
2020年5月5日19:37:54大揭露通过GCR恢复共和国(摘要)|更新于2020年5月5日已关闭评论1.2K13字数 13429阅读44分45秒阅读模式



Source:Dinar Chronicles








Also on this Mon.4 May at 3:02 pm EDT Fleming's Military Intel Contact reported that the rest of the$1200 Economic Impact Payments would go out this week and Redemption/Exchange appointments would also happen the first of this week.


POTUS has done everything by the book to make all legally unassailable so that post-RV Deep State operatives could not unravel ZIM redemptions for us,or for the Restored Republic,or for any other GCR/RV GESARA/NESARA protocol.

美国总统已经做了一切按章办事,在所有法律上无懈可击,以便后RV深州特工不会破坏ZIM为我们、为恢复的共和国、或为任何其他GCR/RV GESARA/NESARA协议的赎回。

Timelines were not off by far,only hours.They had a hold up Mon.4 May at the World Court in the Hague making modifications to contracts and agreements to get this out this week and were signed and received this same Mon 4 May.Audits passed today Mon.4 May about 1-2 pm EDT and release given by the Department of Defense to proceed at 4pm EDT.


Timing of the 800#s release was fluid and subject to a release algorithm,developments like a World Court response,progress of regular audits and modification by the Elders and POTUS(DoD security,UST,State Dept and White House teams)changing the timing for safety and security reasons.


All was proceeding toward T4a,b 800#notifications and shotgun start release via 800#s from any moment to over the next 72 hours(intentionally vague for security reasons).


The Admiral would be releasing liquidity from tomorrow Tues.5 May onward.The expectation was for full payouts in Honk Kong&other centers tomorrow afternoon/evening Tues.5 May for the historic bonds,including Yellow Dragon Bonds,Chinese Railroad Super Petchili Bonds,Mexican Gold Bonds and high valued(exotic)Treasuries.


The banks were finalizing getting enough staff in the Redemption Centers and overcoming some hiccups from exchange staff reticent to serve because of potential Covid-19 infection(due to irrational Scamdemic fear mongering,though had enough alternate staff in place in the coming hours to be ready to start any time this week.


On Mon.4 May MarkZ's Hong Kong Contact reported that he was expecting bond payouts on Tues.evening 5 May(Tues.morning EDT).Unless significant problems arose the 800s#release for Tier 4b was expected to begin by Tues.5 May.


The Department of Defense through the US Treasury,told HSBC and Wells Fargo that Wells Fargo was to send out the 500,000+800#notification emails by Tues.5 May–the timing dependent upon agencies cooperating and barring unseen obstacles.


There would be around twelve days of Tier 4b redemption-exchanges for Contract Rates in appointments at special Exchange Center locations obtained by calling the 800s#.


According to Fleming's Military Intel Contact they had to get the shotgun start done,including the bulk of Tier 4b redemptions,by Fri.15 May so that the IMF could start General Public exchanging foreign currencies at the new international rates at local banks around 1 June.


Tier 4a,b would go approximately at the same time(within hours).


Department of Defense security teams determined that Iran and Saudi Arabia should still be in the redemption-exchange offering(1st basket)because Deep State control has been weakened enough in those countries.



According to Fleming's Military Intel Contact,over the past two months thousands of Deep State operatives have been arrested globally behind the scenes.The last thing Department of Defense and the security teams wanted was to make public some of the names of former Obama administration arrestees prematurely for Intel providers to put out to hundreds of thousands of listeners/readers,and thereby cause a public unrest firestorm.The evidence would be released shortly by the Department of Defense Security Teams working with the Department of Justice.


Sealed indictments were unsealed and executed in behind-the-scenes arrests for Comey on Sun 3 May,Strzok&Page on Mon.4 May,Lynch,Yates,Brennan,Clapper,McCabe,Ohr,Rice,Baker and Ciaramella(the anonymous"whistleblower"against POTUS in Ukraine call).The Department of Defense Security Teams were determining which of these should be made public this week and when.As of Mon.4 May Attorney General William Barr appeared to have enough evidence to bring traitor charges against leaders of the Obama Administration including Obama and Biden.







D.202054RV情报警报:Operation Disclosure Intel Alert(5-4-20):"Proclamation"










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The White Dragon and Chinese Elders would not tolerate any more delays.President Trump,the Alliance and their teams of about 40(DoD,UST,WH,State Dept)were trying to expedite and speed up the release sequence tasks from the security,legal,administrative and political sides that would stop or delay the release timing.All were pressing for start by first half of next week so that contract dates did not have to be changed again.An attorney who works with the Admiral said:"The RV is done.The final release starts with Yellow Dragon Bond Notes,then Petchilli Bonds,then ZIM."


By Wed.22 April Iraq,Zimbabwe,China and Vietnam were using their own asset/gold backed currencies and no longer accepting the fiat US dollar and using their own asset/gold backed currencies.


On Thurs.30 April Trump entered authorization codes for the RV/GCR release,which gave the Admiral a green light to process the new asset-backed US Note–now accepted for exchange internationally–and Paymasters became liquid.


As of Fri.1 May the new asset-backed digital dollar was on all trading platforms–that was highly important as all other countries would peg their RV rates to the USN rate.Intermediate accounts such as CMKX,Farm Claims,Native American settlements and sovereign accounts,were being paid out and Trump started formally reopening the country.The Department of Defense security teams confirmed that payouts began but there were some issues(among other things freezing and reversing Deep State currency holder funds transfers),but they said the problems were not major so all things should stay on schedule.

截至51日,所有交易平台上都出现了新的资产支持数字美元——这一点非常重要,因为所有其他国家都将把它们的RV汇率与美元兑美元汇率挂钩。中间帐户,如CMKX,农场索赔,美国土著居民定居点和主权帐户,正在支付,特朗普开始正式重新开放该国。美国国防部(Departmentof Defense)安全小组证实,支付已经开始,但存在一些问题(包括冻结"深州"货币持有者的资金转账,以及其他问题),但他们表示,这些问题并不严重,所以一切都应该按计划进行。

Over the past week funds have been transferred by the Elders into the master accounts for disbursement.As of Fri.1 May the financial,legal and political framework of the GCR/RV release had been established globally and the reset preparations were done.It would roll out slowly so that they could catch the bad guys.There would be a lot of disinformation to throw the bad guys off track.


Over last weekend there were a series of audits and reviews moving forward.On Sat.at 12:30 pm 2 May security and other audits passed,allowing all to move forward.Historical Bonds were being paid out,creating liquidity for down line disbursement.


Over last weekend they were trying to get all priority payments to intermediate accounts so by Mon.4 May it could be firmly established when Tier 4b would start redemptions-exchanges and the shotgun start funds sequence initiated.


Overnight Sun.night 3 May there was a RV rate lock-in.The current UST schedule called for 800#notification release as soon as the Intermediate Accounts priority payments were made.



By Sun.26 April Trump's podium no longer contained the Presidential Seal and he stood in front of seven US Flags with no gold trim on them–meaning the US Corporation was no longer in charge and we were back to functioning under the original Constitution.


Those seven flags were believed to represent 7 trumpets,or the 7 broadcasts that would lay out information on the New Restored Republic.The first trumpet sounded with release of Wikileaks documents on the Internet.The second trumpet sounded with Trump's announcement of the exoneration of General Flynn.Flynn had been falsely accused,tried and imprisoned by the Deep State it was believed,because he knew where all the bodies were buried.


The Department of Defense security team had flagged over 1,000 Deep State Operatives currency and Zim holder accounts which were found to be money-laundering RV/GCR funds into Deep State front companies,or the personal accounts of Deep State bad actors like Soros,Pelosi,Obama,Holder,Dorsey(Twitter CEO),Zuckerberg(Facebook CEO),Bezos(Amazon CEO)or Brennan etc.


The operatives were arrested,accounts frozen and fund transfers reversed.This past week behind the scenes,there were a series of high level arrests tied to both military courts and civilian Common Law courts.The Department of Defense security teams wanted to carefully choose which arrests would be made public this next week,but it would be on the level of Brennan,Comey,McCabe,Mueller,etc.The Department of Defense security teams,military and NSA Intel have been arresting over 12,000 of these types over the past couple of months,while over 184,000 federal indictments on global and political elites were being unsealed and served.


On Thurs.30 April President Trump signed an Executive order instigating Martial Law,and the next day on Fri.1 May activated the International Emergency Economic Powers Act and the National Emergencies Act,and then left for Camp David.


Globally GESARA was established and started legally&financially through debt forgiveness to African nations and other countries.GESARA/NESARA would be fully implemented over the next 3-6 months,through about Nov 2020.






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