美国东部时间2022年9月12日星期一12:01作者: Judy Byington,MSW,LCSW,治疗专家,记者,作者: "22张面孔: 珍妮 · 希尔和她的22个多重人格的非凡生活的内幕。"
Game Over!
Say it out loud and feel it:
London Bridge is falling down,
Falling down, falling down.
London Bridge is falling down,
My fair lady…
London Bridge is falling down,
Falling down, falling down.…
Good night!
…Great Awakening World Q + Trump
大觉醒世界 q + 特朗普
Red Alert – London Has Fallen
V for Vendetta Prophecy.
V 字仇杀预言。
V for Vengeance is Now! London has fallen.
复仇的 v 就是现在! 伦敦已经沦陷了。
Project London Bridge Activated.
Black Swan Event Global Reset Market Crash started. Watch the water ripple effect! Watch V for Vendetta Full Movie Here: https://greatawakening.world
黑天鹅事件全球重置市场崩溃开始。注意水的涟漪效应!Watch v for Vendetta Full Movie Here: https://greatawakening.world
Into The Storm
We Know All, We See All.
The Time Has Come.
We Are Ready.
Trust The Plan.
We are inside the Storm of the Century.
Buckle up, Buttercups.
And be sure to Stock up on foods and goods, Shits gonna hit the fan(s).
First Boom-Special Master
Second Boom-CERN stopped
Third Boom-Queen dies
Fourth Boom-???
"There is No Fear in Love"
September 11, 2022 - #4852 Music & the Spoken Word (thetabernaclechoir.org) "Prophecies in the Bible discuss the end of the world. "Perilous times," the Apostle Paul called them – when peace would be taken from the earth, when Heaven and Earth would shake, and when hearts would fail with fear. Even if it's not quite the end of the world, feelings of fear and anxiety plague us. Too often these feelings come to the surface in the form of anger and hostility toward others. All of the stress has a profound effect on health and well being. The Apostle John offered great comfort when he said, "There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear. Anxiety and fear can be managed – even replaced with peace and hope – as we focus on loving God and loving our neighbors as ourselves."
2022年9月11日-# 4852 Music & the Spoken Word (thetabernaclechoir.org)"圣经中的预言讨论了世界末日。使徒保罗称之为"危险的时代"——当和平将从地球上被夺走,当天地将颤抖,当心灵将因恐惧而衰竭。即使这不是世界末日,恐惧和焦虑的感觉仍然困扰着我们。这些情绪经常以对他人的愤怒和敌意的形式表现出来。所有的压力都会对健康和幸福产生深远的影响。使徒约翰说: "爱中没有恐惧,但完美的爱能驱逐恐惧。焦虑和恐惧是可以控制的——甚至可以被和平和希望所取代——因为我们专注于爱上帝和像爱自己一样爱我们的邻居。"
…Don Staheli
Judy Note:
Walmart was the CIA Deep State logistic company, selling children for sex trafficking online from closed stores and using the DUMBS and Tunnels to move weapons and kids.
沃尔玛是美国中央情报局深州物流公司,从关闭的商店出售儿童进行网上性交易,并使用 DUMBS 和隧道运送武器和儿童。
London Bridge is Down:
伦敦大桥倒塌: https://www.youtube. com/watch
Operation London Bridge coming up to a theater near you. But it doesn't look like it will go as planned for them. We'll have 3 days darkness followed by 10 days of Revelations instead. …Great Awakening Q+ Trump
伦敦桥行动正在接近你附近的一个剧院。但看起来他们不会按计划行事。我们将会有3天的黑暗,然后是10天的启示录。伟大的觉醒 q + Trump
The announcement of death of the Queen frees the World from British Admiralty Rule and insures the collapse of the World Cabal Deep State regimen.
The US Inc., British Crown and Vatican laundering of slush funds to the Cabal corporations of State Street, Vanguard and Blackrock will stop. The monies were laundered through 14 countries controlled by the Queen that included the UK, Canada, Ukraine, Russia, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, New Zealand, Australia and South Africa. These 14 countries were now heading into Republic states.
A change in the Global Financial System
was expected to begin Sun. 9 Sept. (9/11).
Possible GESARA/NESARA Announcement, Gold/asset-backed physical currency and digital USTN should be out to the public on Thurs. 15 Sept.
可能的 GESARA/NESARA 公告,黄金/资产支持的实体货币和数字 USTN 应该在9月15日向公众公布。
The Fiat US Dollar will be pulled from circulation in three or so months.
Fri. 30 Sept. Cabal Deadline to pay
reparations, riots expected.
Tues. 8 November 2022 Elections: "I have on extremely good authority from three different sources that the USA election in November will not happen. This has already gone through the Supreme Court – SCOTUS – and they used a Shadow Document to overturn the 2020 Election."…Charlie Ward
2022年11月8日星期二选举: "我从三个不同的来源得到非常可靠的消息,11月的美国大选不会发生。这已经通过了最高法院—— SCOTUS ——他们利用影子文件推翻了2020年的选举。"查理 · 沃德
The Deep State was not through fighting. Major riots were expected and perhaps there would be a call to evacuate 17 major US Cities: 1) New York City 2) Los Angeles 3) Chicago 4) Philadelphia 5) Washington DC 6) Houston 7) Nashville 8) New Orleans 9) Charlotte 10) San Francisco 11) Detroit 12) Seattle 13) Atlanta 14) Las Vegas 15) Baltimore 16) Boston 17) Miami https://t.me/ShadowofEzra/94
深州并没有通过战斗。美国17个主要城市: 1)纽约2)洛杉矶3)芝加哥4)费城5)华盛顿特区6)休斯顿7)纳什维尔8)新奥尔良9)夏洛特10)旧金山11)底特律12)西雅图13)亚特兰大14)拉斯维加斯15)巴尔的摩16)波士顿17)迈阿密 https://t.me/ShadowofEzra/94
Mass Arrests Have Begun: Soon both Biden and Obama were expected to be publically arrested, both charged with many counts of Treason, including Election Fraud and the corrupt Nuclear Weapons deal Obama made with Iran called Project Pelican.
大规模逮捕已经开始: 不久,拜登和奥巴马都将被公开逮捕,他们都被指控犯有多项叛国罪,包括选举欺诈和奥巴马与伊朗达成的名为"鹈鹕计划"的腐败核武器交易。
New York Times December 2021: Military Tribunals to be underway mid-2023.
纽约时报2021年12月: 军事法庭将于2023年年中启动。
What was the Biden-ordered FBI Raid on Trump really about? Confiscating evidence Trump had on the Obama Iran Nuclear Deal, the FBI Cover Up and corruption connected to the UN. The UN International Nuclear Watchdog, the IAEA, was currently investigating Iran's nuclear production specifically pertaining to Obama's 2015 Nuclear Iran Deal.
Dr. Steve Kirsch on how the vaccines are damaging children. https://t.me/+aID38AdbNCEzMjc0
Steve Kirsch 博士关于疫苗是如何损害儿童的
A. Walmart and Child Sex Trafficking:
Walmart – a Deep State Logistic Company. Walmart was the CIA Deep State logistic company in the DUMBS and Tunnels. They sell children online from all closed stores, using the underground tunnels to help move weapons and kids. https://rumble.com/v1jourt-september-11-2022.html
沃尔玛-深州物流公司。沃尔玛是美国中央情报局深州物流公司在 DUMBS 和隧道。他们从所有关闭的商店在网上出售儿童,利用地下隧道帮助运送武器和儿童。Https://rumble.com/v1jourt-september-11-2022. html
Walmart is an evil place & like all DS entities, they are dying now. Spend your money with local American mom & pops businesses! https://t.me/DUMBSandUnderground/14649
沃尔玛是一个邪恶的地方,就像所有 DS 实体一样,他们正在消亡。把你的钱花在当地的美国妈妈 & 流行音乐公司吧!译自: http://t.me/dumbsandunderground/14649 https://t.me/DUMBSandUnderground/14320
Walmart temporarily shut nearly 60 U.S. stores for COVID cleaning in December: https://www.reuters.com/business/walmart-temporarily-shut-nearly-60-us-stores-covid-cleaning-december-2022-01-03/
Walton family's trust sold more than $750 million worth of Walmart stock the past 2 weeks
Walmart has a history of human/child trafficking, with underground tunnels into DUMBS: https://t.me/DUMBSandUnderground/14320
沃尔玛有贩卖人口和儿童的历史,他们通过地下隧道进入 DUMBS: https://t.me/DUMBSandUnderground/14320
B. FBI Corruption:
35-50 Trump Allies Raided by FBI on Thurs. 8 Sept.:
FBI document says Epstein worked for the Feds.
FBI Conceals Chinese Infiltration of U.S. Election Software: https://greatgameindia.com/chinese-infiltration-us-election/
美国联邦调查局隐瞒中国渗透美国选举软件: https://greatgameindia. com/Chinese-Infiltration-us-Election/
If the FBI can without due cause, raid the home of US President Trump
and if the IRS without due process of Law, can send SWAT teams to arrest, destroy property of and confiscate the fully owned home of Patriotic Citizens like Ken and Barbie; if corrupt politicians can get away with Treason by making personal financial deals with foreign entities and worse, if they can get away with raping, torturing and killing thousands of innocent children, then what do they have planned next for you and yours?
如果联邦调查局可以无正当理由突袭美国总统特朗普的家,如果国税局可以无正当法律程序,派特警队去逮捕,破坏和没收像肯和芭比这样的爱国公民完全拥有的家; 如果腐败的政客可以通过与外国实体进行个人金融交易而逃脱叛国罪,甚至更糟,如果他们可以通过强奸、折磨和杀害成千上万无辜的儿童而逃脱罪责,那么他们接下来会为你和你的家人制定什么计划?
You CAN do something about Nazi-Style Governments. Join
the Global Walkout: globalwalkout.com Reignite Freedom One Step at a Time. Hand in hand, we will walk out from the society they are trying to enslave us into. globalwalkout.com
你可以对纳粹政府做点什么。加入全球大罢工: globalwalkout. com 一步一个脚印地重新点燃自由。携起手来,我们将走出他们试图奴役我们的社会。Globalwalkout. com info@reigniteffreedom. com https://www.youtube. com/watch
C. Global Currency Reset:
Sat.10 Sept MarkZ: "I spoke to a number of whales involved in tier 3 and 4a. Man, are they getting leaned on to stay quiet. [WHALES HAVE VERY, VERY LARGE AMOUNTS OF BONDS AND/OR CURRENCY] But my contacts believe that within the next 7-10 days they will be home with spendable money in their pockets. I am hopeful this is accurate because they are very adamant that this is going to be their timing. … All my military contacts and all of my DC contacts are downright ecstatic. I know people in groups getting phone calls from the NSA leaning on them to be quiet on timing. Lots of NDA's rolling through for Tier 3 and 4a Whales. Nobody yet has any money, but they have not left their locations. Something is close. …Those in Tier 3 and Tier 4a have been signing NDAs since Thurs.1 Sept. … The necessity for a gold standard is very clear. We have Europe imploding….. We have banks closing, dissolving and bankrupt….. We are watching the implosion of the fiat system….Russia is going to a gold standard…..Argentina is now joining BRICS…..Germany is trying to join BRICS."
9月10日星期六马克兹: "我与涉及第3层和第4层 a 的一些鲸鱼进行了交谈。天啊,他们是不是被要求保持沉默。[鲸鱼有非常,非常大量的债券和/或货币]但我的联系人认为,在未来7-10天内,他们将带着可支配的钱回家在他们的口袋里。我希望这是准确的,因为他们非常坚信这将是他们的时间。我所有的军方联系人和华盛顿特区的联系人都欣喜若狂。我知道一群人接到国家安全局的电话要求他们在时间上保持沉默。很多保密协会都在为第三层和第四层甲级的鲸鱼做准备。没有人有钱,但他们没有离开他们的位置。有东西就在附近。自9月1日星期四以来,第三层和第四层 a 层的人们一直在签署保密协议。金本位制的必要性是非常明显的。欧洲正在崩溃。银行倒闭,解散,破产..。我们正在看着法定制度的崩溃... ... 俄罗斯正走向金本位... ... 阿根廷正在加入金砖国家... ... 德国正试图加入金砖国家。"
Thurs. 8 Sept. Bruce: "Between Sun.11 Sept and Thurs. 15 Sept. there would be a financial system change. Fiat money would be a little less available in the banks because on Thurs. 15 Sept. all countries' new currencies will be announced as gold/ asset-backed."
9月8日星期四。布鲁斯: "在9月11日星期日和9月15日星期四之间,金融体系将发生变化。由于9月15日星期四,所有国家的新货币都将以黄金/资产支持的形式公布,因此法定货币在银行中的可用性将有所减少。"
A High Up Source felt that the GCR / RV could occur any time between now and mid Oct, unless a Trump arrest caused a delay through November. The "hold up" was more military logistics and Underground Tunnel resistance – that was in the process of being finished.
一位高层人士认为,从现在到10月中旬,GCR/RV 可能随时发生,除非特朗普被捕导致11月之前的延期。"等待"更多的是军事后勤和地下隧道的阻力——这些正在完成的过程中。
Coach Jerry: "Be encouraged dear community, our time will come. If we could figure out the precise timing, then the evil opposition could also figure it out. And I have a sneaking suspicion that the Worldwide Alliance has designed this entire "movie" such that no one, outside the good military, is quite able to figure it out."
Jerry 教练: "亲爱的社区,请鼓励我们,我们的时代将会到来。如果我们能找到确切的时间,那么邪恶的反对派也能找到。我有一个潜在的怀疑,全球联盟已经设计了这整个"电影",以便没有人,除了优秀的军队,是相当能够弄清楚
D. Restored Republic Headlines for Sun. 11 Sept. (9/11):
President Trump – Bye, Bye!:
特朗普总统-拜拜! : https://t.me/+ w5rdjm-pwajjjnk
Thirteen former Defense secretaries and retired generals give WARNING. The officials, who signed the letter, are former Defense secretaries from the Trump, Obama, Bush and Clinton administrations and include Mark Esper, Ashton Carter, William Cohen, Robert Gates, Chuck Hagel, James Mattis, Leon Panetta and William Perry. The former chairs of the Joint Chiefs of Staff include Martin Dempsey, Joseph Dunford, Michael Mullen, Richard Myers and Peter Pace. https://youtu.be/ncD_jtevrmI
13名前国防部长和退休将军发出警告。签署这封信的官员是特朗普、奥巴马、布什和克林顿政府的前国防部长,包括马克 · 埃斯珀、阿什顿 · 卡特、威廉 · 科恩、罗伯特 · 盖茨、查克 · 哈格尔、詹姆斯 · 马蒂斯、莱昂 · 帕内塔和威廉 · 佩里。参谋长联席会议前主席包括马丁•邓普西(Martin Dempsey)、约瑟夫•邓福德(Joseph Dunford)、迈克尔•马伦(Michael Mullen)、理查德•迈尔斯(Richard Myers)和彼得•佩斯(Peter Pace)。https://youtu.be/ncD _ jtevrmi
Military Heightens Protection on Trump Amid Assassination Chatter: https://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=207332
军方加强对特朗普的保护暗杀传言: https://www.rumormillnews. com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi
Q: We Have It All:
Q: 我们拥有一切: https://t.me/+ nzxl8ioz1iiyyza0
The Queen's Death was announced 17 Months after Prince Phillip Died, 911 Days since the Pandemic started and 1776 Days since the first Q Drop. Patriots were in Control. …Q
女王的死讯是在菲利普王子去世17个月后宣布的,距离大流行开始911天,距离第一次 q 值下降1776天。爱国者控制了局面。... q
De-Nazification in Full Swing:
De-Nazification in Full-Swing: https://rumble. com/v1iwp5j-De-Nazification-in-Full-Swing
Pope dissolves Knights of Malta leadership, issues new Constitution:
教皇解散马耳他骑士团领导层,发布新宪法: https://www.reuters. com/world/europe/Pope-dissolve-Knights-Malta-leadership-issues-new-Constitution-2022-09-03/
White Hat Military Operations have silently seized the Chain of Command of the Vatican Empire.
Iraq: After the Erbil meeting, Al-Sadr and Al-Kazemi are out of the game and Saleh is at the mercy of negotiations: https://search4dinar.wordpress.com/2022/09/11/after-the-erbil-meeting-al-sadr-and-al-kazemi-are-out-of-the-game-and-saleh-is-at-the-mercy-of-negotiations/ 'It is possible the United States could be directly funding the genocide and abuse occurring in China's Xinjiang region.' https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/09/lawmakers-says-biden-admin-may-directly-funding-chinese-genocide/
伊拉克: 在埃尔比勒会议之后,Al-Sadr 和 Al-Kazemi 退出了游戏,Saleh 在谈判中任人摆布: https://search4dinar.wordpress. com/2022/09/11/After-the-Erbil-meeting-Al-Sadr-and-Al-Kazemi-are-out-of-game-and-Saleh-is-at-mercy-of-negotiations/"美国有可能直接资助中国新疆地区发生的种族灭绝和虐待事件。国会议员说,拜登可能直接资助中国的种族灭绝
King Charles declares 17 days of mourning as royals release Queen Memorial details. https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/royals/breaking-king-charles-declares-7-27946824
The White Hats have taken control of CNN through one of Trump's friends – John Malone. CNN has fired several employees and News Anchors.
白帽子通过特朗普的一个朋友——约翰 · 马龙——控制了 CNN。CNN 已经解雇了几名员工和新闻主播。
The Dragon families, Chinese Elders and Clan want Trump back in office. The Deep State Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Dupont, Bush family and Cabal lied to the Chinese Dragon/Elders and clans, saying that they would fix the world with Obama in office in 2008.
Cloning Centers in DUMBS: Underground Bases And Cloning Centers — Many celebrities, entertainers, athletes, musicians, models, writers, producers, actors, all kinds of people from various industries are silently brought: https://rumble.com/v1jn855-cloning-centers-in-dumbs.html
克隆中心: 地下基地和克隆中心ーー许多名人、艺人、运动员、音乐家、模特、作家、制片人、演员,各行各业的各种各样的人都被悄悄地带来:
E. Princess Diana: Things That Were Revealed About Princess Diana After She Died
戴安娜王妃: 戴安娜王妃死后被揭露的事情
第一章 https://t.me/+ iq9vvdwxqmdlmdy0
第二章 https://t.me/+ w5rdjm-pwajjjnk
Ex MI6 Agent on the real reason why they had to kill Princess Diana: https://t.me/+w5RDjM-pWAJjZjNk
前军情六处特工,他们不得不杀害戴安娜王妃的真正原因: https://t.me/+ w5rdjm-pwajjzjnk
F. Sun. Sept. 11 2022 Never Forget 9/11:
9/11 wasn't the first Inside Job: remember the Titanic and Pearl Harbor?
They sacrificed thousands of lives to push their agenda. They used our own fear to take away our freedoms. We can never let that happen again.
9/11不是第一次内部调查: 还记得泰坦尼克号和珍珠港事件吗?他们牺牲了成千上万的生命来推进他们的计划。他们利用我们的恐惧夺走了我们的自由。我们不能让这种事再次发生。
Trump, speaking on the day of the attacks: "I said how could a plane, even a plane, even a 767 or a 747, or whatever it might've been... how could it possibly go through the steel? I happen to think that they had not only a plane, but they had bombs that exploded almost simultaneously, cuz I just can't imagine anything being able to go through that wall."
特朗普在袭击当天发表讲话时说: "我说,一架飞机,甚至是一架飞机,甚至是一架波音767或波音747,或者其他什么飞机... ... 它怎么可能穿过钢铁?我碰巧想到,他们不仅有一架飞机,还有几乎同时爆炸的炸弹,因为我无法想象有什么东西能穿过那堵墙。"
Larry Silverstein of Silverstein Properties, owner of the World Trade Center, infamously admits that Building 7 was a controlled demolition. Building 7 was not hit by a plane, yet collapsed on 9/11 at free fall speed in the afternoon. The media covered it up and many people aren't even aware that a 3rd building collapsed. This is a smoking gun.
拉里 · 希尔弗斯坦是兆华斯坦地产的老板,也是世贸中心的所有者,他声名狼藉地承认7号楼是受控拆除。7号楼没有被飞机撞击,但是在9/11当天下午以自由落体的速度倒塌了。媒体对此进行了掩盖,许多人甚至没有意识到第三座大楼已经倒塌。这是确凿的证据。
On September 15, 2006, the 5th anniversary of 9/11, in a press conference Skull & Crossbones member, President George Bush discussed how they planted bombs high enough in the tower so that the people above could not escape.
9.11事件发生仅仅7天后,穆罕默德 · 阿塔的父亲就说9.11事件是摩萨德干的。
Patriots in the CIA warned about Mossad attacking us on 9/11 and were ignored. This is one of the main reasons Trump decided to run.
Jeffrey Epstein had a painting of Bush in his Manhattan home. It showed Bush playing with paper planes crashing into Jenga towers that represent the Twin Towers. They all knew 9/11 was an inside job.
杰弗里 · 爱泼斯坦(Jeffrey Epstein)在他曼哈顿的家中有一幅布什的画像。画中布什玩纸飞机撞上了代表双子塔的叠叠乐塔。他们都知道911是内部人员所为。
G. International Child Sex Trafficking, Organ and Adrenochrome Harvesting Ring:
Disney Worker and Teachers among 160 arrested in Polk County human trafficking: https://thetruthpatriots.com/disney-worker-and-teachers-among-160-arrested-in-polk-county-human-trafficking/
波尔克县160名被捕人口贩卖中的迪士尼工人和教师: https://thetruthpatriots. com/Disney-Worker-and-Teachers-among-160-arrested-in-Polk-County-human-trafficking/
Child Sex Trafficking is the real Pandemic. Hillary Clinton Foundation code name Evergreen, Wayfair, Walmart, Pizzagate, Pedowood: https://rumble.com/v1jongh-evergreen-codename-hcr.html
希拉里克林顿基金会代号 Evergreen,Wayfair,Walmart,Pizzagate,Pedowood: https://rumble. com/v1jongh-Evergreen-codename-hcr. html
H. 2020 Election Fraud:
4.8 MILLION ballots trafficked in the 2020 Election. 7% of mail-in ballots were trafficked in every Swing State True the Vote has looked in. "It's an organized crime that was perpetrated on Americans"
2020年选举中有480万张选票被贩卖。7% 的邮寄选票在每个摇摆州都有交易。这是一起针对美国人的有组织犯罪
I. Global Weather Manipulation:
11.09.22 Pakistan has been devastated by months of heavy monsoon rains and flooding. At least 1,396 people have been killed, 12,728 injured and millions left homeless. https://rumble.com/v1jpks7-aerial-footage-shows-scale-of-flooding-in-pakistan.html
11.09.22巴基斯坦遭受了几个月的季风性暴雨和洪水的破坏。至少1396人死亡,12728人受伤,数百万人无家可归。Https://rumble.com/v1jpks7-aerial-footage-shows-scale-of-flooding-in-pakistan. html
Indonesia: Two strong earthquakes shake off the west coast of Sumatra island. M 6.4 and 6.1, with epicenters in the Mentawai islands archipelago, at a depth of 40 and 60 km, according to EMSC. These earthquakes could induce other earthquakes in the regions of India, Myanmar, China, Afghanistan, Iran and/or Pakistan in the next 7 days (+5.0). Antipode: Colombia - Panama #centinela35 09.01.22 - EARTHQUAKE INDONESIA
印度尼西亚: 苏门答腊岛西海岸发生两次强烈地震。EMSC 称,震中位于明打威群岛(Mentawai islands) ,深度分别为40公里和60公里。这些地震可能在未来7天内在印度、缅甸、中国、阿富汗、伊朗和/或巴基斯坦地区诱发其他地震(+ 5.0)。对极: 哥伦比亚-巴拿马 # centinela3509.01.22-地震印度尼西亚
Europe is sinking! Scary flash flooding in Germany, France, Poland (Sep. 09, 2022) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Luf-Zx-p7g4
欧洲正在下沉! 德国、法国、波兰(2022年9月9日)可怕的洪水
Power outages throughout Ukraine results of missile strikes on objects with "dual use" in Kharkiv.
Kharkiv 导弹袭击具有"双重用途"的物体导致乌克兰全境停电
J. Covid/ Monkey Pox/ Vax/ Medicine Hoax:
Mystery Clots Appear in 50–70 Percent of Deceased: Funeral Director:
50-70% 的死者会出现神秘的血栓: 殡仪馆馆长: https://www.theepochtimes. com/Mystery-Clots-Appear-in-50-70-Percent-of-dead-since-2020-says-Funeral-Director _ 4712358. html
Army Veteran Pam Long Lists Alarming Numbers From the DMED Data Base: Myocarditis - Up 2800%, Cancers - Up 300% to 900%, Infertility (Both Genders) - Up 500%, Miscarriages - Up 300%, Neurological Disorders - Up 1000%, Demyelinating Disorders - Up 1000%
军队老兵 Pam Long 列出了 DMED 数据库中令人担忧的数字: 心肌炎上升了2800% ,癌症上升了300% 到900% ,不孕不育(男女都有)上升了500% ,流产上升了300% ,神经系统疾病上升了1000% ,脱髓鞘疾病上升了1000%
FDA Approved Untested Omicron Vaccine: https://rumble.com/v1i4t8r-ted-and-clayton-discusses-fda-approved-untested-omicron-vaccine-with-nichol.html
FDA 批准未经测试的 Omicron 疫苗: https://rumble. com/v1i4t8r-ted-and-clayton-discuss-FDA-Approved-Untested-Omicron-Vaccine-with-nichol.html
Vax Damage:
Vax Damage: https://t.me/+ aid38adbncezmjc0
Dr. Steve Kirsch on how the vaccines are damaging children. https://t.me/+aID38AdbNCEzMjc0
Steve Kirsch 博士关于疫苗是如何损害儿童的
"Vaccine does not stop spread of Covid." https://www.facebook.com/yaliberty/videos/thomas-massie-calls-out-congress-for-false-claim-vaccine-stops-spread-of-covid/734705887636699/
国会议员: "疫苗不能阻止冠状病毒疾病的传播。"
- Fauci Then vs. Now: https://m.youtube.com/shorts/NGlhV4pbKtQ
Fauci Then vs Now: https://m.youtube. com/shorts/nglhv4pbktq
K. Global Food, Fuel and Goods Shortages:
Plasticizers (Phthalates, plastics) are being put into animal feed in the USA so the Jews are eating meats from Argentina. Teva kosher meats moved production from California to Argentina. To pull the plastics out of your body since it is in the meats in the USA, eat cruciferous vegetables like broccoli or cauliflower or brussel sprouts or take a supplement like DIM-PLUS or IndolPLEX or cruciferous vegetables extract.
在美国,增塑剂(邻苯二甲酸酯,塑料)被用于动物饲料中,所以犹太人吃的是来自阿根廷的肉类。Teva 犹太洁食肉类从加利福尼亚转移到了阿根廷。要把塑料从你的身体里拉出来,因为它在美国的肉类中,吃十字花科蔬菜,如花椰菜或花椰菜或抱子甘蓝,或采取一个补充,如 DIM-PLUS 或吲哚普乐或十字花科蔬菜提取物。
L. White Hat Intel: Deep State World Collapse: The Storm
白帽子情报: 深州世界崩溃: 风暴
VATICAN announcement of ALL Central BANKING system assets across the Globe in nearly every country must be returned to the VATICAN Bank. This includes all paper/coin money including Gold, silver, precious metals and minerals. ALL deeds and collection of debts connected to World banks, housing markets, loans, marketed services and debts must Returned to the VATICAN between September 1 through September 30.
This MAJOR announcement from the VATICAN comes at the same time (a week apart) the death of the Queen of UK Majesty was publicly announced (but for my Q The Storm Rider subscribers I had said three months ago [they] were getting ready to announce her death and had been preparing the EVENTS.
梵蒂冈发布这一重大声明的同时(相隔一周) ,英国女王的去世也被公开宣布(但是对于我的《风暴骑士》的用户来说,我三个月前就说过,他们已经准备好宣布她的去世,并且一直在筹备活动。
As we inside the Great AWAKENING movement knew she was executed years before as a warning from MILITARY ALLIANCE GENERALS that the end of the DEEP STATE CABAL was nearing. Her death was recorded and sent to [DS] LEADERS & DARK MIL. GENERALS and was a direct Warning to the VATICAN and KAZARIAN MAFIA.
正如我们内部的大觉醒运动知道,她被处决多年前,作为一个警告,从军事联盟将军,深层国家阴谋集团的结束是接近。她的死亡被记录下来,并被送往[ DS ]领导人和黑暗军团。是对梵蒂冈和卡扎利亚黑手党的直接警告。
With the execution of George Bush Sr. (who planned the killing of JFK and help give massive power to the world CABAL in his lifetime and operated Human Trafficking networks with the Clintons CIA), the Q OPERATIONS began overtly in the Deep State Elite world corruption rings.
随着老乔治 · 布什被处决(他策划了刺杀肯尼迪的行动,在他的有生之年帮助给世界提供了巨大的力量 CABAL,并与克林顿中央情报局(clinton CIA)一起经营人口贩卖网络) ,q 行动公开开始于"深州精英"(Deep State Elite)世界腐败集团。
Underground news report over 50 Trump allies raided by FBI and served Subpoenas last Thurs. The DOJ issued grand jury indictments on TRUMPs organizations that collected money in fundraising to overturn elections.
Deep State (DOJ, FBI, Democrats, Obama, Davos Group, Rockefellers, ect) plan to continue using January 6 (HOAX) probe with help of FBI, DOJ, PENCE documents and connection to college electorial votes indicating TRUMP created Fake Electors in an attempt to BLOCK Biden's presidency and shut down Republican party and Conservative News outlets.
Deep State (美国司法部、联邦调查局、民主党、奥巴马、达沃斯集团、洛克菲勒等)计划在 FBI、司法部、彭斯文件的帮助下,继续利用1月6日(恶作剧)的调查,以及与大学选举投票的联系,表明特朗普制造假选民,企图阻止拜登担任总统,并关闭共和党和保守党新闻机构。
Trump, Military Intelligence Battalions, Generals, Admirals in the higherst places of US Military Command were in this battle together.
This is all a scripted show. You were inside the Storm – the Devolution Plan continuity of government.
Governments around the world were in chaos, collapsing. There was a forth coming Nuclear Standoff to war in several major countries.
The Military Alliance is silently guiding the Events.
Flynn is presently giving out disinformation, but in the Military Tribunals will give evidence of all the buried bodies, classified reports on Black Operations, 9/11, Bush connection to Bio-weapons, Obama Iran Nuclear Deal, real story of Bin Laden-Clinton Trafficking Ring, world corruption and Pedophile Ring connected to Epstein, FBI, DOJ, Five Eyes involvement in world cover ups of Crimes Against Humanity.
Zuckerberg has given up everything to Military Intelligence, as did Jeff Bezos.
扎克伯格已经把一切都交给了军事情报部门,杰夫 · 贝佐斯也是如此。
M. Fulford Report:
Fulford 报告:
The removal of the top ranks of the Knights of Malta by the Vatican means the entire leadership of NATO has been fired.
There is a purge going on inside Vatican City as "Zionist Cabal" members are being removed. This is causing a leadership vacuum in the G7 group of countries as their entire economic/social system collapses.
Multiple reports from intelligence agency sources around the world say a new 911 or Fukushima-type event was being planned for this month. High-level sources are mentioning dates like September 8th, 11th and 23rd.
This is all part of a Khazarian Mafia attempt to extort money from the rest of the world as the September 30th payments deadline for the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA corporation and its KM owners approaches.
There is a very real probability the EU and most governments in the EU will collapse, possibly before the end of the month.
Russians have cut off gas flows to Europe while the rest of the world has also stopped sending oil to the region. This is not just about heating European homes either: the cut-off is certain to lead to a shutdown of most industries in Western Europe. For example, a business lobby says high energy prices are already threatening to shut 60% of UK factories.
俄罗斯切断了对欧洲的天然气输送,而世界其他地区也停止了对该地区的石油输送。这不仅仅是为了给欧洲家庭供暖: 切断供暖肯定会导致西欧大部分工业关闭。例如,一个商业游说团体说,高能源价格已经威胁到了60% 的英国工厂的关闭。
The UK government has begun to start using previously forbidden Tesla energy technology as this photograph of Tesla coils taken in England recently shows. Other countries may have to follow suit.
The shutting down of the Nordstream 1 gas pipeline to Germany for "technical reasons" has been widely reported but, it is only the tip of the iceberg. Unreported so far is that a Russian submarine entered the Mediterranean last week and cut a gas pipeline that was sending fuel to France from Algeria, the P3 sources say.
由于"技术原因"关闭通往德国的 Nordstream 1天然气管道已经被广泛报道,但这只是冰山一角。P3消息人士称,目前尚未报道的是,一艘俄罗斯潜艇上周进入地中海,切断了一条从阿尔及利亚向法国输送燃料的天然气管道。
Zaporizhzhia, Europe's largest nuclear power plant, was "severed from the national grid for the first time in its history after transmission lines were cut, prompting power cuts across Ukraine."
Mass demonstrations are continuing across Europe, most notably in the Czech Republic and France. The situation has reached the point that Germany has created a new military unit to patrol the streets and enforce martial law starting on October 1st (the day after the Sept. 30 payments deadline) in anticipation of mass rioting and civil unrest.
Control over money printing
inside the US remains in the hands of the Nazi faction of the Khazarian Mafia.
N. How US Inc. was rescued from a 1999 Third and final Bankruptcy: https://youtu.be/fpFzt77huxc
美国公司是如何从1999年第三次也是最后一次破产中获救的: https://youtu.be/fpFzt77huxc
Fulford: "A new 9/11 or Fukushima-type event was planned for this month of September by the Khazarain Mafia – their US Inc. payment now due on 30 Sept."
富尔福德: " 可萨
Sun. 11 Sept. (9/11) they will shut down the world's economy according to Lin Wood.
Tues. 8 November 2022 Elections: "I have on extremely good authority from three different sources that the USA election in November will not happen. This has already gone through the Supreme Court – SCOTUS – and they used a Shadow Document to overturn the 2020 Election."…Charlie Ward
2022年11月8日星期二选举: "我从三个不同的来源得到非常可靠的消息,11月的美国大选不会发生。这已经通过了最高法院—— SCOTUS ——他们利用影子文件推翻了2020年的选举。"查理 · 沃德
Mass Arrests Have Begun: Soon both Biden and Obama were expected to be publically arrested, both charged with many counts of Treason, including Election Fraud and the corrupt Nuclear Weapons deal Obama made with Iran called Project Pelican.
大规模逮捕已经开始: 不久,拜登和奥巴马都将被公开逮捕,他们都被指控犯有多项叛国罪,包括选举欺诈和奥巴马与伊朗达成的名为"鹈鹕计划"的腐败核武器交易。
Expect a Major Event in 17 Cities. There was a Call to Evacuate these Cities: 1) New York City 2) Los Angeles 3) Chicago 4) Philadelphia 5) Washington DC 6) Houston 7) Nashville 8) New Orleans 9) Charlotte 10) San Francisco 11) Detroit 12) Seattle 13) Atlanta 14) Las Vegas 15) Baltimore 16) Boston 17) Miami https://t.me/ShadowofEzra/94
预计17个城市将发生重大事件。有人呼吁疏散这些城市: 1)纽约2)洛杉矶3)芝加哥4)费城5)华盛顿特区6)休斯顿7)纳什维尔8)新奥尔良9)夏洛特10)旧金山11)底特律12)西雅图13)亚特兰大14)拉斯维加斯15)巴尔的摩16)波士顿17)迈阿密 https://t.me/ShadowofEzra/94
O. Follow Q The Storm Rider
The death of the Queen insures the [COLLAPSE] of the WORLD CABAL DEEP STATE regimen. With 14 countries controlled by the Queen including Australia, New Zealand and Canada, these countries are heading into a REPUBLIC STATE.
The long-awaited freedom from British and Queen control: The GDP of these countries into Trillions$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ WILL STOP paying the CABAL Installed Royal Monarch regimen.
The holdings of the British Empire and Company in 14 counties around the world will stop the slush funds connected to world laundering operations through the UK, Canada, Ukraine, Russia, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, New Zealand, Australia and South Africa to the Vatican.
The VATICAN in FEAR of losing its assets and control throughout the World, has asked STATE Street, VANGUARD and BLACKROCK to return assets back to the VATICAN Bank as the world collapse continues.
Behind the scenes in the VATICAN top Cardinals, official's loyal to the KAZARIAN Mafia, Jesuits leaders and the Knights of Malta have been in lockdown (imprisoned within the Vatican Walls and cannot leave the estate).
Military OPERATIONS have silently seized the Chain of Command in the VATICAN Empire.
This Chain of Command from the Military Order of the Knights of Malta control had installed the UN with KAZARIAN control.
这个由马耳他骑士团控制的军事指挥链将联合国置于 KAZARIAN 的控制之下。
With the money flow ceasing and quickly disappearing through EU countries, NATO and the UN were inside a battle to gather money. The infighting was out of control as Germany hides their last crates of gold, Switzerland hides gold and the Vatican asks for all assets returned and stored in the Vatican Bank. Now with the Queen dying, the countries of Canada, Australia, and several others were breaking away from the Cabal controlled Monarchy. Money was quickly running out.
Germany was expected to be the first European country in the Central Region to fall, with Military Martial Law beginning. France, the UK and Italy to follow.
The next stage of the desperate attempt by the Deep State to sway attention away from the collapse was to create a Nuclear Event, or World 911 Scenario Event.
We are inside the Storm of the Century. Buckle up, Buttercups. Q
P. Donald J. Trump:
The Perverts and Lowlifes of the Lincoln Project are back on, where else, Fox News. I thought they ran away to the asylum after their last catastrophic campaign, with charges made against them that were big time sleaze, and me getting many millions more votes in 2020 than I got in 2016. The Paul Ryun run Fox only has high standards for "Trump" ads, but not for anyone else. The Perverts should not be allowed to "false advertise," and Fox News should not allow it to happen. See you all in Court!!!
林肯计划的变态和下层人士又回来了,还有哪里,福克斯新闻。我以为他们在经历了最后一次灾难性的竞选之后逃到了精神病院,对他们提出的指控是非常卑鄙的,而我在2020年得到的选票比我在2016年多了几百万。保罗 · 瑞恩(Paul rrun)领导的福克斯只对"特朗普"广告有很高的标准,但对其他任何人都没有。变态不应该被允许做"虚假广告",福克斯新闻也不应该允许这种事情发生。法庭上见!
So now the FBI & Biden Department of "Justice" leakers are going to spend Millions of Dollars, & vast amounts of Time & Energy, to appeal the Order on the "Raid of Mar-a-Lago Document Hoax," by a brilliant and courageous Judge whose words of wisdom rang true throughout our Nation, instead of fighting the record setting corruption and crime that is taking place right before their very eyes. They SPIED on my Campaign, lied to FISA COURT, told Facebook "quiet," preside over worst CRIME WAVE ever!!
因此,现在 FBI 和拜登"司法"部门的泄密者将花费数百万美元,和大量的时间和精力,对"突袭马阿拉歌文件骗局"的命令提出上诉,该命令是由一位才华横溢、勇敢无畏的法官发出的,他的智慧之言在我们的国家中响彻,而不是与正在他们眼前发生的创纪录的腐败和犯罪作斗争。他们监视我的竞选活动,对外国情报监视法庭撒谎,告诉 Facebook"安静",主持有史以来最严重的犯罪浪潮!
They leak, lie, plant fake evidence, allow the spying on my campaign, deceive the FISA Court, RAID and Break-Into my home, lose documents, and then they ask me, as the 45th President of the United States, to trust them. Look at the I.G. Reports on Comey, McCabe, and others. Things are safer in the middle of Central Park!
他们泄露,撒谎,伪造证据,允许间谍监视我的竞选活动,欺骗 FISA 法庭,突袭,闯入我家,弄丢文件,然后他们要求我,作为美国第45任总统,信任他们。看看监察组关于科米,麦凯布和其他人的报告。中央公园的中心更安全!
Queen Elizabeth "died" Thurs. 8 Sept. 2022. Her staged death was a signal to bring down the financial Deep State infrastructure. It was the end of the 2,000 year-old capture and control Masonic financial system used by the Holy Roman Empire Vatican, Crown City of London and Washington DC. Inc.
Debt Jubilee Officially Declared with Queen's Passing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XrJ_7sjs8KU
英国女王去世正式宣布举债60周年: https://www.youtube.com/watch
Queen Elizabeth's death was announced exactly 1776 days after Q's first post on 28 Oct. 2017. The announcement of her death also came exactly 911 days after the day the pandemic was officially declared, said to be "the day the world changed," on 3/11/20, and 77 years and 7 days after WW2 ended. No coincidences here. Right?
伊丽莎白女王的死讯是在2017年10月28日 q 的第一篇文章发表后1776天宣布的。她的死讯也是在大流行正式宣布的911天之后,也就是20年3月11日"世界改变的那一天",以及二战结束77年零7天之后宣布的。这里没有巧合。对吧?
All 8 Obama Years to be Overturned. The Queen is dead! https://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=207241
In 2018 the Alliance Special Forces took the Queen's Kajillion$ in Gold & stashed it in Cheyenne Mountain.
R. An incomplete list of British crimes across the world under the reign of Elizabeth II:
1948-60: The British waged war in 'Malaya' to loot rubber and tin between 1948-60. It had been preceded by the Great Famine in India 1876–78 – one of the most neglected cases of British colonial crimes. It covered an area of 670,000 square kilometers and affected 59 million people. They also sprayed Agent Orange on food crops as part of their 'starvation campaign'.
1948-60年: 1948-60年间,英国在马来亚发动战争,掠夺橡胶和锡。在此之前,1876-1878年印度发生了大饥荒,这是英国殖民犯罪中最被忽视的案例之一。它覆盖了67万平方公里的土地,影响了5900万人。作为"饥饿运动"的一部分,他们还在粮食作物上喷洒橙剂。
In 1952 Churchill argued Kenya's fertile highlands should only be for white people and approved the forcible removal of the local pop. Hundreds of thousands of Kenyans were forced into camps.
In 1953, Britain under Churchill ordered the overthrowing of the democratically elected leader of 'British Guiana'. He dispatched troops and warships and suspended their constitution all to put a stop to the govs nationalisation plan.
1962-70: Britain carried out a covert war in Yemen which led to 200,000 deaths between 1962-70 and killed with impunity in Aden.
1962-1970年: 英国在也门进行了一场秘密战争,在1962-1970年间导致20万人死亡,并在亚丁被杀而不受惩罚。
On 30th Jan 1972, the Bloody Sunday massacre was perpetrated by the parachute regiment of the British Army who killed 14 civilians at a peaceful protest march. Following the massacre the British lied about the victims. In 1972, British soldiers shot 26 unarmed civilians during an anti-colonial protest march in Derry, Ireland. Fourteen people died on Bloody Sunday.
There was a war of aggression against the people of Biafra where starvation against children was justified as a weapon of war. Britain under the supervision of Queen wanted Biafrans dead so as to have access to oil.
有一场针对 Biafra 人民的侵略战争,对儿童的饥饿被认为是一种战争武器。在女王的监督下,英国希望 Biafrans 死亡,以获得石油。
S. Hell to Queen Elizabeth and her part in 500,000 missing Native children from 80 Canadian mainly Catholic Boarding Schools:
Queen Elizabeth Killings:
伊丽莎白女王遇害: https://beforeitsnews. com/v3/celebrities/2019/2475585. html
Victim Calls out Queen for Ritual Abuse:
受害者呼唤女王进行仪式性虐待: https://rumble. com/v1it33b-repto-Queen-exposed. html
May 29 2021 Mass grave of 215 children found at Indigenous school in Canada (usatoday.com)
May 292021 Mass grave of 215 children found at Indigenous school in Canada (usatoday.com)2021年5月29日,加拿大土著学校发现215名儿童的万人坑
Queen Elizabeth, Canada, Native Chiefs, Vatican, CIA Cover Up of Child Death Camps, Mass Grave Sites | Politics | Before It's News (beforeitsnews.com)
加拿大伊丽莎白女王,土著酋长,梵蒂冈,中央情报局掩盖儿童死亡集中营,集体墓地 | 政治 | 新闻之前(beforeitsnews. com)
Vatican, European Royals Said To Schedule Child Sacrifices In London, Scotland, Montreal | Celebrities | Before It's News (beforeitsnews.com)
梵蒂冈,欧洲皇室说要安排儿童祭祀在伦敦,苏格兰,蒙特利尔 | 名人 | 新闻之前(beforeitsnews. com)
Queen Guilty In Missing Children Case, Whistleblowers Incarcerated, Again | Crime All-Stars | Before It's News (beforeitsnews.com)
女王在儿童失踪案中有罪,告密者再次入狱 | 犯罪全明星 | 新闻之前(beforeitsnews. com)
Catholic Mass Grave Sites Of 350,800 Missing Children Found in Ireland, Spain, Canada | Crime All-Stars | Before It's News (beforeitsnews.com)
June 2021
Queen Elizabeth, Canada, Native Chiefs, Vatican, CIA Cover Up of Child Death Camps, Mass Grave Sites | Politics | Before It's News (beforeitsnews.com) https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2021/05/29/mass-grave-215-bodies-found-indigenous-school-canada/5262768001/
Vatican, Canadian Gov, Pfizer, Bayer, Eli Lilly Genocide of 60,000 Native Children | Politics | Before It's News (beforeitsnews.com)
梵蒂冈,加拿大政府,辉瑞,拜耳,礼来对60000名土著儿童的种族灭绝 | 政治 | 新闻之前(beforeitsnews. com)
Probe of Queen Elizabeth Child Abduction to Catholic "Killing Ground Hospital" | Celebrities | Before It's News (beforeitsnews.com)
伊丽莎白女王拐骗儿童至天主教"杀戮之地医院"的调查 | 名人 | 新闻之前
T. Excerpts from some of the above articles about Queen Elizabeth:
William Combes of the Canadian Salish Tribe, witnessed the abduction of ten children by Queen Elizabeth and Prince Phillip at the Catholic Kamloops Indian residential school in British Columbia – and died trying to expose the perpetrators.
加拿大萨利什部落的威廉 · 库姆斯亲眼目睹了伊丽莎白女王和菲利普亲王在加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省天主教坎卢普印第安人寄宿学校绑架10名儿童的过程,并为揭露罪犯而死。
On Oct. 10 1964 Queen Elizabeth and Prince Phillip were seen leaving a picnic with the ten children. Their local native parents haven't seen their children since.
In Feb. 2010 Combes died after speaking out about the Queen's abduction.
Combes was a child at the school when his ten friends disappeared. As an adult the healthy Combes, who had been part of recent protests about 50,000 missing Canadian children, was told to go to the St. Paul's Catholic hospital in Vancouver for tests. There he was put into a coma by injection, then was prematurely pulled off life support.
Erika, a former nurse at St. Paul's, speaks of how she witnessed Combes final days. Erika was convinced that all of his symptoms indicate that he died of arsenic poisoning, not "tuberculosis" as the British Columbia Coroner claimed. Erika describes her impressions in this June 2018 interview with Kevin Annett: https://youtu.be/Dd5-oH9RELM
Erika 曾是圣保罗医院的一名护士,她讲述了自己如何目睹了 Combes 最后的日子。Erika 确信他所有的症状都表明他死于砷中毒,而不是英国哥伦比亚验尸官所说的"肺结核"。Erika 在2018年6月接受 Kevin Annett 采访时描述了她的印象: https://youtu.be/Dd5-oH9RELM
In 2013 six international judges of the International Common Law Court of Justice in Brussels tried a court case against Queen Elizabeth. Even though Witness Combes was dead they had other witnesses to the abduction, plus Combes's testimony on video. The international court convicted Queen Elizabeth of Crimes Against Humanity for the disappearance of the ten native children, all around the age of ten, on Oct. 10 1964.
Notice the use of the number 10 in that Oct. 10 1964 date – a common practice of Satanic worship. Witnesses testifying before the ICLJ Court in Brussels accused the Queen and other Royals of participation in Satanic Child Sacrifice rites at secured locations around the globe including a military base in Australia.
A Citizens' Grand Jury was convened with international jurists to investigate the ongoing disappearance of aboriginal families on Canada's west coast. Its mandate included the power to convene a Common Law Court trial that would issue subpoenas and summonses to top officials of Canadian Church, State and Corporations.
The Citizen's Grand Jury report on this and multi other cases surrounding multiple deaths and disappearances of native Canadians would be issued in the spring of 2019.
Feb. 7 2019: As of February a Citizens Grand Jury investigation has expanded from a kidnapping of ten children by Queen Elizabeth into a probe of a suspected medical killing ground for aboriginals – St. Paul's Catholic Hospital in Vancouver Canada. The Grand Jury inquiry involved thousands of missing native men, women and children on Canada's west coast.
2019年2月7日: 截至2月,公民大陪审团的调查已经从伊丽莎白女王绑架10名儿童扩大到加拿大温哥华圣保罗天主教医院涉嫌医疗杀戮的原住民。大陪审团的调查涉及加拿大西海岸数千名失踪的土著男女和儿童。
The probe actually began back on Oct. 10 1964 with the disappearance of ten Canadian native children in Queen Elizabeth and Prince Phillip's care and a witness to the
abduction who mysteriously died in 2011 just before his testimony before a London Tribunal investigating the kidnappings.
Queen Elizabeth's ten children were residents of the Catholic Kamloops Indian residential school in British Columbia. On Oct. 10 1964 their disappearance was witnessed by several children, including ten year-old William Combes.
伊丽莎白女王的十个孩子是不列颠哥伦比亚省天主教 Kamloops 印第安人寄宿学校的居民。1964年10月10日,几个孩子目睹了他们的失踪,其中包括10岁的威廉 · 库姆斯。
In Feb. 2011, 47 years later, Combes mysteriously passed away after speaking out about the Queen and the disappearance of his fellow classmates. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police had forcibly admitted Combes to St. Paul's Catholic hospital in Vancouver for unneeded tests. There he was put into a coma by injection, and then prematurely pulled off life support.
The recent inquiry into missing Canadian natives was a result of the International Tribunal for the Disappeared of Canadians (ITDC), an international coalition of jurists and human rights groups formed in September 2018 to investigate disappearances of aboriginal people in Canada and prosecute those responsible. The ITDC was said to arise "because of continued efforts by the Canadian government to subvert justice by concealing and falsifying the truth of the genocide of native people in Canada."
For years the Canadian government has refused to do a comprehensive investigation into the matter of over 350,800 missing native children – and the more recent native children who continued to go missing. It included 32 known child mass gravesites on the grounds of 80 mainly Catholic native children residential schools across Canada – that have continuously been refused excavation by the Vatican and Canadian government even though evidence of children's mutilated bones have been documented.
Like a huge baby-burning furnace, the government of Canada under leadership of Queen Elizabeth, appeared to have done everything possible to get rid of evidence and wipe clean the memory of its mass murder of over 60,000 native children – with a deadly cover up that appeared to still be going on today.
It happen again at the scene of a mass murder of 215 native children at the Kamloops Residential School in British Columbia. A mass grave containing tortured remains of native children lay just south of Kamloops – the same location where Kevin Annett's friend William Coombs witnessed the abduction of ten Kamloops school children by Queen Elizabeth and Prince Phillip on October 10, 1964.
这又一次发生在不列颠哥伦比亚省 Kamloops 寄宿学校215名土著儿童的大屠杀现场。1964年10月10日,凯文 · 安内特的朋友威廉 · 库姆斯亲眼目睹了伊丽莎白女王和菲利普亲王绑架10名坎卢普斯学校的孩子。
Back in October 2011 Mohawk Elders and Annett did the first excavation of bodies of tortured children in mass graves believed to be on 80 Indian residential school grounds across Canada. The dig took place in Brantford, Ontario, but after discovering and verifying children's bones, the team of forensic experts was forbidden to enter the property by Catholic and Canadian authorities.
早在2011年10月,Mohawk Elders 和 Annett 在加拿大全国80所印度寄宿学校的乱葬坑中首次挖掘了遭受酷刑的儿童的尸体。这次挖掘发生在安大略省的布兰特福德,但是在发现并核实了儿童的骨头之后,法医专家小组被天主教和加拿大当局禁止进入这个地方。
Unfortunately the cover up of child mass grave sites across Canada involved much more than just the Canadian government and Queen Elizabeth. It expanded to the Vatican and CIA mind control experiments on children that involved huge international pharmaceutical companies such as Pfizer, Bayer and Eli Lilly.
As early as 1922 the Canadian government made a deal with band council chiefs that in exchange for benefits, they would round up children from their tribes and deliver them into over 80 residential school death camps and hospitals across Canada. The chiefs also agreed to track down runaway children and bury those who died in secret. Is it any wonder that the same chiefly families were now posing as the good guys by digging up a children's mass grave?
In 2019 a Citizens Grand Jury investigation expanded from the kidnapping of ten children by Queen Elizabeth and Prince Phillip into a probe of a suspected medical killing ground for aboriginals – St. Paul's Catholic Hospital in Vancouver Canada. The Grand Jury inquiry involved thousands of missing native men, women and children on Canada's West Coast – and like other investigations in behalf of the 60,000 missing native children – went nowhere.
After enduring years of sodomy, torture on a rack and electric shocks at the Kamloops school, and just before he was to give his testimony before a citizens' Grand Jury in February 2011, William Combes was killed by arsenic poisoning at the Catholic St. Paul's hospital in Vancouver. His death never investigated, let alone the criminals charged.
在坎卢普斯学校忍受了多年的鸡奸、刑具折磨和电击之后,就在2011年2月他要在公民大陪审团面前作证之前,威廉 · 库姆斯在温哥华的天主教圣保罗医院被砷中毒致死。他的死从未被调查过,更不用说被指控的罪犯了。
The British Columbia Coroner announced that he would be on the scene working closely with the Tk'emlups Band Council to "investigate" the child mass grave site at Kamloops, as if that's a good thing. It isn't, actually, since the BC Coroner has a long and sordid history of issuing fake certificates to concealed the real cause of death of murdered Indians.
不列颠哥伦比亚验尸官宣布,他将在现场与 Tk'em lups 乐队理事会密切合作,以"调查"坎卢普斯的儿童乱葬坑,仿佛这是一件好事。事实并非如此,因为不列颠哥伦比亚省的验尸官长期以来一直发布伪造证明来隐瞒被谋杀的印第安人的真正死因。
William Combes suffered such a fate at the hands of the Coroner's office. The BC Coroner claimed that William's death was due to tubercular meningitis. Though, his attending nurse Chloe Kirker testified under oath that William had no symptoms of TB, but rather the bloated face and darkened fingernails was of one who had been poisoned by arsenic.
威廉 · 库姆斯在验尸官办公室遭受了这样的命运。不列颠哥伦比亚的验尸官声称威廉的死因是结核性脑膜炎。尽管如此,他的主治护士 Chloe Kirker 宣誓作证说 William 没有肺结核的症状,而是一个被砒霜中毒的人肿胀的脸和深色的指甲。
The very fact that the BC Coroner was showing up in Kamloops now was a sign that an official cover up was at work. You could be assured that any incriminating evidence found on those little bones would be expunged as quickly as were their lives.
U. Must Watch Videos:
Flight Attendant Sheds More Light On 9/11!! - Must Video | 9/11 and Ground Zero | Before It's News (beforeitsnews.com)
9月9日星期五。情况更新: 多次爆炸,伦敦桥标记,查理沃德因特尔,波德斯塔被捕,17城警告,俄罗斯国防部更新,GCR/JUDY BYINGTON 更新,REPTO-QUEEN,FDA-JAB 杀人多于救人,白帽英特尔,CNN,1月6日战俘,大规模逮捕,马耳他骑士被捕,北约首脑被捕等等: https://rumble. com/v1jeyrs-Situation-UPDATE-9922. html
9月8日星期四。情况更新: 伊丽莎白女王去世,伦敦桥行动开始,联盟标记,假旗警告,GCR/JUDY BYINGTON 更新,STEW PETERS,疫苗电路,奥巴马核伊朗交易,FBI 突袭,证明拜登下令突袭,FF 气候变化英特尔,集装箱船核武器等等。Https://rumble. com/v1j9d4z-situation-update-9822. html
Fri. 9 Sept. Juan O Savin:
Juan O' Savin: Huge Intel and Updates (Video) | Alternative | Before It's News (beforeitsnews.com)
9月9日星期五。Juan o Savin: Juan o'Savin: Huge Intel and Updates (Video) | Alternative | Before It's News (beforeitsnews. com)
New Dark Outpost: GITMO Military Tribunals - FBI Took Trump's VIP Pedo List In Mar-a-Lago Raid! | Prophecy | Before It's News (beforeitsnews.com)
新的黑暗前哨: 关塔那摩军事法庭——联邦调查局在马阿拉歌突袭中拿走了特朗普的 VIP Pedo 名单!新闻之前的预言
"Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities," by Judy Byington, Foreword by Dr. Colin A. Ross, M.D. RAW: Dr. Colin Ross – Robert David Steele
五、《二十二张脸: 珍妮 · 希尔非凡的生活和她的二十二重人格》
,朱迪 · 拜因顿,前言,科林 · a · 罗斯,医学博士
Jenny Hill's witness to a Satanic Child Sacrifice Rite: Woman Sees Human Sacrifice - YouTube
珍妮 · 希尔见证了一场撒旦式的儿童献祭仪式: 女人看到了人类的牺牲
WARNING: Jenny gave a graphic description about how she at the tender age of five, was raped, tortured, forced to view a Child Sacrifice and save for Divine intervention, was almost killed herself – not unlike the sordid experiences of thousands of other child victims of Satanic Worshippers. Perpetrators giving homage to Satan were organized from the US Inc's CIA, Queen Elizabeth's, Illuminati Banking families' and Vatican's Ninth Circle Child Sacrifice Cult on down to the Clintons, Hollywood, Pizzagate and local teenage covens. They were funded by this same Cabal that ran our global monetary system – the very organization that was in the process of being brought down by activation of the Global Currency Reset and Restored Republics of the world. It's no wonder that President Trump has stated, "These people are sick."
警告: 珍妮给出了一个生动的描述,关于她如何在5岁的幼小年龄,被强奸,折磨,被迫观看一个儿童牺牲和被神圣介入拯救,几乎自杀-不像其他数以千计的儿童受害者的肮脏经历撒旦崇拜者。向撒旦致敬的犯罪分子来自美国中央情报局、伊丽莎白女王、光照派银行家族和梵蒂冈的第九圈儿童祭祀邪教,一直到克林顿、好莱坞、 Pizzagate 和当地的青少年聚会。它们的资金来自同一个掌管我们全球货币体系的阴谋集团——正是这个组织正在被全球货币重置和恢复世界各共和国的活动所摧毁。难怪特朗普总统说"这些人病了"
W. Judy Note on the Satanic Ritual Abuse of Children in Your Neighborhood:
Since 1990 I have been doing investigations on the Satanic Ritual Abuse of children at the request of brave SRA Survivor-victims who were witnesses to and victims of pedophile, torture and murder crimes of Satanic leaders and their covens. During this time I have found Satanists implanted in law offices, local police, county sheriff's offices and all the way up to the Attorney General Offices in my state and others and then the carnage went on to the internationally organized Ninth Circle Satanic Cult that runs out of the Vatican.
自1990年以来,我一直在应勇敢的 SRA 幸存者的要求,调查撒旦宗教仪式虐待儿童的案件,这些幸存者是撒旦宗教领袖及其女巫团的恋童癖、酷刑和谋杀罪行的目击者和受害者。在这段时间里,我发现撒旦教徒被植入了律师事务所,当地警察局,县治安官办公室,一直到我所在州的总检察长办公室和其他地方,然后屠杀进入了国际组织的第九圈撒旦邪教,它逃出了梵蒂冈。
There's certainly no help from US or other nation's government agencies, including the FBI or CIA perpetrators. These legal entities successfully negate even the opening of cases of the ritual abuse and murder of children, let alone do valid investigations.
To be honest and to my knowledge there was no safe place on either a local, national or international level that has been set up to report Satanic Crime – likely the main reason why local, national and international Satanic Covens so easily and on a regular basis, get away with the torture and murder of thousands of children – many times bred for the purpose without birth certificates, or identification.
X. USNCMEC Urgent Victim Help 24-Hour Hotline: 1-800-843-5678
十. USNCMEC 紧急受害者帮助24小时热线: 1-800-843-5678
Contact Interpol:
联系国际刑警组织: http://www.Interpol.int/contacts/Contact-Interpol http://www.Interpol.int/what-you-can-do/if-you-need-help
Europol Tipline Tel.: +31 70 302 5000
欧洲刑警组织热线电话: + 31703025000 https://www.Europol.europa.eu/report-a-crime
EU Hotlines:
欧盟热线: https://ec.europa.EU/anti-trafficking/citizens-corner-national-hotline/national-hotline _ en
Global: Human Trafficking Hotline Numbers: https://www.abolishion.org/human_trafficking_hotline_numbers
Global: human trafficking Hotline Numbers: https://www.abolishion.org/human _ trafficking _ Hotline _ Numbers://www.abolishion.org/human _ trafficking _ Hotline _ Numbers 全球: 人口贩卖热线号码: https://www.abolishion. org/human _ trafficking _ Hotline _ Numbers
Human Trafficking Help and Resources: https://trafficking.help/us/
人口贩卖帮助和资源: https://trafficking.Help/us/
Y. The Global Currency Reset, Restored Republic and NESARA/GESARA were all about the Children
全球货币重置,恢复共和国和 NESARA/GESARA 都是为了孩子们
It's not about the money. It's about the children – the thousands of malnourished and traumatized children who in honor of Satan, were being raped and murdered so their Elite Perpetrators could supposedly gain power and rule the world.
The first official act President Trump made the morning before he was sworn into office was to pay a visit to CIA Headquarters and declare a war on an international Child Sex Trafficking Ring run by these global elites.
Let us fast and pray for these millions of little ones who right now, were being rescued from Cabal underground tunnels across the globe, and tortured and killed by Satanic Covens right next door. Let us also pray for those Military Troops worldwide who were risking their own lives to save them. The ancient doctrine of Fasting and Prayer was explained here at the 10:30:32 mark: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Mb9gU6DmKs
让我们斋戒,为这数以百万计的小人们祈祷,他们现在正从世界各地的阴谋集团地下隧道中被拯救出来,被隔壁的撒旦巫师团所折磨和杀害。让我们也为那些在世界各地冒着生命危险拯救他们的军队祈祷。古老的禁食和祈祷的教义在这里解释了10:30:32马克: https://www.youtube. com/watch? v = 4mb9gu6dmks
Z. Judy Note:
I do not now, nor have I ever, received monies for writing my Updates and articles. The compensation has been in having outlets to help Save the Children by exposing truths about the very secretive Satanic Ritual Abuse, Pedophilia and Child Sacrifice that was rampant in our international society.
朱迪: 我现在没有,以前也没有收到过写更新和文章的钱。补偿是通过揭露在我们的国际社会中猖獗的非常隐秘的撒旦仪式虐待、恋童癖和儿童献祭的真相来帮助拯救儿童。
The above was a summary of information from the Internet. It would be up to the reader to do their own research and decide whether or not it was valid.
I will send the Safe Link Website out when I find out what it is, plus it will be posted on several Dinar Websites and continue the Updates until they are no longer needed. I expect to be working with many of you in the near future. I can't tell you how much I have enjoyed getting to know you. You will remain in my heart forever.
A huge Thank You to those dedicated and brave Intel providers who wished to remain unknown; to our Angel Martha who worked 24/7 to expose what's really going on; to humble Wildfire Lady who is adept at exposing the truth; to Brad who does great research; to Bonni B who exposes the underlying causes of what is really happening and to Ken who uncovers almost unlimited Intel on pedophilia to help us Save the Children.
非常感谢那些尽心尽力、勇敢的情报供应商,他们希望保持默默无闻; 感谢我们的天使玛莎,她全天候工作,揭露真相; 感谢谦卑的野火女士,她善于揭露真相; 感谢布拉德,她做了很好的研究; 感谢 Bonni b,她揭露了真相背后的原因; 感谢肯,他揭露了几乎无限的恋童癖情报,帮助我们拯救儿童。
Let us Thank Q that the reset has finally come to be. I wish you well in your humanitarian efforts and look forward to seeing you on the other side where together, we will make life better for all.
让我们感谢 q,重置终于来了。我祝愿你们在人道主义工作中一切顺利,并期待着在另一个世界看到你们,在那里,我们将一起让所有人的生活变得更好。
Patience is a Virtue. Having Virtue is a sign of a good moral being. Good moral beings have the power to overcome evil and change the world. And, we will!!! . . . Judy