In today's press conference,President Trump announced that the FDA has issued an Emergency Use Authorisation for a treatment known as Convalescent Plasma that cures COVID-19.
This bomb shell news is perfect timing.What better way for POTUS to troll the recent train-wreck Democrat Convention?He even said to the press corp that he'hoped they enjoyed their convention...'Love it!
Here is video of the press conference announcement.Thanks,Praying Medic...
Excerpts from President Trump's speech...
'Today I am pleased to make a truly historic announcement in our battle against the China virus that will save countless lives.The FDA has issued an Emergency Use Authorisation...for a treatment known as Convalescent Plasma.This is a powerful therapy that transfuses very very strong antibodies from the blood of recovered patients to help treat patients battling a current infection.It's had an incredible rate of success...This was made possible by Operation Warp Speed...we are years ahead of approval compared to previous administrations...It is proven to improve mortality by 35%...The FDA has made the independent determination that the treatment is safe and very effective.'
US Secretary of Health Alex Asar...
'I just want to emphasize this point because I don't want you to gloss over this number...We dream in drug development of something like a 35%mortality reduction.This is a MAJOR advance in the treatment of patients.This is a MAJOR advance...'
Well,well.This is going to throw a YUGE spanner in the works of Deep State world leaders busy with their lockdown plans.This includes New Zealand's own evil PM who is expected to make an announcement about our lockdown situation later today.She doesn't have the support she did for the last lockdown-people are marching in protest now.
See...?We have nothing to worry about.As I say constantly,President Trump and the Alliance have everything under FULL control.
A shout-out to StormyPatriotJoe who called the cure announcement in a tweet.Here is his take on what will happen next.He's onto it...
对 StormyPatriotJoe 大声疾呼,他在推特上宣布了治愈方案。以下是他对接下来会发生什么的看法。他知道了
Please help this graph of the TRUTH about the COVID-19 stats to go viral.Everyone needs to see it...
Finally,thank you to Michael from The Patriot Hour.Michael often reads out my posts on his show,sharing my intel and mask video finds with his large audience.It is much appreciated.
Where We Go One We Go All.
Love and Light