Operation Disclosure | By James O’Brien, Contributing Writer
作者: James o’brien,特约撰稿人
Submitted on February 19, 2022
On 2/22/22, the United States will experience its first Pluto Return, as the planet of death, rebirth and transformation returns energetically for the first time since the symbolic birth of the nation on July, 4, 1776, when the Declaration of Independence was signed.
This major transit will unearth corruption, wrongdoing, and power struggles hiding in the shadows, yet, ultimately it signals a renewal of the origins and ideals which birthed this nation, as things formerly hidden are brought to light to be contended with out in the open. Empires have a tendency to rise and fall (or be reborn) upon Pluto Returns. The Fall of Rome is one example. Naturally, the revolutionary birth of the USA, which we tend to take for granted today, is another.
It should be acknowledged that Native Americans were living in this land long before this date. This chart reflects the birth of the current laws, beliefs and documents that created the America that we know and live in today, whether or not you believe that those freedoms and ideals of that document are currently being lived up to or not. The reality is that we are about to collectively and nationally face ourselves in the mirror for the first time since July 4, 1776, and address whether this country will rise, fall, or be reborn into a new era of freedom and idealistic clarity.
It is interesting to note that George Washington’s birthday was on 2/22. This 2/22/22 transit is comprised of master numbers that can reflect divine forces arriving to influence political affairs. Whether or not you personally believe such influences exist, the founding fathers of the USA were very clear that they both believed in, and relied on Divine Providence to succeed in their revolutionary quest. Considering what they were up against, it is not surprising that they would look to something beyond strictly logical human understanding to aid in their revolution, since by all tenets of logic and reason, they had virtually no chance of winning the war against the British Empire. The fact that they did, against all rational odds, is why we have a country today, in which individual human rights and equality, as given by the Creator (and not the State or the King) are considered as a national cornerstone, along with the motto: In God We Trust, that we curiously enough even put on our money. You can ask yourself whether you think we are currently living up to these cornerstones or whether they are crumbling beneath us.
有趣的是,乔治 · 华盛顿的生日是2月22日。这个2/22/22的过境是由主数字组成的,可以反映神的力量来影响政治事务。不管你个人是否相信这些影响的存在,美国的开国元勋们都非常清楚,他们都相信,并且依靠神圣眷顾组织在他们的革命探索中取得成功。考虑到他们面对的是什么,他们会寻求超越人类严格逻辑理解的东西来帮助他们的革命就不足为奇了,因为根据所有的逻辑和理性原则,他们几乎没有机会赢得对抗大英帝国的战争。他们排除一切合理的困难,做到了这一点,这就是为什么我们今天有这样一个国家,在这个国家里,造物主(而不是国家或国王)赋予的个人人权和平等被视为国家的基石,同时还有这样一句格言: 我们相信上帝,我们甚至会奇怪地把钱花在这上面。你可以问问自己,你是否认为我们现在正活在这些基石上,或者它们正在我们脚下崩溃。
The Country, from Pluto’s perspective, has now made a complete revolution since its conceptual birth, the first revolution of its kind. And now we are back to revisit these ideals and to collectively struggle to either renew them or see them subsumed by another, darker agenda. The Empire that the Continental Army fought against still exists today, though it is characterized in other ways, such as the Deep State, the Cabal, or in more mundane terms, the private central banking system, or the corporate technocracy. There is no shortage of terminology. It is the kind of Empire that could conceivably shut down citizen-owned businesses for well over a year, while keeping corporate giants like Walmart and Target, or McDonalds and Taco Bell active the entire time. This Empire could also pressure the People under its thumb to take certain vaccines and medications to combat a designer virus, while denying them other ones that have long been proven effective. It could also get people to mask up their children, forcing them for years to breathe in their own carbon dioxide, which stunts their healthy development and growth. Nice Empire, huh?
从冥王星的角度来看,这个国家从它的概念诞生以来已经进行了一场彻底的革命,这是同类型的第一次革命。现在,我们回来重新审视这些理想,共同努力,要么更新它们,要么看到它们被另一个更黑暗的议程所包含。大陆军反对的帝国今天仍然存在,尽管它以其他方式表现出来,比如深度国家,阴谋集团,或者更世俗的术语,私人中央银行系统,或者企业技术官僚政治。术语并不缺乏。它是那种可以令人信服地关闭民营企业一年多,同时让沃尔玛(Walmart)、塔吉特(Target)、麦当劳(McDonalds)和塔可钟(Taco Bell)等企业巨头一直保持活跃的帝国。这个帝国还可以向其控制下的人民施加压力,让他们接受某些疫苗和药物来对抗人工设计的病毒,同时拒绝接受其他长期以来被证明有效的疫苗和药物。它还可能让人们给孩子戴上面具,迫使他们多年吸入自己的二氧化碳,这会阻碍他们的健康发育和成长。不错的帝国,是吧?
The founding fathers, and the “ordinary” citizens who joined their revolution, were fighting for the concept of the freedom of the individual, and yet also for the freedom to collectively create their own system of governance, one based on ideals which they claimed had their foundation in the unifying principle of God itself. Naturally, this was a lot to live up to, and these people were not perfect. First of all, they had to win this revolution, one that looked impossible by any measure. Also, they only had 5% of the populace who were willing to take up such a task. And then the reality was, were they to win this war “by Divine Providence,” they would then have to live up to the words on that parchment, which had declared the equality and rights of all human beings, as given by God. Thus, a coming Civil War to end slavery was more or less built into that first victory of the American Revolution.
开国元勋和参加革命的”普通”公民为个人自由的概念而斗争,同时也为集体创造自己的治理制度的自由而斗争,他们声称这种治理制度的基础是上帝本身的统一原则。当然,这是一个很大的活,这些人不是完美的。首先,他们必须赢得这场革命,这场革命以任何标准来衡量都是不可能的。而且,他们只有5% 的民众愿意承担这样的任务。然后,现实是,如果他们要赢得这场战争的“神圣眷顾”,那么他们就必须遵守羊皮纸上的文字,这些文字宣告了所有人的平等和权利,正如上帝所赐。因此,即将到来的结束奴隶制的内战或多或少是美国独立战争第一次胜利的一部分。
However, the Empire that the British represented was not so easily defeated. When they realized that they could not win on land, so to speak, they determined to return to the fight with other methods, namely the “infiltration instead of invasion” tactic that JFK spoke of, and the private central banking system the founding fathers warned of, which incidentally was instituted in the City of London, a region of England which is a legal entity unto itself, separate from the rest of the country, like our District of Columbia in the US, and the Vatican City in Italy. This is where the Empire has staked its occult obelisk, while the sleepwalking citizens walk on in the “mental darkness” that Frederick Douglass spoke of, unwitting subjects of those that would rule by secrecy.
Yet, it has long been prophesied that an awakening of humanity is in the cards. All across the world, citizens of every country are waking up to the institutional dynamics of tyranny operating behind the scenes, and the People are taking back their power as individuals and as a collective. It is called We the People, after all, the true power behind representative government. United as a People, the governments of the world are our public servants, not our rulers. Most of these so-called public servants today have long since been bought off by corporate industry. However, there are yet those with higher ideals within the system, willing to fight for what is right and uphold the values inherent in such documents as the United States Constitution. Hope, it is said, remains while the company is true. Though the quest stands on the edge of a knife.
This Pluto Transit does not come and go in a rush. It is a slow moving celestial body. Three times in 2022, the Pluto Return energies will spike, as we experience our exact degree-based return on February 22th, July 11th, and December 28th. The Pluto Return is so profound that its pre-influences have already been felt in 2008, when the corrupt Wall Street credit-default swap nearly crashed the US economy, and more significantly in 2020, when the first major signs of its arrival hit, and the US went through the Covid Plandemic and the 2020 US election steal.
这次冥王星凌日并不是匆忙来去。它是一个缓慢移动的天体。在2022年,冥王星返回能量将三次飙升,因为我们将在2月22日、7月11日和12月28日经历基于学位的精确返回。冥王星回归是如此深刻,以至于它的前期影响早在2008年就已经体现出来了,当时腐败的华尔街信用违约互换(credit-default swap)几乎令美国经济崩溃,更重要的是在2020年,当冥王星回归的第一个主要迹象出现时,美国经历了科维地球物理学会(Covid plan妥协) ,2020年的美国大选也悄然而至。
People can argue about whether Covid was planned or whether the 2020 US election was corrupt and fraudulent, however, given enough time, history will prove this to be the case. But bear in mind, history is written by the victors. Therefore, this coming Pluto Transit, which signifies the death, rebirth and transformation of the United States, will require a victory in the Second American Revolution in order for this nation to be reborn to its original ideals and for the truth about what has taken place to fully come to light.
Fortunately, this revolution is more of a spiritual and information war, and not one which requires citizens taking up arms against their fellows. The Canadian Trucker Convoy is one example of the kind of peaceful protests this new revolution represents. That said, there have been and are battles taking place behind the scenes, and political battles both past and present, which will determine the outcome of this revolution. There are also battles in the financial and tech sectors, battles to institute new systems and dismantle old ones. In a way, there is no field which will not be included in this revolution, and that means the medical and energy industries as well, since this passage signifies a true rebirth, if the energies which signify the fall of a nation do not prevail.
A rebirth and transformation of the world’s systems may seem a bridge too far to many people, and far too large a task to accomplish. Many felt the same way about the first American Revolution. It is my take that the Second American Revolution began when Donald J. Trump announced his candidacy for President in 2015. The backlash to this from the Empire, best characterized by the response of the corporate media, was severe. The political establishment joined the fight, as well as big business, and soon it seemed as if the whole world, minus the actual majority of the voters, was against Donald Trump. He won anyway, which delivered a radical shock to the system.
对许多人来说,世界体系的重生和转型似乎是一座太遥远、太艰巨的任务。许多人对第一次美国革命也有同样的感受。在我看来,第二次美国革命始于唐纳德 · j · 特朗普(Donald j. Trump)2015年宣布参加总统竞选。帝国对此的强烈反应---- 企业媒体对此的最佳拥有属性---- 是严厉的。政治机构和大企业都加入了这场战斗,很快,似乎整个世界,除了实际上占多数的选民,都在反对唐纳德 · 特朗普。不管怎样,他还是赢了,这给整个体制带来了巨大的冲击。
Just like in the first American Revolution, the Empire did not give up when they lost the initial war, they re-circled and regrouped and determined another way to regain their lost power. This time around, they used everything at their disposal, including the medical industry, to contend with the awakening populace and their populist president. It would appear to many that they succeeded in stealing the 2020 election and foisting their puppet ‘Joe Biden’ onto the populace as their supposed “elected” leader. The candidate who garnered the most votes in US history. LOL.
就像第一次美国独立战争一样,帝国在输掉最初的战争后并没有放弃,他们重新盘旋,重新集结,并决定用另一种方式重新夺回他们失去的权力。这一次,他们动用了一切手段,包括医疗行业,来对抗觉醒的民众和他们的民粹主义总统。在许多人看来,他们成功地窃取了2020年的选举,并把他们的傀儡“乔 · 拜登”强加给民众,让他们成为所谓的“民选”领导人。获得美国历史上最多选票的候选人。哈哈。
Not only are the Pluto Energies not done with ‘Joe Biden’– truly they have not even begun to address him. The Pluto Transit, which returns the USA to its birth and destiny, officially begins in earnest on 2/22/22, and then it spikes two more times in 2022. Then it completes its revolutionary transit in 2024. So, we have a tumultuous and remarkable time period ahead of us. It is my belief that ‘Joe Biden’ will be gone long before 2024, but if he isn’t, then there is a hugely significant election in that year. Without the ability to alter election results with Dominion software and mail-in ballots, Trump would win in a landslide of over 80% of the real vote. But perhaps it will not come to that, or something will happen before then. We will see.
不仅冥王星能量没有与“乔 · 拜登”完成-真的,他们甚至还没有开始向他发表讲话。冥王星凌日使美国回到了它的诞生和命运,正式开始于2022年2月22日,然后在2022年达到两次峰值。然后在2024年完成革命性的过境。因此,我们将面临一个动荡而不平凡的时期。我相信乔 · 拜登将在2024年之前离开,但如果他没有离开,那么2024年将会有一场意义重大的选举。如果不能使用自治领软件和邮寄选票来改变选举结果,特朗普将以超过80% 的压倒性优势赢得真实选票。但也许不会到那一步,或者在那之前会发生一些事情。我们拭目以待。
There are many in the political world who are not simply waiting for another presidential election to resolve this. The forensic audit of the 2020 election has not gone away, though the media tries to ignore it. It is being proven for those with eyes to see that the election was compromised and stolen in the battleground states, and in others, as well. The Durham investigation has also proven that Hillary Clinton manufactured the fake evidence of “Russian Collusion” which media-dominated the first Trump presidency. With the help of tech allies, Clinton spied on Trump’s campaign and presidency, which, by the letter of the law, is a criminal act. Obama and his administration were both aware of this and complicit in it. And, of course, the corporate media played its role in putting it all over.
政界有许多人不仅仅是在等待另一次总统选举来解决这个问题。对2020年大选的法庭审计并没有消失,尽管媒体试图忽视它。事实已经证明,那些有眼睛的人可以看到,这次选举在战场州和其他州被妥协和窃取。杜伦大学的调查还证明,希拉里 · 克林顿捏造了“俄罗斯串通”的虚假证据,而媒体在特朗普的第一任总统任期内就占据了主导地位。在技术盟友的帮助下,克林顿监视了特朗普的竞选和总统任期,根据法律条文,这是一种犯罪行为。奥巴马和他的政府都意识到这一点,并且串通一气。当然,企业媒体也发挥了自己的作用。
Biden has long proven himself to be a political criminal, as well. He and his family have taken money from foreign entities, like China and Ukraine, and as such, Biden is a deeply compromised agent, should the actual laws of our country be accounted for and enforced. With each passing day, ‘Biden’ is revealed to be more and more incompetent and corrupt– and we haven’t even hit 2/22/22 yet. It would be interesting to see how many people think he can make it all the way to 2024 or not. It’s a long way off from here, and a transit through truly revolutionary energies. Good luck, Joe!
In the end, just like with the 1776 movement, the bigger picture here is a spiritual one. Without the foundation of Divine Providence, these coming changes to the world system would be beyond the scope of mere mortal hands. The current system, like the Matrix, is simply too entrenched to be removed without the aid of what might either be termed supernatural guidance, or something that has been placed in the cards energetically by a divine hand, something that we will have to face collectively whether we liked it or not, and something that cannot be derailed by the worldly powers that be.
Since we are about to go through a time that might be likened to a birth canal, before we come into the light of a new era, there are many that would no doubt prefer we not have to deal with this, or those that are so heavily invested in the old world and its systems, that they will fight with everything they have to stop it. And then there are others, a strong contingent indeed, who cannot wait to make this passage, regardless of the efforts it will require to get through it, chiefly because of the promise of what lies on the other side of the river, so to speak.
A lot of well-meaning people have hated Trump, and not understood what he was in actuality fighting for. These people, I am sure, do not believe he will return to office. While this coming historical moment is beyond the purview of simply one individual political character, and whether or not he returns to the presidency, there has been so much deception forced onto the general public around Trump and what he truly represented by those powers that fought him, that we are going to collectively have to face a reckoning in these matters, where the actual truth comes to light and is ultimately resolved. The Durham investigation is merely one facet of this, which is just now coming to public revelation. Much more is in the cards.
The Storm is here. It will blow many old structures down and make space for many new ones to be born, reborn, or re-instituted. We are collectively back in 1776, whether we like it or not. Personally, I love it. I am not overly idealizing the individuals that were part of that first revolution, but I deeply admire their courage and convictions, and the incredibly brave reality of what they were fighting for. We live in a country that was founded on their legacy, yet it is an incomplete legacy. We are not done yet, as the sacred principles on that Declaration of Independence still need to be fully instituted into the world system at large. You can ask yourself whether you are among the “5%” type who fought in that first revolution, whether on the fields or in their hearts, or more of the “watch from the sidelines” type, waiting to see what happens while keeping your own cards close to your vest. Miraculous victories don’t come around every season, sometimes it takes 248 years before you get another chance to change the world for the better. Discernment as to who is who in the zoo, politically speaking, has never been more important. Yet the mind control aspects of the media have done their bit on the hearts and minds of the populace. We’ve come a long way since the printing press of 1776. We can indeed be controlled by our communications technologies and yet also freed by them. It is an interesting dichotomy.
To those that would support Tyranny over Freedom, whether unwittingly or not, I will say this: It is officially ‘Game On’ now. Let’s see which structures can survive the coming storm, which ones are worthy of being maintained, and which ones fall. We are all collectively tasked with envisioning a better system, one in which integrity and virtue prevail– “with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence” to help see this all through. I may have lost a few atheists with that one.
对于那些支持暴政压倒自由的人,无论是否有意,我都要说: 现在正式的游戏开始了。让我们看看哪些建筑物能够在即将到来的风暴中幸存下来,哪些值得维护,哪些倒塌了。我们都肩负着共同的任务,设想一个更好的制度,一个以诚信和美德为主导的制度——“坚定地依靠神圣眷顾的保护”,帮助实现这一切。我可能因此失去了一些无神论者。
From all sides the ‘old world order’ system has promoted division and separation amongst the People. Racism, sexism, and every other divisive “ism” is its calling card. Yet, a certain Prince of Peace who walked the Earth some 2,000 years ago heralded a different way of being, one known as Unity Consciousness. That way of being was a nuclear detonation to the political world of its time. Back then, the general public, let alone their system of governance, was not ready for that kind of consciousness to prevail. However, the seed was planted.
While I don’t expect Christ to return as an individual personage per se, I do expect that it is Christ Consciousness or Unity Consciousness which will ultimately emerge as a driving force in this world in the ages to come. Since it is so radically different from the consciousness of separation we know so well, one can only imagine what a world governed by it would look and feel like. Perhaps terms like ‘paradise’ and ‘a golden age’ are the only ones which could begin to do it justice.
Sometimes, you must go through the Dark to get to the Light. It doesn’t sound like fun when you still have it ahead of you, but it is nevertheless the Hero’s Journey that every great Hollywood epic is based on, so why not embrace that aspect of it, and appreciate the possibility of what it portends?
1776 is back, and this time we can complete the promise of the ‘Declaration of Independence’ and fulfill the divine truths of the words on that glorious parchment, for which the men and women of that time mutually pledged their Lives, their Fortunes, and their sacred Honor, giving birth to a Country whose destiny is to be a light unto the world, and a shining beacon for what is possible in the arena of human affairs, when Unity is made the cornerstone upon which all foundations of governance are built.
Parting the Washington Sea
分开华盛顿海 https://www.amazon.com/dp/b092p78p71