Divide They Try,Fail They Will,for Where We Go One,We Go All to Support POTUS,Follow Q and Trust Plan
他们分而治之,他们会失败的,因为我们去哪,我们全力以赴支持恢复共和国的总统,跟随 Q 和信任计划
The Plan to Save the World includes every country in the 22 nation Alliance…The World is watching…The World is connected…All or nothing…Trust the Plan...Q
Trump&The Great Reset–The Best Is Yet To Come
Obama Budget Plan,Ray Stevens:https://youtu.be/J6TcpfBHlbs
We know everything.We have it all.Every phone call,text,email,photo sent,every video,everything encrypted.We know what's behind the walls,inside the walls,where all the bodies are buried.We have the codes to quintillions of bank accounts and crypto.We robbed the Vatican,the Queen,World Banks.We have the gold Canada sold,HRC hid,Rothchild's hidden gold in the China Triangle.We have it all.Don't fear the events coming.It had to be this way.…Q"Let's Finish This,Shall We?"…Donald J.Trump
God Bless America&Patriotic Music–The Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square–Bing video
Judy Note:Notification at Any Time.
On Mon.26 April our Military Intel Contact said that at 8:11 am this morning Mon.26 April the RV release algorithm generated a release to move forward.
4月26日星期一,我们的军事情报联络人说,今天上午8:11,4月26日,RV 释放算法生成了一个向前推进的释放。
Last Fri.23 April Admiral Bob was released to get paid,go liquid and start down-streaming funds,so there's no going back.
In the Reno US Treasury and at Wells Fargo there were a handful of Cabal MK Ultra mind-control agents that Freemason pedo-Satanist handlers were trying to trigger to obstruct and delay.
在雷诺的美国财政部和富国银行,有几个阴谋集团MK Ultra精神控制代理人,共济会的恋童癖者试图触发他们来阻挠和拖延。
That would not work as NSA and Military Intelligence(DIA)were watching their very thoughts,plus right now Navy Spec Ops were moving to take them and their handlers out.It would not delay the release process this week—NO MORE!!!
Redemption Center bankers,Paymasters,and group leaders were exploding with excitement that this was our week.
He said this parallels Iraq publishing openly the implementation of its budget as of Mon 26 April.https://www.basnews.com/en/babat/684581#.YIVjrbVAWWQ.twitter
This past weekend through Mon-Tues.26-27 April private exchanges were going on of Whales and upper level Tier 3-4A group participants.Accounts receiving funds were being verified.
过去的这个周末通过 Mon-Tues。4月26日至27日,鲸鱼和高层3-4A 小组参与者的私人交流正在进行。接受资金的账户正在被核实。
Lockdown of currency rates could be by Tues.-Wed.29-30 April.
Ten days of 800#notifications have been compressed into this coming week,with a possibility of the RV teams and Trump deciding to extend the window through next weekend to overlap the beginning of NESARA–which would begin next Sat.1 May.
为期10天的800#通知已被压缩到本周,RV 车队和特朗普可能决定将窗口延长到下周末,以重叠 NESARA 的开始——将于5月1日星期六开始。
Notices for appointments could come any time.Watch your emails.The Safe Link Website would be posted on Dinar websites including Fleming's:https://nicksintel.wordpress.com/blog
预约通知随时可能到来。留意你的电子邮件。安全链接网站将被张贴在 Dinar 网站上,包括 Fleming 的:https://nicksintel.wordpress.com/blog
Restored Republic:
This past week Deep State half-wits cost us three days by obstructing the process.There were 116 arrests of Cabal obstructionists at the UST,arrests of scores of Cabal obstructionists at RBC bank in Canada as it collapsed on Fri.16 April and replaced by Scotia Bank on Wed.21 April,and 1,100+arrests of Cabal obstructionists in banks&financial institutions in four cities in Iraq.The delay on Fri-Sat 23,24 April was partly caused by an agreement between the German and American governments on German bonds that was finally signed on Fri.23 April.There were a handful of obstructionists arrested in Reno on Sat.24 April and a couple in Zurich.
As of last Sun.18 April Treasury,IRS and World Bank Deep State half-wits were unable to access funds in designated accounts because those funds were under the Quantum Financial System.They then turned to steal funds from Treasury accounts and promptly were arrested on Mon.night 19 April.https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=xvQQcuc_fz4
A.Mon.26 April Obama/Biden/Clinton/Pelosi White House Pedophile Ring Uncovered by Wikileaks:https://beforeitsnews.com/politics/2021/04/obama-biden-clinton-pelosi-white-house-pedophile-ring-uncovered-by-wikileaks-3232354.html
中文 链接:4月26日星期一奥巴马/拜登/克林顿/佩洛西白宫恋童癖团伙维基解密揭露:
B.Mon.26 April US VP John F.Kennedy Jr.Telegraph:
Stage is set.May Day is this weekend.Xi and his counterparts are not part of the C*P.Mayday is an international term for aviators and Mariners for a time of distress.Will the first domino fall?Will they all be connected?Step back and realize the magnitude of what is happening.Prepare.Now.
@Q17_Awakening–Wikileaks has proof that Obama ran a pedophile ring out of the Whitehouse?https://undergroundreportorg.wordpress.com/2017/02/20/wikileaks-obama-ran-pedophile-ring-out-of-whitehouse Julian Assange unveiled another bombshell Sunday evening,alleging that Wikileaks now has hard proof that former President,Barack Obama ran a pedophile ring out of the Whitehouse.
@q17_awakening-Wikileaks 有证据证明奥巴马在白宫内部组织了一个恋童癖团伙?朱利安·阿桑奇星期天晚上公布了另一个重磅消息,声称维基解密现在有确凿证据证明前总统巴拉克·奥巴马在白宫内部组织了一个恋童癖团伙。
C.Mon.26 April Whiplash347 Telegram:https://t.me/Whiplash347/8801
4月26日星期一 Whiplash347电报:https://t.me/Whiplash347/8801
Iraq's Budget in effect as of Mon.26 April 2021:https://www.basnews.com/en/babat/684581#.YIVjrbVAWWQ.twitter
Guy with fingers showing.6 Fingers.Red 6?And his Timestamp is 1943.Watch Iran.Something Incredible is about to happen.
D.Mon.26 April US 2nd Lady Carolyn Bessette-Kennedy Telegram:
From 1871 until December 2020 our country was a corporation,not a country.Following the Civil War the U.S.was bankrupt.President Grant sought a deal with the banksters(Rothschild's Bank Mafia)and The Vatican.In return for fully funding the U.S.they bought our country.The Rothschild's Bank Mafia and The Vatican wanted their deal with Grant a secret from the people.They renamed the founding father's name from the"United States"to"THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA".They also edited the foundering fathers original Constitution.The United States was a Constitutional Republic from 1776 until 1871.Following Grants deal it was no longer governed by the people.It was secretly governed by a corporation.The original dollar under our Constitutional Republic compared to new dollar under corporation.THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA corporation installed Federal Reserve and is responsible the financial structure in the U.S.A.to benefit them.In other words to rip off the people.FDR was going to bankrupt the U.S.corporation 1933 to end the deal but the Wall St.Stock Market crashed in 1929 made terminating the deal impossible.In 2016 candidate Donald Trump said he would end the drip globalists had on the people's money.When he referred to the Globalists he was referring to the corporation that owned our country.
In May 2020 President Trump filed bankruptcy of the USA Corporation with the courts in Florida.The Globalists feared he would cut their thievery off so throughout Trump's presidency they tried to unseat him.The bankruptcy was finalized in December 2020.We are now a Constitutional Republic.No longer a corporation.But the Globalists don't want you to know it.They want their mafia to continue calling the shots and ripping off U.S.citizens.It is the U.S.Military's responsibility to enforce the transition.
E.Fri.23 April release of new International Rates.
F.The Event:Military joint ops.The war coming is staged for many reasons and will set off Military Law of War and Codes in major countries.Marshal Law.Arrest the Deep State Cabal disciples.Done in 30 countries.The rest will follow suit.WWG1WGA…Q
The Event would be a Ten Days of Darkness shutdown of Earth.The Black Swan Events would occur through the first weeks of May:
Just prior to the Emergency Broadcast System taking over Mass Media there was expected to be a Cyber Attack and fake Nuclear Scare Event.The Quantum Internet would wipe out Operation Mockingbird(a CIA program that has controlled the Mass Media since the end of World War II).
Sat.1 May:Ten Days of Darkness and GESARA/NESARA debt release to begin.(40 days from C*P cargo ship Evergiven running aground on March 23.Prepare to lose Internet access).
星期六5月1日:《十天黑暗》和 GESARA/NESARA 债务发行即将开始。(距离c*p货船 Evergiven 号40天3月23日搁浅。准备失去互联网接入)。
Mon.3 May:US Military put on High Alert and Readiness.
Tues.4 May:New Republic to begin.
Thurs.6 May:New Emergency Broadcast Starlink System takes over all Mass Media internationally to enforce a temporary Martial Law worldwide,Global Currency Reset public announcement,General Public begins exchanging.
Fri.7 May:John F.Kennedy as US VP and Carolyn Bessette Kennedy as Second Lady confirmed?
At the same time all Governments Worldwide would be stood down during further arrests.
Biden would be out,Trump in and a new Financial System and NESARA activated.
拜登下台,特朗普上台,一个新的金融体系和 NESARA 启动。
In the first three days the Quantum Starlink's Project Odin would take down the Cabal's Mass Media Satellites to blackout the media worldwide–all Mass Media owed by Mossad,UK Royals,5 Eyes and CIA would be removed as we switched over to the Quantum Systems and activate the Military Emergency Broadcast.The only intelligence will be Military Intelligence.
Uncensored news on Tribunals and the takedown of the Cabal would be broadcast in three eight hour movie sessions per day(24 hours a day)on all Media networks worldwide.
There would be possible occasional electricity outages as a switchover was made to the new Telsa Free Energy system.There could be a Stock Market crash,planes and trains grounded,with the Internet going down to be replaced by the Quantum Internet.The Internet would be rebooted with everything wiped clean and no more Operation Mockingbird or Microsoft–the same with TV,Newspapers etc.
The"Rods of God"would destroy 34 Cabal buildings(including the White House,Buckingham Palace and Vatican?),plus the C*P's Three G*s Dam that hides Bitcoin and their International Adrenochrome and Child Trafficking operations.
At the same time the world would switch over to the new Quantum Financial System and gold-backed currencies through Starlink and Project Odin Odin(iarpa.gov),going Dark to Light.
与此同时,世界将通过星链和奥丁项目(iarpa.gov)转向新的量子金融系统(Quantum Financial System)和黄金支持货币,从黑暗走向光明。
Thurs.20 May 2021 End of Trump's EO#13848 National Emergency Act.
Aug.2021 as per President Trump's E.Os,absolutely everything would be declassified.
Sun.8 Aug.2021 GESARA implemented under Blockchain Elections to serve governments 10%the size of what they currently were.Trump formally recognized as US President.
星期日。2021年8月8日 GESARA 在区块链选举下实施,服务于规模只有现在10%的政府。特朗普被正式承认为美国总统。
G.International Child Sex Trafficking Ring:
Jim Caviezel is Talking About Adrenochrome To a Livestream of At Least 500,000 People"SOUND OF FREEDOM"tells the true story of Tim Ballard of Operation Underground Railroad,who fights child trafficking.https://ourrescue.org https://ourrescue.org/about https://liberatechildren.org/blog/sound-of-freedom
Out of the Shadows Documentary:Out Of Shadows(Documentary)https://drcharlieward.com/out-of-shadows/
Pedo-Empire Website,5 Books,49 chapters Free Online:https://pedoempire.org
Pedo-Empire Website,5 Books,49 chapter 免费在线:https://pedoempire.org
Satanic pedophilia:https://pedoempire.org/book-4-in-print-linked-table-of-contents/
H.CV-19 Hoax:
Millions Are Skipping Their Second Doses of Covid-19 Vaccines
https://www.newsbreakapp.com/n/0ZS1X7H5?s=a3&pd=080bJG7b&hl=en_US 7,157 Fully Vaccinated Americans Have Contracted COVID-19,88 Dead:CDC
The number of recorded COVID-19 cases among Americans who have been fully vaccinated against the virus that causes it is now over 7,100,according to health officials.
CDC reported that 7,157 people who were fully vaccinated against the C*P(Chinese Communist Party)virus,which causes COVID-19,still got the virus.
Nearly 500 people who contracted COVID-19 despite being fully vaccinated required hospital care,though about a third of their illnesses were deemed unrelated to COVID-19.Eighty-eight,or 1 percent of the breakthrough patients,died.Eleven of the deaths were reported as not showing symptoms or not related to the disease.
I.Latest Exchange/Redemption Instructions as per Our Military Intel Contact:
1.Update your files.Make sure you have your summary of your Humanitarian and job creation projects.
2.Organize your currency in each country from the highest to the lowest.
3.Have two forms of ID:Drivers License,Passport,Birth Certificate,etc.
4.Have proof of where you live such as gas bill,electric bill,bank statement,etc.
(Judy Note:If you are homeless I would suggest having yourself and someone who knows of your situation and who could prove their own identity,sign a notarized statement about your situation.Most banks provide free notary services.)5.There will be a default package offered.If you don't like the rate of the default package,don't take it.You can ask for a higher rate.
6.If you have Zim you will not be offered contract rates on your currency.
如果你有 Zim,你将不会得到你的货币的合同利率。
7.If you have currency and no Zim you can ask for the contract rates.
7.如果你有现金而且没有 Zim,你可以要求合同价格。
8.In order to get the contract rates on your currency you many have to have a Humanitarian Project.
9.You will find out more when you are in the Redemption Center.
10.If you want a higher rate ask and do not get demanding.At all times be polite,do not argue.
J.Occult Calendar of Demonic Holidays:
April 21-26 to May 1 was the next Satanic Holiday called Grand Climax Da Meur and Corpus De Baahl according to an Occult Calendar of Demonic Holidays put together by professional therapists from childhood accounts of their Satanic Ritually Abused(SRA)clients.
4月21日至26日至5月1日是下一个撒旦节日,称为 Grand Climax Da Meur 和 Corpus De Baahl,根据专业治疗师从他们撒旦仪式性虐待(SRA)客户的童年记录中整理出来的邪恶节日的神秘日历。
Preparation for Grand Climax Da Meur and Corpus De Baahl holidays were celebrated by blood and sexual orgies,culminated with a human sacrifice of a female,age 1-25–the more innocent the better,followed by eating their flesh and drinking the Adrenochromed blood.
Be aware of Satanic activities in your neighborhood and help save mind controlled children and teens being forced to participate in the rape,torture and murder of themselves and other children.
Months in advance Satan worshippers planned for their holidays by kidnapping children and teens,while commonly perpetrators impregnated children and teens to produce their own victims.The babies,children and teens were starved,tortured and used in sex orgies in preparation for human sacrifice rites.
Please report suspected Satanic activities to your local law enforcement.Since Satanists were known to infiltrate police departments,cover your tracks by also contacting U.S.Immigration and Customs Enforcement(ICE):https://www.ice.gov/webform/hsi-tip-form and contact the Federal Human Trafficking Website:https://www.state.gov/humantrafficking/
请向当地执法部门报告可疑的撒旦教活动。由于众所周知撒旦教徒会渗透到警察部门,你可以通过联系美国移民和海关执法局(ICE):https://www.ICE.gov/webform/hsi-tip-form 和联系联邦人口贩卖网站:https://www.state.gov/humantrafficking/
If you wished to join the effort in saving children from international sex trafficking,contact Tim Ballard at Operation Underground Railroad and the non-profit organization,Saving Innocence.https://ourrescue.org/https://savinginnocence.org
如果你想加入拯救儿童免遭国际性贩卖的行动,请联系地下铁路行动和非营利组织拯救无辜的 Tim Ballard。Https://ourrescue.org/https://savinginnocence.org https://www.youtube.com/watch
K."Twenty Two Faces:inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities,"by Judy Byington,Foreword by Dr.Colin A.Ross,M.D.RAW:Dr.Colin Ross–Robert David Steele
Jenny Describes a Satanic Child Sacrifice:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F626Lsrdwg4
WARNING:Jenny gave a graphic description about how she at the tender age of five,was raped,tortured,forced to view a Child Sacrifice and save for Divine intervention,was almost killed herself–not unlike the sordid experiences of thousands of other child victims of Satanic Worshippers.Satan-follower perpetrators appeared to be organized from the US Inc's CIA,Queen Elizabeth's,Illuminati Banking families'and Vatican's Ninth Circle Child Sacrifice Cult on down to the Clintons,Hollywood,Pizzagate and local teenage covens.They were funded by this same Cabal that ran our global monetary system–the very organization that was in the process of being brought down by activation of the Global Currency Reset.It's no wonder that President Trump has stated,"These people are sick."
警告:珍妮给出了一个生动的描述,关于她如何在5岁的幼小年龄,被强奸,折磨,被迫观看一个儿童牺牲和为了神的干预(电影),几乎自杀-不像其他数以千计的儿童受害者的肮脏经历撒旦崇拜者。撒旦追随者的犯罪组织似乎来自美国公司的中央情报局,伊丽莎白女王,光明会银行家庭和梵蒂冈的第九圈儿童祭祀邪教,直到克林顿,好莱坞,Pizzagate 和当地的青少年聚会。他们是由同一个阴谋集团资助运行我们的全球货币系统正是这个组织被激活的全球货币重置搞垮了。难怪特朗普总统说"这些人病了"
L.The Global Currency Reset and NESARA/GESARA Is All About the Children
全球货币重置和 NESARA/GESARA 都是为了孩子们
It's not about the money.It's about the children–the thousands of malnourished and traumatized children who in honor of Satan,were being raped and murdered so their Elite Perpetrators could supposedly gain power and rule the world.The first official act President Trump made the morning before he was sworn into office was to pay a visit to CIA Headquarters and declare a war on an international Child Sex Trafficking Ring run by these global elites.Let us fast and pray for these millions of little ones who were right now being rescued from Cabal underground tunnels across the globe,and tortured and killed by Satanic Covens right next door.Let us also pray for those Military Troops worldwide who were risking their own lives to save them.The ancient doctrine of Fasting and Prayer was explained here at the 10:30:32 mark:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Mb9gU6DmKs
Judy Note:I do not now,nor have I ever,received monies for writing my Updates and articles.The compensation has been in having outlets to help Save the Children by exposing truths about the very secretive Satanic Ritual Abuse,Pedophilia and Child Sacrifice that was rampant in our international society.
The above was a summary of information from the Internet.It would be up to the reader to do their own research and decide whether or not it was valid.
I will send the Safe Link Website out when I find out what it is,plus it will be posted on several Dinar Websites.It is my understanding that by linking into the Safe Link Website it will generate a Non Disclosure Agreement to sign in order to obtain redemption/exchange appointments.
After signing that Non Disclosure I will be unable to email,post or talk to anyone about the exchange process for 90 days,so I will be going silent and taking those 90 days to get my humanitarian project organized and going.
This is not a goodbye.I expect to be working with many of you in the near future.I can't tell you how much I have enjoyed getting to know you.You will remain in my heart forever.
A huge Thank You to those dedicated and brave Intel providers who wished to remain unknown;to humble Wildfire Lady who is adept at exposing the truth;to Martha who has unceasingly worked around the clock to discern what is real in the fake news;to Brad who does great research;to Bonni B who exposes the underlying causes of what is really happening and to Ken who uncovers almost unlimited Intel on pedophilia to help us Save the Children.
非常感谢那些愿意保持默默无闻的英特尔供应商们;感谢谦卑的野火女士,她善于揭露真相;感谢玛莎,她不停地昼夜不停地工作,以辨别假新闻中的真假;感谢布拉德,她做了很好的研究;感谢 Bonni b,她揭露了真实情况的根本原因;感谢肯,他揭露了几乎无限的恋童癖情报,帮助我们拯救了孩子们。
Let us Thank Q that the reset has finally come to be.I wish you well in your humanitarian efforts and look forward to seeing you on the other side where together,we will make life better for all.
让我们感谢 q,重置终于来了。我祝愿你们在人道主义工作中一切顺利,并期待着在另一个世界看到你们,在那里,我们将一起让所有人的生活变得更好。
Patience is a Virtue.Having Virtue is a sign of a good moral being.Good moral beings have the power to overcome evil and change the world.And,we will!!!...Judy