


Judy ByingtonMSWLCSW,治疗专家,记者,作者: "22张面孔: 珍妮 · 希尔和她的22个多重人格的非凡生活的内幕。"

Black Swan Event Incoming


Fri. 23 Sept?


NESARA/GESARA Announcement


Sat. 24 Sept?


NESARA Announcement Means Federal and State Income Tax is No More, Only a 15% Consumption Tax on New Items Only, with None on Food, Medicine, Wages

NESARA 的声明意味着联邦和州所得税不再增加,只对新产品征收15% 的消费税,而对食品、医药、工资不征收消费税

The Alliance has seized Military Power
from the Deep State (with control over all Satellites, Communication Grids, Banking Servers, Data and Financial Transactions).


Central Banks were Bankrupt: Watch for Runs on Banks and Bank Closures

中央银行破产: 注意银行挤兑和银行关闭

Homeless Encampments Set to Explode Across the Globe


Arizona State Senator Accuses Dept. of Child Safety of Facilitating Global Sex Trafficking Ring After 550 Children Go Missing.


"Guide Us O, Thou Great Jehovah"


July 31, 2022- #4846 Music & the Spoken Word (thetabernaclechoir.org) "In the Old Testament God performed Miracles for His people when He went before them by day in a pillar of a cloud, to lead them the way; and by night in a pillar of fire, to give them light in the wilderness. Today we praise God for such Miracles in times past and humbly seek His ongoing guidance as we journey through our modern wilderness."

2022731-# 4846音乐与口头语言(thetabernaclechoir. org)"在旧约中,上帝为他的子民行了神迹,白天在云柱中为他们带路,晚上在火柱中为他们带路,在旷野中为他们照明。今天,我们赞美上帝在过去创造了这样的奇迹,在我们现代的荒野旅行中,我们谦卑地寻求他持续的指引。"

Guide us, O thou Great Jehovah


Guide us to the Promised Land.


We are weak, but Thou art able;


Hold us with thy powerful hand.


Judy Note:


  • On Sun. 28 Aug. the new gold/asset-backed currencies of 209 nations began trading on Forex back screens, which started world currencies' transition to a Global Currency Reset.


  • The Alliance has seized military power from the Deep State (all Satellites, Communication Grids, Banking Servers, Data and financial transactions).

    联盟已经从深州 (所有卫星、通信网格、银行服务器、数据和金融交易)手中夺取了军事力量。

  • The Sept. 8 announcement about the death of Queen Elizabeth II freed the World from British Admiralty Rule and insured the collapse of the World Cabal Deep State Regime.


  • After Tues. 13 Sept. the Bankrupt Central Banks no longer received the fiat US Dollar from the Bankrupt Federal Reserve.


  • By Wed. midnight 14 Sept. all Banks were required to switch from the old fiat monetary system to the new gold/asset-backed Republic System.


  • On Mon. 19 Sept. Global Elites attending the funeral of Queen Elizabeth were briefed by the Alliance on the upcoming collapse of their governments and banking systems, which would lead to Debt Relief for The People.


  • The White Hat Military in the UK now had King Charles III under Military control.


  • Sat. 24 Sept. NESARA/GESARA Announcement could mean beginning of exchanges.

    924日星期六 NESARA/GESARA 公告可能意味着交流的开始。

  • New Global Monetary System begins Sat. 1 Oct.


A. Global Currency Reset:


  • Coach Jerry: "Be encouraged dear community, our time will come. If we could figure out the precise timing, then the evil opposition could also figure it out. And I have a sneaking suspicion that the Worldwide Alliance has designed this entire "movie" such that no one, outside the good military, is quite able to figure it out."

    杰瑞教练: "鼓励亲爱的社区,我们的时代将会到来。如果我们能找到确切的时间,那么邪恶的反对派也能找到。我有一个潜在的怀疑,全球联盟已经设计了这整个"电影",以便没有人,除了优秀的军队,是相当能够弄清楚

  • Sun. 28 Aug. The new gold/asset-backed currencies of 209 nations began trading on the Forex back screens.


  • On Thurs. 8 Sept. 2022 Operation London Bridge went into effect with the announcement of the death of Queen Elizabeth II, which freed the World from British Admiralty Rule and insured the collapse of the World Cabal Deep State regime. The US Inc., British Crown and Vatican laundering of slush funds were now ended
    to the Cabal corporations of State Street, Vanguard and Blackrock.


  • On Sunday 11 Sept. Iraq brought out their new Iraqi Dinar Rate and on a Tier 1 level began using and exchanging it in Mainland Europe and the Middle and Far East.


  • On Mon. morning 12 Sept. Bond payments were paying out in Europe.


  • The Bankrupt Central Banks haven't received the fiat US Dollar from the Bankrupt Federal Reserve since last Tues. 13 Sept.


  • All Banks were required to switch from the old fiat monetary system to the new gold/asset-backed Republic System by last Wed. midnight 14 Sept.


  • The schedule for the Redemption Centers looks like they won't be open for a couple of days – until the weekend – likely by the start of NESARA on Sat. 24 Sept.

    赎回中心的日程安排看起来要过几天才会开放——直到周末——很可能在周六的 NESARA 开始之前。924日。

B. Tues. 20 Sept.
The Big Call, Bruce:
Thebigcall.net 667-770-1866 pin123456#

2010920日星期二 The Big CallBruce: thebigcall. net 667-770-1866 pin123456 #

  • Last week there were still 9,810 Tier 3, 4 Banks that were not connected to the Quantum Financial System because several accounts in their banks were still being used by the Cabal under the SWIFT System. That practice will stop by Oct. 1.


  • By today of those 9,810 Tier 3, 4 banks not in the system, there were 3,012 of them which were now signed up to the QFS. The remaining banks' assets were seized and they face closure, with their bankers under arrest.


  • As of tonight all bankers who needed to be arrested in the US had been picked up.


  • Most Tier 1, 2 Banks and Redemption Centers have been receiving tranches of monies for some time. From last Thurs. to now they received extra tranches.


  • Fiat monies delivered to the banks has been stopped and as a result some banks have run out of money. Some banks lobbies have been closed.


  • US Inc. and the Federal Reserve have gone bankrupt. Banks were required to restructure under the Restored Republic.


  • Starting last Thurs. the US Treasury began delivery of the new US currency to the banks, but were not allowed to give it out. Those monies will be used for our exchanges.


  • The schedule for the Redemption Centers looks like they won't be open for a couple of days – until the weekend – likely by the start of NESARA on Sat. 24 Sept.

    赎回中心的日程安排看起来要过几天才会开放——直到周末——很可能在周六的 NESARA 开始之前。924日。

  • The intention was for Charlie Ward to release the NESARA/GESARA Announcement on Sat. 24 Sept.

    查理 · 沃德的意图是在924日星期六发布 NESARA/GESARA 的声明。

  • Tier 5 the General Public was to begin Oct. 1, 2, but that could have been pushed back a couple of days.


  • Italy, France, Spain, Belgium and other countries which have been under the Euro will revert back to their own gold/asset-backed currencies with the GESARA announcement.


  • Our Federal Income Tax monies have not gone to our country. It went to the Queen, Rothschilds and the Vatican. That will all change under NESARA.

    我们联邦所得税的钱还没有到我们国家。它流向了女王,罗斯柴尔德和梵蒂冈。在 NESARA 的领导下,这一切都会改变。

  • The US will go to a consumption tax of around 15% on new items that you buy. There will be no tax on food, medicine, earnings or old items such as a used home or car.

    美国将对你购买的新商品征收15% 左右的消费税。食品、药品、收入或旧物如二手房、汽车将不征税。

  • There will be no more Federal or State Income Tax. The state will get half of the 15% consumption tax, the other half will go to the federal government.

    将不再有联邦或州所得税。州政府将得到15% 消费税的一半,另一半将归联邦政府所有。

  • Government agencies
    will be reduced. The IRS was now under the US Treasury.


  • All will start on Oct. 1, the start of our new fiscal year.


C. Restored Republic:


  • The Alliance has seized military power from the Deep State (all Satellites, Communication Grids, Banking Servers, Data and financial transactions).


  • The Vatican Exposed as a World Terror Organization:https://youtu.be/mdhtkPyuhrE

    梵蒂冈被揭露为世界恐怖组织: https://youtu.be/mdhtkPyuhrE

  • The White Hat Military in the UK now had King Charles III under Military control.


  • Diana Alive!
    https://t.me/+0fJYZvprXmtkOTc8 After the death of Queen Elizabeth II, King Charles immediately went into a meeting with someone called "Her Majesty." There were rumors that Princess Diana was back and King Charles wanted to stop her! Follow this channel: https://t.me/+_5w2pVz6KDo5N2Jk

    戴安娜还活着!英国女王伊丽莎白二世去世后,查尔斯国王立即与一位名叫"女王陛下"的人会面有传言说戴安娜王妃回来了,查尔斯国王想要阻止她!关注这个频道: https://t.me/+ _ 5w2pvz6kdo5n2jk

  • On Mon. 19 Sept. Elites attending the funeral of Queen Elizabeth were briefed by the Alliance on the upcoming collapse of their governments and banking systems, which would lead to Debt Relief for The People.


  • On Mon. 19 Sept. King Charles was ordered to appear at an International Tribunal regarding his role and knowledge about the abduction of ten Canadian native children by Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip, and what he knew about the murder of the only living witness to the abduction, William Combes.

    919日星期一。查尔斯国王被命令出席一个国际法庭就他在伊丽莎白女王和菲利普亲王绑架十名加拿大土著儿童事件中所扮演的角色和知情情况以及他所知道的绑架事件唯一活着的目击者威廉 · 库姆斯被谋杀一事。

  • According to Q + Trump on Telegram the Three Days of Darkness followed by Ten Days of Revelations began on Queen Elizabeth's announced death on 8 Sept. – which brought us to Tues-Wed. 20, 21 Sept.

    根据 q + 特朗普在电报上的说法,伊丽莎白女王于98日宣布去世后,"黑暗的三天"随后"揭露的十天"开始了。这让我们来到了星期二-星期三。920,21日。

  • Trump & Co. About to Play Their Hand, Deep State Players Screwed:

    特朗普和他的公司要玩他们的手,深州玩家拧: https://thetruthseekers88. com/programs/Trump-and-company-About-to-Play-Their-Hand-Deep-State-Players-are-Screwed-9182022-bb1a79

  • Naomi Biden claimed Joe Biden died 4 years ago and was replaced with twin. This invalidates the Presidency.

    拜登声称乔 · 拜登4年前去世了,取而代之的是他的孪生兄弟。这使得总统职位无效。

  • The CIA through Blackstone, Blackrock, Vanguard, and States Street...owns about 30 percent of all corporations around the world. Most of the nations are owned by the CIA, about 30 percent.

    中情局通过黑石,贝莱德,先锋,和国家街... 拥有全世界30% 的公司。大多数国家都属于中情局,大约30%

  • AZOV - BRAIN ROT (DOKU) - the KILLING of the NAZI POW WITNESSES https://rumble.com/v1ktta3-azov-brain-rot-doku-the-killing-of-the-pow-testimonies.htm

    AZOV-BRAIN ROT (DOKU)-杀死纳粹战俘目击者

D. The "Barbie & Ken vs. Goliath IRS" Adventure continued. Patriots Ken and Barbie's fully paid for home was confiscated by IRS SWAT Teams, with all their possessions thrown in the trash including expensive equipment Ken used to make a living.


  • For five years the homeless Cromars have suffered lack of due process of Law, including jail time on charges already proven to be false in a Federal Tax Court on a case heard by a judge who has refused to produce her Utah license to practice.


  • Ken invites you to celebrate the 235th Anniversary of the signing of the Constitution and help them finance appeals of their case to the Utah Supreme Court.

    Ken 邀请你们庆祝宪法签署235周年,并帮助他们向犹他州最高法院上诉。

  • A $25 donation (free shipping) will award you his Blu-ray or DVD movies MIRACLES and A More Perfect Union.

    一个25美元的捐赠(免运费)将奖励你他的蓝光或 DVD 电影奇迹和一个更完美的联盟。

  • "These movies were done to honor our Founding Fathers' gift of Liberty to us by bravely signing that FREEDOM document of the Constitution - which was purchased with blood of patriots & especially with Jesus Christ's sacrifice." …Ken Cromar.

    "这些电影是为了纪念我们的开国元勋们给予我们的自由,他们勇敢地签署了宪法的自由文件——这是用爱国者的鲜血,特别是用耶稣基督的牺牲换来的。" · 克罗玛。

  • Order here:

    点此订购: http://www.cedarhillscitizens. org/orders-flooded-in-special-constitution-235-anniversary-offer-extended-to-september-30-2022/

E. Calendar of Upcoming Events:


  • On Thurs. 22 Sept. 2022: Donald Trump's live podcast in 48h (from Tues. 20 Sept)! He will speak about the deceased Queen Elizabeth's relationship with Princess Diana! He is going to reveal many things about the connection, the future, and the past of the royal family and the American people. Request to join this channel to watch the live podcast FOR FREE. Channel will be locked in the following 48h before the stream, don't miss this opportunity: Donald Trump Live https://t.me/+YzNqNrEBwE03NzZk

    2022922日星期四: 唐纳德 · 特朗普48小时现场播客(920日星期二) !他将讲述已故伊丽莎白女王与戴安娜王妃的关系!他将揭示许多关于王室和美国人民的联系、未来和过去的事情。欢迎加入本频道免费收看直播。这个频道将在节目开始前48小时锁定,不要错过这个机会: Donald Trump Live https://t.me/+ yznqnrebwe03nzzk

  • Sat. 24 Sept. Drama all over the place: Intel from various sources indicated that a massive Extinction Event, a Global Financial Crisis and/or other False Flags may occur on Sat. 24 Sept, which was also Numerology 666 Day.

    卫星。924日。各种戏剧性事件: 来自各种渠道的情报表明,大规模的物种灭绝事件,全球金融危机和/或其他错误信号可能发生在星期六。924日,也就是命理学666天。

    Bruce: On 24, 25 Sept. we are expecting announcements on NESARA/GESARA.

    布鲁斯: 924日,25日,我们期待着 NESARA/GESARA 的公告。

    Santa Surfing: Looks like the dirty FBI aka Deep State was planning a False Flag on 24 Sept, the same day as Trump's next rally!

    圣诞老人冲浪: 看起来肮脏的联邦调查局(又名 Deep State)计划在924日,特朗普下一次集会的同一天举行假旗!

    False Flag Attack planned 24 Sept. 7-12 noon at zip code 66066 (satanic symbolism)? Advertising for Crisis Actors in Oskaloosa, Kansas 66066. Could they be targeting Oskaloosa High School or a grade school for a school shooting? https://santasurfing.locals.com/post/2760857/title
    World Trembles After Germany Issues "24 September 2022" Ominous Prediction

    假旗攻击计划于924日中午12时在邮政编码66066(撒旦的象征) ?奥斯卡卢萨的危机演员广告,堪萨斯州66066。他们会把奥斯卡卢萨高中或者小学作为校园枪击案的目标吗? com/post/2760857/title 德国发布"2022924"不祥预测后,世界震动

  • Sun. 25 Sept. at 11 am Central Time (12 pm EST) JFK Jr. Explains Everything. Join: https://t.me/+fI_wAWlgSvxjNjNk

    美国中部时间925日星期日上午11(美国东部时间下午12) JFK jr 解释了一切

  • Fri. 30 Sept. Vatican's payment deadline for the
    Rothschilds, Rockefellers and other families that owned US Inc, United Nations, World Bank, and IMF. The US Inc, British Crown and Vatican laundering of slush funds to the Cabal corporations of State Street, Vanguard and Blackrock would now stop.


  • Sat. 1 Oct: The world would pull the credit from US Inc.

    101日星期六: 全世界都将撤销美国公司的信贷。

  • Sat. 8 Oct. Drama (Congress) An October mega Black Swan Event triggered by the Cabal, was set to occur. This could be a bloody revolution, anarchy, or a peaceful transition. (The Cabal has planned riots in 17 major cities).


  • Sun-Mon 23, 24 Oct. Drama Militia


  • Sat. 29 Oct. Full Stop – everything could freeze for ten days.


  • In October the Chinese Communist Party will convene to make amendments to their constitution that will lead to "new strategies of governance" – likely a democratic state.


  • Tues. 8 Nov. 2022 Elections: "I have on extremely good authority from three different sources that the USA election in November
    2022 will not happen.
    This has already gone through the Supreme Court – SCOTUS – and they used a Shadow Document to overturn the 2020 Election."…Charlie Ward

    2022118日星期二选举: "我从三个不同的来源得到非常可靠的消息,202211月的美国大选不会发生。这已经通过了最高法院—— SCOTUS ——他们使用了影子文件来推翻2020年的选举。"查理 · 沃德

  • Nov 18th 322 Skull and Bones day of the year and Illuminati founder died.


F. RED ALERT Predictive Programming for World War 3 Black Swan Scare Event Sept 23rd.


1) TV 3rd Rock from the sun - A meteor is scheduled to hit the planet in September of 2015 2) TV - Big Bang Theory - Asteroid strike September 23rd 3) Movie - Volcano - 9/23 next to the cross in the movie an asteroid hits the earth on 9/23 4) Movie - Seeking a friend for the end of the world - An Asteroids strikes on September 22nd-23rd and ends the world 5) Movie - Julia & Julia Sept 23 a meteor striking the earth 6) Movie - Deep Impact - Starring Morgan Freeman - He says the asteroid would strike 9-22 Lotto numbers are 923 7) Movie - Evan Almighty - Starring Steve Carrol - The date of the flood is September 22nd 8) Movie - Knowing - the date of September 22nd and 23rd the earth is destroyed by a solar flare 9) Movie - Little shop of horrors - September 23rd an event that will encounter a deadly threat to Human's existence 10) Movie - Tomorrow land - Disaster strikes on September 23rd 11) TV NCIS - Last man standing was the episode "Do they know 9/23?" "No"

1)电视第三幕太阳落石——一颗流星预计于20159月撞击地球2)电视——生活大爆炸理论——小行星撞击地球9233)电影——火山923日下一步电影中的十字架小行星撞击地球电影寻找世界末日的朋友小行星在922日至23日撞击地球,结束了世界电影朱莉娅和朱莉娅923日流星撞击地球电影深度撞击摩根 · 弗里曼主演他说小行星会撞击地球乐透彩票号码是923电影全能的埃文——史蒂夫 · 卡罗尔主演——洪水发生的日期是922——电影《异形奇花》——922日和23日地球被太阳耀斑摧毁电影——恐怖小店——923日人类生存将面临致命威胁的事件电影——明日大地——923日灾难袭击电视台——海军罪案调查处——最后一个站着的人是那一集"他们知道9/23?"不知道

12) Movie "23" - Jim Carrey mentions the date September 23rd as the day that hell arrives 13) TV - Sleepy hallow - September 23rd a new dimension is opened 14) Movie - Ghost Busters - The evil is released September 23rd 15) This is the end - Seth Rogen - Paparazzi video recorder says date 9-23 the rapture happens and 16) Movie Pandemic - Hits the east coast 9/23 17) Movie labyrinth evil consumes the world at 9:23 18) Movie Lost - Plane crashes on a remote island on September 22nd.

12)电影《23——吉姆 · 凯瑞提到923日是地狱降临的日子13)电视——沉睡圣地——923日一个新的维度被打开14)电影——捉鬼敢死队——恶魔于923日发布15)这就是结局——赛斯 · 罗根——狗仔队录像机说923日狂喜发生16)电影大流行——袭击东海岸9/2317)电影迷宫恶魔于9:23吞噬世界18)电影《迷失》——飞机于922日在一个偏远的小岛上坠毁。

19) Movie Castaways - Starring Tom Hanks - Driver's license of dead pilot says 9-23 20) Taco Bell Commercial - Escaping a concentration camp on 923 21) Guinness Beer commercial - If you keep an open mind you'll discover dark secrets Stop watch stops at 9:23 22) Gone girl - September 23rd is used twice depicting the date of the disappearance 23) Video Florence and the machine "we will drag bodies to the ground - Watch stops at 9:23 24) Video Called 23 9-23 is in the video 9 times 25) Video Rhianna called 7/11 Jewish calendar is 9-24 - Her latest video has 923 on the license plates 26) Video Black Eyed Peas - Calendar of the month of Someday with the 23rd of September 27) Video Tainted Love – An asteroid hits earth and then they show the horoscope with the date 9/23 28) Drakes album "Nothing was the same" Released on 9/23 with pics of shirts with this on it 29) Song by Israel Vibrations -September 24th is mentioned as the great tribulation Fulfillment of the Holy Prophecy 30) TV Heroes reborn - Persecution of the church begins 9/23 31) In the video game residence evil - the invasion begins 9/23 32) Illuminati card game has three cards including the asteroid card with 9-23 on it 9 times 33) TV show – One foot in the grave – 1990 – "9/23 the day of the Lord shall be upon you"

19)电影《漂流者》——汤姆 · 汉克斯主演——驾驶执照上写着已故飞行员9-2320)塔可钟广告——逃离集中营92321)吉尼斯啤酒广告——如果你保持开放的心态,你就会发现黑暗的秘密停止手表停止在9:2322)《消失的女孩》——923日两次用来描述失踪的日期23)视频佛罗伦萨和机器"我们将把尸体拖到地面观察停止在9:2324)视频叫做239-23是在视频中的925)视频叫做7/11犹太日历是9-24-她最新的视频有923在许可证上视频黑眼豆豆——923日某一天的日历视频污染的爱情——一颗小行星撞击地球,然后他们显示了带有日期的星座图片923日德雷克专辑《一切都不一样》923日发布,上面有衬衫的图片29)以色列震动之歌——924日被认为是神圣预言的大灾难电视英雄重生-迫害教堂开始在电子游戏中居住邪恶-入侵开始9/2332)光照派卡片游戏有三张卡片,包括小行星卡片9-23上面有9乘以33)电视节目-一只脚进入坟墓-1990-9/23主的日子将降临在你身上

G. The Real News for Tues. 20 Sept. 2022:


  • The first prophecy of Qstradamus
    will be revealed tonight (Tues. 20 Sept.). The big return is here! They are ready! https://t.me/+2rcSpl3Q_nFlYmM0

    Qstradamus 的第一个预言将在今晚(920日星期二)揭晓。巨大的回报就在这里!他们准备好了!

  • An enormous structure is going up on the South Lawn of the White House! What in the world? …Nancy Drew

    一座巨大的建筑正在白宫南草坪上建起来! 这到底是怎么回事

  • Proof that Scud Missile Hit Pentagon on 9/11: Hidden video showing what really hit the Pentagon: https://t.me/+L29DjTJwfNJlYThk

    飞毛腿导弹在911袭击五角大楼的证据: 隐藏视频显示真正袭击五角大楼的是什么: https://t.me/+ l29djtjwfnjlythk

  • FBI Agents have admitted through testimony in Court documents now on the record that January 6th defendants have no shot at a fair trial in D.C.


  • Sig Mickelson, President of CBS from 1954 to 1961: "We had been contacted by the CIA, as a matter of fact by the time I became the head of the whole News and Public Affairs operation in 1954 the shifts had been established and I was told about them and asked if I'd carry on with them."

    1954年至1961年担任哥伦比亚广播公司(CBS)总裁的西格米克尔森(Sig Mickelson)表示: "事实上,当我在1954年成为整个新闻和公共事务部门的负责人时,中情局已经与我们取得了联系

  • Juan O Savin breaks down the American Flag without the 'Stars' and why it was a critical feature at the end of President Trump's "Save America Rally" in Ohio on Sat. 17 Sept.:

    胡安奥萨文(Juan o Savin)在没有"明星"的情况下打破了美国国旗,以及为什么这是特朗普总统周六在俄亥俄州"拯救美国集会"(Save America Rally)结束时的一个关键特写。917: https://rumble. com/v1kqgzr-give-no-quarter-with-juan-o-savin-and-ladislav-vrabel-unrestricted-truths-e. html

  • Situation Update, Sep 19, 2022: Giant homeless encampments set to explode across U.S.: https://www.brighteon.com/1fac957c-8fef-4359-9716-663631f2adfa

    最新情况,2022919: 巨大的无家可归者营地将在美国各地爆炸

  • In the DUMBS Alliance Forces found food and drink hidden by the Cabal for consumption that could feed the WHOLE WORLD for the next 150 years. 14.2 billion tons of high quality food. They have been analyzed. The samples did not contain toxic substances that are normally released in the general population.


  • David Rockefeller: "Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as 'internationalists' and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure — one world, if you will. If that is the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it."

    大卫 · 洛克菲勒: "有些人甚至认为,我们是一个秘密阴谋集团的一部分,这个集团与美国的最大利益背道而驰,将我和我的家人描述为'国际主义者',并与世界各地的其他人密谋建立一个更加一体化的全球政治和经济结构——如果你愿意的话,可以说是一个世界。如果这就是指控,我有罪,我为此感到骄傲。"

  • Hillary Clinton's maiden name is Rockefeller.

    希拉里 · 克林顿的娘家姓是洛克菲勒。

  • How a Dictator Takes Over a Nation:

    独裁者如何接管一个国家: https://www.facebook. com/100000169132610/posts/pfbid022jus1rdsfkyztzggweoxmaerv3pcfwez3gwhstor66tswpdpwuibgpgf6gvg1frbl/? sfnsn = mo

  • If five million foreign citizens swarmed across our border on one day we'd call it an invasion. If five million foreign citizens swarm across our border in 2 years we'd call it the Biden Administration. …Denzel Washington

    如果有一天500万外国公民涌入我们的边境我们会称之为入侵。如果五百万外国公民在两年内涌入我们的边境,我们会称之为拜登政府。丹泽尔 · 华盛顿

H. International Child Sex Trafficking, Organ and Adrenochrome Harvesting Ring:


  • Arizona State Senator Accuses Dept. of Child Safety of Facilitating Global Sex Trafficking Ring After 550 Children Go Missing. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/09/arizona-state-senator-accuses-dept-child-safety-facilitating-global-sex-trafficking-ring-550-children-go-missing/


  • Twenty million kids rescued from Underground DUMB Adrenochrome Harvesting Factories: https://rumble.com/v1kqq4n-20-million-kids-rescued-adrenochrome.html

    2000万儿童从地下DUMBS肾上腺素采集工厂获救: https://rumble. com/v1kqq4n-2000万儿童获救-肾上腺素.html

  • Arizona State Senator Accuses Dept. of Child Safety Is Facilitating Global Sex Trafficking Ring After 550 Children Go Missing. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/09/arizona-state-senator-accuses-dept-child-safety-facilitating-global-sex-trafficking-ring-550-children-go-missing/


  • International child sex trafficking: The CIA, Mossad, Australia, New Zealand, Taiwan, CCP, Burma, Thailand and the government of Myanmar all had their hands in the world's largest drug and child trafficking operation, the GOLDEN TRIANGLE. Also involved in the TerraMar project. Myanmar is the largest drug and child trafficking country in the world.

    国际儿童性交易: 中央情报局,摩萨德,澳大利亚,新西兰,台湾,中共,缅甸,泰国和缅甸政府都参与了世界上最大的毒品和儿童贩卖行动,金三角。也参与了 TerraMar 计划。缅甸是世界上最大的贩毒和贩卖儿童的国家。

  • Your governments, three-letter intelligence agencies, elites, Hollywood, Vatican City and the royal family are responsible. ALL islands, Epstein, Biden, Depp, Winfrey, Nygard, Branson etc. The kids are taken in planes, submarines, containers and into the tunnels. Even the Black Forest in Germany, Netherlands, Belgium and France. They are tortured, raped, eaten, murdered and experimented with animals and ETs. It takes 7 months to recover from this. Some will never recover from this evil when they find out that it was never about a virus, but always about the children of the world. Military is the only way in the world. https://t.me/SpecialQForces/44756


I. Global Food, Fuel and Goods Shortages:


  • Why Are Walmart And Other Major US Retailers Canceling Billions Of Dollars In Orders As Summer Comes To An End? https://www.zerohedge.com/personal-finance/why-are-walmart-and-other-major-us-retailers-canceling-billions-dollars-orders

    为什么在夏季即将结束之际,沃尔玛和其他美国主要零售商取消了数十亿美元的订单? com/personal-finance/why-are-walmart-and-other-major-us-retailers-cancel-billions-dollars-orders

  • FedEx cratering as economy implodes, shipping demand falls off cliff: http://www.naturalnews.com/2022-09-20-fedex-cratering-economy-implodes-shipping-demand-falls.html


J. Global Weather Manipulation:


  • Chile to Mexico: Since last week there were about FIVE volcanoes that have increased in their magnitude of emissions going from CHILE all the way up to MEXICO... in that quadrant. There are others which are increasing also. In particular, many of these volcanoes which are lined up near Chile and Peru and up through Mexico into California on up into Alaska...that portion of the Ring of Fire has increased tremendously. The Cocos Plate is now RUMBLING with a steady vibration. You know what that means for California... That is not good news. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=03I4Fyv_NAE

    智利到墨西哥: 自上周以来,大约有五座火山的排放量增加了,从智利一直到墨西哥... ... 在那个象限。还有其他的火山也在增加。尤其是许多这样的火山,它们排列在智利和秘鲁附近,穿过墨西哥,进入加利福尼亚,进入阿拉斯加,环太平洋火山带的部分已经大大增加了。Cocos 板块现在正以稳定的震动隆隆作响。你知道这对加州意味着什么吗? 这可不是什么好消息。Https://www.youtube. com/watch

  • Mexico:
    Magnitude 7.6 Earthquake Slams Mexico - TSUNAMI WARNINGS ISSUED:

    墨西哥: 里氏7.6级地震海啸警报发布: https://halturnerradioshow. com/index.php/en/news-page/world/Magnitude-7-6-Earthquake-slam-Mexico-TSUNAMI-WARNINGS-ISSUED

K. Covid/ Monkey Pox/ Vax/ Medicine Hoax:


  • CDC Director caught in massive lie about CV-19 Boosters: https://usafirstreporting.com/cdc-director-caught-in-massive-lie-about-covid-19-bivalent-boosters/

    美国疾病控制和预防中心主任被发现在 cv-19支持者问题上撒大谎: https://usafirstreporting. com/CDC-Director-caught-in-massive-lie-about-covid-19-bivalent-boosting/

  • Dr. Reiner Fuellmich calls for a GLOBAL class action lawsuit for Vax GENOCIDE. https://www.stewpeters.com/video/2022/09/dr-reiner-fuellmich-speaks-out-on-vaxx-genocide-global-class-action-lawsuit-for-pfizer-and-moderna-nuremburg-2-0/

    Reiner Fuellmich 博士呼吁针对 Vax 种族灭绝提起全球集体诉讼

  • INTERNATIONAL MEDICAL CRISIS: Over 400 doctors and scientists in India declare COVID vaccine programs must end:

    国际医疗危机: 超过400名医生和科学家在印度宣布冠状病毒疾病疫苗计划必须结束

  • Lawsuits claim hospitals specifically targeted unvaccinated patients with forced Remdesivir and respirator "treatment":

    诉讼声称医院专门针对未接种疫苗的病人强制使用 Remdesivir 和呼吸器"治疗": http://www.naturalnews. com/2022-09-20-Lawsuits-hospitals-targeted-unvaccination-Remdesivir-respirator-death. html

L. Emergency Alert System (EAS) on Standby: EAS on Standby for Midterms | Real Raw News

紧急警报系统(EAS)待命: EAS 待命期中考试 | 真实原始新闻

  • If the Deep State Democrats cheat their way to victory in the November midterms, President Donald J. Trump will implore the U.S. military to trigger the Emergency Alert System (EAS), White Hat sources told Real Raw News.

    白帽消息人士告诉 Real Raw News,如果深州民主党在11月的中期选举中作弊获胜,唐纳德 · j · 特朗普总统将恳求美国军方启动紧急警报系统(EAS)

  • The EAS, formerly called the Emergency Broadcast System, was established in 1963 to alert Americans in time of war and was in later years expanded for use during peacetime emergencies at state and local levels.


  • Until recently, the nation's most contemptible police force, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, had control of the EAS—until the White Hat partition of the U.S. military seized it during a brazen assault on FEMA's Mount Weather stronghold last March.

    直到最近,美国最卑鄙的警察部队——联邦紧急事务管理局(Federal Emergency Management Agency)还控制着 eas ——直到去年3月,在对联邦紧急事务管理局位于韦瑟山(Mount Weather)的据点发动的一次厚颜无耻的攻击中,美国军方的白帽部队夺取了 eas

  • When activated, the EAS, in brief, overrides local and cable broadcasts and transmits an audio tone and a text message to cellular phones. It is somewhat similar to but more powerful than the Amber Alert System and the National Weather Service's severe weather notification system.

    简而言之,当 EAS 被激活时,它会覆盖本地和有线广播,并向移动电话发送音频和文本信息。它有点类似于安珀警报系统和国家气象局的恶劣天气通报系统,但是比它更强大。

  • Over the last few months, President Trump and White Hats have disagreed on when exactly the EAS should be activated. For example: When the FBI raided and occupied Mar-a-Lago, Trump beseeched Marine Corps General David H. Berger to spin up the EAS, saying the nation was under siege. But Gen. Berger, having consulted his team, argued that an isolated incident, though unlawful and unconstitutional, should not constitute a national crisis. Had the FBI raided Trump's other properties, or illegally detained Trump, he would have considered engaging the EAS. Trump had ultimately concurred with Gen. Berger's assessment, saying that prematurely triggering the EAS could backfire and play into the Deep State's hands.

    在过去的几个月里,特朗普总统和白帽子在什么时候启动 EAS 的问题上存在分歧。例如: 当联邦调查局突袭并占领海湖庄园时,特朗普请求海军陆战队将军戴维 · h · 伯杰(David h. Berger)启动 EAS,称美国正处于围攻之中。但伯杰将军在咨询了他的团队后认为,一个孤立的事件,尽管是非法和违宪的,但不应构成国家危机。如果联邦调查局突袭了特朗普的其他财产,或者非法拘留了特朗普,他会考虑与 EAS 进行接触。特朗普最终同意伯杰将军的评估,称过早触发 EAS 可能适得其反,并正中 Deep State 的下怀。

  • Nonetheless, Trump said the military must use the EAS if the Deep State steals the midterms, for the results will affect the 2024 presidential election. Gen. Berger had no issue with that.

    尽管如此,特朗普表示,如果深州在中期选举中获胜,军方必须使用 EAS,因为选举结果将影响2024年的总统选举。伯杰将军对此没有异议。

  • If the Deep State sweeps hotly contested senate, state, and regional races, a chain of events will take place: once victors are announced, U.S. Army Cyber Command and U.S.M.C. Forces Cyberspace Command will conduct an independent investigation. They will evaluate not only the Senate and House of Representatives, but also analyze gubernatorial and mayoral races. Even county judge results could face intense scrutinization. The joint cyber command force will also look to see if illegal immigrants in sanctuary cities had cast ballots.

    如果"深州"席卷了竞争激烈的参议院、州和地区竞选,一系列事件将会发生: 一旦胜利者宣布,美国陆军网络司令部和美国海军陆战队网络司令部将进行独立调查。他们不仅要评估参议院和众议院,还要分析州长和市长的竞选情况。即使是县法官的结果也可能面临严格的审查。联合网络指挥部也将检查庇护城市的非法移民是否参与了投票。

  • Then, if election theft is proven, White Hats will switch on the EAS. An image of the U.S. flag flown upside down will appear on cell phones and televisions across the nation. Patriots should recognize this as a sign of national distress. Sources told Real Raw News this should not be interpreted as an immediate call to arms, as the military does not want citizens caught in the crossfire when it storms state and federal buildings and drags treasonous officials into the streets, in chains.

    然后,如果选举盗窃被证实,白帽子就会打开 EAS。一幅倒挂的美国国旗将出现在全国各地的手机和电视上。爱国者们应该认识到这是国家危机的标志。消息人士告诉《真实原始新闻》

  • "This won't be time for a civilian uprising," a source in Gen. David H. Berger's office told RRN. "We want all patriots to hang their flags upside down, to spread the word, not get themselves killed. We have people who have been training for this day for a very, very long time. If things go south and we need patriot assistance, we will send out a follow up message explicitly stating that. Otherwise, we don't want to see the Wild West in America's streets."

    大卫 · h · 伯杰将军办公室的一位消息人士告诉 RRN: "现在不是平民起义的时候。""我们希望所有的爱国者把旗帜倒挂起来,传播消息,而不是让自己被杀。我们的人民为了这一天已经训练了很久很久。如果情况不妙,我们需要爱国者的帮助我们会发出后续信息明确指出。否则,我们不想在美国街头看到狂野的西部。"

M. Q, the Storm Rider:


  • The ramifications of Exposure leads to the Chinese Communist Party Military Intelligence Agency, who has agents working inside TWITTER spying on Congressional members including the current and former Presidents of the United States.

    曝光的后果导致了中国共产党军事情报机构在 TWITTER 内部安插间谍,监视包括美国现任和前任总统在内的国会议员。

  • Many had doubts about MUSK and his loyalties and allegiance. Q the Storm Rider had gave several drops last year and this year the behind the scenes collective Military operations that include Elon. It had been stated here in this channel that Musk's move on TWITTER would EXPOSE the corruption of the social media giant, which would lead to connections in Facebook, Google, YouTube, Instagram, TIK Tock.

    许多人怀疑马斯克,怀疑他的忠诚。风暴骑士 q 在去年和今年的幕后集体军事行动中都投入了很多精力,其中就包括了 Elon。马斯克在 TWITTER 上的举动暴露了这家社交媒体巨头的腐败,这将导致 Facebook、谷歌、 YouTube Instagram TIK Tock 的连接。

  • Current hearings with Congressional members and several high commanders in attendance have publicly opened the doors to Espionage/Treason/ Election Interference/ /Censorship on Free Speech that exposed the vaccines and cover-ups corrected to Fauci, Gates and Big Pharma including massive cover-up by the DOJ and FBI (Hunter Biden Laptop).


  • The magnitude of corruption connected to the Democratic Party/ CIA/ FBI and Foreign Intelligence agencies working with the corrupted Democratic Party and leaders, all led back to Obama, Clintons and Silicon Valley.


  • A year ago it had become evident through the EU Military Alliance and operations that in order to clean the European Swamp connected to Bush, Clinton, Obama, DAVOS controlled militarized social media infrastructure, Silicon Valley had to be Targeted!


  • MUSK has brought to light and world attention the absolute corruption Twitter, Big Tech and corrupt agencies working in connection with Espionage at the highest levels, Foreign and Domestic, to overthrow governments, Presidents, Prime Ministers and conceal Treasonous military coups using Twitter and Social Media Platforms that host the world populations of 5 billion users.

    马斯克揭露并引起了全世界对绝对腐败的关注: Twitter、大型科技公司以及与国内外最高级别间谍活动有关的腐败机构,利用拥有50亿用户的 Twitter 和社交媒体平台推翻政府、总统、总理,并隐瞒叛国的军事政变。

  • Silicon Valley was now in the Killbox of the Military Alliance Operations as Whistleblowers, Congress, Military commanders and US States made their individual moves on the treachery of Deep State controlled Social Media and Silicon Valley.

    当告密者、国会、军事指挥官和美国各州针对 Deep State 控制的社交媒体和硅谷的背叛行为采取各自的行动时,硅谷已经成为军事联盟行动的杀手锏。

  • Texas leads the assault on Big Tech and fights for Freedom of Speech.


  • The Whisper of Military control advancing on Silicon Valley using Texas Military National Guard deputized as U.S. Federal Marshals is inside the scope of operations.


  • It's the same Military Operations that seized NYC news headquarter operations, AP Networks, AT&T telecommunication headquarters and data servers.


Briefing by the Chief of Nuclear, Biologic and Chemical Protection Troops of Russian Armed Forces Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov on recent consultative meeting of member States of Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention:

俄罗斯武装部队核生化保护部队首长伊戈尔 · 基里洛夫中将关于《生物和毒素武器公约》成员国最近协商会议的简报:

Overview of all Reports:

所有报道综述: https://t.me/exposed thepedosendofthecabal/12414

Full Text:

全文: https://telegra.ph/briefing-by-the-chief-of-nuclear-biological-and-chemical-protection-troops-of-russian-armed-forces-lieutenant-general-igor-kirillo-09-19

Screens: https://disk.yandex.ru/d/4tvyGx3vcbUWyw

屏幕: https://disk.yandex.ru/d/4tvyGx3vcbUWyw


文档: https://disk.yandex.ru/d/TKGwwWG-0kfcbQ

PART 1 of 8: https://t.me/EXPOSEthePEDOSendOfTheCABAL/14596

第一部分: https://t.me/exposed thepedosendofthecabal/14596

PART 2 of 8: https://t.me/EXPOSEthePEDOSendOfTheCABAL/14597

第二部分: https://t.me/exposed thepedosendofthecabal/14597

PART 3 of 8: https://t.me/EXPOSEthePEDOSendOfTheCABAL/14598

第三部分: https://t.me/exposed thepedosendofthecabal/14598

PART 4 of 8: https://t.me/EXPOSEthePEDOSendOfTheCABAL/14599

第四部分: https://t.me/exposed thepedosendofthecabal/14599

PART 5 of 8: https://t.me/EXPOSEthePEDOSendOfTheCABAL/14601

第五部分: https://t.me/exposed thepedosendofthecabal/14601

PART 6 of 8: https://t.me/EXPOSEthePEDOSendOfTheCABAL/14602

第六部分: https://t.me/exposed thepedosendofthecabal/14602

PART 7 of 8: https://t.me/EXPOSEthePEDOSendOfTheCABAL/14603

第七部分: https://t.me/exposed thepedosendofthecabal/14603

PART 8 of 8: https://t.me/EXPOSEthePEDOSendOfTheCABAL/14604

第八部分: https://t.me/exposed thepedosendofthecabal/14604

O. Just putting this out there Creepy Satanic rumors: Funeral for a Queen

我只是把这个吓人的撒旦谣言放出去: 女王的葬礼

  • So the Queen has been dead for over two years
    now and has been on ice. Would it surprise anyone to this day now if the Elites who are invited guest to the funeral gathering came specifically to eat her and others were forced to be part of the eating ceremony. ....


  • Who's gonna be surprised if the Satanic SPIRIT cooker Marina Abramovic showed up at Queen eLIZARDbeths funeral? Why would [they] do this?

    如果撒旦精神的厨师玛莉娜 · 阿布拉莫维奇出现在伊丽莎白女王的葬礼上谁会感到惊讶呢?他们为什么要这么做?

  • You have to remember the DEEP STATE CABAL lives through blackmail/SATANIC Rituals. Killary Clinton was on Anthony Weiner's laptop eating children and wearing their faces that was cut off ..... And the NYC police officers who viewed the LAPTOP died and supposedly committed suicide after and the FBI also covered that laptop story up///..... Inside these satanic Rituals several newbies and elites are forced to eat the victims or drink the blood laced with Adrenochrome. And the whole event is filmed for later blackmail agendas.

    你必须记住通过勒索/撒旦仪式的深层阴谋集团的生活。克拉里 · 克林顿在安东尼 · 韦纳的笔记本电脑上吃孩子,还戴着他们被切掉的脸..。看到这台笔记本电脑的纽约警察死后据说是自杀,联邦调查局也掩盖了这个笔记本电脑的故事。在这些邪恶的仪式中,一些新手和精英被迫吃掉受害者或喝下掺有肾上腺素红的血液。整个事件都被拍摄下来,以备后来的敲诈。

  • As you all know King Charles lll was busy eating babies and enjoy his past time hobby ( pedophilia) while living in Transylvania the last year's (The Prince of Wales's private nature retreat lies nestled amongst the meadows and hills of Zalán Valley (Zalánpatak, Valea Zălanului) in Transylvania, Romania)/.... Charles best friend was pedophilia UK ring king Jimmy Savile who molested kids in Hospitals and special needs children hospitals and worked directly with dead bodies in these hospital morgues.... Jimmy Savile was having sex with dead people as well as living children and was Knighted by the Queen herself on the behalf of Charles. ( MI6 MI5 & military Intel in UK knew Savile was a pedo but he was highly PROTECTED by the UK Royal Majesty.>>> Jimmy Savile was the Jeffrey Epstein of the UK in his time... And King Charles was the Ghislaine Maxwell of his day<<

    大家都知道,查尔斯三世去年住在特兰西瓦尼亚的时候,正忙着吃婴儿,享受他过去的爱好(恋童癖)(威尔士亲王的私人自然疗养地坐落在罗马尼亚特兰西瓦尼亚的 Zalán 山谷(ZalánpatakValea z lanului)的草地和丘陵之间)/..。查尔斯最好的朋友是恋童癖的英国戒指之王吉米 · 萨维尔他在医院和特殊儿童医院猥亵儿童直接在医院停尸房处理尸体。吉米 · 萨维尔不仅和活着的孩子发生性关系,还和死人发生性关系女王本人代表查尔斯封他为爵士。(英国军情六处军情五处和军事情报部门知道萨维尔是个小矮人,但他受到英国皇家陛下的高度保护。吉米 · 萨维尔是他那个时代英国的杰弗里 · 爱泼斯坦,而查尔斯国王则是他那个时代的吉斯莱恩 · 麦克斯韦

  • Did Marina Abramovic save Prince Harry and Meghan Markle marriage? (Behind closed doors. MEDIA blackout) How did TRUMP know Prince Harry and Markle would break up soon?

    玛莉娜 · 阿布拉莫维奇是否拯救了哈里王子和梅根 · 马克尔的婚姻?(关起门来。媒体封锁)特朗普怎么知道哈里王子和马克尔会很快分手?

  • What's known is USSF has the whole country UK on WIRES (everything is being recorded. The technology USSF has is near perfect 3D Sonars systems that can infiltrate buildings and follow events, gatherings and film entire proceedings taking place. The USSF SAT EYE IN THE SKY IS MARVELOUS....but still, we sure are in some creepy times.

    众所周知的是,USSF 已经在线上记录了整个英国(所有的事情都被记录下来了。USSF 拥有的技术是近乎完美的3d 声纳系统,可以渗透到建筑物中,跟踪事件、集会和拍摄整个过程。USSF 的卫星天空之眼是不可思议的... ... 但是,我们仍然在一些令人毛骨悚然的时代。

P. Must Watch Videos:


  • Mon. 19 Sept. Situation Update: Situation Update: A Black Swan Shutdown Is Upon Us! Banks Could Close! Central Banks Bankrupt! Stock Up Warning! 9/24/22 Event Looms! "Law Of War" Warning! - We The People News | Opinion - Conservative | Before It's News (beforeitsnews.com)

    919日星期一。情况更新: 情况更新: 黑天鹅关闭正在逼近我们!银行可能关门!中央银行破产!股票上涨警告!9/24/22事件织机!战争法则警告!我们人民新闻 | 观点-保守派 | 新闻之前(beforeitsnews. com)

  • Sun. 18 Sept. Juan O Savin: Juan O' Savin: Huge Intel -"We Are on Our Way" (Video) | Alternative | Before It's News (beforeitsnews.com)

    918日。胡安 · 奥萨文: 胡安 · 奥萨文: 巨大的情报-"我们在路上"(视频) | 选择 | 新闻之前(beforeitsnews. com)

  • Charlie Ward: https://rumble.com/v1kbzet-who-is-attending-the-queens-funeral-with-jason-q-and-charlie-ward.html

    查理沃德: https://rumble. com/v1kbzet-who-is-attending-the-queens-funeral-with-jason-q-and-Charlie-Ward. html

  • Mon. 19 Sept. Situation Update Homeless Encampments: Situation Update, Sep 19, 2022 - Giant homeless encampments set to explode across U.S.

    919日星期一。最新情况无家可归者营地: 最新情况,2022919-巨大的无家可归者营地将在美国各地爆炸。

  • 新德里克约翰逊和黑暗前哨: 特朗普的回归! 特朗普的军队负责人! 文件证明!

  • Lady Diana Returns:
    Lady Diana Returns In 24 Hours Alive & Well
    Diana is alive!

    戴安娜王妃回归: 戴安娜王妃24小时后回归,戴安娜王妃还活着

"Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities," by Judy Byington, Foreword by Dr. Colin A. Ross, M.D. RAW: Dr. Colin Ross – Robert David Steele

"22张面孔: 珍妮 · 希尔非凡的生活和她的22个多重人格的内幕",朱迪 · 拜因顿,前言,科林 · a · 罗斯博士

Jenny Hill's witness to a Satanic Child Sacrifice Rite: Woman Sees Human Sacrifice - YouTube

珍妮 · 希尔见证了一场撒旦式的儿童献祭仪式: 女人看到了人类的牺牲
WARNING: Jenny gave a graphic description about how she at the tender age of five, was raped, tortured, forced to view a Child Sacrifice and save for Divine intervention, was almost killed herself – not unlike the sordid experiences of thousands of other child victims of Satanic Worshippers. Perpetrators giving homage to Satan were organized from the US Inc's CIA, Queen Elizabeth's, Illuminati Banking families' and Vatican's Ninth Circle Child Sacrifice Cult on down to the Clintons, Hollywood, Pizzagate and local teenage covens. They were funded by this same Cabal that ran our global monetary system – the very organization that was in the process of being brought down by activation of the Global Currency Reset and Restored Republics of the world. It's no wonder that President Trump has stated, "These people are sick."

警告: 珍妮给出了一个生动的描述,关于她如何在5岁的幼小年龄,被强奸,折磨,被迫观看一个儿童牺牲和被神圣介入拯救,几乎自杀-不像其他数以千计的儿童受害者的肮脏经历撒旦崇拜者。向撒旦致敬的犯罪分子来自美国中央情报局、伊丽莎白女王、光照派银行家族和梵蒂冈的第九圈儿童祭祀邪教,一直到克林顿、好莱坞、 Pizzagate 和当地的青少年聚会。它们的资金来自同一个掌管我们全球货币体系的阴谋集团——正是这个组织正在被全球货币重置和恢复世界各共和国的活动所摧毁。难怪特朗普总统说"这些人病了"

R. Judy Note on the Satanic Ritual Abuse of Children in Your Neighborhood:


Since 1990 I have been doing investigations on the Satanic Ritual Abuse of children at the request of brave SRA Survivor-victims who were witnesses to and victims of pedophile, torture and murder crimes of Satanic leaders and their covens. During this time I have found Satanists implanted in law offices, local police, county sheriff's offices and all the way up to the Attorney General Offices in my state and others and then the carnage went on to the internationally organized Ninth Circle Satanic Cult that runs out of the Vatican.

1990年以来,我一直在应勇敢的 SRA 幸存者的要求,调查撒旦宗教仪式虐待儿童的案件,这些幸存者是撒旦宗教领袖及其女巫团的恋童癖、酷刑和谋杀罪行的目击者和受害者。在这段时间里,我发现撒旦教徒被植入了律师事务所,当地警察局,县治安官办公室,一直到我所在州的总检察长办公室和其他地方,然后屠杀进入了国际组织的第九圈撒旦邪教,它逃出了梵蒂冈。

There's certainly no help from US or other nation's government agencies, including the FBI or CIA perpetrators. These legal entities successfully negate even the opening of cases of the ritual abuse and murder of children, let alone do valid investigations.


To be honest and to my knowledge there was no safe place on either a local, national or international level that has been set up to report Satanic Crime – likely the main reason why local, national and international Satanic Covens so easily and on a regular basis, get away with the torture and murder of thousands of children – many times bred for the purpose without birth certificates, or identification.


S. USNCMEC Urgent Victim Help 24-Hour Hotline: 1-800-843-5678

24小时求助热线: 1-800-843-5678

Contact Interpol:

联系国际刑警组织: http://www.Interpol.int/contacts/Contact-Interpol http://www.Interpol.int/what-you-can-do/if-you-need-help

Europol Tipline Tel.: +31 70 302 5000

欧洲刑警组织热线电话: + 31703025000 https://www.Europol.europa.eu/report-a-crime

EU Hotlines:

欧盟热线: https://ec.europa.EU/anti-trafficking/citizens-corner-national-hotline/national-hotline _ en

Global: Human Trafficking Hotline Numbers: https://www.abolishion.org/human_trafficking_hotline_numbers

Global: human trafficking Hotline Numbers: https://www.abolishion.org/human _ trafficking _ Hotline _ Numbers://www.abolishion.org/human _ trafficking _ Hotline _ Numbers 全球: 人口贩卖热线号码: https://www.abolishion. org/human _ trafficking _ Hotline _ Numbers

Human Trafficking Help and Resources: https://trafficking.help/us/

人口贩卖帮助和资源: https://trafficking.Help/us/

T. The Global Currency Reset, Restored Republic and NESARA/GESARA were all about the Children

全球货币重置,恢复共和国和 NESARA/GESARA 都是关于儿童的

It's not about the money. It's about the children – the thousands of malnourished and traumatized children who, in honor of Satan, were being raped and murdered so their Elite Perpetrators could supposedly gain power and rule the world.


The first official act President Trump made the morning before he was sworn into office was to pay a visit to CIA Headquarters and declare a war on an international Child Sex Trafficking Ring run by these global elites.


Let us fast and pray for these millions of little ones who right now, were being rescued from Cabal underground tunnels across the globe, and tortured and killed by Satanic Covens right next door. Let us also pray for those Military Troops worldwide who were risking their own lives to save them. The ancient doctrine of Fasting and Prayer was explained here at the 10:30:32 mark: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Mb9gU6DmKs

让我们斋戒,为这数以百万计的小人们祈祷,他们现在正从世界各地的阴谋集团地下隧道中被拯救出来,被隔壁的撒旦巫师团所折磨和杀害。让我们也为那些在世界各地冒着生命危险拯救他们的军队祈祷。古老的禁食和祈祷的教义在这里解释了10:30:32马克: https://www.youtube. com/watch? v = 4mb9gu6dmks

U. Judy Note:
I do not now, nor have I ever, received monies for writing my Updates and articles. The compensation has been in having outlets to help Save the Children by exposing truths about the very secretive Satanic Ritual Abuse, Pedophilia and Child Sacrifice that was rampant in our international society.

朱迪: 我现在没有,以前也没有收到过写更新和文章的钱。补偿是通过揭露在我们的国际社会中猖獗的非常隐秘的撒旦仪式虐待、恋童癖和儿童献祭的真相来帮助拯救儿童。

The above was a summary of information from the Internet. It would be up to the reader to do their own research and decide whether or not it was valid.


I will send the Safe Link Website out when I find out what it is, plus it will be posted on several Dinar Websites and continue the Updates until they are no longer needed. I expect to be working with many of you in the near future. I can't tell you how much I have enjoyed getting to know you. You will remain in my heart forever.


A huge Thank You to those dedicated and brave Intel providers who wished to remain unknown; to our Angel Martha who worked 24/7 to expose what's really going on; to humble Wildfire Lady who is adept at exposing the truth; to Brad who does great research; to Bonni B who exposes the underlying causes of what is really happening and to Ken who uncovers almost unlimited Intel on pedophilia to help us Save the Children.

非常感谢那些尽心尽力、勇敢的情报供应商,他们希望保持默默无闻; 感谢我们的天使玛莎,她全天候工作,揭露真相; 感谢谦卑的野火女士,她善于揭露真相; 感谢布拉德,她做了很好的研究; 感谢 Bonni b,她揭露了真相背后的原因; 感谢肯,他揭露了几乎无限的恋童癖情报,帮助我们拯救儿童。

Let us Thank Q that the reset has finally come to be. I wish you well in your humanitarian efforts and look forward to seeing you on the other side where together, we will make life better for all.

让我们感谢 q,重置终于来了。我祝愿你们在人道主义工作中一切顺利,并期待着在另一个世界看到你们,在那里,我们将一起让所有人的生活变得更好。

Patience is a Virtue. Having Virtue is a sign of a good moral being. Good moral beings have the power to overcome evil and change the world. And, we will!!! . . . Judy



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