Compiled Thurs. 6 July 2023 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author: "Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her Twenty Two Multiple Personalities"
编辑于2023年7月6日星期四东部时间上午12:01朱迪拜因顿,MSW,LCSW,治疗师,记者,作者: “二十二张面孔: 珍妮希尔和她的二十二个多重人格的非凡生活内部”
God Is In Control and God Always Wins
Operation Freedom
4,000+ Banks Set To Fail, Bank Runs Imminent
Biden Administration Deliberately Causing Food Shortages
US Taxpayers Funding Satanic Temple Child Sacrifice Abortion Clinics
Planes Grounded, Flights Delayed as FAA Admitted Vaccinated Pilot's Hearts Fail
And White Hat Alliance Military Made Mass Arrests
The Mainstream Media Promotes Fake News
The US Government is Not Your Friend
Pedophilia is Not a Sexual Preference
MRNA Injections are Not Vaccines
Climate Change is Not a Threat
Men are Not Women
Bugs are Not Food
…Christian Patriot News
It's only wise to have at least a month's supply of food, cash, water and essential items on hand.
"The Essentials of Freedom"
July 2, 2023 - #4894 Music & the Spoken Word (
2023年7月2日-# 4894音乐与口语( )
Freedom is not just a feeling, or an institutional pronouncement. Freedom is found in what we do each day, in the efforts and actions of free people: respect, compassion, peacemaking and understanding.
自由不仅仅是一种感觉,或者一种制度性的声明。自由存在于我们每天所做的事情中,存在于自由人民的努力和行动中: 尊重、同情、缔造和平和理解。
Judy Note: "America is engulfed in a massive amount of prosecutorial misconduct, it suffers from weaponization of Law Enforcement, while crime and inflation are rampant. Our borders are open, elections rigged, economy is in shambles, energy independence is gone, our leader is mercilessly mocked and our country is being destroyed both inside and out." …SGAnon
Judy Note: “美国被大量的检察官不当行为所包围,它深受执法武器化的困扰,同时犯罪和通货膨胀猖獗。我们的边境是开放的,选举受到操纵,经济一片混乱,能源独立已经消失,我们的领导人受到无情的嘲笑,我们的国家正在内部和外部遭到破坏。”SGAnon
- A Must See Film "Sound of Freedom" Sound of Freedom | Theatrical Trailer for July 4 | Angel Studios
Sound Of Freedom True Story: 3 Changes To Tim Ballard's Story (& 4 Things The Movie Gets Right) (
Sound of Freedom Tickets & Showtimes | Angel Studios
- 必看电影《自由之声》《自由之声》 | 7月4日剧场预告片 | 天使制片厂 自由之声真实故事: 蒂姆 · 巴拉德故事的三个变化(电影中的四件事)( 自由之声门票及演出时间 | 天使工作室
A five mile trainload of tanks and heavy military trucks went to Southern California. There are nuke sniffer airplanes flying all over California according to Monkey Werx. Most of the warships in San Diego are out to sea. - 不寻常的高水平军事活动正在加利福尼亚多个地点进行 一列长达五英里的坦克和重型军用卡车开往南加州。根据猴子沃克斯的说法,加利福尼亚州到处都有核武器探测飞机。圣地亚哥的大部分军舰都出海了。
- Wed. 5 July Major Intel! Judgment Day: GITMO Tribunals, Classified Deep State Projects, Pentagon's Money Laundering Channels, Collapse of the CIA, NATO, and DAVOS' Grand Russian Gambit! - American Media Group (
- 7月5日星期三主要情报!审判日: 关塔那摩法庭,机密深层国家项目,五角大楼的洗钱渠道,中央情报局,北约的崩溃,达沃斯的大俄罗斯开局!- 美国传媒集团(
- Tues. 4 July
The Frosty Frontier: The Illegal Fly Zone, the Deep State, Underground Bases, Project COLDFEET, FBI, CIA, and the Cold Icy Shadows of Antarctica - American Media Group (
- 7月4日星期二《冰雪前沿: 非法飞行区、深州、地下基地、冷足行动、联邦调查局、中央情报局和南极洲的寒冷冰影》——美国媒体集团(
- Blueprint Outlines How Donald John Trump was still Commander-in-Chief by Laws, Orders, Regulations, Statutes, Acts, Codes, from both Military and Federal Sectors. - 蓝图大纲唐纳德·特朗普的总司令仍然受到来自军事和联邦部门的法律、命令、规章、法规、法令和法典的约束。Https://
- US Illegal Biolabs in Ukraine Financed by the US Dept. of Defense:
- 美国国防部资助的乌克兰非法生物实验室:
- US Taxpayers Were Funding a Satanic Temple Child Sacrifice Clinic: Satanic Temple Opens Abortion Clinic Where Patients Undergo 'Religious Ritual' Before Pregnancy Termination:
- 美国纳税人资助撒旦圣殿儿童祭祀诊所: 撒旦圣殿开设堕胎诊所,患者在终止妊娠前进行“宗教仪式”: :
- In an Act of War Against Russia, the US Blew Up the Nord Stream Pipeline.
- 在对俄罗斯的战争行动中,美国炸毁了北溪管道。
- The US/CIA Sponsored War in Ukraine has been lost to Russia, whose troops have rescued thousands of children and destroyed illegal bio-weapon labs in Ukraine Child Trafficking Underground Tunnels – which run below a large Biden owned property in Ukraine.
- 美国/中央情报局在乌克兰发动的战争已经输给了俄罗斯,俄罗斯军队已经救出了数千名儿童,并摧毁了乌克兰非法的生物武器实验室——这些实验室位于拜登在乌克兰拥有的一处大型地下通道下方。
- Deep State HAARP Technology Created Turkey Earthquake that killed tens of thousands and set back Turkish Economy Decades.
- 深州 HAARP 技术引发土耳其地震,造成数万人死亡,使土耳其经济倒退数十年。
- Warning: 4000+ Banks to Fail! - Bank Runs Are Coming! - Something Huge Just Happened July 1st! (Video) | Alternative | Before It's News (警告: 4000多家银行倒闭!- 银行挤兑来了!7月1日发生了一件大事!(视频) | 选择 | 新闻之前( )
WARNING: There are reports of some asking for you to hand over your foreign currencies and/or Zim Bonds to them saying they will exchange or redeem them for you. DO NOT give in to this scam. Only the purchaser of the currency or bond can legally exchange or redeem that currency or bond at a Redemption Center for the higher rates. The exception is if you have given someone currency or bonds, along with a notarized gift letter saying you have done so. If someone tries to turn in your currency or bonds without your authorization they could be arrested.
警告: 有报道称,一些人要求你交出你的外币和/或 Zim 债券给他们,说他们将为你兑换或赎回这些外币。不要向这个骗局屈服。只有货币或债券的购买者才能在赎回中心合法地兑换或赎回该货币或债券以获得更高的利率。例外的情况是,如果你已经给某人的货币或债券,连同一个公证的礼品信说,你这样做。如果有人试图未经你的授权交出你的货币或债券,他们可能会被逮捕。
Judy Note: If you were reading this Update as posted on Operation Disclosure Official, be aware that some information has been redacted. For the complete un-redacted version, see the PDF copy at the end of this Update on Operation Disclosure Official.
朱迪注: 如果你正在阅读本更新作为行动披露官员张贴,请注意,一些信息已被编辑。有关完整的未编辑版本,请参阅本更新操作披露官方 PDF 副本结束。
A. Global Currency Revaluation:
- On Fri. 30 June the US Inc. Federal Reserve and US Inc. Treasury were asked to hand over all their assets as they were unable to pay back the Global Repository the quadrillions owed.
- 6月30日星期五,美国公司。美联储和美国公司。财政部被要求交出他们所有的资产,因为他们无法偿还全球储存库欠下的千万亿美元。
- On Sat. 1 July the new Quantum Financial System interfaced in computers around the World so as to coordinate currency transactions through the International Payment System ISO 20022.
Also on Sat. 1 July the fiat US Dollar transferred into a gold/asset-backed US Note.
- 在星期六。7月1日新的量子金融系统与世界各地的计算机连接,以便通过 ISO 20022国际支付系统协调货币交易。也在星期六。7月1日,法定美元转换为黄金/资产支持的美国票据。
- On
Sun. 2 July about 5 pm EST the Dinar Rate on the Forex went public. A live Foreign Currency Converter showed the new Dinar Rate was slowly climbing upward in value:
1,000,000 IQD to USD - Iraqi Dinars to US Dollars Exchange Rate ( Khan Baba: Iraqi Dinar $4.86 International Rate:
- 美国东部时间7月2日下午5点左右,第纳尔汇率上市。一个现场外汇兑换器显示新的第纳尔汇率正在缓慢攀升: 1,000,000伊拉克第纳尔对美元汇率(汗巴巴: 伊拉克第纳尔4.86美元国际汇率:
- On
Mon. 3 July SOFR, Libor and many nations dumped their US Treasuries. - 开始 7月3日星期一 SOFR、 Libor 和许多国家抛售了美国国债。
- On Tues. 4 July the Quantum Financial System was fully integrated worldwide.
- 7月4日星期二,量子金融体系在全球范围内完全一体化。
B.Restored Republic:
- The Brunson Brothers had filed a number of petitions that
sued members of Congress and the Biden Administration for violating their Oath of Office by not protecting the People's Right to Fair Elections through certifying the 2020 Election before investigating 50 formally filed allegations of voter fraud. A ruling in their favor would dissolve the Biden Administration and all of Congress. - Brunson 兄弟提交了一些请愿书 起诉国会议员和拜登政府违反了他们的就职誓言,因为在调查50项正式提出的选举舞弊指控之前,没有通过认证2020年大选来保护人民的公平选举权。一个有利于他们的裁决将解散拜登政府和整个国会。
- The Loy Brunson Petition had been served to 385 members of Congress plus Biden, Harris and Pence.
- 洛伊 · 布伦森的请愿书已经送达了385名国会议员以及拜登、哈里斯和彭斯。
- In Nov. 2020 the Military had counted official water marked voting ballots that verified Trump had actually won every state in an over 80% vote. Tues. 1 Dec. 2020
Obama, Biden, CIA Director Gina Haspel Evidently Arrested for Espionage, Voter Fraud | Politics | Before It's News ( - 2020年11月,军方统计了官方标记的投票选票,证实特朗普实际上以超过80% 的得票率赢得了每个州。2020年12月1日星期二 奥巴马,拜登,美国中央情报局局长吉娜 · 哈斯佩尔显然因间谍活动,选民欺诈被捕 | 政治 | 新闻之前( )
- The Supreme Court accepted the Loy Brunson Petition and agreed to another conference on
February 17th 2023. The announcement of the Supreme Court decision on that and another Voter Fraud case before the Supreme Court (presented by Sydney Powell?) was expected at any time: - 最高法院接受了 Loy Brunson 请愿书,并同意举行另一次关于 2023年2月17日。最高法院对此案的裁决以及最高法院面临的另一起选民欺诈案(由悉尼 · 鲍威尔提出?)在任何时候都是预料之中的:
- Loy Brunson said that on Thurs. 22 June the Supreme Court had ruled not to hear his petition (Supreme Court Docket 22-1028). Yet, months ago Dan Scavino said SCOTUS made a 5 to 4 ruling in favor of the Loy Brunson petition.
- Loy Brunson 说,6月22日星期四,最高法院裁定不审理他的请求(最高法院诉讼案件目录22-1028)。然而,几个月前,丹·斯加维诺表示,最高法院以5比4的比例裁定支持洛伊•布伦森的请愿书。
- On Mon. 26 June a rumor came out of Japan that supported Scavino. They used the EBS to announce that the 2020 US Election had been nullified by the Supreme Court, President Trump would return and all would be announced by Tues. 4 July.
- 6月26日星期一,日本传出一个支持斯卡维诺的谣言。他们利用 EBS 宣布,2020年美国大选已被最高法院宣布无效,特朗普总统将回归,所有消息将在7月4日星期二宣布。
- Loy Brunson spoke about his Supreme Court Case No. 22-380 Feb. 17, 2023 Conference date: - Loy Brunson 谈到了他的最高法院第22-380号案件,2023年2月17日会议日期:
- Wed. 5 July Loy Brunson Voter Fraud 2020 Election SCOTUS CASE 22-1028: Violation of Binding Oath Of Office | Staus Update | Loy Brunson. The first case failed in the courts, but 22-1028 is much stronger. Congress did not uphold their oath:
- 7月5日星期三2020年选举舞弊案第22-1028最高法院: 违反有约束力的就职誓言。第一个案子在法庭上失败了,但是22-1028更胜一筹。国会没有遵守他们的誓言:
- The Flame Podcast EP64 Loy Brunson Interview. An in depth look at what Loy Brunson is accomplishing by learning what the meaning behind the constitution and how they used it to file a petition against our law makers.
- 火焰播客 EP64洛伊 · 布伦森专访。通过了解宪法背后的含义以及他们如何利用宪法对我们的立法者提起诉讼,我们可以深入了解洛伊 · 布伦森所取得的成就。Https://
- The Raland J. Brunson Case before Federal Court Judge Jared C. Bennett was still active and asked why Supreme Court Justices Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan, and Ketanji Brown Jackson supported enemies of the Constitution by voting against hearing the Brunson case.
- 联邦法院法官贾里德 · C · 班尼特(Jared C. Bennett)仍然在审理罗兰 · J · 布伦森案,他问道,为什么最高法院法官索尼娅 · 索托马约尔(Sonia Sotomayor)、埃琳娜 · 卡根(Elena Kagan)和基坦吉 · 布朗 · 杰克逊(Ketanji Brown Jackson)投票反对审理布伦森案,从而支持反对宪法的。
On Wed. 28 June another Brunson complaint for Misprision of Treason, Treason for violation of Oath of Office was filed against SCOTUS:月28日星期三,布伦森又对最高法院提出了另一项控告,指控他违反就职誓言,背叛
- Add your letter of support of the Brunson Cases to the Supreme Court:
Brunson Brothers Music – Petition The Supreme Court… - 请向最高法院递交支持 Brunson 案件的信函: 布朗森兄弟音乐请愿最高法院..。
Loy Brunson NEW SCOTUS RULE 11 CASE #22-1028 ~ Your Letter is Mightier Than The Sword ! (洛伊 · 布朗森新的最高法院规则第11条案例 # 22-1028 ~ 你的信比剑更有力量! (
C. Timeline
- The First Week of July the Military began Mass Arrests according to Fulford.
- 七月的第一个星期,军队开始大规模逮捕根据富尔福德。
Either Mon. 10 July or Sun. 23 July could be the
Inauguration of Pres. Donald J. Trump and his VP, JFK Jr. in a celebration where those in the World Protection Program would come out.
A Japanese General told BENJAMINFULFORD.NET that the Rockefeller controlled Biden Horror Show will be over by Mon.
10 July 2023 with Trump re-instated as President and JFK Jr. as Vice President.7月10日星期一或7月23日星期日 美国总统唐纳德 · J · 特朗普和他的副总统小肯尼迪的就职典礼将在世界保护计划的参与者出席的庆祝活动中举行。 一位日本将军告诉 ,洛克菲勒控制的拜登恐怖秀将在周一结束。 2023年7月10日,特朗普重新担任总统,小肯尼迪担任副总统。 - Med Bed appointments available starting Mon. 10 July.
- 从7月10日(星期一)开始,可以预约医疗床。
- Tues. 25 July was Queen Diana's Coronation date
- 7月25日星期二是戴安娜女王的加冕日
Biden Crime Family
- June 22 2023 House Votes to Impeach Biden: We know the real Biden is long gone but the point here is the Joe Biden symbol of corporate power is being actively set up for formal (optical) impeachment, CIA sources comment. - 2023年6月22日众议院投票弹劾拜登: 我们知道真正的拜登早已不在人世,但这里的重点是,中情局消息人士评论说,象征企业权力的乔-拜登正被积极安排进行正式(光学)弹劾。 - Joe Biden was said to have died of a heart attack
at 12:30 pm EST on Sat. 1 July 2023. Harris was set
to be sworn in, while the Mass Media was told to be silent. However, we know Biden was deceased and an actor has been taking his place since his fake inauguration day. So, plans to get rid of the Biden actor last weekend must have been changed. The Truth Seekers 88 News 7/1/23 ( - 据说乔-拜登因心脏病发作而死亡
宣誓就职,而大众媒体则被告知要保持沉默。然而,我们知道拜登已经去世了,自从他的假就职日以来,一个演员一直在代替他的位置。因此,上周末摆脱拜登演员的计划肯定已经被改变。求实者88新闻7/1/23(。 - In Oct. 2020 just before the Presidential Election that Joe Biden supposedly "won," Biden proudly announced on national TV that he had built "the most extensive Voter Fraud Organization in History" Joe Biden says he's built most extensive "voter fraud" org in history - YouTube
- 2020年10月,就在乔-拜登据称 "赢得 "的总统选举之前,拜登在国家电视台自豪地宣布,他已经建立了 "历史上最广泛的选民欺诈组织" 乔-拜登说他建立了历史上最广泛的 "选民欺诈 "组织 - YouTube
- In Nov. 2020 the Military counted official water marked voting ballots that verified Trump had actually won the 2020 Election in every state and with an over 80% vote. Soon thereafter Obama, Biden and CIA Director Gina Haspel were arrested for Espionage – been played as actors ever since:
Obama, Biden, CIA Director Gina Haspel Evidently Arrested for Espionage, Voter Fraud | Politics | Before It's News ( - 2020年11月,军方清点了官方标记的投票选票,证实特朗普实际上在每个州都赢得了2020年大选,得票率超过80% 。此后不久,奥巴马、拜登和中央情报局(CIA)局长吉娜•哈斯佩尔(Gina Haspel)因从事间谍活动而被捕——此后一直扮演演员: 奥巴马,拜登,美国中央情报局局长吉娜 · 哈斯佩尔显然因间谍活动,选民欺诈被捕 | 政治 | 新闻之前( )
E. White Hat Intel:
- BEHIND the SCENES Military commanders are talking of 2024 elections to be cancelled and making instrumental moves to enact military control.
- 幕后军事指挥官们正在讨论取消2024年的选举,并采取有效措施实施军事控制。
- Cables and Wires through EU. ITALY are running heavy with NOTIONS U.S. ELECTIONS IN 2024 WONT HAPPEN TO DUE TO CIVIL UNREST EVENTS.
- 通过欧盟的电缆和电线。2024年美国大选不会因为内乱事件而发生。
- Even Trumps close friend and confidant Colonial Macgregor has recently stated the elections won't happen and banking COLLAPSE will happen and disrupt everything.
- 就连特朗普的亲密朋友兼密友殖民地麦格雷戈最近也表示,选举不会发生,银行业崩溃将会发生,并会扰乱一切。
- Even the RIOTS to happen, COLLAPSE, NUCLEAR Standoff and Internet collapse in the during the days of darkness.
- 在黑暗的日子里,甚至会发生暴动、崩溃、核电站对峙和互联网崩溃。
- 所有这些将要发生的事情都不是为了你! ! !醒着的人。这些事件是为睡眠世界的绵羊种群(他们将动摇他们的深度睡眠嘲笑鸟控制的生活。
- You are ready for these EVENTS and have prepared. NCSWIC IT ALL LEADS Military is the only way 11.3
- 你已经为这些活动做好了准备。 NCSWIC IT ALL 领导军事是唯一的方法11.3
- The removal of Biden is beginning and Congress has set dates to be announced for the Impeachment of Joe Biden.
- 拜登的下台即将开始,国会已经确定了弹劾乔 · 拜登的日期。
- McCarthy raises the possibility of impeaching Merrick Garland over the handling of the Hunter Biden investigation.
- 麦卡锡提出了弹劾梅里克 · 加兰德对亨特 · 拜登调查的处理方式的可能性。
- These are important moves now because Mainstream media WILL be forced to report on the IMPEACHMENT and what the article of crimes the Impeachment is connected too.
- 这些都是现在的重要举措,因为主流媒体将被迫报道弹劾以及弹劾与哪些罪行有关。
- This WILL RED PILL tens of millions of Democrats who have long dismissed any thoughtful rumors of their beloved [ ds] president Biden and inside the impeachment hearings The Hunter Biden LAPTOP WILL surface and bring about more info for the sleeping democratic voters.
- 数以千万计的民主党人长期以来一直对他们深爱的拜登总统和弹劾听证会中的任何有见地的谣言不屑一顾。猎人拜登的笔记本电脑将浮出水面,为沉睡的民主党选民带来更多的信息。
- CNN WILL lead a huge part in airing the Impeachment proceedings. Long ago CNN was going to FLIP slowly and they have fired so much democratic anchors and started to change their Platform slowly... And even hosted Trump for town hall meeting ..... And MSM went crazy as a major network was allowed to let TRUMP SPEAK ..... Behind the scenes TRUMP is staging to come back to CNN for a long interview!!! ... BEHIND THE SCENES CNN WILL keep dropping Information that MSM/CIA/FBI doesn't put out.
- CNN 将在弹劾程序中发挥重要作用。很久以前,CNN 准备慢慢地抛出,他们已经解雇了这么多的民主主持人,并开始慢慢地改变他们的平台... 甚至主持特朗普的市政厅会议... ..。MSM 疯了,因为一个主要的电视网被允许让特朗普说话... ..。幕后特朗普正准备回来接受 CNN 的长时间采访! ! !... 在幕后 CNN 会继续播放 MSM/CIA/FBI 没有公布的信息。
- Who is behind the scenes that captured TWITTER?
- 是谁在幕后操纵着 TWITTER?
_Changing CNN
改变 CNN
_Keeps dropping [DS] MILITARY ops ( classified ops) in Ukraine
继续在乌克兰投放[ DS ]军事行动(机密行动)
_Leading the charge against the FAKE ALIEN INVASION
_Protecting TRUMP/RFKJR
_Brought the world awareness to child trafficking/ human trafficking trade
- 提高全世界对贩卖儿童/人口贩卖的认识
_Who brought in the Great Awakening
- Congress knows a TREASONOUS operation is happening with the Fake Alien Invasion as files are being shared through the house and Senate on CLASSIFIED military operations that is taking place through underground deep state Military operations that are hiding TECHNOLOGY that can safe the world and change the world and the Dependancy on oil gas natural resources that creates wars and holds humans civilization hostage to world elites the cabal who control the natural resources oil gas and distribution.
- 国会知道假外星人入侵正在发生一场叛国行动,参众两院正在分享通过地下深层国家进行的机密军事行动的文件。军事行动隐藏了可以保护世界和改变世界的技术,以及对石油天然气自然资源的依赖,这种依赖制造了战争,把人类文明作为世界精英的人质,控制着自然资源石油天然气和分配的阴谋集团。
- The human trafficking saga and child pedophilia industry and sex trafficking is about to hit 2.0 the second chapter and CONGRESS is going to AFTER THE EXPOSURE
- 人口贩卖传奇和儿童恋童癖行业和性交易即将达到2.0第二章和国会将在后曝光
- Yes Pizza Gate WILL return and White Hats have plans to EXPOSE the CIA mockingbird operations that had covered up Pizzagate. Hello Podesta + Wiener+ CLINTONS
- 是的,比萨门将返回和白帽子有计划曝光中央情报局模仿鸟行动,掩盖了比萨门。你好 Podesta + Wiener + CLINTONS
F. Barbie & Ken vs. Goliath IRS Update:
- Barbara and Ken Cromar were in a epic battle with the Deep State and our corrupt judicial system. Even though they had proven to a federal tax court that they owned no monies to the IRS, the Deep State descended on them with 75 men SWAT Teams and not only took their home, but all their possessions including expensive equipment Ken used to make a living.
- 芭芭拉和肯 · 克罗马与深州和我们腐败的司法系统进行了一场史诗般的战斗。尽管他们已经向联邦税务法院证明他们没有向国税局提供任何资金,但是深层国家还是派出了75名特警队员突袭他们,不仅夺走了他们的房子,还夺走了他们所有的财产,包括肯用来谋生的昂贵设备。
- If it happened to the Patriot Cromars, it could happen to you.
- 如果这事发生在爱国者克罗马身上,也可能发生在你身上。
- Cromar's interview on the CLOUTHUB "Truth Be Told" Show hosted by Todd Callender had more than ½ million views in the first four days. Callender said, "We've never had any video on CloutHub reach 640k views – it's almost impossible to get that many views on Bitchute and Rumble."
- 克罗马尔在由托德 · 卡伦德主持的“真相大白”节目中的采访在头四天里就有超过200万的浏览量。Callender 说: “我们从来没有在 CloutHub 上看到过任何视频达到64万的浏览量——在 Bitchute 和 Rumble 上几乎不可能有那么多的浏览量。”
- Callender has scheduled another interview with the Cromars on July 21, specifically to discuss how the Cromars went about getting a LAND PATENT onto their property.
- 卡伦德安排了7月21日对克罗马夫妇的另一次采访,特别是讨论克罗马夫妇是如何获得他们土地的专利的。
- Ken feels that the Deep State was telling them that Land Patents were their Achilles Heel and the Land Patent was THE main reason for the 75-man SWAT Team to descend on the Cromars.
- 肯认为深州告诉他们,土地专利是他们的阿喀琉斯之踵,而土地专利是75人特警队突袭克罗马斯的主要原因。
- You can donate to the cause and help keep Barbie and Ken alive:
MIRACLES In God We Trust Shop ( - 你可以为这项事业捐款,帮助芭比和肯活下去: Https:// 上帝的奇迹我们相信商店(
- Update Ken and Barbie vs. Goliath IRS: The Good, Bad and GREAT News! | Crime All-Stars | Before It's News (更新肯和芭比对歌利亚国税局: 好消息,坏消息和好消息!犯罪全明星 | 新闻之前( )
- "Barbie and Ken vs IRS Goliath" Update | Crime All-Stars | Before It's News (“芭比和肯对国税局歌利亚”更新 | 犯罪全明星 | 新闻之前( )
G. Donald J. Trump is Still US President:
唐纳德 · J · 特朗普仍然是美国总统:
- Why is there an individual document in the Federal Register that specifically says the month of January 2021 is titled Reconstitution of the EXECUTIVE Branch?
- 为什么在联邦登记册中有一个单独的文件明确说明2021年1月是行政部门的重建?
- How come Executive Order 13848 is all about Foreign Interference in Elections yet it was signed September 12, 2018, which was 2 months before ANY Election under CIC Trump?
- 为什么第13848号行政命令全是关于外国干涉选举的,而它却在2018年9月12日签署了,那是在中投特朗普任何一次选举前的两个月?
- Now explain to me why "Biden" has extended EVERY single Executive Order where DJT declared a National Emergency?
- 现在告诉我为什么“拜登”延长了每一个 DJT 宣布国家紧急状态的行政命令?
- Why is his newest "Press Secretary" on record in a "press conference" being asked about the Space Force replying: "we invite them to come over anytime" when that's not remotely how the Military operates with its COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF?
- 为什么他最新的“新闻秘书”在一次“新闻发布会”上被问及太空部队的回答: “我们邀请他们随时过来”,而这与军队的总司令运作方式相去甚远?
- Why is it in every news article talking about the National Guard deploying it never mentions Biden the President, or Commander-in-Chief?
- 为什么每一篇关于国民警卫队部署的新闻报道都没有提到拜登总统或者总司令?
- How come "Biden" spent majority of his 2020 Campaign on the topic of shutting down Guantanamo Bay aka GITMO? If he is President, how come he does not revoke Executive Order 13823 and sign his own Executive Order to close it down?
- 为什么“拜登”在2020年竞选中的大部分时间都花在关闭关塔那摩监狱(又名关塔那摩监狱)上?如果他是总统,他为什么不撤销第13823号行政命令,并签署他自己的行政命令关闭它?
- Many Veterans would truly love and be fired up if they would read, study, and apply what's going on via Military Laws, Orders, Regs, Code Language, Optics, Comms paired with the Constitution, Laws, Orders, Codes, Statutes, Acts. It's more than awesome. It's nothing short of Biblical, Monumental, Historical.
- 许多退伍军人如果能够通过阅读、学习和应用军事法律、命令、规章、代码语言、光学、通讯与宪法、法律、命令、法规、法令等相结合,那么他们将会真正地热爱和被激发起来。不仅仅是棒。简直就是圣经,纪念碑,历史。
- Blueprint that outlines how Donald John Trump is still Commander-in-Chief by Laws, Orders, Regulations, Statutes, Acts, Codes, from both Military and Federal Sectors. The Blueprint has NO COST PDFs to click on and read right here: www.thedocuments.info蓝图概述了唐纳德·特朗普的总司令仍然受到来自军事和联邦部门的法律、命令、规章、法规、法令和法典的约束。蓝图没有任何成本的 PDF 文件可以点击阅读,就在这里:
H. International Child Sex Trafficking, Organ and Adrenochrome Harvesting Ring Run Out of the Vatican:
- July 5 Fox News: Jim Caviezel handing out red pills about child sex trafficking to the Fox News normies this morning, even mentioning organ harvesting of children.
- 7月5日福克斯新闻: 今天早上,吉姆 · 卡维泽尔(Jim Caviezel)向福克斯新闻频道的常规人员分发关于儿童性交易的红色药片,甚至还提到了儿童器官摘除。
- Tues. 4 July:
Remember The Name - Tim Ballard, The Unsung Hero: The Epic Story of Operation Underground Railroad - American Media Group ( - 7月4日星期二: 记住这个名字——蒂姆 · 巴拉德,《无名英雄: 地下铁路运作的史诗故事》——美国媒体集团(
Woman reveals how her own MOTHER sold her into a child sex trafficking ring at age SIX - as she opens up about the horrific abuse she endured for years at the hands of high-profile clients who raped, tortured and MURDERED kids.女人揭示了她的母亲是如何在她六岁的时候把她卖给一个儿童性交易团伙的——当她开始讲述她多年来在那些强奸、折磨和谋杀孩子的高调客户手中所遭受的可怕的虐待时。
I. Covid/ Ebola/ Swine Flu/ Polio/ Small Pox/ BSE/ Zika/ Sars/ Monkey Pox/ AIDs/ Vax/ H1N1/ Graphene Oxide/ Chemtrail/ Fluoride, Processed Foods, Human Clones Hoax:
- July 14 2014 More than 300 top scientists penned an open letter demanding that President Barack Obama shut down Dr. Anthony Fauci's dangerous gain-of-function research. The authors included four Noble Laureates and scientists from Harvard, Stanford, John Hopkins, Yale, MIT, UCLA, Oxford, Princeton and all of the world's top universities.
- Leon9212692014年7月14日超过300名顶尖科学家写了一封公开信,要求奥巴马总统停止安东尼·福奇博士危险的功能获得性研究。作者包括来自哈佛大学、斯坦福大学、约翰 · 霍普金斯大学、耶鲁大学、麻省理工学院、加州大学洛杉矶分校、牛津大学、普林斯顿大学和所有世界顶尖大学的四位诺贝尔奖获得者和科学家。
- Former FEMA Whistleblower Celeste Solum explains that the Corona PCR "test" is implanting a microchip. So the Nasopharyngeal Covid19 PCR "tests" were never tests at all. They are implanting chips, inserting Nanobots called Nanites with a bioweapons payload for the brain, while at the same time harvesting DNA. The PCR swab is inserted straight to the Nasopharynx behind the nose and forehead where your eyes are. It's at the blood brain barrier and next to your pineal gland. I believe they are knocking out people's senses with these Bioweapons and killing human intuition and your ability to cognitively see what they are doing to us. They're knocking out our senses and targeting the brain with Nanites that carry a payload as Celeste spoke about in previous videos. This is war. Serious warfare. DECLINE THE "TESTS", REFUSE THE MASKS AND NEVER LET THEM STICK YOU WITH A NEEDLE.
- 前联邦应急管理局告密者 Celeste Solum 解释说,电晕 PCR“测试”正在植入一个微芯片。因此,鼻咽部新冠病毒19 PCR“检测”根本就不是检测。他们植入芯片,将纳米机器人(Nanites)与生物武器有效载荷一起植入大脑,同时收集 DNA。聚合酶链反应棉签直接插入鼻咽后面和前额的地方你的眼睛。在血脑屏障和松果体旁边。我相信他们正在用这些生化武器摧毁人们的感官,扼杀人类的直觉和你的认知能力,看到他们正在对我们做什么。他们正在摧毁我们的感官,并用纳米机器人瞄准我们的大脑正如塞莱斯特在之前的视频中提到的那样,纳米机器人携带有效载荷。这是战争。真正的战争。拒绝“测试”,拒绝口罩,永远不要让他们用针扎你。
- Wed. 5 July
Guess Who Kills One Person Every 19 Minutes? Rockefellers, The Godfathers Of The Global Pharma MAFIA Cartel - American Media Group (
- 7月5日,星期三 猜猜谁每19分钟杀一个人?洛克菲勒,全球制药教父 MAFIA 卡特尔-美国媒体集团(
- FAA Quietly Indicates that US Pilots' Hearts Are Damaged After Taking Vaccines. The report has been hidden by the FAA. …Gateway Pundit, Joe Hoft
- 联邦航空局暗示美国飞行员注射疫苗后心脏受损。报告已经被联邦航空局藏起来了。... 门户权威,乔・霍夫特
- Morgellons Like Filament Tumor Found In Nasal Cavity With Insect Features After PCR Test - Live Blood Shows Classical Morgellons/CDB Filaments鼻腔内发现具有昆虫特征的莫吉隆斯样丝状肿瘤 PCR 检测活血显示经典莫吉隆斯/CDB 丝
- The Sordid Story of Pfizer Inc. !!!!辉瑞公司的肮脏故事!
- The Deadly Truth: How Big Pharma's Profit-Driven Agenda Has Cost Millions of Lives致命的真相: 大型制药公司利润驱动的议程是如何牺牲了数百万人的生命的
- FOX NEWS: No Covid Virus a Total Scam福克斯新闻: 没有冠状病毒疾病病毒是一个彻头彻尾的骗局
- The Untold Truths About COVID-19, Per Cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough: Early treatment was suppressed to prepare the population for mass vaccination. Hydroxychloroquine has antiviral properties against SARS viruses. The COVID shots don't protect against hospitalization and make you more likely to be infected. The WHO recommends against the use of Remdesivir. The COVID shots, at face value, are ineffective and dangerous. "People are losing their lives with it [the COVID shot], and it continues now as a societal menace," Dr. McCullough stated.
- 关于2019冠状病毒疾病,心脏病学家彼得 · 麦卡洛博士: 早期治疗被抑制,以使人们为大规模接种做好准备。羟氯喹具有抗 SARS 病毒的特性。冠状病毒疾病注射不能保护你不受住院治疗并且使你更有可能被感染。世界卫生组织建议反对使用 Remdesivir。从表面上看,这些冠状病毒疾病是无效的,也是危险的。“人们正在失去他们的生命[冠状病毒疾病照片] ,它现在继续作为一种社会威胁,”麦卡洛博士说。
J. The Real News for Wed. 5 July 2023
- Tucker Carlson: The CIA took down Nixon because he wanted to know who killed Kennedy. Woodward was an Intel plant. …The Gateway Pundit.
- 塔克 · 卡尔森: 中情局拿下尼克松是因为他想知道是谁杀了肯尼迪。Woodward 是英特尔的间谍。门户权威。
- Satanic 'Unholy' Grammy Performance Presented by Pfizer:
- 邪恶的“邪恶的”格莱美表演由辉瑞公司呈现:
- Twitter censoring Americans, members of Congress and doctors, while allowing child pornography:Twitter 审查美国人、国会议员和医生,同时允许儿童色情: -
How America Took Out The Nord Stream Pipeline/ Seymour Hersh Bombshell Prompts White House Response:美国是如何摧毁北流输油管道的: pestwave 白宫的回应:
- On July 4 Federal Judge Terry Doughty found the government likely violated the First Amendment by conspiring with Big Tech to censor content. A Preliminary injunction blocks DOJ, FBI, and DHS from working with Big Tech to censor content: - 7月4日,联邦法官 Terry Doughty 发现政府可能违反了第一修正案,与大型科技公司合谋审查内容。初步禁制令阻止司法部、联邦调查局和国土安全部与大型科技公司合作审查内容: Https://
- September 10, 2001 - Donald Rumsfeld announced that the Pentagon was Missing $2.3 trillion in transactions. But the next day on 9/11 something 'Happened' and it was forgotten about forever.
- 2001年9月10日——唐纳德•拉姆斯菲尔德(Donald Rumsfeld)宣布,五角大楼丢失了2.3万亿美元的交易。但是第二天在9/11发生了一些事情,它被永远地遗忘了。
- FBI Document Shows Burisma Demand on Biden: - 美国联邦调查局(FBI)文件显示布里斯马对拜登的需求: Https://
- White House Cocaine: - 白宫可卡因: Https://
- Obama, Clinton & Bush spoke out about Haiti disaster relief, right before they stole all of it. Bush: "The most effective way for Americans to help the people of Haiti, is to send money. That money will go to organizations on that ground who will be able to effectively spend it. I know a lot of people wanna send blankets or water, just send your cash. One of the things the President & I will do is make sure your money is spent wisely." & then, they stole it. Crooks. All of [Them] How do you feel about hearing this in today's time, especially given what you know about Haiti's missing children, missing money, the Clinton Foundation & the Clinton's VERY close relationship with Jeffrey Epstein / Ghislaine Maxwell?
- 奥巴马、克林顿和布什在他们偷走所有救灾物资之前谈到了海地的救灾工作。布什: “对美国人来说,帮助海地人民最有效的方式就是寄钱。这些资金将流向那些能够有效使用这些资金的组织。我知道很多人想送毯子或水,只要送你的现金。总统和我要做的事情之一就是确保你的钱花得有道理。”& 然后,他们偷走了它。骗子。你对今天听到这些有何感想,特别是考虑到你对海地失踪儿童、失踪金钱、克林顿基金会以及克林顿夫妇与杰弗里 · 爱泼斯坦/吉斯莱恩麦克斯韦尔非常密切的关系的了解?
K. 16 States have now banned medical mutilations on children. These states no longer allow doctors to prescribe hormones, puberty blockers and perform gender reassignment surgeries on kids:
•North Dakota
•South Dakota
•West Virginia
- Thousands of Chinese single males crossing border into US: Expert Warns of Saboteurs Sneakily Crossing the Border | Conservative Insider
- 成千上万的中国单身男性越过边境进入美国: 专家警告破坏者偷偷越过边境 | 保守内部人士
L. Ben Fulford:
本 · 富尔福德:
- The long-awaited military move against the Khazarian Mafia in the West appears to be unfolding. The riots in France, Belgium and Switzerland bear all the hallmarks of this. Men in identical black uniforms wearing police-style boots are wreaking havoc across the continent while pretending to be Muslim protesters. This is classic military agent provocateur action designed to ready public opinion for martial law. It is the age-old P3 Freemason "ab chao ordo" or "orderout of chaos" strategy. The idea is to create so much mayhem the citizenry welcomes a military take-over to "restore order."
- 期待已久的打击西方哈扎尔黑手党的军事行动似乎正在展开。法国、比利时和瑞士的骚乱都具有这种特征。身着一模一样的黑色制服,穿着警察式靴子的男子假扮成穆斯林抗议者,在非洲大陆肆虐。这是典型的军事钓鱼执法行动旨在为戒严做好舆论准备。这是一个古老的 P3共济会员“ abchao ordo”或“秩序混乱”的策略。这个想法是为了制造这么多的混乱,市民欢迎军事接管,以“恢复秩序。”
- The fact this type of sabotage is taking place in Switzerland means some sort of military-type move against the BIS, the WHO and other KM power centers there is likely. The same is true of Belgium where the European Union has its headquarters. The other thing to note is the "Muslim" rioters are systematically targeting Chabad death cult facilities across Europe.
- 事实上,这种类型的破坏正在瑞士发生,这意味着某种军事类型的行动对国际清算银行,世界卫生组织和其他知识管理权力中心有可能。欧盟(EU)总部所在地比利时也是如此。另一件需要注意的事情是,“穆斯林”暴徒正在系统地针对欧洲各地的 Chabad 死亡邪教组织。
- These "riots" appear to be coordinated with "pride events" promoting homosexuality and pedophilia. Notice the French riots started just as former male prostitute and fake French President Emmanuelle Macron was appearing at an event promoting homosexuality.
- 这些“骚乱”似乎与鼓吹同性恋和恋童癖的“骄傲事件”相协调。请注意,法国骚乱的发生正值前男妓和假法国总统埃马纽埃尔•马克龙(Emmanuelle Macron)出现在一个宣传同性恋的活动上。
- This happened in tandem with simultaneous marches throughout the West featuring naked men parading in front of children. They were chanting things like "We're here, we're queer and we are coming for your children."
- 与此同时,整个西方国家也同时举行游行,裸体男子在孩子们面前游行。他们高喊着“我们在这里,我们是同性恋,我们来救你们的孩子了”
- In another move to wake the sheeple, the fake Joe Biden presidential avatar is making many bizarre performances and statements. For example, he said "I sold a lot of state secrets and a lot of very important things…" while meeting with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The corporate propaganda media tried to cover this up as a "joke," but we all know it's true.
- 另一个唤醒羊群的举动是,假冒的乔 · 拜登总统化身正在做出许多奇怪的表演和声明。例如,他在会见印度总理纳伦德拉 · 莫迪(Narendra Modi)时说,“我出卖了许多国家机密和许多非常重要的东西... ...”。企业宣传媒体试图掩盖这是一个“玩笑”,但我们都知道这是真的。
- Congress passed resolution 503 calling for the impeachment of Joe Biden "for high crimes and misdemeanors," and yet not a word about this from the corporate media presstitutes.
- 美国国会通过了第503号决议,要求弹劾乔•拜登(Joe Biden) ,理由是“欢情太暂过高”,但企业媒体机构对此只字未提。
- We know the real Biden is long gone but the point here is the Joe Biden symbol of corporate power is being actively set up for formal (optical) impeachment, CIA sources comment.
- 我们知道真正的拜登早已不复存在,但中央情报局消息人士评论说,这里的重点是,企业权力的象征乔 · 拜登正在积极建立起来,准备进行正式(光学)弹劾。
- Also, House Speaker Kevin McCarthy says Congress is going to impeach Biden's Attorney General Merrick Garland based on information coming from whistleblowers.
- 此外,众议院议长凯文 · 麦卡锡说,国会将根据举报人提供的信息弹劾拜登的司法部长梅里克 · 加兰德。
- Another thing we notice is that thousands of flights are being canceled around the United States as the July 4th holiday approaches. This is to prevent Khazarian mafia members from escaping, pentagon sources say.
- 我们注意到的另一件事是,随着7月4日假期的临近,美国各地成千上万的航班被取消。五角大楼消息人士说,这是为了防止哈扎尔黑手党成员逃跑。
M. Tucker Carlson on Richard Nixon:
卡尔森(M. Tucker Carlson)对理查德•尼克松(Richard Nixon)的看法:
- If any president could claim to be the people's choice, it was Richard Nixon. Richard Nixon was re-elected in 1972 by the largest margin of the popular vote ever recorded before or since.
- 如果说有哪位总统可以自称是人民的选择,那就是理查德 · 尼克松。理查德 · 尼克松在1972年以前所未有的高票数再次当选。
- Nixon got 17 million more votes than his opponent. Less than two years later, he was gone. He was forced to resign and in his place, an obedient servant of the federal agencies called Gerald Ford took over the White House.
- 尼克松比他的对手多得到了1700万张选票。不到两年后,他就离开了。他被迫辞职,取而代之的是一位名叫杰拉尔德 · 福特(Gerald Ford)的联邦机构顺从的仆人,接管了白宫。
- Richard Nixon believes that elements in the federal bureaucracy were working to undermine the American system of government and had been doing that for a long time. He often said that. He was absolutely right.
- 理查德•尼克松(Richard Nixon)认为,联邦官僚机构中的一些人正在破坏美国的政府体系,而且这种情况已经持续了很长一段时间。他经常这么说。他完全正确。
- On June 23, 1972, Nixon met with the then–CIA director, Richard Helms, at the White House. During the conversation, which thankfully was tape-recorded, Nixon suggested he knew "who shot John", meaning President John F. Kennedy. Nixon further implied that the CIA was directly involved in Kennedy's assassination, which we now know it was. Helms's telling response? Total silence, but for Nixon, it didn't matter because it was already over. Four days before, on June 19, The Washington Post had published the first of many stories about a break-in at the Watergate office building.
- 1972年6月23日,尼克松在白宫会见了时任中央情报局局长的理查德 · 赫尔姆斯。谢天谢地,谈话被录下来了,尼克松在谈话中暗示他知道“谁枪杀了约翰”,意思是约翰 · F · 肯尼迪总统。尼克松进一步暗示,中情局直接参与了肯尼迪遇刺事件,我们现在知道的确如此。赫尔姆斯的回应?完全沉默,但对尼克松来说,这无关紧要,因为已经结束了。四天前,也就是6月19日,《华盛顿邮报》(The Washington Post)发表了众多关于水门事件的报道中的第一篇。
- Unbeknownst to Nixon and unreported by The Washington Post, four of the five burglars worked for the CIA.
- 尼克松不知道,《华盛顿邮报》也没有报道,五个窃贼中有四个为中央情报局工作。
- The first of many dishonest Watergate stories was written by a 29-year-old metro reporter called Bob Woodward. Who exactly was Bob Woodward? Well, he wasn't a journalist. Bob Woodward had no background whatsoever in the news business. Instead, Bob Woodward came directly from the classified areas of the federal government. Shortly before Watergate, Woodward was a naval officer at the Pentagon.
- 许多不诚实的水门事件中的第一个故事是由一个29岁的都市记者鲍勃伍德沃德写的。鲍勃 · 伍德沃德到底是谁?他不是记者。鲍勃 · 伍德沃德在新闻界没有任何背景。相反,鲍勃 · 伍德沃德直接来自联邦政府的机密部门。在水门事件之前不久,伍德沃德是五角大楼的一名海军军官。
- He had a top-secret clearance. He worked regularly with the intel agencies. At times, Woodward was even detailed to the Nixon White House, where he interacted with Richard Nixon's top aides.
- 他有最高机密权限。他定期与情报机构合作。有时,伍德沃德甚至被派往尼克松的白宫,在那里他与理查德 · 尼克松的高级助手进行了互动。
- Soon after leaving the Navy, for reasons that have never been clear, Woodward was hired by the most powerful news outlet in Washington and assigned the biggest story in the country.
- 伍德沃德离开海军后不久,就被华盛顿最有权势的新闻机构聘用,并被分配到全国最大的新闻报道部门,原因至今尚不清楚。
- Woodward's main source for his Watergate series was the deputy director of the FBI, Mark Felt, and Mark Felt ran — and we're not making this up — the FBI's COINTELPRO program, which was designed to secretly discredit political actors, the federal agencies wanted to destroy — people like Richard Nixon.
- 伍德沃德水门事件系列的主要消息来源是联邦调查局(FBI)副局长马克 · 费尔特(Mark Felt)和马克 · 费尔特(Mark Felt)——我们不是在编造——联邦调查局的 COINTELPRO 项目,该项目旨在秘密诋毁政治人物(联邦机构想要摧毁的人) ,比如理查德 · 尼克松(Richard Nixon)。
- And at the same time, those same agencies were also working to take down Nixon's elected vice president,
Spiro Agnew. In the fall of 1973, Agnew was indicted for tax evasion and forced to resign. His replacement was a colorless congressman from Grand Rapids called Gerald Ford. - 与此同时,这些机构也在努力推翻尼克松当选的副总统, 斯皮罗 · 阿格纽。1973年秋天,阿格纽因逃税被起诉并被迫辞职。接替他的是一位来自大急流城的无色议员,名叫杰拉尔德 · 福特。
- What was Ford's qualification for the job? Well, he had served on the Warren Commission, which absolved the CIA of responsibility for President Kennedy's murder.
- 福特担任这项工作的资格是什么?他曾在沃伦委员会服役这样中情局就不用为谋杀肯尼迪总统负责了。
- Nixon was strong-armed into accepting Gerald Ford by Democrats in Congress. "We gave Nixon no choice but Ford", Speaker of the House Carl Albert later boasted.
- 尼克松被国会中的民主党人强迫接受杰拉尔德 · 福特。众议院议长卡尔•阿尔伯特(Carl Albert)后来自夸道: “我们让尼克松别无选择,只能选择福特。”。
- Eight months later, Gerald Ford of the Warren Commission was the president of the United States. See how that works?
- 八个月后,沃伦委员会的杰拉尔德・福特成为了美国总统,看到这是怎么回事了吗?
- So those are the facts, not speculation. All of that actually happened. None of it's secret. Most of it actually is on Wikipedia, but no mainstream news organization has ever told that story. It's so obvious, yet it's intentionally ignored and as a result, permanent Washington remains in charge of our political system.
- 这些都是事实,不是推测。这一切都是真的。这些都不是秘密。实际上大部分内容都在维基百科上,但是没有一个主流新闻机构曾经讲过这个故事。这是如此明显,但却被故意忽视,结果,永久性的华盛顿仍然掌控着我们的政治体系。
- Unelected lifers in the federal agencies make the biggest decisions in American government and crush anyone who tries to rein them in and in the process, our democracy becomes a joke.
- 联邦机构中未经选举产生的无期徒刑犯做出了美国政府中最重大的决定,并粉碎了任何试图控制他们的人,在这个过程中,我们的民主政体成了一个笑话。
N. War in Ukraine: The Truth About Ukraine:
- The just published Western article "Untold Reality of Russia's Wagner Group In Bakhmut Ukraine, First Hand Account, What the Media Won't Tell You", contains a video of two former members of the Australian army, Willy OAM, the guy with the red beard, interviewing a former mate who is on the ground fighting for Ukraine, and notes:
- 刚刚发表的西方文章《巴赫穆特乌克兰的俄罗斯瓦格纳集团的不为人知的真相,第一手资料,媒体不会告诉你的》中包含了一段视频,两名前澳大利亚军队成员威利 · 奥姆(Willy OAM)采访了一名为乌克兰而战的前战友,视频中还提到:
- "He concedes, albeit reluctantly, that Ukraine is losing and is suffering massive casualties...
- “他承认,尽管有些不情愿,但乌克兰正在输掉比赛,而且伤亡惨重... ..。
- He admits that the Wagner Group is not suffering major casualties and are fighting very smart and are well-equipped based on his personal observation…
- 他承认,瓦格纳集团没有遭受重大伤亡,战斗非常聪明,装备精良,根据他个人的观察..。
- Bluntly states that Ukraine is sending 60 year old, untrained, ill-equipped conscripts (i.e., guys grabbed off the street) into the meat grinder....
- 坦率地说,乌克兰正在把60岁的、未经训练、装备不良的应征者(例如,从街上抓来的家伙)送进绞肉机... ..。
- He tries to put a gloss on Ukraine's prospects for victory, but when you listen to him tick off the corruption, the poor leadership, the lack of supplies, incompetent commanders and stupid battle tactics a clear picture of a Ukrainian Army on the brink of destruction emerges."
- 他试图粉饰乌克兰的胜利前景,但是当你听他列举腐败、领导不力、物资匮乏、指挥官无能以及愚蠢的作战战术时,你会清楚地看到乌克兰军队处于毁灭的边缘。”
O. The US Blew Up the Nord Stream Pipeline In an Act of War Against Russia:
- The socialist Biden Regime plotted an Act of War against Russia in the bombing of the Nord Stream Pipeline.
- 社会主义拜登政权在北溪管道爆炸事件中策划了一次针对俄罗斯的战争行动。
- The You Tube channel Monkey Werx focused on tracking U.S. civilian and military flights, which posted a radar video (relevant info starts at the 2 minute mark) showing the Norwegian Navy P8 surveillance plane dropping the sonar buoy to trigger the explosives that blew up the Nord Stream Pipeline.
- You Tube 频道 Monkey Werx 专注于跟踪美国民用和军用航班,该频道发布了一段雷达视频(相关信息从2分钟开始) ,显示挪威海军 P8侦察机投放声纳浮标,触发炸毁北溪管道的爆炸物。
- Knowing that Russia would respond to this Act of War, American multi-billionaire Elon Musk ordered his Space X company to immediately limit Ukraine using his Starlink internet service for military operations.
- 美国亿万富翁埃隆•马斯克(Elon Musk)知道俄罗斯会对这一《战争法案》(Act of War)作出回应,因此命令他的 Space X 公司立即限制乌克兰使用他的 Starlink 互联网服务进行军事行动。
In response to this Act of War, top Kremlin media advisor Sergey Savchuk released an open letter, "The United States Has Achieved The Status Of A Terrorist Country."作为对这一战争行为的回应,克里姆林宫高级媒体顾问谢尔盖 · 萨夫丘克(Sergey Savchuk)发表了一封公开信,“美国已经成为一个恐怖主义国家。”
P.Deep State HAARP Technology Created Turkey Earthquake that killed tens of thousands and set back Turkish Economy Decades.
深州 HAARP 技术引发土耳其地震,造成数万人死亡,使土耳其经济倒退数十年。
- Romania Senator Diana Lovanovici Spoke In The Parliament On The Uses Of HAARP Technology In Turkey 24 hours before the Turkey Earthquake.
- 罗马尼亚参议员 Diana Lovanovici 在土耳其地震发生24小时前在议会上谈到 HAARP 技术在土耳其的应用。
- Also 24 hours before the earthquake, 10 countries withdrew their ambassadors from Turkey.
- 地震发生24小时前,10个国家从土耳其撤回了大使。
- Turkey needed to be punished and brought to heel to follow the globalist orders.
- 土耳其需要受到惩罚,并服从全球主义的命令。
- Suddenly there was an earthquake that killed tens of thousands of people and set back the Turkish economy decades into poverty. Coincidence? I think not.
- 突然发生了一场地震,造成数万人死亡,使土耳其经济陷入几十年的贫困。巧合吗?我不这么认为。
As Elon Musk finds himself on the verge of indictment, the Deep State, in alliance with DARPA and the Rockefeller-controlled CIA, launches a relentless offensive to bring Musk down and regain control of Twitter, a vital tool in their agenda.
就在埃隆 · 马斯克发现自己处于被起诉的边缘时,“深层政府”与国防部高级研究计划局(DARPA)和洛克菲勒控制的中央情报局(CIA)联手,发起了一场无情的攻势,试图扳倒马斯克,重新获得对 Twitter 的控制权。 Twitter 是他们议程上的一个重要工具。
- But the White Hats are not backing down, employing game theory operations and countermeasures to protect their interests.
- 但“白帽子”并没有退缩,他们运用博弈论操作和对策来保护自己的利益。
- Startling inside reports reveal that Musk is not a mere pawn but a strategic bait, deliberately placed to expose the truth. His knowledge encompasses critical events and issues, as well as the deep corruption embedded within the Deep State.
- 令人震惊的内部报道显示,马斯克不仅仅是一个棋子,而是一个战略诱饵,故意放在揭露真相。他的知识包括重大事件和问题,以及深层国家的深层腐败。
- From secretive LLC corporations to the vast military-industrial complex and the insidious control of CIA-DARPA over social media, Musk possesses information that could bring the entire Deep State apparatus crashing down. Shockingly, he holds vital intel on the classified weapons deployed during the notorious 9/11 attacks, unraveling the truth behind that fateful day.
- 从神秘的有限责任公司到庞大的军事工业复合体,以及中央情报局-国防部高级研究计划局对社交媒体的阴险控制,马斯克掌握的信息足以让整个“深层国家”机构崩溃。令人震惊的是,他掌握了在臭名昭著的911袭击中部署的机密武器的重要情报,揭开了那致命一天背后的真相。
- Unveiling the Veiled: Deep State's Desperate Pursuit: Behind the scenes, the Deep State military machinery is desperately scrambling to seize Musk's servers, computers, and data storage systems housed in undisclosed underground facilities across California, Texas, and Florida. These covert operations connect to SpaceX, where cutting-edge supercomputers and quantum computers power groundbreaking advancements in technology. Musk's profound understanding of the military's involvement in 9/11 becomes even more significant as he unravels the truth behind the utilization of Tesla Energy Weapons, harnessing the infinite power of zero-point energy. These enigmatic forces, unseen to the naked eye, permeate our lives and shape our destiny.
- 揭开面纱: 深州的绝望追求: 在幕后,深州的军事机器正在拼命夺取马斯克的服务器、计算机和数据存储系统,这些系统位于加利福尼亚州、德克萨斯州和佛罗里达州的秘密地下设施中。这些秘密行动连接到 SpaceX 公司,在那里尖端的超级计算机和量子计算机为突破性的技术进步提供动力。马斯克对军方参与9/11事件的深刻理解变得更加重要,因为他揭示了特斯拉能量武器(Tesla Energy arms)的使用背后的真相,利用了零点能量的无限力量。这些肉眼看不见的神秘力量,渗透我们的生活,塑造我们的命运。
- Declassifying the Secrets: John Hutchinson's Revelations: Enter Dr. John Hutchinson, whose groundbreaking experiments and classified projects in the 1970s led him on a path towards Tesla's zero-point energy and antigravity technology. While his discoveries shocked his colleagues, the military had long been aware of the potential hidden within these energy realms, dating back to the 1950s. Hutchinson's foray into electrostatics, magnetic fields, and RF generators yielded astonishing results. His zero-point energy experiments ignited wood with no visible evidence and reduced metal structures to dust in an instant.
- 解密的秘密: 约翰 · 哈钦森的启示: 约翰 · 哈钦森博士登场,他在20世纪70年代的开创性实验和机密项目引领他走上了通往特斯拉零点能量和反重力技术的道路。虽然他的发现震惊了他的同事,军方早就意识到这些能源领域的潜力,可以追溯到20世纪50年代。Hutchinson 对静电学、磁场和射频发生器的研究产生了惊人的结果。他的零点能量实验在没有明显证据的情况下点燃了木头,瞬间将金属结构烧成灰烬。
- Revisiting 9/11: Unmasking the Truth: Reexamining the catastrophic events of 9/11 through a new lens, we witness the Towers' peculiar collapse. Instead of crumbling in a conventional manner, they disintegrated into fine ash in a matter of moments. The official narrative of intense heat from the plane crashes melting the steel is debunked by the presence of people standing near intact steel columns moments before the collapse. The millions of tons of steel used in constructing the Twin Towers mysteriously vanished, leaving behind a residue of ash.
- 重新审视911: 揭开真相: 通过一个新的镜头重新审视911灾难性事件,我们见证了双子塔奇特的倒塌。它们没有以常规的方式崩溃,而是在瞬间分解成细小的灰烬。官方关于飞机坠毁产生的高温熔化了钢铁的说法被证明是错误的,因为在飞机坠毁之前,人们站在完好无损的钢柱附近。用于建造双子塔的数百万吨钢材神秘地消失了,留下了残余的火山灰。
- Musk's Alliance with the White Hats: Unveiling Classified Projects: Musk, acting in concert with the white hats within the military, intentionally incorporated classified projects and military secrets into his vast database, much to the chagrin of the Deep State. Through his subsidiaries, sources, and contacts, Musk has initiated a gradual disclosure process since 2016. Operating through untraceable links, he has financed projects worldwide, revealing classified information pertaining to the cabal's sinister agendas, including the truth about the death vaccine and the plandemic.
- 马斯克与白帽子的联盟: 揭示机密项目: 马斯克与军队中的白帽子们一起行动,有意将机密项目和军事机密纳入他庞大的数据库,这让“深层国家”非常懊恼。自2016年以来,马斯克通过他的子公司、消息来源和联系人启动了一个渐进的信息披露程序。通过不可追踪的链接,他在全球范围内资助项目,揭露与阴谋集团邪恶计划有关的机密信息,包括死亡疫苗和流行病的真相。
- We will keep their lives short and their minds weak while pretending to do the opposite. We will use our knowledge of science and technology in subtle ways so that they never see what is happening.
- 我们将让他们的生命短暂,他们的思想脆弱,同时假装做相反的事情。我们将以微妙的方式运用我们的科学技术知识,使他们永远看不到正在发生的事情。
- We will use soft metals, aging accelerators and sedatives in food and water as well as in the air. They will be covered in poisons wherever they turn.
- 我们将在食物、水和空气中使用软金属、老化催化剂和镇静剂。他们无论走到哪里都会被毒药覆盖。
- The soft metals will make them lose their minds.
- 软金属会让他们失去理智。
- We will promise to find a cure from our many funds, and yet we will give them more poison.
- 我们会承诺从我们众多的基金中找到治愈的方法,但是我们会给他们更多的毒药。
- Chemical poisons will be absorbed through the skin of idiots who believe that certain hygiene and beauty products presented by great actors and musicians, will bring eternal youth to their faces and bodies, and through their thirsty and hungry mouths, we will destroy their minds and systems of internal organs and reproduction.
- 化学毒素会通过白痴的皮肤被吸收,他们相信伟大的演员和音乐家提供的某些卫生和美容产品,会给他们的脸和身体带来永恒的青春,我们会通过他们口渴和饥饿的嘴巴,摧毁他们的思想和内部器官和生殖系统。
- However, their children will be born as disabled and deformed and we will hide this information.
- 然而,他们的孩子出生时就是残疾和畸形的,我们会隐藏这些信息。
S. Must Watch Videos:
- Wed. 5 July Situation Update:
Judy Byington: Major Info - Be Ready, Prepare - Special Intel Report For Wed. 5 July 2023 (Video) | Alternative | Before It's News ( - 7月5日星期三最新情况: 2023年7月5日星期三(视频) | 备选 | 新闻之前( )
- Mon. 3 July Situation Update:
Situation Update: EBS Alert! PP Nuclear Attack Warning! Rumors That Sleepy Joe Died & Kamala Sworn in but MSM Silent? Civil War in France! Global Martial Law Coming! | Opinion - Conservative | Before It's News ( - 星期一七月三日最新情况: 情况更新: EBS 警报!核攻击警告!流言说困倦的乔死了,Kamala Sworn 在但 MSM 沉默?法国内战!全球戒严令即将来临!保守意见 | 新闻之前( )
- Wed. 5 July They Tried to Kill Me For This Video, Tucker Carlson:
5 Minutes Ago: Tucker Carlson: They TRIED to KILL Me For This (Video) | Alternative | Before It's News ( - 7月5日,星期三,他们试图为这个视频杀死我,塔克 · 卡尔森: 5分钟前: 塔克 · 卡尔森: 他们试图为此杀死我(视频) | 备选 | 新闻之前( )
- Wed. 5 July 4,000+ Banks To Fail, Bank Runs Coming: Warning: 4000+ Banks to Fail! - Bank Runs Are Coming! - Something Huge Just Happened July 1st! (Video) | Alternative | Before It's News (
- 星期三7月5日4000 + 银行倒闭,银行挤兑来临: 警告: 4000 + 银行倒闭!- 银行挤兑来了!7月1日发生了一件大事!(视频) | 选择 | 新闻之前( )
- Wed. 5 July Big Intel: New Major Decode BIG Intel 7.05.23: "What Is Coming Will Shock The World" | Prophecy | Before It's News (
- 星期三7月5日大英特尔: 新的主要解码大英特尔7.05.23: “即将到来的将震惊世界”| 预言 | 新闻之前( )
- Tues. 4 July Intel Update, Fulford: New Benjamin Fulford July 4th Intel Update: It's Time! Stay Safe! | Prophecy | Before It's News (
- 7月4日星期二情报更新,富尔福德: 新本杰明 · 富尔福德7月4日英特尔更新: 是时候了!注意安全!新闻前的预言( )
- Tues. 4 July The Deep State, SGAnon, Jaco:
SG Anon: Michael Jaco July 4 & White Hat - Deep State | Opinion | Before It's News ( - 星期二7月4日深层国家,SGAnon,甲克: SG 匿名: 迈克尔 · 雅克7月4日 & 白帽深州 | 观点 | 新闻之前( )
T. Judy Note on the Satanic Ritual Abuse of Children in Your Neighborhood:
Since 1990 I have been doing investigations on the Satanic Ritual Abuse of children at the request of brave SRA Survivor-victims who were witnesses to and victims of pedophile, torture and murder crimes of Satanic leaders and their covens. During this time I have found Satanists implanted in law offices, local police, county sheriff's offices and all the way up to the Attorney General Offices in my state and others and then the carnage went on to the internationally organized Ninth Circle Satanic Cult that runs out of the Vatican.
自1990年以来,应勇敢的 SRA 幸存者的要求,我一直在调查虐待儿童的撒旦仪式,这些受害者是撒旦领袖及其女巫集会的恋童癖、酷刑和谋杀罪行的目击者和受害者。在此期间,我发现撒旦教徒被植入律师事务所、当地警察局、县治安官办公室,一直到我所在州的总检察长办公室和其他地方,然后大屠杀继续进行到国际组织的第九圈撒旦教,从梵蒂冈流出。
There's certainly no help from US or other nation's government agencies, including the FBI or CIA perpetrators. These legal entities successfully negate even the opening of cases of the ritual abuse and murder of children, let alone do valid investigations.
To be honest and to my knowledge there was no safe place on either a local, national or international level that has been set up to report Satanic Crime – likely the main reason why local, national and international Satanic Covens so easily and on a regular basis, get away with the torture and murder of thousands of children – many times bred for the purpose without birth certificates, or identification.
U. "Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities" by Judy Byington, Foreword by Dr. Colin A. Ross, M.D. RAW: Dr. Colin Ross – Robert David Steele
《二十二张面孔: 珍妮 · 希尔的非凡生活和她的二十二个多重人格》 ,朱迪 · 拜因顿,前言,科林 · 罗斯博士,医学博士。罗斯博士——罗伯特·大卫·斯蒂尔
Jenny Hill's witness to a Satanic Child Sacrifice Rite: Woman Sees Human Sacrifice - YouTube
珍妮 · 希尔见证撒旦儿童祭祀仪式: 女人看到人类祭祀 YouTube 视频
WARNING: Jenny gave a graphic description about how she at the tender age of five, was raped, tortured, forced to view a Child Sacrifice and save for Divine intervention, was almost killed herself – not unlike the sordid experiences of thousands of other child victims of Satanic Worshippers. Perpetrators giving homage to Satan were organized from the US Inc's CIA, Queen Elizabeth's, Illuminati Banking families' and Vatican's Ninth Circle Child Sacrifice Cult on down to the Clintons, Hollywood, Pizzagate and local teenage covens. They were funded by this same Cabal that ran our global monetary system – the very organization that was in the process of being brought down by activation of the Global Currency Reset and Restored Republics of the world. It's no wonder that President Trump has stated, "These people are sick."
警告: 珍妮生动地描述了她在5岁的时候如何被强奸、折磨、被迫观看一场儿童献祭并被神圣介入拯救而几乎自杀——与其他成千上万撒旦崇拜者的儿童受害者的肮脏经历没有什么不同。向撒旦致敬的犯罪者来自美国中央情报局、伊丽莎白女王、光明会银行家族和梵蒂冈第九圈儿童祭祀教会,以及克林顿家族、好莱坞、 Pizzagate 和当地的少年巫师团。它们的资金来自于管理我们全球货币体系的同一个阴谋集团——正是这个组织因启动全球货币重置和恢复共和国而正在走下坡路。难怪特朗普总统说“这些人都病了”
V. The Global Currency Reset, Restored Republic and NESARA/GESARA were all about the Children
全球货币重置、共和国恢复和 NESARA/GESARA 都是关于儿童的
It's not about the money. It's about the children – the thousands of malnourished and traumatized children who, in honor of Satan, were being raped and murdered so their Elite Perpetrators could supposedly gain power and rule the world.
The first official act President Trump made the morning before he was sworn into office was to pay a visit to CIA Headquarters and declare a war on an international Child Sex Trafficking Ring run by these global elites.
Let us fast and pray for these millions of little ones who right now, were being rescued from Cabal underground tunnels across the globe, and tortured and killed by Satanic Covens right next door. Let us also pray for those Military Troops worldwide who were risking their own lives to save them. The ancient doctrine of Fasting and Prayer was explained here at the 10:30:32 mark:
W. Judy Note: I do not now, nor have I ever, received monies for writing my Updates and articles. The compensation has been in having outlets to help Save the Children by exposing truths about the very secretive Satanic Ritual Abuse, Pedophilia and Child Sacrifice that was rampant in our international society.
The above was a summary of information from the Internet. It would be up to the reader to do their own research and decide whether or not it was valid.
I will send the Safe Link Website out when I find out what it is, plus it will be posted on several Dinar Websites and continue the Updates until they are no longer needed. I expect to be working with many of you in the near future. I can't tell you how much I have enjoyed getting to know you. You will remain in my heart forever.
A huge Thank You to those dedicated and brave Intel providers who wished to remain unknown; to our Angel Martha who worked 24/7 to expose what's really going on; to humble Wildfire Lady who is adept at exposing the truth; to Brad who does great research; to Bonni B who exposes the underlying causes of what is really happening and to Ken who uncovers almost unlimited Intel on pedophilia to help us Save the Children.
非常感谢那些不愿透露姓名的情报供应商; 感谢我们的天使玛莎,她每天24小时不间断地揭露真相; 感谢谦逊的野火女士,她善于揭露真相; 感谢布拉德,他做了大量的研究; 感谢邦妮 B,他揭露了真相的根本原因; 感谢肯,他揭露了几乎无限的恋童癖信息,帮助我们拯救儿童。
Let us Thank Q that the reset has finally come to be. I wish you well in your humanitarian efforts and look forward to seeing you on the other side where together, we will make life better for all.
让我们感谢 Q,重置终于来了。我祝愿你们在人道主义工作中一切顺利,并期待着看到你们在另一边共同努力,我们将使所有人的生活更加美好。
Patience is a Virtue. Having Virtue is a sign of a good moral being. Good moral beings have the power to overcome evil and change the world. And, we will!!! . . . Judy