X22报道|第3113集: 为摧毁法定货币而设立的替代货币,掩盖行动正在瓦解

2023年7月12日21:30:05最新动态X22报道|第3113集: 为摧毁法定货币而设立的替代货币,掩盖行动正在瓦解已关闭评论861字数 1546阅读5分9秒阅读模式


X22报道|第3113集: 为摧毁法定货币而设立的替代货币,掩盖行动正在瓦解______________________________________________________

Ep. 3113a – Are Alternative Currencies Setup To Destroy The Fiat Currency & The [CBDC]?

替代货币的设立是否是为了摧毁法定货币和[ CBDC ] ?

Ep 3113b – The Cover Up Is Falling Apart, Blackmail, Trafficking, Treason Exposed, The Man In The Arena


X22 Report
Streamed on: Jul 11, 7:20 pm EDT

X22报告流媒体: 7月11日,美国东部时间下午7:20


The climate activist are telling us one thing and their actions are doing the opposite, typical. Germany is in trouble, inflation and rate hikes. The people are feeling the economic pain. Will alternative currencies destroy the [CBDC] and fiat currency? It is starting to look like it, predictions of Bitcoin rising.


X22 Report
Streamed on: Jul 11, 7:50 pm EDT

X22报告 直播时间: 美国东部时间7月11日晚7:50


 The [DS] cover up is falling apart. The people can now see favoritism, two tiered justice system, they see the blackmail, child trafficking and treason, it is all being exposed and the people are now seeing the truth. Trump is the bait and they are going to deploy all assets, they will do everything to stop him, he is the man in the arena. He is drawing them all out so the patriots can strike.



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