of the 13th Chinese time,thus avoiding signing it on the 13th in USA where it was late afternoon the day before(Friday 13th is a big date for satanists).


As Phoenix says,anyone who follows his You Tube channel will not be surprised by these events.He has been predicting big economic changes due to the astrological signs.I follow astrology,so I understand his reasoning.


To recap,Jupiter in Capricorn is exactly trine Uranus in Taurus on 15th December(the affects last five days either side).Jupiter is the planet of blessings,abundance and expansion...Capricorn is an Earth sign so it's about manifestation...Trine is a positive aspect in astrology...Uranus is about quick unexpected changes...and Taurus is also an Earth sign,another sign of manifestation and grounding something into reality.


As Phoenix says,the last time this happened was at the end of the Great Depression when we saw big global financial changes.


Phoenix also discusses the Federal Reserve injecting billions of dollars of cash into the US economy over the next few weeks.He describes his research on this event,and how it is a good thing.


Hold onto your hats,my friends.The next few weeks are going to be YUUUGE!


Where We Go One We Go All.


Love and Light




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