OPDIS 情报警报-2022年3月30日
(Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation of the world based on intelligence received from several sources which may or may not be accurate or truthful.)
(免责声明: 以下是根据从几个来源获得的情报对世界现状的概述,这些情报可能是准确的,也可能不是真实的。)
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According to sources, we are in the final stages of a global transition.
In the last report dated April 12, 2021 we stated that the Deep State Cabal was attempting to spark military conflict in Ukraine and the South China Sea because they failed to spark military conflict in Iran.
Ukraine was the easiest option due to the tensions with Russia.
There is much speculation and disinformation about the war on the real reason why Russia is there. One side claims there’s bio-labs and Nazi’s. The other side claims it’s about cultural genocide and restoring the former Soviet Union. One of the main claims is that Russia doesn’t want any more European countries joining NATO.
We may never know the true reasons for the conflict. This is called fog of war. What we can know is what will come out of this conflict. We are already seeing the effect with Russia making financial reforms which could cause a cascade of events on a global scale.
This conflict may be the long-awaited catalyst to bring about global financial changes.
What we are seeing is the tug-of-war between the Earth Alliance and Deep State Cabal behind the scenes.
The Earth Alliance is pushing for NESARA/GESARA while the Deep State Cabal is pushing for the Great Reset.
地球联盟正在推动 NESARA/GESARA,而深州阴谋集团正在推动大复位。
This is why you might see changes which lean towards the Great Reset but you are also seeing changes that lean towards NESARA/GESARA.
这就是为什么你可能会看到变化倾向于大复位,但你也看到变化倾向于 NESARA/GESARA。
This is a battle for Earth between pro-humanity forces and anti-humanity forces.
However, everyone should always remember that what’s happening on the surface such as the Ukraine-Russia war is not fake. People are suffering and dying in this war no matter which side is right or wrong. This also includes the COVID-19 pandemic. Whether it is real or not, people have died.
The Earth Alliance knows that if they do not succeed then everyone who has died from this planetary proxy war will have died in vain.
We will continue to watch what develops in the coming weeks as Ukraine claims Russia wants to end the war before the Victory Day parade on May 9th.