
2021年3月27日13:25:11其他揭露2021年3月26日:照亮谎言|星际飞船地球已关闭评论8837字数 14447阅读48分9秒阅读模式

Starship Earth:The Big Picture 星际飞船地球:大局

March 26,2021



No preamble.


Dan Scavino posted a video of Trump awarding 25 medals of honour to"our White Hats".Make of that what you will.


Georgia is a battleground state concerning the Presidential Election.


Georgia's restrictive new voting law hit with legal challenge 


Is it a coincidence that state(along with Alabama)was hit with a powerful tornado last night?Irregular warfare?


There have been other interesting things in the skies recently.MrMBB reports.


It was witnessed in 15 states and TWO countries spanning 800 miles moving at 45,000 mph!!


General Flynn is on the offensive.


Michael Flynn Hits CNN with$75 Million Defamation Suit 

迈克尔·弗林向 CNN 提起7500万美元诽谤诉讼

When WE say it,we're conspiracy theorists and are ignored.When Biden says it,everyone listens…and shares.



Caleb Hull

We know. We've been telling you this for years but were called conspiracy theorists.


Maybe it's time to revisit Sandy Hook?These people are stupid.Sandy Hoax woke up a lot of people.Critical thinkers,that is.The brainwashed,emotional ones said we were horrible people for suggesting anyone would do such a thing."Children died!",they cried.They fell for it just as Humanity has been falling for all their terrorist events for decades.


From day one it was a lie.It took place at a school with no kids in it that had been closed for some time and was slated for demolition.On video we watched a parade of people walk in a circular route into and out of a building,over and over.There was nothing real about it but the media worked their typical magic and used it to trick the world into believing the"drill"was real.Some time later,a government official confirmed no one died.



Last I heard the New World Order paid off every mortgage for homeowners in Sandy Hook and zeroed them out as a bribe.No one in that town would talk to anyone about what happened.Very suspicious,don't you think?


That's what the controllers do;they buy greedy people's silence.Or threaten them.Or they pay the ultimate price if they talk.They sold out America for a couple of hundred thousand dollars or less.I wonder how well they sleep knowing they betrayed Humanity.


That was about gun control,too.Once you know their playbook…


And you might have realized that many shootings take place in Colorado.Remember Columbine High School?


How about the Batman Theatre Massacre in Aurora?



Sandy Hook"shooter"Adam Lanza



James Holmes,"shooter",Batman Theatre Massacre,Aurora Colorado


Why do most shooters look so similar in their mug shots?


Former Navy SEAL Michael Jaco addresses those issues and more in this video.


What's going on in Colorado!Mind control?MK Ultra?CIA in Denver?The truth is coming for them.

科罗拉多州发生了什么事!精神控制?MK 超能?丹佛的中情局?真相即将揭晓

I keep forgetting to share this video of the millions of Humans waking up and protesting against the tyranny across the planet.Last weekend was a big one.Article and videos at the link.


Weekend protests all over the world 



We have additional perspective on the Evergreen line"Ever Given"container ship situation.It's a White Hat op.

我们有关于常青"Ever Given"集装箱船的情况的额外的观点。这是一个白帽子的行动。




I have come to the conclusion that we don't need to worry about the vaccines.Many of the issues I've mulled over in my own mind came up in a conversation with Nicholas Veniamin and Alan Fountain in the video below.


Have a listen and perhaps you will find sense in it.


I believe the information put out about what the vaccines will do to us is part of the"scare event"Q spoke of.Just as the thousands of dead bodies and people dropping in the streets in China did not ring true a year ago,the quoted vaccine deaths do not,either.

我相信关于疫苗将对我们产生什么影响的信息是 q 所说的"恐慌事件"的一部分。正如一年前中国成千上万的尸体和人们倒在街上的事情听起来不真实一样,所引用的疫苗死亡事件也不真实。

If the Patriots really are in control,they would have prevented a strategy to infect the Human race with foreign material that would ultimately kill millions of people.This operation is about saving Humanity.


I believe the White Hats are perfectly capable of putting out just as much"propaganda"and fake news as the cabal.The end justifies the means.


Perhaps you listened to the interview with General McInerney that we shared yesterday.I didn't listen.I don't need to be awakened and my time is limited.


If you are concerned with what General McInerney said the other day about vaccines and Trump,I can assure you it is all optics to confuse the deepstate.Generals do not speak this way,they are only strategic!



Here's an important conversation for thinking and awakened people.I find Alan's train of thought almost identical to my own.


Alan Fountain Says"Military is'Q'100%"with Nicholas Veniamin 

艾伦·方丹与尼古拉斯·维尼阿明说:"军队是100% q"

For added perspective,you may find value in this excerpt from Juan Q Seven on Telegram.


They]are fighting to live.


[They]will pay whoever,whatever amount,to win&keep the rights to control us&print money.


[They]are errogant&think they can win.[Their]"help"in this movement is disguised to gather intel.Who pushed arrest date predictions the most,giving Fake News ammunition against Q?To those that know what Fake News says is bad for us,must be good for us,What accounts did the Fake News steer you to as a result?(Define herding)Why did'nothing'happen on those arrest prediction dates?"Moves&countermoves."

(他们)是代格朗特&认为他们能赢。(他们)在这场运动中的"帮助"被伪装成收集情报。是谁最大程度地推动了逮捕日期的预测,给虚假新闻提供了攻击 q 的弹药?对于那些知道假新闻对我们有害,对我们一定有好处的人来说,假新闻给你带来了什么样的结果?(定义羊群行为)为什么在那些逮捕预测日期"什么也没发生""移动与对抗。"

Do you think CIA assets are installed into this movement?"All assets deployed."


When money[They]control is nothing more than numbers in a computer/account that can easily be manipulated,their resources are vast&used in all areas of information warfare.


Some of your most favorite large[independent media]accounts will just disappear one day when[Their]funds are dried up.Some accounts are here all day every day,like they're on the clock.Pushing the same ol'content&gathering a large following in the process.Keeping your eyes fixated on them&them alone."Look here,not there.If the information isn't coming from us/vetted by us,don't trust it."




Like I said.The Truth Movement isn't new.It's existed since the birth of the internet&that information is known,has been published&can be found at your fingertips by you yourself.Do not rely on others as your only source of information,not even me.Trump'n'company WON this war."You're watching a movie."No need to panic&act as if,if we don't hurry&get certain info out&interpret certain drops correctly,that Trump will lose.That's kooky talk.God won.Enjoy the movie&watch whatever scenes are of interest to you.


As we approach our ten year anniversary of sharing the"news"I would certainly love to relax my"addiction"to gathering the news every day.I have a(new)house that needs attention.I am confident that the White Hats have everything under control and the masses will awaken and we can get past this insanity.Humanity has already been saved.I am enjoying the show,but it's getting old.You?


Here's an exclusive article from Corey's Digs about the appalling treatment of passengers by the abusive airline industry who now seem to be staffed by people who think they're gods and decide who has rights and who does not.Why do people continue to fly?Starve them.Stop flying.We don't need them.

这里有一篇来自 Corey's Digs 的独家文章,是关于航空业对待乘客的骇人听闻的行为,这个行业现在似乎充斥着那些认为自己是上帝并决定谁有权利谁没有权利的人。为什么人们还要继续飞行?让他们挨饿。停止飞行。我们不需要他们。

EXCLUSIVE:Delta Airlines and TSA Target&Intimidate a Passenger Without Cause 


If you liked that chat with insider Jessie Czebotar about the Illuminati family you might enjoy this one about the Nephilim.2 hr.30 min.

如果你喜欢和内部人士杰西·齐波塔尔关于光照派家庭的谈话,你可能会喜欢这个关于 Nephilim 的。2小时。30分钟。

These people never give up.I got mail from Planned Parenthood today with a membership card and a bumper sticker and their slogan on the back of the envelope is"I stand with Planned Parenthood".They want money to fight in court to preserve their exceptionally lucrative business and fight policies that hamper their inhumane practices.


I'd love to give them something.A piece of my mind.These disgusting butchers claim to be providing"health care"and use taxpayer dollars to do it.We thank Trump for taking steps to defund Planned Parenthood.They actually sell parts of the babies they execute for huge sums of money to companies who use them for…we don't even want to know what.It's crimes against Humanity.


The video below is a result of conversations with PP staff done undercover by concerned journalist David Daleiden.Since he published his evidence he has been dragged through the mud and prosecuted by the dark cabal.I've received requests for support by the organization representing him in court,the Thomas More Society.Below is one video that is hardly lunch conversation but these people are not your average Human.


Additional incriminating information is posted below the video on Youtube which states that the feticide normally used to terminate the life of the fetus is not being used in all cases by these facilities—which means the baby is extracted alive.Babies feel pain!They are harvesting organs and fetal tissue from live babies to sell.This disgusting practice has to stop.Lock them up!

Youtube 上的视频下面贴出了额外的犯罪信息,视频中说,这些机构并非在所有情况下都使用通常用来终止胎儿生命的堕胎药ーー这意味着婴儿是活的。婴儿会感到疼痛!他们从活婴身上获取器官和胎儿组织出售。这种恶心的做法必须停止。把他们关起来!

Planned Parenthood OC Changes Abortions to Harvest Intact Fetuses for Local Company's Sales



Is Canada locked into the lockdowns?It's not looking good at the moment and the libtard government voted to extend them.Unbelieveable.


House of Commons rejects motion calling for plan to end lockdowns 


There used to be some good people in the government.As Minister of Defense Paul Hellyer managed the unification of the Canadian Armed Forces and served as an Ontario Member of Parliament—the youngest ever elected and he proved to be an extraordinary man thereafter.


He wrote multiple books in which he exposed the New World Order's grip on Canada and the world and the potential threats.If that wasn't brave enough,he is on record several times for telling the world about the presence and influence of extraterrestrials—including on Russian television.Russia Today covered it—but I don't see anything from the CBC,CTV,or the other Canadian propaganda networks.They're in lock step with the NWO controllers.The Toronto Star did,however.

他写了很多书,揭露了新世界秩序对加拿大和世界的控制以及潜在的威胁。如果这还不够勇敢的话,他曾多次公开向世界讲述外星人的存在和影响,包括在俄罗斯的电视上。《今日俄罗斯》对此进行了报道,但我没有看到加拿大广播公司、CTV 或其他加拿大宣传网络的任何报道。它们与 NWO 控制器步调一致。然而,《多伦多星报》做到了。


Hon.Paul Hellyer,former Defense Minister for Canada,author,speaker


At roughly 90 years of age,Paul did his stint at the Citizen Disclosure Hearing at the Press Club in Washington,DC along with a score of other witnesses to the alien agenda,and also did a number of independent speaking engagements and independent news interviews to get the truth out and promote his books.Surprisingly,he survived.They left him alone.


Canadians not aware of Paul's tireless efforts when he could have been snoozing on the porch of his Muskoka cottage might want to listen to what he has to say.It's far better information than you'll get from your government-approved sources.

加拿大人并不知道保罗曾经不知疲倦地努力工作,而他本可以在自己位于 Muskoka 的别墅的门廊上打个盹儿,也许他们想听听他要说些什么。这比你从政府批准的来源得到的信息要好得多。

Trump knows all about the ETs.Disclosure is coming.



President Donald Trump,member of Maitre race–for illustrative purposes only,not an actual event


For some,the revelation of the Extraterrestrials/Extradimensionals will be frightening,but what should be the most disturbing is the news of the Human trafficking and the reasons for it.


You may have heard of a big weekend in Las Vegas where Juan O'Savin(107)and others gathered for a screening of a movie.It was called,Sound of Freedom and addressed the child sex trafficking and predatory habits of the creatures who have been running the world.There's a trailer below.

你可能听说过在拉斯维加斯的一个重要周末,Juan o'savin(107)和其他人聚在一起观看一部电影。它的名字叫做"自由之声",旨在解决儿童性交易和那些统治世界的生物的掠夺性习惯。下面有一辆拖车。

Yes,it is dark subject matter,and this truth can no longer fly under the radar of Humanity.We must ensure ALL are informed and recognize what has been happening for eons and we must stop it.


The time for coddling the Human race has come to an end.We have to grow up and face the truth about our reality,who we are,our enemies,and how close we came to extinction.Once that is done,we can move forward into our Golden Age—but we have to do it together,on a level playing field.WWG1WGA.


I'm going to leave you with this absurd super-short video.It's a mad,mad,world and March Madness is nearly over.Next on the agenda—clarity and truth.Rebirth and resurrection?Use the link below to view the video.




Coming soon for restaurant diners?


Oh,but this just came up and I had to share.LOL



And it's on.The videos of shoppers wrestling over toilet paper and the punny jokes about the shit show are all over social media.


Can it get any better?Crazy times,my friends.Hang in there.Mica's giving me the stink eye.~BP

还有比这更好的吗?疯狂的时代,我的朋友们。坚持住。Mica 用恶狠狠的眼神看我。~BP



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