
2021年8月22日16:44:59其他揭露隐藏的犯罪统治世界|最后的警钟已关闭评论6783字数 4712阅读15分42秒阅读模式

For FWC by Peter B.Meyer–21st of August 2021

作者:Peter bMeyer 2021821

History describes world events that are the result of the machinations of a powerful,hidden cabal organisation called the Black Nobility,consisting of world elites:the big banks,multinational corporations,rich families like the Rothschilds and Rockefellers,unofficial organisations like the Bilderberg,Council of Foreign Relations,the Trilateral Commission,the organised mafia crime clans,shadowy agencies within the government,secret societies like,the Jesuits,the Freemasons,Skull and Bones and so on.


Behind all these groups is an even more secret group,who are the true rulers of planet Earth,who count all prime ministers and presidents among their direct puppets.Some theorists say that these Illuminati,who hold the reins of power,are human;others say that they have extraterrestrial allies.They are a secret society within secret societies,backed by the banking elite,led by the Rothschild dynasty,who pursue the ultimate plan to abolish all religions except their own satanic religion.Ultimately,to overthrow all civilian governments to centralise and globalise everything under their control,essentially the New World Order.


Since ancient times,people have lived under the iron grip of the world's Black Nobility or dark rulers.Mankind has been hacked,thwarted,suppressed and forced into submission through brainwashing and soul destruction.


These are the ancient rulers from behind the curtain on planet Earth,with real power,directly represented by our dominant political,economic and cultural institutions.Western society has been undermined and Western culture is bankrupt.Democracy does not exist,because before the results of every election they have already decided who will win and run the government.Their social control is through the mass media and the educational system,which have become channels for mass indoctrination and manipulation.


The Jesuits and the Freemasons,are the allies among the crowned heads of Europe.They held a congress in Vienna in 1815,where the Swiss neutrality,which had already been ratified by the Peace of Westphalia in 1648,was granted for ever.It was also agreed how many wars would be provoked,and the money of the nobility in Switzerland would always be free from plunder.In line with Rothschild's meticulous long-term planning,this is why Switzerland still has the famous,long-standing law on banking secrecy,which was abolished in 2014,after ordinary people's money was supposedly no longer protected.


Napoleon's defeat at Waterloo resulted in Rothschild's criminal speculation,which increased his financial power and enabled him to buy most of Britain.Thus they became the fiscal agents of Britain and later the Vatican,to further their financial and political domination in the United States.


Thanks to the stock market crash of 1815,which he invented,his wealth had increased 6,500-fold.In essence,he robbed Britain blind and,for all intents and purposes,became the owner of most of England.From then on,his family had more wealth than they had ever dreamed of.That made them an influential player in governments,and from then on they steered policy decisions by bribing politicians.This Rothschild-organised scheme proves another historically important fact:it shows by fabricating a disaster how it can lead to huge financial gains.Recently,the Elite realised their latest trick by chipping all vaccinated sheeple citizens to bring them under their direct control.Watch this video(https://www.bitchute.com/video/MbDlLj3dL9z6/)to see the results and effects.


Do yourself and friends a favour,help to grow our international FWC Community and invite them to join The Final Wakeup Community on TELEGRAM(https://t.me/thefinalwakeupcallchannel)created to bring readers and patriots worldwide closer together.

帮你自己和朋友一个忙,帮助发展我们的国际 FWC 社区,并邀请他们加入 TELEGRAM 上的 Final wake up 社区(https://t.me/thefinalwakeupcallchannel),这个社区旨在让全世界的读者和爱国者更加紧密地联系在一起。

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