
2023年4月22日20:00:34大揭露通过GCR恢复共和国报告|截至2023年4月22日星期六更新已关闭评论8001字数 41144阅读137分8秒阅读模式



Compiled Sat. 22 April 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author: "Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty-two multiple personalities"

编译:美国东部时间4月22日星期六上午Judy Byington,MSW,LCSW,Therapist ret,Journalist,Author: 《二十二张面孔: 珍妮 · 希尔和她的二十二个多重人格的非凡生活》

"I know there is a God and I can see a storm coming; if He has a place for me, I believe I am ready." …John F. Kennedy

我知道有神,我看见暴风雨要来。他若为我预备了地方,我就预备好了约翰・ F ・肯尼迪

"The Storm is Upon Us and the Best is Yet to Come."


"Never Give Up. Never Give In."


"I've been arrested. I've been threatened with a possible 136 years in prison. My own home has been raided ...and we're still not even in 2024 yet, but we cannot let them win."

我被捕了。有人威胁说我可能会坐136年的牢。我自己的家也遭到了袭击... ... 我们甚至还没到2024年,但我们不能让他们赢。”

"Everything Woke turns to shit."


…President Donald J. Trump

唐纳德 · J · 特朗普总统

Prepare For Emergency Broadcast System Activation:


The EBS will involve Ten Days of Communication Darkness where Phones, Internet, Credit/Debit Cards and ATMs will not work, while three eight-hour documentaries will be broadcast on TV and Radio 24/7.


It's wise to have at least a month's supply of food, water, cash and essential items on hand.



"Look Up and Look Around"


September 17, 2017 - #4592 Music & the Spoken Word (thetabernaclechoir.org)

2017年9月17日-# 4592音乐与口语( thetabernaclechoir.org )

Just as sometimes we don't appreciate the Sun until it's gone for a moment, sometimes we don't appreciate our loved ones, health, blessings, neighbors or communities until something changes. Let's not wait for the next opportunity. Right now we can look up to Heaven and look to each other a little more, we can glory in our wonderful World and the people in it. Amazing things can happen in the Heavens, and in our hearts, if we look for them.


Judy Note:


  • Great Patriot Ammon Bundy fears for his life. He believes that the FBI is setting up justification for his murder: http://www.cedarhillscitizens.org/ammon-bundy-fears-for-his-life-believes-fbi-setting-up-justification-for-his-murder/
  • 伟大的爱国者 Ammon Bundy 担心自己的生命安全。他认为联邦调查局正在为他的谋杀开脱 
  • Devolution Plan:
    DEVOLUTION PLAN: The Storm is Here – Trump Sends Law of War Chapter 3.4 Jus in bello comm to Deep State - American Media Group (amg-news.com)
  • 下放计划: 权力下放计划: 风暴即将来临——特朗普向深州美国媒体集团(Deep State-American Media Group)发送战争法第3.4章 Jus in bello comm (amg-news.com)
  • The Elite Network:
    The Elite Network - The Full List of Members of The "Committee of 300" - American Media Group (amg-news.com)
  • 精英网络: The Elite Network-The Full List of The“ Committee of 300”-American Media Group (amg-news.com)精英网络-“300人委员会”成员的完整名单-美国媒体集团(American Media Group)(amg-news.com)
  • JFK Jr. Returns!: UPDATED: John F Kennedy Jr. Returns!! CONFIRMED!! - American Media Group (amg-news.com)
  • 小肯尼迪回归! : 更新: 约翰 · F · 肯尼迪回归! ! 确认! !-美国媒体集团(amg-news.com)
  • Barak Obama Deception Exposed:
    Obama HR 4310 – How About This Freak Show? The Barack Obama Deception Finally Exposed (video) - American Media Group (amg-news.com)
  • 巴拉克 · 奥巴马的谎言: 奥巴马 HR 4310-这个怪胎秀怎么样?巴拉克 · 奥巴马的谎言终于被揭穿(视频)-美国媒体集团(amg-news.com)
  • Satanic Blood Sacrifice Season April 21 through May 1:
    Be on the lookout for teenagers and adults gathering for Satanic ceremonies – they will be torturing and killing children in honor of Satan. Fri. 21 April through Wed. 26 April were Satanist's preparation days for the big Grand Climax Da Meur Sexual Orgies and Blood Sacrifice Rites using female victims anywhere from infants through age 25. The Corpus De Baahl Blood and Sexual rites to honor Satan take place at Satan-dedicated sites from April 26 through May1https://banned.video/watch?id=643eae722a928f708cc944d2
  • 撒旦血祭季节4月21日至5月1日: 留意那些聚集在一起参加撒旦仪式的青少年和成年人——他们将会为了纪念撒旦而折磨和杀害孩子。周五4月21日至4月26日星期三是撒旦教徒为大高潮达默尔性狂欢和血祭仪式做准备的日子,这些仪式使用从婴儿到25岁的任何地方的女性受害者。4月26日至5月1日,巴赫尔的血液和性仪式将在撒旦专属的场所举行,以纪念撒旦。Https://banned.video/watch?id=643eae722a928f708cc944d2
  • Help save our beloved US Constitution, which was hanging by a Thread. Join the Brunsons in their petitions to save the Constitution and create free and fair elections by sending SCOTUS a letter: Brunson Brothers Music – Petition The Supreme Court…
  • 帮助拯救我们深爱的美国宪法,它被一根线吊死了。和布伦森兄弟一起请愿拯救宪法,创造自由和公平的选举通过发送最高法院: 布伦森兄弟音乐-请愿最高法院..。
  • WARNING, this is not a Test. This is an Actual Emergency. Be on the lookout for unexpected Amazon Deliveries. They may contain a powdery substance. If you receive one of these packages, immediately call emergency services and/or poison control.
  • 警告,这不是测试。这是真正的紧急情况。提防意外的亚马逊快递。它们可能含有粉状物质。如果你收到这些包裹之一,立即呼叫紧急服务和/或毒物控制。

If you were reading this Restored Republic via a Global Currency Reset as published on Dinar Chronicles, please understand that it has been redacted. For a full and un-redacted version, see a PDF copy at report's end.

如果你正在阅读《第纳尔编年史》上发表的《通过全球货币重置恢复共和国》 ,请理解它已经被编辑过了。有关完整和未编辑的版本,请参阅报告结尾的 PDF 副本。

A. Global Currency Reset:


  • No one was privy as to when Tier4b (us, the Internet Group) would be notified to set redemption/exchange appointments, but all requirements for the Global Currency Reset appeared to have been met. It was assumed we could go at any time.
  • 没有人知道什么时候 Tier4b (我们,互联网集团)会被通知设置赎回/交易约定,但全球货币重置的所有要求似乎都已经得到满足。以为我们可以随时离开。
  • Fri. 21 April MarkZ: "One of my Bond contacts said they expect bonds to go into overdrive this weekend
    with full liquidity expected on Tues. 25 April….This means they would be processing everything over the weekend. The Iraqi government is clearly telling us "before May" so to me they will have everything done in the next 9 days. I am being told by my sources over in Iraq that they are going to maybe spring the budget on us this weekend. By early next week we know that Erbil is supposed to be pumping oil again, so there must be some kind of agreement with the HCL laws-section 140. I continue to get tremendous chatter from the bond side. They expect things to be in full swing on Sat. 22 April."
  • 4月21日星期五 MarkZ: “我的一个债券联系人说,他们预计本周末债券将超额发行 预计4月25日星期二将有充足的流动性... ... 这意味着他们将在周末处理所有事情。伊拉克政府明确告诉我们“五月之前”,所以对我来说,他们将在未来9天内完成所有工作。我在伊拉克的线人告诉我,他们可能会在这个周末向我们提供预算。到下周早些时候,我们知道 Erbil 应该再次开采石油,因此必须与 HCL 法律(第140条)达成某种协议。我不断收到来自债券方面的大量消息。他们希望星期六的活动能全面展开。4月22日”

B. Recent History of GCR

最近的 GCR 历史

  • By Wed. 29 March the Iraqi Dinar had revalued in-country and was trading on the back screens internationally as a gold/asset-backed currency.
  • 到3月29日星期三为止,伊拉克第纳尔已经在伊拉克国内重新估值,并在国际上作为黄金/资产支持货币在幕后交易。
  • On Sat. 1 April the new Global Financial System became official, including the gold/asset-backed US Note.
  • 4月1日,新的全球金融体系正式成立,其中包括黄金/资产支持的美国国债。
  • As of Sun. 2 April Bond financing that funded the GCR, had been completed.
    截至4月2日,为 GCR 提供资金的债券融资已经完成。
  • On Mon. 3 April Bond payouts began.
  • 4月3日星期一,债券开始派息。
  • By Wed. 5 April the fiat Federal Reserve US Dollar was no longer accepted in any country except for the US, Canada and Mexico. Those three countries would accept it for about another three months as the world transitioned to gold/asset-backed currencies including the new gold/asset-backed US Treasury Note.
  • 到4月5日星期三,除了国家、加拿大和墨西哥之外,任何国家都不再接受法定联邦储备美元。随着世界向黄金/资产支持货币(包括新的黄金/资产支持美国国债)过渡,这三个国家将在大约3个月内接受美元。
  • Thurs. 6 April:
    Dubai 1 working capital funds became liquid. In Iraq they began exchanging Iraqi Dinar at the new in-country rate.
  • 4月6日星期四: 迪拜1周转资金变得具有流动性。在伊拉克,他们开始以新的国内汇率兑换伊拉克第纳尔。
  • By Mon. 10 April
    the Global Currency Reset had been fully funded; Dubai 2 groups of Sovereign Buyers started contracts with various trusts; large file sellers and funds were paying out to various entities and Chinese Bond Holders received their Q Cards from HSBC (from 12 versions of Chinese Bonds), with a promise that they would have access to 1% of funds on their Q Cards by Fri. 14 April.
  • 4月10日(星期一) 全球货币重置已经得到了充分的资金支持; 迪拜2组主权买家开始与各种信托公司签订合同; 大型文件销售商和基金支付给各种实体; 中国债券持有者从汇丰银行(HSBC)收到 Q 卡(来自12种中国债券) ,并承诺在4月14日星期五之前可以使用他们的 Q 卡上的1% 的资金。
  • The Chinese Elders, Trump, Manuchin, Shelton, 5 Iraq representatives and a representative from 29 different countries whose currencies were all going up in value, were in Reno for the GCR launch – that happened one minute after midnight Fri. morning 14 April, when
    the GCR Codes were released. That same morning Bond Holders and US Native Americans received their first payment of 1% of their payout.
    中国元老、特朗普、 Manuchin、谢尔顿、5名伊拉克代表和一名来自29个不同国家的代表,他们的货币都在重估GCR 密码公布了。当天上午,债券持有人和美国美洲原住民收到了他们首次支付的1% 的支出。
  • On Sunday 16 April the shift to all things Quantum began.
    All banks around the world were connected to and using the QFS (Quantum Financial System) exclusively. Any bank that attempted to transfer money via SWIFT and not have a digital certification attached to each transfer, would lose its ability to be in the banking/ financial industry. This was about putting a final nail in the coffin for "Money Laundering" and wrongdoing. 
  • 4月16日星期天,量子开始向所有事物转变。 全球所有银行均独家使用量子金融体系。任何试图通过环球银行金融电信协会(SWIFT)转账但每笔转账都没有附带数字证书的银行,都将失去进入银行/金融行业的能力。这是对“洗钱”和不法行为的最后一击。 
  • By Mon. 17 April the World Bank had published the Global Currency Reset release codes and Central Banks were trading the new US Treasury gold/asset-backed Note.
  • 到4月17日,世界银行公布了全球货币重置发行代码,各国央行开始交易新的美国国债黄金/资产支持债券。
  • By Tues. 18 April full Liquidity had been released for the GCR, plus all GCR participating countries
    were transitioning to NESARA/GESARA and their own gold/asset-backed currencies.
    Iraqi ATVs were activated Tues. morning 18 April.
  • 截至4月18日星期二,GCR 以及所有 GCR 参与国的全部流动性已经发布 正在过渡到 NESARA/GESARA 和他们自己的黄金/资产支持货币。 4月18日星期二上午,伊拉克全地形车被激活。
  • Bond sellers received their Q cards Wed. 19 April, the others did on Thurs. 20 April.
  • 债券发行人在4月19日星期三收到 Q 卡,其他人在4月20日星期四收到。
  • On Thurs. 20 April the Iraqi Stock Market stopped it's activity for five days.
  • 4月20日星期四,伊拉克股票市场停止了五天的活动。
  • Zombie Banking System Gets Half a Trillion from the Fed: https://gregorymannarino.substack.com/p/the-zombie-banking-system-gets-half?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email
  • 僵尸银行系统从美联储获得5万亿美元 https://gregorymannarino.substack.com/p/the-Zombie-Banking-System-Gets-Half?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email
  • "The Fed has only two weeks of money left." …Rafi Farber https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MSZ4Mu0pGBg
  • “美联储只剩下两个星期的钱了。”... 拉菲 · 法伯 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=msz4mu0pgbg

C. Restored Republic:


D. Help save our beloved Constitution, which was hanging by a Thread:


  • The Brunson Case alleged that 385 members of Congress, plus Biden, Harris and Pence violated their oath of office to protect the Constitution and committed Treason by not investigating 50 formally presented allegations of fraud in the 2020 Election. If SCOTUS
    ruled that Congress did not investigate the 50 allegations of fraud in the 2020 Election before certifying the Election (which they did not) and therefore violated their Oath of Office, then the Biden Administration and all of Congress would automatically be suspended.
  • 布伦森案指控,385名国会议员,加上拜登、哈里斯和彭斯违反了他们为保护宪法而宣誓就职的誓言,并因未对2020年大选中正式提出的50项欺诈指控进行调查而犯有叛国罪。如果最高法院 裁定国会在认证2020年大选之前没有调查50项欺诈指控(他们没有这样做) ,因此违反了他们的就职誓言,那么拜登政府和所有国会将自动停职。
  • On March 17, 2023 Raland Brunson served three Supreme Court Justices – specifically  Justices Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan, and Ketanji Brown Jackson. http://www.cedarhillscitizens.org/surprise-raland-brunson-has-served-scotus-justices-read-it-here/
  • 2023年3月17日,拉兰德 · 布伦森担任三名最高法院大法官——特别是索尼娅 · 索托马约尔、埃琳娜 · 卡根和基坦吉 · 布朗 · 杰克逊大法官。Http://www.cedarhillscitizens.org/surprise-raland-brunson-has-served-scotus-justices-read-it-here/
  • Help save our beloved Constitution, which is hanging by a Thread. Join the Brunsons in their petitions to save the Constitution and free and fair elections by sending SCOTUS a letter: Brunson Brothers Music – Petition The Supreme Court…
  • 帮助拯救我们深爱的宪法,它已经命悬一线。和布伦森兄弟一起请愿拯救宪法和自由公正的选举通过发送最高法院: 布伦森兄弟音乐请愿最高法院..。
  • NEED MIRACLES?  Raland Brunson of the Brunson Brothers Supreme Court Cases is now shipping out copies of "MIRACLES: In God We Trust" and "A More Perfect Union" manufactured by Raland's duplications company RosePedalRecords.com. To support the cause you can order your copies of these important Liberty Education DVDs for a donation of only $25 - which includes FREE shipping and TWO FREE pocket Constitutions. Donate here: www.MiraclesInGodWeTrust.com/contact/ 
  • 需要奇迹?布伦森兄弟最高法院案件的拉兰德 · 布伦森现在正在运送由拉兰德的复制品公司 rosepedalrecords.com 制造的《奇迹: 我们相信上帝》和《一个更完美的联邦》的复制品。为了支持这项事业,你可以订购这些重要的自由教育 DVD 的副本,只需捐赠25美元-其中包括免费运输和两个免费口袋宪法。在这里捐赠: www。Miraclesingodwetrust.com/contact/ 
  • Super Patriot Liberty Library – perfect for Home School Education, or as a legacy gift to children and grandchildren. Educate to Save America. The package is full of valuable materials including free garden seeds: www.MiraclesInGodWeTrust.com/Super-Patriot-Liberty-Library- Only-450/
    超级爱国者自由图书馆-完美的家庭学校教育,或作为遗产礼物,儿童和孙子女。教育拯救美国。包裹里装满了有价值的材料,包括免费的花园种子: www。Miraclesingodwetrust.com/super-patriot-liberty-library- -450/

E.Code 7: The Final Operation

代码7: 最终手术

  • 7 messages from President on every mobile phone in the world before they are disconnected (that won't last long).
  • 7条来自总统的信息,在世界上的每一个手机断开连接之前(这不会持续很长时间)。
  • Emergency Broadcast System in ten countries and languages of: Bulgarian, Chinese, Czech, Danish, English, Estonia, French, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Lithuania, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovenia, Spanish, Swedish
  • 紧急广播系统分十个国家和语言: 保加利亚语、中文、捷克语、丹麦语、英语、爱沙尼亚语、法语、希腊语、匈牙利语、意大利语、立陶宛语、葡萄牙语、罗马尼亚语、斯洛文尼亚语、西班牙语、瑞典语
  • Global power outage and switch to Tesla Free Energy
  • 全球停电,转用特斯拉免费能源
  • Quantum System implements Cyber Attacks to destroy Media and 34 buildings and Dams: White House, Jean Paul Getty Museum in LA, Vatican, Buckingham Palace, CERN in Switzerland, 3 Gorges Dam, Mossad Media Satellites destroyed
  • 量子系统实施网络攻击摧毁媒体和34座建筑物和大坝: 白宫,让保罗·盖蒂博物馆在洛杉矶,梵蒂冈,白金汉宫,欧洲核子研究中心在瑞士,三峡大坝,摩萨德媒体卫星被摧毁
  • Water Event: Three Gorges Dam destroys 24 Nuclear Reactors deactivated and Adrenochrome Lab, with water falling on Wuhan whose population has been evacuated.
  • 水事件: 长江三峡水利枢纽工程摧毁了24座停止运转的核反应堆和 Adrenochrome Lab,水落在武汉,该市人口已被疏散。
  • Black Swan Event: False Flag World War which leads to collapse of Stock Market (95% of Crypto currency value has already been lost).
  • 黑天鹅事件: 假旗世界大战,导致股票市场崩溃(95% 的加密货币价值已经损失)。
  • Catastropic Events will trigger Emergency while Military delivers food and vital products around the world.
  • 灾难性事件将触发紧急情况,而军队提供粮食和重要产品在世界各地。

F. Intel, Juan O Savin, Jaco: https://beforeitsnews.com/prophecy/2023/04/new-michael-jaco-gitmo-huge-intel-2540582.html

情报,胡安 · 奥 · 萨文,甲克: https://beforeitsnews.com/prophecy/2023/04/new-michael-Jaco-gitmo-huge-Intel-2540582.html

  • Intel agencies are at war with each other.
  • Massive troop movements in Europe.
  • NATO is already at war with Russia, so they are going to take it to the next level.
  • The raid at Mar-a-Lago was done under White House direction with an objective to get the Nuclear Codes.  Trump has a card with codes... they call it 'the 'football'.  He keeps it on his person... so they were dumb asses.
    对 Mar-a-Lago 的袭击是在白宫的指示下完成的,目的是获得核武器密码。Trump 有一张有密码的卡片... 他们称之为“橄榄球”。他一直带在身上,所以他们都是笨蛋。
  • Panama was like Ukraine with a lot of Money Laundering going on.
  • Biden is a fake, played by actors.
  • Derek Johnson is going down to Gitmo to be a reporter at the Military Tribunals in June or July.
    德里克•约翰逊将于6月或7月前往 Gitmo,在军事法庭担任记者。
  • Live videos were taken at GITMO where they hold Court in the mornings and executions in the afternoons. Gitmo is ready now to broadcast LIVE.
    实况录像是在关塔那摩监狱拍摄的,他们早上在那里开庭,下午执行死刑。Gitmo 准备现场直播。
  • Hoodlums in the streets like in LA, Chicago and New York will get a Military Tribunal in the morning and execution in the afternoon. Hundreds of thousands will be executed.
  • During Covid19 Hospitals were turned into killing fields in America and throughout the world.  They would not allow relatives to come in and get patients and threatened people with arrests.  Many loved ones died.
  • They are still using invalid voting methods – did it again in 2022. 
  • Many elected and appointed people like VP Kamala Harris have not signed their Oath of Office. So anything that passed since they came to power was all mute.

G. Fri. 21 April Intel, Fulford: https://m.beforeitsnews.com/prophecy/2023/04/new-benjamin-fulford-friday-massive-geopolitical-intel-update-qa-this-is-the-one-2540601.html

Fri. 214月21日情报,富尔福德: https://m.beforeitsnews.com/prophecy/2023/04/new-benjamin-Fulford-friday-massive-geopolitical-Intel-update-qa-this-is-the-one-2540601.html

  • Biden's failed mission to Ireland meant that the UK has joined France in leaving NATO.
  • 拜登在爱尔兰的失败使命意味着英国加入了法国的行列,脱离了北约。
  • The UK Prime Minister was being blackmailed over having homosexual relationships with Canada's PM Justin Trudeau and France's PM Macron. 
  • 英国首相因与加拿大总理贾斯汀 · 特鲁多和法国总理马克龙有同性恋关系而被勒索。 
  • FOX News reported that Ballot Harvesting was a part of Sting Operation! Biden Crime Family was being arrested and detained for Fraud. In the coming days they will be living off GITMO and face Military Tribunals! This is exactly at the end of the 4th Week that President Trump talked about.
  • 福克斯新闻报道,选票采集是一个刺行动的一部分!拜登犯罪家族因诈骗罪被逮捕和拘留。在未来的日子里,他们将生活在关塔那摩,面临军事法庭!这正是特朗普总统所说的第四周结束的时候。

H. International Child Sex Trafficking, Organ and Adrenochrome Harvesting Ring:


I. 9/11 Hoax:


J. Covid/ Monkey Pox/ Ebola/ Polio/ Cancer/ Drugs/ Vax Hoax:


  • New Covid Strain a Killer: Health officials have confirmed the first death from a new Covid strain as countries across the globe record more cases. Arcturus, which is a sub-variant of Omicron, was first seen in India and has been on the World Health Organization's watch list since the end of March.
  • 新的冠状病毒疾病菌株杀手: 随着全球各国记录到更多的病例,卫生官员证实了第一例死于新的冠状病毒疾病菌株的死亡病例。Arcturus 是 Omicron 的子变种,最初在印度被发现,自3月底以来一直在世界卫生组织的观察名单上。
  • Dr. Dean Burk PhD who spent 34 years at the National Cancer Institute, confirmed that fluoridated water causes cancer.
  • 在美国国家癌症研究所工作了34年的 Dean Burk 博士证实了含氟水会导致癌症。
  • Eighteen people including doctors, have been criminally charged with COVID-19 health-care fraud schemes that netted hundreds of millions of dollars from false billings and theft from federally funded programs.
  • 包括医生在内的18人已被指控犯有2019冠状病毒疾病医疗欺诈计划,这些计划通过虚假账单和盗窃联邦资助项目获得了数亿美元的收入。
  • Pfizer is tracking the vaccinated via 5G technology.
  • 辉瑞公司正在通过5G 技术跟踪接种疫苗的情况。
  • Physicians and staff at one of the Bay Area's largest hospitals are required to mask up again following a large COVID-19 outbreak.
  • 旧金山湾区最大医院之一的医生和工作人员被要求在一次大规模2019冠状病毒疾病爆发后再次戴上口罩。

K. The Real News for Fri. 21 April 2023:


  • The Department of Homeland Security confirmed a Biden administration official's Washington, D.C. office has just been raided by federal law enforcement with the official being placed on administrative leave. Transnational Organized Crime Mission Center executive director Brian Sulc's office was raided and cordoned off with police tape.
  • 国土安全部证实,拜登政府一名官员在华盛顿特区的办公室刚刚遭到联邦执法部门的突击搜查,该官员正处于行政休假状态。跨国有组织犯罪任务中心执行主任 Brian Sulc 的办公室遭到突袭,警察用警戒线封锁。
  • Commander of Space Command Chance Saltzman was arrested for treason since he bankrupted Space Command by giving $27 billion to Ukraine. Fake Sec Def Lloyd Austin ordered Salzman to loan the money to Ukraine, the report says.  When he was arrested, he thought it was for adultery but then he was told it was for treason and he would go to Gitmo for a Military Tribunal.  He said, "Biden will not like this."
    Special Forces Arrest Space Force Commander for TREASON | Real Raw News
  • 太空司令部司令 Chance Saltzman 因叛国罪被捕,因为他向乌克兰提供了270亿美元,导致太空司令部破产。报告说,假国防部长劳埃德 · 奥斯汀命令萨尔兹曼将这笔钱借给乌克兰。当他被捕时,他以为这是通奸,但后来他被告知这是叛国罪,他将前往 Gitmo 接受军事审判。他说: “拜登不会喜欢这样的。” 特种部队以叛国罪逮捕太空部队指挥官 | 真实原始新闻
  • Obama, Clinton & Bush speaking about Haiti disaster relief, right before they stole all of it: "The most effective way for Americans to help the people of Haiti, is to send money. That money will go to organizations on that ground who will be able to effectively spend it."…"I know a lot of people wanna send blankets or water, just send your cash. One of the things the President & I will do is make sure your money is spent wisely." …And then, they stole it. Crooks – all of them. How do you feel about hearing this in today's time, especially given what you know about Haiti's missing children, missing money, the Clinton Foundation & the Clinton's very close relationship with Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell?
  • 奥巴马、克林顿和布什在谈到海地的救灾工作时说: “对于美国人来说,帮助海地人民最有效的方式就是捐款。这些资金将流向那些能够有效使用这些资金的组织。”“我知道很多人想送毛毯或水,只是送你的现金。总统和我要做的事情之一就是确保你的钱花得有道理。”然后,他们偷走了它。全都是骗子。在今天这个时代,尤其是考虑到你对海地失踪儿童、失踪金钱、克林顿基金会以及克林顿夫妇与杰弗里•爱泼斯坦和吉斯莱恩麦克斯韦尔的密切关系的了解,你对此有何感想?
  • Ohio: Obstruction on the railroad tracks in Northeast, Ohio was found which caused the train to derail. Who planted it there?
  • 俄亥俄州: 在俄亥俄州东北部的铁路轨道上发现了障碍物,导致火车脱轨。谁放在那里的?
  • President Trump was calling out James Biden's business dealings in the Middle East way back in 2020 during this interview with 60 Minutes. Lesley Stahl, of course, pushed back. Now we find out via affidavits that James Biden was hired to broker a secret $140M Saudi deal when Joe was VP, and James even says in the affidavit that he attended a meeting "because of his position and relationship" with his older brother Joe. Long story short: Trump was right again.
  • 早在2020年,特朗普总统在接受《60分钟》采访时就指出了詹姆斯•拜登(James Biden)在中东的商业交易。莱斯利 · 斯塔尔当然反击了。现在,我们通过书面证词发现,在乔担任副总统期间,詹姆斯 · 拜登(James Biden)受雇在沙特阿拉伯促成了一笔价值1.4亿美元的秘密交易。詹姆斯甚至在书面证词中说,他之所以参加会议,“是因为他的地位和与哥哥乔(Joe)的关系”。长话短说,特朗普又说对了。
  • Jackson Hole Wyoming:
    https://verticalharvestfarms.com/locations/jackson/virtual-tour/  Judy Note: Because of the Cabal's ability to taint our food, a Food Dome scenario is badly needed around the World and in Humanitarian Projects. Although, I seriously doubt that good pure food is produced in this Jackson Hole location. The Jackson Hole/Teton National Park area is owned and controlled by the Rockefellers.
  • 怀俄明州杰克逊霍尔: Https://verticalharvestfarms.com/locations/jackson/virtual-tour/朱迪注意: 由于阴谋集团污染我们食物的能力,世界各地和人道主义项目迫切需要一个食物圆顶场景。不过,我很怀疑杰克逊霍尔这个地方是否能生产出纯正的食物。杰克逊霍尔/提顿国家公园区域由洛克菲勒家族拥有和控制。
  • Connecticut: Massive explosion as fuel tanker truck crashes and ignites on Golden Star Bridge in New London, Connecticut.
  • 康涅狄格州: 康涅狄格州新伦敦的金星大桥上发生大规模爆炸,油罐车相撞并点燃。
  • The Pentagon is sounding the alarm over planned offshore wind farm projects that it says could negatively impact U.S. national security. According to published reports, the Pentagon is concerned that nearly all of the new areas slated for offshore wind energy development along the Central Atlantic coast—a key component of the Biden administration's climate agenda—would conflict with military operations.
  • 五角大楼对计划中的海上风电场项目发出警告,称这些项目可能对美国国家安全产生负面影响。根据已发表的报告,五角大楼担心,几乎所有计划在中大西洋沿岸开发海上风能的新区域(这是拜登政府气候议程的一个关键组成部分)都会与军事行动发生冲突。

L.Obama/Biden Behind Arming ISIS, Benghazi, Seal Team Six Massacres, 2020 Election Fraud, Child Sex Trafficking? By Judy Byington

奥巴马/拜登背后武装 ISIS,班加西,海豹突击队六大屠杀,2020年选举欺诈,儿童性贩卖

Labeled as the Anti-Christ, Barak Obama, a gay Muslim from Kenya who married a former member of the Oregon football team, Big Mike, was said to be the grandson of Hitler. If so, he has certainly lived up to his Nazi heritage.

来自肯尼亚的穆斯林同性恋者巴拉克 · 奥巴马被贴上了反基督的标签,他与俄勒冈州橄榄球队的前队员大个子迈克结了婚,据说他是希特勒的孙子。如果是这样的话,他当然没有辜负他的纳粹血统。

Obama was so connected in the Cabal that he illegally gained the US Presidency as a foreign born national. The Barak Obama/Joe Biden presidency that followed was racked with corruption – a sewer of decay that continued even to this day.

奥巴马与阴谋集团的联系如此紧密,以至于他以外国出生的国民身份非法获得了美国总统职位。巴拉克•奥巴马(Barak Obama)和乔•拜登(Joe Biden)随后的总统任期充斥着腐败——腐败的阴沟一直延续到今天。

The Obama/Biden team were said to have armed ISIS; gave Iran billions; covered up the Benghazi Massacre; ordered the Seal Team Six murders; instigated a vote-changing Hammer/Scoreboard program and machines into US Elections; said to have used the IRS as a weapon; were believed behind the selling of 20% of US uranium to Russia and worst of all, were said to run, in cooperation with the Vatican and various mafias, an international Child Sex Trafficking, Organ and Adrenochrome Harvesting Ring out of Ukraine.

据说奥巴马/拜登团队武装了 ISIS; 给了伊朗数十亿美元; 掩盖了班加西大屠杀; 下令海豹突击队六人谋杀; 在美国大选中煽动改变选票的锤子/记分牌计划和机器; 据说把美国国税局作为武器; 被认为是向俄罗斯出售20% 美国铀的幕后黑手,最糟糕的是,据说与梵蒂冈和各种黑手党合作,在乌克兰建立了一个国际儿童性交易、器官和肾上腺素收集团。

It was the election of Barak Obama in 2008 when the voting program Scoreboard made the adaption from cyber warfare to political treachery for the purpose of changing America from a democratic regime to socialist and communism.

2008年巴拉克 · 奥巴马当选总统时,计分牌投票程序为了将美国从一个民主政体转变为社会主义和共产主义,将网络战变成了政治背叛。

On Feb. 23 2009 two weeks after the election of Barak Obama, John Brennan and Eric Clapper moved the Hammer to a secret CIA facility Maryland. In 2012 Hammer/Scoreboard was again used to change votes in the Presidential election to make sure Obama was a two term US President.

2009年2月23日,巴拉克 · 奥巴马当选两周后,约翰 · 布伦南和埃里克 · 克拉珀将“铁锤”转移到马里兰州中情局的一处秘密设施。2012年,为了确保奥巴马连任两届美国总统,总统选举中再次使用了 Hammer/Scoreboard 来改变选票。

President Obama, Vice President Joe Biden and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton were also said to have used the CIA to master mind the Seal Team Six and Benghazi Massacres, a presumed fake killing of Bin Laden, plus laundered through Iran $1.5 Billion US taxpayer dollars that went to terrorists.

据称,奥巴马总统、副总统乔 · 拜登和国务卿希拉里 · 克林顿还利用美国中央情报局策划了海豹突击队六人大屠杀和班加西大屠杀,假定假杀本 · 拉登,以及通过伊朗洗钱给恐怖分子的15亿美元纳税人资金。

It was all said to have started some time in 2011 when the then US President Barak Obama ordered his CIA Director John Brennan to ask Iran, which had been harboring Bin Laden, to set him up in Pakistan in order for Obama to get a photo trophy to help with his re-election.

据说这一切都始于2011年的某个时候,当时的美国总统巴拉克 · 奥巴马命令他的中央情报局局长约翰 · 布伦南(John Brennan)要求一直窝藏本 · 拉登的伊朗将他安置在巴基斯坦,以便让奥巴马得到一个照片奖杯,帮助他连任。

Bin Laden or a body double, went down May 1 of 2011 and Seal Team Six about three months later. Iran, who had been harboring Bin Laden, was asked by Brennan to set Bin Laden up in Pakistan for Obama to get a photo trophy to help with re-election. Then, Iran extorted the Obama Administration for $1.52 Billion to keep the secret. It was paid in cash.

本 · 拉登或者替身,在2011年5月1日被击毙,三个月后海豹突击队第六分队被击毙。布伦南要求一直窝藏本拉登的伊朗将本拉登安置在巴基斯坦,以便奥巴马获得一个照片奖杯,帮助其连任。然后,伊朗向奥巴马政府敲诈了15.2亿美元来保守这个秘密。是用现金支付的。

On 24 May 2011, the Obama/Biden Administration leaked operational details and which operational forces were involved in taking out Bin Laden. Then, on 5 August 2011, 33 individuals, including 22 seals with knowledge of the Bin Laden scandal, were sent on a slow, heavy Chinook helicopter to a village in Afghanistan where they were shot down like a sitting duck. A stinger missile found in wreckage was traced back to the CIA.

2011年5月24日,奥巴马/拜登政府泄露了行动细节,以及哪些行动部队参与了消灭本 · 拉登的行动。然后,在2011年8月5日,33个人,包括22个知道本 · 拉登丑闻的海豹突击队员,被一架缓慢而沉重的支奴干直升机送往阿富汗的一个村庄,在那里他们像一只坐以待毙的鸭子一样被击落。在残骸中发现的毒刺导弹追踪到了中情局。

Benghazi happened on 9/11, 2012. It was a cover for running guns and missiles to various terrorist groups. Biden's, Obama's, Clinton's and the CIA's Seal Team Six and Benghazi Massacres | Politics | Before It's News (beforeitsnews.com)

班加西事件发生在2012年9月11日。这是为了掩护他们向各种恐怖组织运送枪支和导弹。拜登、奥巴马、克林顿和美国中央情报局海豹突击队第六分队和班加西大屠杀 | 政治 | 新闻之前( beforeitsnews.com )

Another great deception of Obama happened on 2 Jan. 2013 when he signed into law HR 4310 – making it actually legal to use propaganda on the American people. Obama then used it to spy on his political enemies, specifically Donald Trump.

2013年1月2日,奥巴马签署了 HR4310法案,使得对美国人民进行宣传实际上是合法的。然后奥巴马用它来监视他的政敌,特别是唐纳德 · 特朗普。

Although the Clintons' suspected ties to child trafficking and murder were well known, Biden and Obama has escaped the connection – so far. Though, not for long. Rumor was that the Biden-owned Water Island next to convicted Pedophile's Epstein Island, has long been used in an international child trafficking network.


Where did the kids come from? In 2014 90,000 children went missing because of a Globalist Compact of Immigration for Open Borders signed and supported by the Obama/ Biden Administration according Oscar Ramirez, a veteran Mexican journalist based in Tijuana.


Evidently the compact has led to a massive Antifa black market of organized crime and child trafficking syndicate that Obama/Biden supposedly created themselves, including their lock up of over 20,000 children in cages.

显然,这份契约导致了 Antifa 大规模的有组织犯罪和贩卖儿童的黑市,据说是奥巴马和拜登自己创建的,包括他们把2万多名儿童关在笼子里。

After the October Trump/Biden debate the Mexican journalist filed this live video in response to the "deadly lies of Joe Biden": https://www.soonerpolitics.org/editorial/mexican-journalist-exposes-joe-bidens-human-trafficking-compact


According to the report, Human traffickers called Coyotes have used the same kids over and over as an anchor to keep illegal aliens in the USA long enough to disappear into the US interior. "That's when the child was collected by the Coyotes and looped back to the border regions of Mexico, to be recycled into another fake family and sent again, through the US/Mexican border," Ramirez claimed.

根据这份报告,被称为“郊狼”的人口贩子一次又一次地利用同一个孩子作为锚,把非法移民留在美国,直到他们消失在美国内陆。拉米雷斯声称: “这个孩子就是在这个时候被郊狼队带回墨西哥的边境地区,然后被回收到另一个假家庭中,再通过美国/墨西哥边境送回来的。”。

Rapes and tortures were said to be rampant because the child was purchased property. "These children lived in perpetual fear because of the global presence of the black market human trafficking syndicates, even in the USA." Was he referring in part to Biden's Water Island?


Ramirez said that 72,000 trafficked kids have been rescued during the Donald Trump Administration because of efforts to determine if the child was actually a biological offspring of the so-called 'parent' who paid Coyotes for use of the child. Trump's effective shutdown of this global human trafficking has crushed the 'cash cow' of international trafficking. Coyotes were losing enslaved children when DNA tests verified whose child the youth actually was. As a result now kids from deep in South America were miraculously returned to their parents.

拉米雷斯表示,在唐纳德 · 特朗普(Donald Trump)政府执政期间,有7.2万名被贩卖的儿童获救,因为他们正在努力确定这名儿童是否真的是所谓的“父母”的亲生子女,后者为使用这名儿童向郊狼付了钱。特朗普实际上关闭了这个全球人口贩卖,粉碎了国际人口贩卖的“摇钱树”。当 DNA 测试证实那个年轻人是谁的孩子时,土狼正在失去被奴役的孩子。结果,现在来自南美洲深处的孩子们奇迹般地回到了他们的父母身边。

After his so-called win of the US Presidency seat from Trump, Biden immediately announced a return to Open Borders. It appeared he planned to keep his child trafficking network going by reversing Trump's Border Wall efforts.


Add to those charges against the Obama/Biden Team an overwhelming array of voting fraud issues – all connected to the Biden Camp. Since the 2020 Election there have been thousands of voter fraud complaints filed and millions of counterfeit ballots confiscated with Biden's name imprinted on them – said to be a present to the Democrats from the Communist China Party. The counterfeit ballots were recently confiscated with bill-of-sale and all.

除了对奥巴马/拜登团队的指控外,还有一系列与 Biden Camp 有关的投票欺诈问题。自2020年大选以来,已有数千起选民欺诈投诉,数百万张印有拜登名字的伪造选票被没收——据说这是中国共产党送给民主党的礼物。这些伪造的选票最近被没收了,连同票据一起没收了。

Worse, there was found to be CIA software in voting machines that altered the votes from Trump to Biden. That didn't even figure into the millions of fraudulent votes for Biden cast by the dead, non registered voters and even animals.


Another major issue surrounded US voting machine's Dominion Corporation software whose major owner was Paul Pelosi – Nancy Pelosi's husband. This CIA's Hammer and Scorecard programs were believed to have been used to alter votes in real time in voting machines across the nation. They had the ability to steal votes – or "glitches" in voting machines as they were described on Election Day – especially in swing states like Wisconsin and Michigan.


Nancy Pelosi's husband owned most of the shares of Dominion Software that was present in all voting machines nationwide. Pelosi also appeared tied to Biden's Mexican Border child trafficking. With court papers filed against her yet to be made public, Pelosi was suspected to be involved in Child Trafficking at the Arizona Cemex site; was believed to have received millions in drug money from convicted Mexican Drug Lord El Chapo (as Chapo confessed and named her among others, at his sentencing hearing), both of which could have been her apparent incentive to keep the Mexican Border open for Drugs and Child Trafficking. She was a suspected conspirator in Russia Gate (a coup to overturn the 2016 Election and start a war with Russia); her daughters were supposedly caught bringing drugs back from Mexico in her diplomatic pouch and she has been accused of doing privileged Day Trading in the basement of Congressional offices before the Markets opened. /v3/politics/2019/3081308.html

南希 · 佩洛西的丈夫拥有多米尼恩软件公司的大部分股份这些股份存在于全国所有的投票机中。佩洛西似乎还与拜登的墨西哥边境贩卖儿童活动有关。由于法庭文件尚未公开,佩洛西被怀疑参与了亚利桑那州墓地的贩卖儿童活动,被认为从被定罪的墨西哥毒枭 El Chapo 那里获得了数百万美元的贩毒资金(查普在量刑听证会上承认并指名道姓地提到了她) ,这两者都可能是她保持墨西哥边境对贩卖毒品和儿童开放的明显动机。她被怀疑是“俄罗斯之门”(Russia Gate)的共谋者(这是一场旨在推翻2016年大选并与俄罗斯开战的政变) ,她的女儿们据说被抓到在她的外交邮袋里从墨西哥带回毒品,她还被指控在“市场”开业前在国会办公室的地下室里进行特权的日间交易(Day Trading)。政治/2019/3081308。Html

Noted Trump attorney Sidney Powell said the Dominion Software company was implicated in flipping votes from Trump to Biden, or from Republicans to Democrats in other races on the ballot. Pelosi's chief of staff was a key executive of Dominion Software and Senator Feinstein's husband, Richard Blum, was a shareholder. Robert Muller FBIs provided the computers for the Hammer.

著名的特朗普律师西德尼•鲍威尔(Sidney Powell)表示,这家多米尼恩软件公司涉嫌在选票上把选票从特朗普手中转给拜登,或从共和党人手中转给民主党人。佩洛西的办公室主任是多米尼恩软件公司的主要执行官,而参议员范斯坦的丈夫理查德 · 布鲁姆是股东之一。罗伯特 · 穆勒,联邦调查局为锤子提供了电脑。

Back in 2019 House Intelligence Committee ranking member Devin Nunes announced that he would file at least eight federal indictments for misconduct during the FISA Report. The count was expected to go up to 30 people charged including some in the Mainstream Media. The charges were thought to expose a coup to overturn the 2016 Election and appeared to involve former US President Barak Obama, former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff and Democratic Congressmen Cory Booker and Richard Blumenthal.

早在2019年,众议院情报委员会排名成员德文 · 努内斯(Devin Nunes)宣布,他将在《外国情报监视法》报告期间至少提出8项联邦不当行为起诉。预计这项指控将涉及多达30人,其中包括一些主流媒体人士。这些指控被认为揭露了一场旨在推翻2016年大选的政变,涉及美国前总统巴拉克 · 奥巴马、前国务卿希拉里 · 克林顿、众议院议长南希 · 佩洛西、众议院情报委员会主席亚当 · 希夫以及民主党国会议员科里 · 布克和理查德·布卢门撒尔。 /v3/policy/2019/3082096. html

The computer programs had come out as a result of 9/11 for the purpose of watching our enemies. They were later adopted to the voting business to be used in foreign countries, though the CIA has recently used them to spy on US citizens.


The Powers that Be tried to blackmail and leverage Montgomery to a point where he became a Whistleblower. By the 2016 Election the Alliance knew enough about Hammer/Scoreboard to step in and interfere enough so that Trump votes stayed with Trump as he was elected. That was why Clinton was so surprised she didn't win.

异能者试图勒索和威胁蒙哥马利使他成为一个告密者。到2016年大选时,联盟对 Hammer/Scoreboard 的了解已经足够多,可以介入并进行足够多的干预,以至于特朗普当选后,他的选票仍然与特朗普保持一致。这就是为什么克林顿如此惊讶她没有赢。

In 2017 three star General Thomas McInerney and Dennis Montgomery blew the whistle on how the CIA was using the NSA Hammer for the Russian Hoax on President Trump. The CIA, Obama and Biden were suspected of also using Hammer/Scoreboard software to spy on SCOTUS judges Roberts and Scalia, FISA court judges, members of congress, Flynn, Guiliani, Trump and Trump's family.

2017年,三星上将托马斯 · 麦金纳尼(Thomas McInerney)和丹尼斯 · 蒙哥马利(Dennis Montgomery)揭发了美国中央情报局(CIA)如何利用国家安全局的锤子(Hammer)对特朗普总统实施俄罗斯骗局。美国中央情报局(CIA)、奥巴马和拜登还被怀疑使用 Hammer/Scoreboard 软件监视最高法院法官罗伯茨和斯卡利亚、外国情报监视法庭法官、国会议员、弗林、朱利安尼、特朗普和特朗普的家人。

Obama worked with the Chinese Communist Party to interfere with the 2020 Presidential Election.


On Mon. 18 Jan. 2021 the Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe dropped a bombshell report on Congress alleging that China had interfered in 2020 Election – in collusion with members of the Democrat Party led by Obama. The document also reported that the Pentagon had intercepted a message from the Chinese Communist Party that showed a plan to assassinate Pentagon Generals. The letter written by DNI Ratcliffe, was labeled "Views on Intelligence Community Election Security Analysis; Intelligence Community Assessment: Foreign Threats to the 2020 U.S. Elections." https://beforeitsnews.com/politics/2021/01/biden-pelosi-obama-to-be-arrested-dc-on-lockdown-ccp-to-attack-us-ebs-to-activate-wed-3223660.html

2021年1月18日星期一,美国国家情报总监约翰 · 拉特克利夫(John Ratcliffe)向国会提交了一份令人震惊的报告,指控中国与奥巴马领导的民主党成员勾结,干预了2020年的大选。这份文件还报告说,五角大楼截获了一条来自中国共产党的信息,其中显示了暗杀五角大楼将军的计划。这封由国家情报总监拉特克利夫(DNI Ratcliffe)撰写的信标题为“对情报界选举安全分析的看法; 情报界评估: 外国对2020年美国大选的威胁”

George Soros had funded a Mass Media campaign for the Biden Camp to the tune of $34 billion dollars. Soros's – and apparently the Dems and Chinese Communist Party's purposes – appeared to be to steal the election from Trump in order to install communism and destroy America.

乔治 · 索罗斯为 Biden Camp 的大众传媒活动提供了340亿美元的资金。索罗斯——显然还有民主党和中国共产党的目的——似乎是要从特朗普手中窃取选举权,以便建立共产主义,摧毁美国。



保守派/舆论/2020/11/比尔-惠特尔-被盗的选举-第一部分-美国真理报-3551989. html


博客-公民新闻/2020/11/the-real-reason-why-rudy-giuliani-hold-that-press-conference-at-the-four-Seasons-scape-company-in-Philadelphia-2649310. html








M. Judy Note on the Satanic Ritual Abuse of Children in Your Neighborhood:


Since 1990 I have been doing investigations on the Satanic Ritual Abuse of children at the request of brave SRA Survivor-victims who were witnesses to and victims of pedophile, torture and murder crimes of Satanic leaders and their covens. During this time I have found Satanists implanted in law offices, local police, county sheriff's offices and all the way up to the Attorney General Offices in my state and others and then the carnage went on to the internationally organized Ninth Circle Satanic Cult that runs out of the Vatican.

自1990年以来,应勇敢的 SRA 幸存者的要求,我一直在调查虐待儿童的撒旦仪式,这些受害者是撒旦领袖及其女巫集会的恋童癖、酷刑和谋杀罪行的目击者和受害者。在此期间,我发现撒旦教徒被植入律师事务所、当地警察局、县治安官办公室,一直到我所在州的总检察长办公室和其他地方,然后大屠杀继续进行到国际组织的第九圈撒旦教,从梵蒂冈流出。

There's certainly no help from US or other nation's government agencies, including the FBI or CIA perpetrators. These legal entities successfully negate even the opening of cases of the ritual abuse and murder of children, let alone do valid investigations.


To be honest and to my knowledge there was no safe place on either a local, national or international level that has been set up to report Satanic Crime – likely the main reason why local, national and international Satanic Covens so easily and on a regular basis, get away with the torture and murder of thousands of children – many times bred for the purpose without birth certificates, or identification.


N. "Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities" by Judy Byington, Foreword by Dr. Colin A. Ross, M.D. RAW: Dr. Colin Ross – Robert David Steele

《二十二张面孔: 珍妮 · 希尔的非凡生活和她的二十二个多重人格》 ,朱迪 · 拜因顿,前言,科林 · 罗斯博士,医学博士。罗斯博士——罗伯特·大卫·斯蒂尔

Jenny Hill's witness to a Satanic Child Sacrifice Rite: Woman Sees Human Sacrifice - YouTube  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F626Lsrdwg4

珍妮 · 希尔见证撒旦儿童祭祀仪式: 女人看到人类祭祀 http://www.YouTube.com/watch?v=f626lsrdwg4: YouTube 视频

WARNING: Jenny gave a graphic description about how she at the tender age of five, was raped, tortured, forced to view a Child Sacrifice and save for Divine intervention, was almost killed herself – not unlike the sordid experiences of thousands of other child victims of Satanic Worshippers. Perpetrators giving homage to Satan were organized from the US Inc's CIA, Queen Elizabeth's, Illuminati Banking families' and Vatican's Ninth Circle Child Sacrifice Cult on down to the Clintons, Hollywood, Pizzagate and local teenage covens. They were funded by this same Cabal that ran our global monetary system – the very organization that was in the process of being brought down by activation of the Global Currency Reset and Restored Republics of the world. It's no wonder that President Trump has stated, "These people are sick."

警告: 珍妮绘声绘色地描述了她如何在五岁时被强奸、折磨、被迫观看儿童祭祀,如果没有神的干预,她自己几乎被杀死--这与成千上万的撒旦崇拜者的其他儿童受害者的肮脏经历并不一样。向撒旦致敬的肇事者是有组织的,从美国中央情报局、伊丽莎白女王、光照派银行家族和梵蒂冈的第九圈儿童牺牲崇拜,一直到克林顿家族、好莱坞、披萨门和当地的青少年崇拜者。他们由这个管理我们的全球货币体系的同一阴谋集团资助--这个组织正在被激活的全球货币重置和恢复世界的共和国所打倒。难怪特朗普总统说,"这些人是有病的。"

O. The Global Currency Reset, Restored Republic and NESARA/GESARA were all about the Children

全球货币重置、共和国恢复和 NESARA/GESARA 都是关于儿童的

It's not about the money. It's about the children – the thousands of malnourished and traumatized children who, in honor of Satan, were being raped and murdered so their Elite Perpetrators could supposedly gain power and rule the world.


The first official act President Trump made the morning before he was sworn into office was to pay a visit to CIA Headquarters and declare a war on an international Child Sex Trafficking Ring run by these global elites.


Let us fast and pray for these millions of little ones who right now, were being rescued from


Cabal underground tunnels across the globe, and tortured and killed by Satanic Covens right next door. Let us also pray for those Military Troops worldwide who were risking their own lives to save them. The ancient doctrine of Fasting and Prayer was explained here at the 10:30:32 mark: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Mb9gU6DmKs

阴谋集团遍布全球的地下隧道被隔壁的撒旦巫师团折磨并杀害。让我们也为世界各地冒着生命危险拯救他们的军队祈祷。古老的禁食和祈祷的教义在10:30:32这里有解释,马克: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4mb9gu6dmks

P. Judy Note: I do not now, nor have I ever, received monies for writing my Updates and articles. The compensation has been in having outlets to help Save the Children by exposing truths about the very secretive Satanic Ritual Abuse, Pedophilia and Child Sacrifice that was rampant in our international society.

朱迪注: 我现在没有,也从来没有,收到钱写我的更新和文章。补偿是通过揭露在我们的国际社会中猖獗的非常隐秘的撒旦仪式虐待、恋童癖和儿童祭祀的真相来帮助拯救儿童组织。

The above was a summary of information from the Internet. It would be up to the reader to do their own research and decide whether or not it was valid.


I will send the Safe Link Website out when I find out what it is, plus it will be posted on several Dinar Websites and continue the Updates until they are no longer needed. I expect to be working with many of you in the near future. I can't tell you how much I have enjoyed getting to know you. You will remain in my heart forever.


A huge Thank You to those dedicated and brave Intel providers who wished to remain unknown; to our Angel Martha who worked 24/7 to expose what's really going on; to humble Wildfire Lady who is adept at exposing the truth; to Brad who does great research; to Bonni B who exposes the underlying causes of what is really happening and to Ken who uncovers almost unlimited Intel on pedophilia to help us Save the Children.

非常感谢那些不愿透露姓名的情报供应商; 感谢我们的天使玛莎,她每天24小时不间断地揭露真相; 感谢谦逊的野火女士,她善于揭露真相; 感谢布拉德,他做了大量的研究; 感谢邦妮 B,他揭露了真相的根本原因; 感谢肯,他揭露了几乎无限的恋童癖信息,帮助我们拯救儿童。

Let us Thank Q that the reset has finally come to be. I wish you well in your humanitarian efforts and look forward to seeing you on the other side where together, we will make life better for all.

让我们感谢 Q,重置终于来了。我祝愿你们在人道主义工作中一切顺利,并期待着看到你们站在另一边,在那里,我们将一起为所有人创造更美好的生活。

Patience is a Virtue. Having Virtue is a sign of a good moral being. Good moral beings have the power to overcome evil and change the world. And, we will!!! . . . Judy



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