Source: Dinar Chronicles |By Kat
Holy Kats what day!
I can hardly tear myself away from Twitter to post but I wanted to catch everyone up on some of what's been happening.AMAZING day!
我几乎不能离开 Twitter 去发布信息,但是我想让每个人都知道发生了什么。神奇的一天
#NesaraGesara on Tap!!!!OMG!So exciting.#nesaragesara on Tap!!!
As you know,POTUS has to"step down"in order for"us"to form a NESARA government in 120 days.
如你所知,为了让我们在120天内组成 NESARA 政府,总统必须"下台"
Here is the official POTUS step down:
That tells us that NESARA elections might be May 11th?Don't know.Just thinking out loud.It's ALLLLLLLL new.NESARA has never been done before.Going with the flow.
这告诉我们 NESARA 的选举可能是5月11日?不知道。只是把想法大声说出来。一切都是新的。以前从未做过 NESARA。顺其自然
For those who might not know what NESARA/GESARA is,don't feel bad.We're all learning.Here's a link:
对于那些可能不知道 NESARA/GESARA 是什么的人,不要难过。我们都在学习。这里有一个链接:
And while we're on the subject of the wondrous NESARA world POTUS is manifesting right this minute,let's take another moment to praise Med-Beds that are coming THIS YEAR!!!OMG!
当我们正在谈论这位神奇的 NESARA 世界的总统此刻正在显现的时候,让我们再花一点时间来赞美今年即将到来的医疗床吧!!!我的天啊
NO MORE CANCER!!!No more Alzheimers.No more schizophrenia.No more missing limbs.No more wheelchairs.No more old age.No more death/rebirth!!It's so awesome.
Allllllllll the technology that is going to be soon as POTUS and the White Hats rid us of all de*ep state de_mons which is WHAT they are doing right now.God bless them.Godspeed.
Plasma&Tachyon Energy Holographic Med Beds/Secret Space Programs 等离子体和超光速粒子能量全息医疗床/秘密空间计划
I'm making it a habit of snapping Tweets because peeps come and go so fast.I'm up 100 Followers then down 300 Followers then get the drift.While I'm still on Twitter I'll Tweet the TRUTH!!
Alrighty.They silenced Lin Wood who named many of the tr/ai/tors we'll be hearing about,so today Secretary Pompeo was BOOMING right left and center,outlining our war with the C/CP.As well as Cuba.
好的。他们让林伍德闭嘴,林伍德说出了我们将要听到的许多贸易代表的名字,所以今天蓬佩奥部长正在向左和中间发展,概述了我们与*C*P 的战争。还有古巴
Our Secretary of State,along with POTUS,is being blocked by Me/dia outlets(but they're gonna be gone soon.)Pompeo gave a brief speech today.Enclose a link.It was marvelous.
Lest you worry about the Global war—don't.The White Hats have so got this.Remember what Gene Decode said:We have weapons everyone prays we never have to use.
不要担心全球战争。白帽子乐队就是这么做的。记住 Gene Decode 说过的话:我们有武器,每个人都祈祷我们永远不会使用
Then there's the ongoing Ele/ction Fr/aud and all the evidence coming out about it.Juan O'Savin told us we'd be hearing a lot about Italy and we are.
I thought you'd want to see what Twitter censorship looks like.Read the blue inked text underneath the Italian vid.Oh yeah.They're tr/ai/tors and se/di/tion/ists.
I had a conversation with a friend last night explaining the difference between Se/dition and Tr/eason.Just so we're all on the same page:
Like the rats they are from a sinking de*ep state ship.This resignation validates that the"old"government is gone and the"new"NESARA government is forming.Maybe has formed.Dunno.
就像老鼠一样,它们来自一艘正在下沉的深州大船。这一辞职证实了"旧"政府已经消失,"新"NESARA 政府正在形成。也许已经形成了。不知道
I must reiterate for ALL OF US that we cannot pay attention to ANYTHING other than a few trusted sources.Of course,I don't watch or read MSM but all the other stuff that's flying around.Wolves posing as Patriots,etc.
我必须向我们所有人重申,我们只能关注少数几个可信赖的消息来源。当然,我不看或读 MSM,但所有其他的东西飞来飞去。伪装成爱国者的狼等等
This was a great Tweet about it:
POTUS is playing 12D+Chess.He's so moved up from 5D+Chess.
The dazzling Q-plan and the genius with which it is being played is Galactically mind boggling.
令人眼花缭乱的 q 计划和天才,它正在发挥是银河令人难以置信
I was speaking with a Patriot the other night and both she and I agreed we couldn't BELIEVE the PATIENCE that POTUS,Juan O'Savin,Gen.Flynn and the Military-Q have.They are too cool for school.
Juan O'Savin said it perfectly:We played it all the way out to the end—we showed Congressional and Judicial failure—and now it's the Military's turn,which was the ONLY option there ever was going to be to get our country back.
In case you were wondering what Sacha Stone was up to,he Tweeted this poem the other day and I thought it was great:
Yes indeed.We are going home to Dazzling Divine Light from whence we came.Thank God.
Today as I was walking my pup I saw a pod of dolphins.I see them often here in California but today for the first time in my life,the dolphins put on a display the likes of which I have NEVER seen.The splashes,the quick as a bullet wave surfing and swimming,the leaping so high high high in the air.OMG it was awesome.今
Whenever I see dolphins it's a blessing straight from Heaven.Often they bring showers of blessings into my life.But today they seemed to be saying/celebrating showers of blessings for all Creation.
Just wanted to share a little Divine verification that all is well.The best is yet to be.Patriots so in control.These are amazing amazing times we are truly privileged to be living in.
On a personal note: NW,thank you so much for your beautiful words.I was so touched to read them and honored you took the time to post them.Thank you so much.It's the privilege of my life to do the transcriptions and blogs for us all.Thank you with all my heart.It makes the trudge much lighter and much more fun knowing there are people out there receiving my little messages.
就个人而言: NW,非常感谢你美丽的话语。我很感动能够读到这些文章,并且很荣幸你能够花时间把它们发布出来。非常感谢。为我们所有人做抄写和写博客是我一生的特权。衷心地感谢你。知道外面有人在接收我的短信,这让我的长途跋涉更轻松,更有趣
"Thank you,Kat and to all Light Warriors/Patriots!"by NW-1.10.21"谢谢你,凯特和所有的光明战士/爱国者!"NW-1.10.21
That's all for now.Will keep posting INTEL as soon as I get it.
This is Kat,over and out.
P.S.Was just sent this vid.It's great.Haven't seen the whole thing.But the history is what I believe is true.附注:刚刚收到这段视频。太棒了。还没看完呢。但我相信历史是真实的
NYrainman-Patriots unite.The uncensored Truth 尼兰曼-爱国者联合。未经审查的真理
Military Intelligence Operations Have Exposed The Cabal's Plan To Takeover The USA.