Much is happening behind the scenes but not much can be said for security reasons,yet I will reveal ...
柯博拉讯息|2021/08/24 守住光
Light Forces have begun to clear the innermost layer of the etheric and astral dark force matrix wit...
柯博拉讯息|2021/08/04 大卫和歌利亚
柯博拉讯息|2021/7/27 转折点
1789.54/2021.72 A second basement DOES exist,although the waitress denied it 第二个地下室确实存在,不过女服务员否认了 来源...
柯博拉讯息|2021/07/14 行星状况更新
Clearing of the Chimera group continues.Light Forces have managed to completely clear all undergroun...
柯博拉讯息|20210630 护送唐纳德•拉姆斯菲尔德进入银河中央太阳的冥想
Donald Rumsfeld,architect of the Iraqi war,has been removed from the planet: 伊拉克战争的策划者唐纳德•拉姆斯菲尔德(Don...
柯博拉讯息|2021/6/25 (紧迫)给地面人群的简短信息
柯博拉讯息|2021/6/17 行星状况更新
柯博拉讯息|2021/5/23 给地面民众的紧急信息
柯博拉讯息|2021/5/12 一条给地面居民的短讯息
The Cabal is trying to create a new war in the Middle East by engineering a conflict in Israel and G...