Greetings to You Radiant Being, from heart to heart in this moment we speak, I am Kejraj!
You are well on your way to becoming a realized creator. Contributing to the creation of a world of joy for all. Radiate positive vibes, and be certain that these frequencies reach your surroundings and beyond.
It is important to take time and communicate with yourself. Yes, talk to yourself. Your innner being. Say a few things outloud, and pause. Know that your soul is listening. Practice this daily, to strengthen the connection.
Do you really know who you are? Are you something which the outer world through pieces at, and this became you? The false identity that is “you”, built through outside influences, expectations, and rules, must be dissolved and released. Allow your true being to emerge from within.
Find what resonates with the you within. Find what type of music the soul prefers, not your 3D mind or what’s popular.
找到与你内在产生共鸣的东西。找出灵魂喜欢什么类型的音乐,而不是你的3D 思维或什么是流行的。
Adopt a diet which brings joy to your body and soul, not what you’ve been told is healthy or good for you by others. Your body communicates all the time, listen.
Believe in yourself. Love yourself unconditionally. And watch your reality begin to shift.
When or if you come to a point in life where you’re uncertain about something, pause for a while, take days if needed, to communicate with your heart, until it is clear, prior to making the final decision. Build a self image that is based on inner wisdom and understanding.
Create the outer image of you with your inner light. Know yourself. The authentic version of you which rests within your heart center. Go about your daily life with this in mind, in heart, in every place, in every situation. With every choice you make, allow the light of your heart to come forth.
In every thought, word, and action, let love be your intention.
I am Kejraj!
我是 Kejraj!