Therese Z here; Just in case there is any misconception regarding the danger of using face masks to protect yourself from ANYTHING, this is the answer I received upon asking Divine Mother to help me to explain the danger in simple words. There are absolutely NO ADVANTAGES under ANY circumstances to using face masks. Anything that you are attempting to avoid such as bacteria, germs, viruses etc. will only develop more quickly in the damp environment which unavoidably builds up behind a mask. It was due to the wide use of face masks that the Bubonic Plague spread so quickly. Besides the bacterial build-up you are depriving yourself of much needed oxygen ~ that which is so vital to the immune systems ability to attack infection of any kind. I asked Mother what would you say that the increased risk of infection, pneumonia, etc. is when using a mask. She replied that the increased risk is 400% higher.
Therese Z;以防对使用口罩保护自己免受任何伤害的危险有任何误解,这是我在请求神圣母亲帮助我用简单的话解释这种危险时得到的答案。在任何情况下使用口罩都没有任何好处。任何你试图避免的东西,如细菌、病菌、病毒等。只会在潮湿环境中发展得更快,而潮湿环境不可避免地会在面具后面堆积。正是由于口罩的广泛使用,黑死病传播得如此之快。除了细菌堆积之外,你还剥夺了自己急需的氧气——这对免疫系统抵御任何类型感染的能力至关重要。我问圣母,你会说感染、肺炎等风险增加了吗?是在使用口罩的时候。她回答说,风险增加了400%。