The most incredible chess match in history is set up for the final countdown. Places everyone.
Arrests are ongoing as we drain that swamp. We understand “Durham” has multiple meanings and has come up several times in the Q drops, including to reveal that former military attorney Sidney Powell was born in Durham, NC. Is she part of this? She just may be.
我们排干沼泽地的水时,逮捕行动仍在进行中。我们知道“ 达勒姆”有多重含义,并且在 q 版中出现过好几次,包括揭露前军事律师 西德尼鲍威尔,出生于 NC 的 达勒姆。她也是其中一员吗?也许吧。
And that arrest is a message to those who are fueling a movement to stop waiting and begin taking justice into their own hands. The natives are restless and I’ve seen a pointed effort online to get people riled up and convinced that The Plan is taking too long and nothing is happening and it needs to go faster.
Since when do we just pick a date and decide a war needs to end according to the calendar? This is the biggest, baddest war in Human history and people are acting like they’re tired of watching a serial documentary and want to get to the climax that ends the season’s viewing.
I’ve been watching these crimes for well over ten years and after extensive research into the White Hats, the Plan, the Q Military Intelligence, Sig-Int, the comms, the Anons, our severed spirituality, fake reality, our friends upstairs, the ruthless nature of the predators and the whole ball of wax, I am STILL in favour of sitting tight and allowing the brilliant minds who crafted this Plan designed to end the evil in this realm and beyond, forever, to bring it to fruition. The frustration factor is off the charts and STILL I am satisfied that we are doing what we are intended to do; that we are playing the roles we signed up to play.
我观察这些罪行已经超过十年了,经过对白帽子,计划,q 军事情报,Sig-Int,通讯,匿名,我们被切断的灵性,虚假的现实,我们楼上的朋友,掠夺者的残忍本性和整个蜂蜡球的广泛研究,我仍然赞成静观其变,让精明的头脑,这个计划设计的目的是结束这个领域和更远的邪恶,永远实现它。令人沮丧的因素已经超出了图表的范围,但我仍然很满意我们正在做我们应该做的事情,我们正在扮演我们签约要扮演的角色。
Has there not been enough blatant warfare, bloodshed, pain and suffering? The Plan has been considered, re-considered, tweaked, reviewed using technology known as “Looking Glass”, double-checked by time travellers, corrected via manipulation of negative timelines, and scrutinized using the counsel of extra-dimensional elders and wise ones we didn’t know exist.
难道明目张胆的战争、流血、痛苦和折磨还不够吗?该计划已经过审议、重新考虑、调整,使用被称为“窥镜”(Looking Glass)的技术进行了审查,时间旅行者进行了双重检查,通过操纵负面时间线进行了纠正,并使用我们不知道存在的超空间长者和智者的建议进行了详细审查。
It’s obvious there is more offensive action than ever before and that justice is being done so why on Earth would we choose now to abort or interfere in The Plan? It makes no sense. We’ve watched the enemy expend their ammunition and their resources are exhausted.
This is a war, and there is suffering. There has always been a war and always suffering. Thousands of years of suffering. Now we are just realizing it.
We’re all suffering in our own ways either directly or indirectly. It’s painful to endure this long process but I can say from years of following the progression of this war that we are light years ahead of where we were a decade ago when almost nothing was happening in the public eye to illustrate it was being addressed.
As some have pointed out, the impatient children can stomp their feet and scream all they like, but the Earth Alliance will not stray from their plan because to do so could open a crack for some infinitesimal possibility for failure that was not foreseen in their painstaking review of every possibility, every scenario that could unfold.
As we’ve been told, The Plan is not hinged on a time table, but an event schedule. Dominoes. Until one falls, the adjacent one will remain standing but the progression is guaranteed—in slow motion, of course.
Lest we forget the American people still have their guns. LOTS of guns, and a civil war would not end well. That was the whole point of the Q Military Intelligence Operation to educate the populace they could reach. They already knew it would be successful. The Great Awakening. The Military: Saviors of Mankind. “The Military is the only way”. These aren’t just trite phrases.
以免我们忘记美国人民仍然拥有枪支。大量的枪支和一场内战不会有好结果。这就是 q 军事情报行动的全部目的,教育他们可以接触到的民众。他们已经知道这会成功。大觉醒。军队: 人类的救世主。“军队是唯一的出路”。这些不仅仅是陈词滥调。
There has never been a public sharing of intelligence like this before. It IS the only way. Are we going to throw away five years on a whim because some people are impatient? Have itchy trigger fingers? Think they can do better? I would hate to see it come to that.
We joke about pitchforks and torches but seriously—that would be stooping to their level and they are far better armed to fight that kind of war than we are. We had to gain significant numbers of aware people for the side of the Light to peacefully win this war—WAR being the key word. In a war, there are casualties. The casualties have been mitigated as much as possible. Let’s not add to them.
There are myriad ways this could have gone. Many of them would involve high loss of life—far greater than what we’re seeing. If it’s this difficult to convince people they’re being deceived with all the evidence in their face every day, how do you think they would respond had the White Hats openly and immediately arrested Obama, Hillary, etc. in a blatant coup? It would have been bloody because the cabal infiltrated everything, everywhere. Spies. Lies. Coverups. Betrayals. Not a good plan.
Some very wise and brave people have done as much as possible behind the scenes, covertly, so as not to upset the public who have no clue what is going on, or to aggravate the situation with the ruthless psychopaths who would sooner order an execution than look at us.
Failure is not an option and we will just have to sit tight and allow them to execute their meticulous plan for the best and highest good of all concerned—including Beings and places we are unaware of from this vantage point with limited awareness. We’re nearly at a breakthrough so we need to make the best of it, knowing that the prize will be well worth the wait.
失败不是一个选项,我们只能坐在那里,让他们为了所有相关的最好和最高的利益执行他们的细致计划---- 包括存在和那些我们从这个有利位置上意识有限而不知道的地方。我们即将取得突破,所以我们需要充分利用这个机会,因为我们知道这个奖是值得等待的。
It feels ungrateful to me to criticize those who have sacrificed so much for so long to liberate us, and they have done far more than we even know.
Until war and military aggression ends, there will be no NESARA/GESARA which so many are clamouring for. We must have peace, unity, and commitment to a new and better way or we have not shown we are ready to move forward. We have to Make Earth Great Again in its totality, not pockets and slivers. The world is watching what is happening in America and North America and we need to play our roles with pride and humility.
直到战争和军事侵略结束,将不会有 NESARA/GESARA 这么多人呼吁。我们必须拥有和平、团结和对一种新的更好的方式的承诺,否则我们还没有表明我们准备向前迈进。我们必须让地球从整体上恢复伟大,而不是口袋和细条。全世界都在关注美国和北美正在发生的事情,我们需要以自豪和谦卑的态度扮演我们的角色。
What we can safely do is address the problems at the local level and that is going swimmingly.
Change of topic:
In lieu of the tremendous success of the “Let’s Go Brandon” slogan, and after seeing mention of the usual November “Black Friday” shopping nightmare at the American Thanksgiving, it occurred to me that sane Americans should adopt a new initiative, namely:
“布兰登上路”(Let’s Go Brandon)的口号取得了巨大成功,在美国感恩节(American Thanksgiving)上,人们又提到了11月份常见的“黑色星期五”(Black Friday)购物噩梦。在我看来,理智的美国人应该采取一项新举措,即:
End the insanity around this day programmed into public minds to generate a feeding frenzy that has literally erupted in violence as the zombie nation tramples other shoppers to get limited access to pieces of tech they believe they just have to have because they will never get a better price. Most of it’s “cheap shit from China” and listens and watches while you go about your private business in your home.
The Black Friday event is so uncivilized and indicative of the programming of the unsuspecting. That day is not for us, it’s for them. The New World Order.
We may be “useless eaters” to the global control freaks but they had no problem monetizing us and turning us into the consumers that would fill their pockets to bulging and fund their opulent, decadent lifestyles while too many of us peasants go without food and shelter—and now jobs.
They don’t share. They pretend to share by establishing “foundations” used to launder money for them and their cronies. A negligible fraction might go to the serfdom.
Suggestion: Stay home on Black Friday. Boycott Black Friday. It’s one more way to end the support of the system that enslaves us. Don’t feed the animals. Starve the beast. Just consider it.
建议: 黑色星期五呆在家里。抵制黑色星期五。这是结束束束缚我们的体制支持的又一种方式。不要喂动物。饿死野兽。考虑一下吧。
Draining the swamp means exposing the most vile, disgusting, evil creatures imaginable. You know… the ones posing as one of us to their adoring fans.
排干沼泽意味着暴露出你能想象到的最卑鄙、最恶心、最邪恶的生物。你知道... 那些在他们崇拜的粉丝面前假扮成我们的人。
... and then came Gail. on Twitter: "@TrilbySmith2 Say it. Say it! / Twitter"
@TrilbySmith2 Say it. Say it!
How about the comms? Mr. Pool posted a message that read “This is not a test” but it was removed, as some of those comms are.
通讯怎么样?Pool 先生发布了一条信息,上面写着“这不是一个测试”,但是这条信息被删除了,就像一些通讯一样。
billy Wales on Twitter: "9:03. Drop the 0 leaves 93.A 4 year delta for tomorrow. / Twitter"
9:03. Drop the 0 leaves 93.A 4 year delta for tomorrow.
The crew points to this open letter from the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. Nice to see LEOs stepping up. What took them so long? I think it’s part of The Plan.
Open Letter to RCMP Commissioner Brenda Lucki
致加拿大皇家骑警专员 Brenda Lucki 的公开信
In closing, I made some notes from a video the crew suggested recently concerning our Chakras. The Great Awakening isn’t only about our physical liberation, but about our spiritual evolution and ascension.
I feel like the events unfolding over the past few years have been unlocking each door to ascension by unblocking our chakras. Can you see how? Maybe I’m just sleep deprived but I’ve been meaning to share this for over a week and I feel like it needs to get out. The events of the past few years have shattered our view of reality in so many ways; probably all ways.
Top to bottom, these are the main energy vortices in the Human body, and I’ve notated how we may be unblocked by our recent and current experiences.
Crown chakra – deals with cosmic energy and is blocked by ego attachment. We’ve all been deceived, and we’ve all been fooled, but we are enough.
Third Eye – deals with insight and is blocked by illusion. We’ve been shown and are researching a new reality and recognition of duality.
Throat chakra – deals with truth and is blocked by lies. The lies are exposed every day and we can feel the truth inside.
Heart chakra – deals with love and is blocked by grief. By experiencing the grief over many things, we can then acknowledge it, let it go, and heal.
Solar Plexus – deals with willpower and is blocked by shame. None of us are perfect, but we are Human and have little to be ashamed of as we strive to be better people every day and sacrifice every day to be in service to others.
Sacral chakra – deals with pleasure and is blocked by guilt. We bear no guilt for who we are or how we came to be here. We are magnificent Light Beings and we are loved beyond comprehension.
Root chakra – deals with survival and is blocked by fear. We have learned to transcend fear because death is not the end. Fear is illusory because we are eternal. We choose love over fear and triumph over our enemy who is incapable of doing the same.
So… I’m thinking that the lessons Trump and the Patriots have been teaching us and the painful experiences and knowledge we gained are not only freeing us from slavery, but from blockages in the vehicles that will enable us to ascend to the higher realms.
所以... ... 我在想,特朗普和爱国者们教给我们的经验教训,以及我们获得的痛苦经历和知识,不仅让我们摆脱了奴隶制,还让我们摆脱了通往更高领域的工具中的障碍。
That is how the military and we, too, are the “saviours of mankind”, is my reasoning. What if the “movie” has been about this all along? What if this is indeed the only way to deliver ascension to a race who cannot organically ascend because of their oppressors’ manipulation? What if this truly is the only way out of this matrix of a false construct?
I would also add that if one subscribes to this logic, then aborting The Plan now would probably be the undoing of five years work to awaken Humanity, and the end of our chances at liberation and ascension. I believe we must see this play out to the end, regardless of how painful it is. The pain is transformational, and that is why Q warned us it was coming. At first we thought it meant pain for the enemy, but before long we realized there was plenty of pain to go around within the awakened community.
我还要补充一点,如果一个人同意这个逻辑,那么现在放弃这个计划很可能会毁掉五年来唤醒人类的努力,也会终结我们获得解放和提升的机会。我相信我们必须看到这场比赛结束,不管它是多么痛苦。痛苦是转换性的,这就是为什么 q 警告我们这是来了。一开始我们以为这对敌人来说意味着痛苦,但不久我们就意识到在觉醒的社会中有很多痛苦。
That’s it for today. If anyone figures out how to squeeze another 12 hours out of the clock, do let me know in the comments, lol. Loads of love and appreciation to the hardworking crew. ~ BP
今天就到这里。如果有人想出如何挤出12个小时的时间,请在评论中告诉我,哈哈。对辛勤工作的船员表示深深的爱和感激。~ BP