
2023年2月18日11:35:07柯推荐冥想网站更新我们爱集体冥想|2月21日,协调世界时上午11:07,点亮光网格2世界冥想和庆祝活动已关闭评论444字数 4206阅读14分1秒阅读模式


Fire the Grid meditation was introduced to Samoiya Shelley Yates by Light Beings in 2002 when she and her son had a near-death experience. The Light Beings told Samoiya how to miraculously save the life of her son and she did successfully save him. 

2002年,当萨摩亚 · 雪莱 · 耶茨和她的儿子有了一个濒死经验时,光之存有将“点亮光网格”冥想介绍给了她。光之存有告诉萨摩亚如何奇迹般地拯救她儿子的生命,她成功地拯救了他。 



In 2007, the Light Beings contacted Samoiya again and suggested that what she did for her son can also be done for planet Earth. They indicated that each one of us is an energy being. Every energy being has one hexagon in the grid. Each being can infuse the hexagon with Light or drawing Light from it. So every choice that we make counts and matters.


When we are living in high frequency, we are infusing the grid with energy and our joy in our ONE hexagon, which can charge a THOUSAND hexagons. When we are in low frequency, we draw energy from the grid. This is why it is so powerful when millions of people gather and pulse the grid at the same time. In Samoiya's words: "We are Flooding the Junctures!"

当我们生活在高频率时,我们将能量和喜悦注入到我们的一个六边形中,这个六边形可以充电一千个六边形。当我们处于低频时,我们从光网格中汲取能量。这就是为什么当数百万人聚集在一起并同时使用电网时,它会如此强大。用萨摩亚的话说: “我们正在淹没关口!”


In 2007, Samoiya organized a mass meditation event with millions of people participating to reconnect the Earth grid to the energy grid of the Universe. The meditation was very successful. 

2007年,Samoiya 组织了一次大规模冥想活动,数百万人参与其中,重新连接地球网格和宇宙能量网格。冥想非常成功。 


The same meditation was done again in 2009 and 2011, which also completed successfully.


Then, in 2021, the Light Beings asked Samoiya to Fire the Grid again to assist humanity through the challenges we are going through now. 


With only 3 weeks of promotion prior to July 19th, 2021, Samoiya gathered thousands of people to lessen a highly destructive chain of events that had started with a volcano that was going off in Iceland. They Fired the Grid, and the Light Beings told them that their actions were successful.



On February 21st at 11:07 AM UTC, the Light Beings have invited Samoiya and her team to come together again to Fire the Grid

 我们爱集体冥想|2月21日,协调世界时上午11:07,点亮光网格2世界冥想和庆祝活动 在协调世界时2月21日上午11:07(中/港/台/马:2月21日19:07),光之存有们邀请萨摩亚和她的团队再次聚集到一起来点亮光网格。



The goal is to come together for 1 hour at 11:07 AM UTC to unite and pulse the collective energy grid that connects all sentient beings (especially Gaia) with love, compassion, joy, and gratitude. 


As suggested by Samoiya, this opportunity will help us to raise our own individual and collective energy field in order to launch into the Fifth Field, the new earth, at the highest, most optimal level. When we Fire the Grid together, we ease our way, making the transition smoother.


Same as the previous Fire the Grid event, there are no specific instructions for Fire the Grid meditation. According to Samoiya, we will sit in meditation simultaneously and Fire the Grid for one hour. We will unite the globe and connect all the regions of the Earth simultaneously. In the process, we will set our intentions to raise the frequency of Earth. 

与之前的“点亮光网格”事件一样,对于“点燃栅格”冥想没有具体的说明。根据 Samoiya 的说法,我们将同时进行冥想,并点亮光网格一个小时。我们将团结全球,同时连接地球上所有的地区。在这个过程中,我们将设定我们的意愿来提高地球的频率。 

We will unite our souls in love, peace, harmony, and collective cooperation for a better world for our people and for the children, for today, and for the future.


She suggests we simply engage in anything that brings us joy, such as:


    • listen to your favourite music
    • 听你最喜欢的音乐
    • hug your children
    • 拥抱你的孩子
    • walk your dogs
    • 遛狗
    • random acts of kindness
    • 随意的善举
    • Thank the universe for this special moment and imagine yourself spilling over with a brilliant Light that you send out to connect with that of others
    • 感谢宇宙这个特殊的时刻,想象你自己溢出一个灿烂的光,你发出去与其他人的连接
    • love and forgive yourself
    • 爱自己,原谅自己

So, do what brings you bliss and really feel it and show appreciation by saying Thank You!


Victory of the Light!



  • 本文由 发表于 2023年2月18日11:35:07
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