
2021年8月9日07:50:01大揭露通过GCR恢复的共和国特别报道|2021年8月8日星期日已关闭评论4301字数 30680阅读102分16秒阅读模式


Judy Byington 编辑,MSWLCSW,治疗师 ret,记者,作者,《二十二张脸:珍妮希尔和她的二十二个多重人格的非凡生活》

Trust the Plan


"BQQM WEEK is Coming,Time to Strike Back.Joint Operations Underway!Pray."…Q

 通过GCR恢复的共和国特别报道|2021年8月8日星期日 "BQQM 周即将到来,是时候反击了。联合行动正在进行!祈祷。"...

Confirmed:Worldwide Military in training for the Emergency Broadcast System


Good things come to those who believe.Better things come to those who are patient.The best things come to those who don't give up.It's all in your state of mind.Stay the course.We are stronger together,for Where We Go One,We Go All(WWG1WGA).

 通过GCR恢复的共和国特别报道|2021年8月8日星期日 好事总是降临到那些相信的人身上。有耐心的人才能得到更好的东西。最好的东西来自于那些不放弃的人。这都取决于你的精神状态。坚持到底。我们在一起更强大,我们去哪儿,我们全力以赴(WWG1WGA)

God Bless America&Patriotic Music–The Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square–Bing video


Judy Note:Tier 4B exchange/redemption notification expected around the same time that Major Events break open.

Judy :4B 层交换/赎回通知预计在重大事/件开始的同一时间发出。

Sun.8-8 Tokyo Olympics closing ceremony was expected to end games like no other with three Typhoons headed to Japan and the Three Gorges Dam.


Events planned for Wed.to Sat.11-14 Aug.:2020 Election Integrity Cyber Symposium with attendees including over 300 delegates from 45 states,90 top experts,60-70 national media,plus representatives from the CIA,DHS and NSA.


Events also starting on Wed.11 Aug.:Assange Case reveal,2020 Arizona Audit Release,Declass on Mossad,plus Biden to announce a national lockdown around same time as a Emergency Broadcast System Test.


The Military reported that now the RV could no longer be reversed and a High Up Source said that this was the first time both the Temple Control Center in Texas and the new US Treasury in Reno felt that the GCR was finally going to happen,with payments released on Mon.9 Aug,while the Chinese Elders were pressing the Department of Defense to launch everything no later than by Sun.8 Aug.

军方报告说,现在RV不能再倒转了,一位High Up消息源说,这是德克萨斯州的坦普尔控制中心和里诺的新美国财政部第一次感觉到GCR终于要发生了,付款在89日公布,而中国长老们正在向国防部施压,要求不晚于88日周日推出一切。

On Fri.6 Aug.Iraq had announced implementation of reform including the new Dinar Rate to the GOI,CBI&IMF.New currency rates were locked down on the back of bank screens.


Emails with the Secured Website and 800#s to set appointments would be sent out according to time zones,going East to West across the globe.

电子邮件与安全网站和800#s 设置约会将发送根据时区,东至西跨越全球。

See below protocols for bond redemption and foreign currency exchange.


Restored Republic,Be Prepared:


Friends of the Original Constitution's video exposing the FEDERAL GOVT as a fraudulent FOREIGN CORPORATION masquerading as our government and introduces the Declaration of Restoration that calls for a Constitutional Convention&Court to prosecute the Defendants in We the People's$500 Trillion Lawsuit:to get back our money,our health,our Liberty and the original Constitution that they have stolen from us;to re-found our government and base it on the Constitution.Now&Forever!https://www.brighteon.com/7af54f8a-d3d1-433c-aa17-8bea61e2f619 https://friendsoftheoriginalconstitution.org


You are urged to stock up on at least three weeks of food and water.We were promised the new Starlink Internet System about the same time that Tier 4B would receive notification and the General Public could begin exchanging–all of which would be accompanied by implementation of NESARA/GESARA.

我们敦促你至少储备三个星期的食物和水。大约在4B 层收到通知和公众可以开始交流的同时,我们得到了新的星际联网系统的承诺——所有这一切都将伴随着 NESARA/GESARA 的实施。

NESARA/GESARA Gene Decode:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=os4DQhNzpI0



The 2021 GREAT FALL then GREAT WEALTH TRANSFER!!(Bo Polny)https://youtu.be/jWrZvjCcpuQ


A.Upcoming EVENTS:


Last Day of Olympics is 8th.Japan under water?Three tropical storms take shape near Japan|NHK WORLD-JAPAN News https://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/news/20210806_01/

奥运会的最后一天是第八天。水下的日本?3个热带风暴在日本附近形成|NHK 世界日本新闻

Sun.8 Aug.7 am E.T.Remember the 11th hr warnings about the Opening Ceremony.Think Mirror maybe.6 oclock ET time is 1 hr before.Tokyo Olympics closing ceremony to end games like no other.Tokyo will pass the Olympic baton to Paris on Sunday after staging a Games that was delayed by Covid and dismayed a skeptical public but still delivered its share of drama.https://www.google.com.au/amp/s/www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna1276009


Major Events/Scandals are about to break open in the 1st part of the week.Could it lead to the 3 Day Event?12th to 14th[EYES ON STOCK MARKET]8th to the 11th there are:


■3 Typhoons heading to Japan




■BIG Weather Event heading to CHONGQING,WUHAN&Most likely Three Gorges Dam




■3 Hurricanes heading for Florida from Atlantic.


We know the Events planned 10,11&12.


●Cyber Symposium


●Assange Case






●National Lockdown 11th?


●EBS Test designed for 11th-Alexa Says 8th.

●EBS测试为第11 - alexa说第8

●Eyes on Britney Spears.

关注布兰妮斯皮尔斯(Britney Spears)

2020 Election Integrity:National–Mike Lindell Symposium Next Week–Update–8/6/21


-Lindell claims attendees now include 45 states


-Currently missing HI,CT,RI,DE&NJ


-Over 300 pols or their delegates


-70 qualified experts,going to 90


-Between 60-70 national media


-Claims 3-letter agencies invited include CIA,DHS,NSA


-High official from another country concerned about similar election issues will also be attending


-Last week an entirely new group of top U.S.cyber-experts arrived to assist his existing cyber team https://twitter.com/Rasmussen_Poll/status/1423670605673553924

-上周,一个全新的美国顶级网络专家小组来协助他现有的网络 https://twitter.com/rasmussen_poll/status/1423670605673553924


@realdonaldotrumpo 和新@ezraacoen!!(电报)他们在同一天发布了同一张奥巴马的照片。奥巴马新爱泼斯坦?/FISAGATE/俄罗斯骗局/没有人能凌驾于法律之上/人们真的相信[政变企图]不会受到惩罚!/[](括号)/羁留设施。

Chicago CIA:In this still very dangerous and uncertain world of ours,does it make you feel more comfortable to know that the seven huge,super-secret,global intelligence computer databases deep inside Central Intelligence Agency headquarters here are named Doc,Dopey,Grumpy,Sleepy,Happy,Bashful and Sneezy?Yes,the CIA has indeed named its huge computers after the Seven Dwarfs—and for all I know has a slinky blond in its cloak-and-dagger Directorate of Operations code-named Snow White.https://www.chicagotribune.com/news/ct-xpm-2000-01-13-0001130129-story.html

芝加哥中央情报局:在我们这个仍然非常危险和不确定的世界里,当你知道中央情报局总部深处的七个巨大的、超级机密的全球情报计算机数据库,分别名为 DocDopeyGrumpySleepyHappyBashful Sneezy,你会感到更舒服吗?是的,中央情报局确实以七个小矮人的名字命名了它的大型计算机,而且据我所知,中央情报局的行动指挥部有一个穿着斗篷短剑的金发美女,代号白雪公主。

通过GCR恢复的共和国特别报道|2021年8月8日星期日Biden returned to Afghanistan:The US is deploying bombers and warships to fight the advancing Taliban terrorists.The embassy calls on Americans to leave the country"immediately".


通过GCR恢复的共和国特别报道|2021年8月8日星期日Attorney General Mark Brnovich has launched an investigation into the failure of Maricopa County,Arizona,to comply with legal subpoenas at the request of Senator Sonny Borrelli.Borrelli made the request last week after Maricopa County officials ignored a Senate subpoena.

美国司法部长马克布罗维奇(Mark Brnovich)应参议员桑尼博雷利(Sonny Borrelli)的要求,对马里科帕县未能遵守法律传票的问题展开了调查。在马里科帕县官员无视参议院的传票后,Borrelli 上周提出了这一要求。

通过GCR恢复的共和国特别报道|2021年8月8日星期日Obama and the liberal elites are seen without masks at a celebration on the occasion of his birthday in the Martha's vineyard,at a time when the rest of the country is being forced to comply with restrictions.


通过GCR恢复的共和国特别报道|2021年8月8日星期日Biden refuses billions of sanctions against the Iranian regime.


通过GCR恢复的共和国特别报道|2021年8月8日星期日The Florida Board of Education votes to pay for transferring students to new schools if they face"harassment due to COVID-19."


通过GCR恢复的共和国特别报道|2021年8月8日星期日The U.S.Senate has advanced a$1 trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill in a key test vote to take the upper house a step closer to addressing one of Biden's top spending priorities.Senate Minority leader and traitor Mitch McConnell joined Democrats to overcome another procedural hurdle in the bill.


通过GCR恢复的共和国特别报道|2021年8月8日星期日A strict lockdown has been introduced in Vietnam due to the spread of the delta variant.The government of the country,among other things,obliged companies to provide their employees with accommodation at the factory itself.The majority of seafood production enterprises were unable to fulfill the requirement due to high costs-70%of companies suspended work,and the production capacity of the remaining enterprises decreased by half.


通过GCR恢复的共和国特别报道|2021年8月8日星期日Host Mike Rowe criticized the American government for treating"the unvaccinated as enemies."He said that he refused to hold several promotional events aimed at making people vaccinated.


通过GCR恢复的共和国特别报道|2021年8月8日星期日Democrat Ayanna Pressley supports the"Anti-Racism in Public Health Act",which"will require the federal government to begin developing racially sensitive approaches to public health within the framework of two programs at the CDC."

民主党人艾安娜·普雷斯利(Ayanna Pressley)支持《公共卫生反种族主义法案》(Anti-Racism in Public Health Act),该法案"要求联邦政府在疾病控制和预防中心(CDC)的两个项目框架内,开始制定对公共卫生具有种族敏感性的方法。"

通过GCR恢复的共和国特别报道|2021年8月8日星期日Maria Licciardi,the head of the mafia group,was detained at the Italian airport.In December 2009,Licciardi was released from prison,where she spent eight years leading the Neapolitan mafia Camorra clan after the arrest of her husband and two brothers.

从监狱获释,在她的丈夫和两个兄弟被捕后,她在那里领导那不勒斯黑手党 Camorra 家族八年。

通过GCR恢复的共和国特别报道|2021年8月8日星期日Protests against Macron's mandatory Covid passports were held in 150 cities of France.


通过GCR恢复的共和国特别报道|2021年8月8日星期日The FSB of the Russian Federation declassified evidence of the preparation of the Japanese military for war with the USSR.


通过GCR恢复的共和国特别报道|2021年8月8日星期日More and more companies in the United States require employees to be vaccinated.On behalf of the Zeit magazine,one lawyer clarifies whether this is also possible in Germany:"No,it is not even allowed to ask here whether an employee has been vaccinated."

美国越来越多的公司要求员工接种疫苗。代表 Zeit 杂志,一位律师澄清这在德国是否也可能:"不,甚至不允许在这里询问雇员是否接种过疫苗。"

通过GCR恢复的共和国特别报道|2021年8月8日星期日Republican US Senate candidate Sean Parnell is calling for a full investigation into allegations that the University of Pittsburgh extracts the organs of unborn children"while their hearts are still beating."

美国共和党参议员候选人 Sean Parnell 呼吁全面调查有关匹兹堡大学在胎儿心脏还在跳动时摘取胎儿器官的指控

通过GCR恢复的共和国特别报道|2021年8月8日星期日San Francisco sheriff's deputies say that if they are forced to vaccinate,a number of their employees will quit or retire early.


通过GCR恢复的共和国特别报道|2021年8月8日星期日The University of Sussex offers students cash prizes for proof of full vaccination.


通过GCR恢复的共和国特别报道|2021年8月8日星期日Israel,where approximately 90%of the adult population is fully vaccinated,reports 3,849 new cases of COVID19,the number of severe cases has increased to 324(of which 209 are fully vaccinated)

以色列90%的成年人口完全接种了疫苗,报告了3849 COVID19新病例,严重病例增加到324(其中209例完全接种了疫苗)

Vladimir Zelenko MD:I am calling for the immediate arrest,prosecution,and conviction of all the devolved pagans that have committed Genocide,crimes against humanity,mass murder,capital murder,manslaughter,conspiracy to commit all of the above,etc.My partial list of devolved criminal pagans include but are not limited to:-Klaus Schwab-George Soros–Fauci-Stephen Hahn-Scott Gotlieb-Janet Woodcock-Rick Bright and his BARDA team-Scientists at Wuhan-Ralph Baric and his team-Bill Gates,Mark Zuckerberg,Jack Dorsey-Executives at CNN,NYT.Wash Post,Google,FB,Twitter–C*P-most of the past and current Israel,Australian,French,Canadian,British governments-Biden,Harris,Pelosi,Schumer,Sanders,Nadler,Schiff,-All the Academic fraudsters including the editorial boards of Lancet,and NEJM,the entire leadership of John Hopkins university,AMA-all the doctors that were"just following orders"-all the heads of CDC,NIH,FDA,WHO.

弗拉基米尔·泽连科博士:我呼吁立即逮捕、起诉并定罪所有犯有种族灭绝罪、反人类罪、大规模谋杀罪、死刑谋杀罪、过失杀人罪、共谋犯下以上罪行的异教徒。我列出的部分退化的犯罪异教徒包括但不限于:-克劳斯·施瓦布-乔治·索罗斯-福西-斯蒂芬·哈恩-斯科特·戈特利布-珍妮特·伍德考克-里克·布莱特和他的巴达团队-武汉的科学家-拉尔夫·比利和他的团队-比尔·盖茨,马克·扎克伯格,杰克·多西-纽约有线电视新闻网的高管们。华盛顿邮报,谷歌,脸书,推特-C*P-大多数过去和现在的以色列,澳大利亚,法国,加拿大,英国政府-拜登,哈里斯,佩洛西,舒默,桑德斯,纳德勒,希夫-所有的学术欺诈者,包括编辑委员会的柳叶刀,和 NEJM,整个约翰霍普金斯大学的领导人,AMA-所有的医生,"只是遵守命令"-所有的领导人,NIHFDAWHO

India:Security tightened at Indian capital airport following bomb threat.Authorities at India Gandhi International(IGI)airport in the Indian capital Delhi Sunday heighten


Greece:Thousands are evacuated as fires rampage through forests in Greece.Wildfires rampaged through some of Greece's last remaining forests for yet another day Saturday,encroaching on more inhabited areas after burning scores of homes,businesses and farms during the country's worst heat wave in three decades.


Mexico:Tropical Storm Kevin is centered about 365 miles SW of Manzanillo,Mexico,moving toward the west at 10 mph.Max sustained winds are near 45 mph,but Kevin is expected to steadily strengthen,becoming a hurricane on Monday.A northwestward track is expected for the next few days.


Netherlands:Lessons from the recent floods in the Netherlands,luck or wisdom or both?https://reconectproject.medium.com/lessons-from-the-recent-floods-in-the-netherlands-luck-or-wisdom-or-both-b4799c1e4f59


Canada:Bomb threat City Hall Hamilton Ontario Canada


Floods in NorthKorea:170 houses were destroyed due to heavy rains,5000 people were evacuated to safe areas.

NorthKorea 洪水:170间房屋被大雨摧毁,5000人被疏散到安全地区。

London UK:Street flooded in London after thunderstorms bring torrential rain.




ALERT!National Hurricane Center urging coastal states to prepare for potential impacts.3 tropical developments are being monitored closely as they approach land.Warm waters are currently present in the Gulf of Mexico,placing southern states at great risk for impact.


Omaha,Nebraska,Happening Now:Major flooding on Jones St between 10th and 11th.Storms,Flash Flood warnings.


Arizona:https://twitter.com/josephjflynn1/status/1424207145743048707?s=28 BREAKING:Arizona Attorney General Opens Investigation Into County Noncompliance With LEGAL AND ENFORCEABLE SUBPOENA.


Florida:More Hurricanes Predicted to Hit Disney World and Universal This Year–Inside the Magic https://insidethemagic.net/2021/08/high-hurricane-season-ad1/ Three stormy regions vie to become first tropical depression in more than a month–South Florida Sun Sentinel–South Florida Sun-Sentinel https://www.sun-sentinel.com/news/weather/hurricane/fl-ne-tropical-atlantic-storm-weather-saturday-20210807-2axez62k2fcu7g2zot2yn4nuv4-story.html

佛罗里达州:预计今年将有更多飓风袭击迪斯尼世界和环球-在神奇的 https://insidethemagic.net/2021/08/high-hurricane-season-ad1/内三个多风暴地区争相成为一个多月以来第一个热带低气压-南佛罗里达太阳哨兵-南佛罗里达太阳哨兵 https://www.Sun-Sentinel.com/news/weather/hurricane/fl-ne-tropical-atlantic-storm-weather-saturday-20210807-2axez62k2fcu7g2zot2yn4nuv4-story.html

B.International Child Sex Trafficking:


'Time's Up':Virginia Roberts Set to Sue Prince Andrew in US Court Soon,Her Lawyer Says.Virginia Roberts has repeatedly claimed that the now-deсeased convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein procured her for Prince Andrew:Sputnik International https://sputniknews.com/world/202108081083553816-times-up-virginia-roberts-set-to-sue-prince-andrew-in-us-court-soon-her-lawyer-says/

"时间到了":弗吉尼亚·罗伯茨即将在美国法庭起诉安德鲁王子。弗吉尼亚·罗伯茨曾多次声称,现在已经减刑的恋童癖者杰弗里·爱普斯坦将她买给了安德鲁王子:Sputnik International



Dr.Malone,Inventor of mRNA Technology:Vaccines Are Leaky And Have Poor Durability:https://www.redvoicemedia.com/2021/08/dr-malone-inventor-of-mrna-technology-vaccines-are-leaky-and-have-poor-durability-video/


W.H.O.Concedes the Covid Virus Is Just Like the Common Flu!500,000 Americans Dead From Vaccine!–A Must Video|Health|Before It's News(beforeitsnews.com)

世界卫生组织承认COVID病毒就像普通流感!50万美国人死于疫苗!-一个必须的视频|健康|新闻前的 beforeitsnews.com

D.Protocols for Tier 4B Exchanges/Redemption:

4B 层交换/赎回协议:

Chase,Bank of America and Wells Fargo would be sending email notifications with the Safe Link website,plus the Safe Link Website would be published on various Dinar websites.


You could give this link out to others to use for their redemption/exchange,but the 800 number could only be used once.


Have for your redemption/exchange two picture IDs,two bills showing your address,your exchange money organized lower to higher amounts and a 1-5 page summary(include your bio and a paragraph on each of your humanitarian projects)of your Humanitarian Project if you have one.If you don't have one you could bring a list of humanitarian projects you would like to support and/or review the list of global humanitarian projects you would like to support.


Go into the Safe Link Website and answer questions that would prove to the Department of Defense that you were you.


Once satisfied that you weren't an imposter,you would be let into your personal banking account with the new Quantum Financial System.


Your account would show what currencies and bonds they have record of you buying,the default rate on those currencies and bonds and your account balance.


If there were any missing currencies in your account,or if you gifted or received gifted currencies,you would need an appointment at a Redemption Center to straighten it out.


If you agreed with your account balance and wanted to do your exchange at home without an appointment at a Redemption Center,you could do your exchange with all of the phone support you could possibly require.


If you wanted to do your exchange at home you could request that your debit card that was connected to your QFS money account be sent to you via FedEx in 24 hours.

如果你想在家里进行交易,你可以要求在24小时内通过联邦快递将连接到你 QFS 货币账户的借记卡发送给你。

Doing your exchange at home would likely mean you would accept the Default or International Rate(but this has not been verified).The new rates have been locked in and were said to be extremely high.


If you didn't agree with your account balance and/or if you had Zim,there would be a number given to you to call for an appointment at a Redemption Center.You could only use this number one time.

如果你不同意你的帐户余额和/或如果你有 Zim,会有一个电话号码给你打电话预约在赎回中心。你只能用这个数字一次。

If you chose to have an appointment,you would obtain your card at your appointment.When you received your Card you would have access to all monies in your personal Quantum Bank Account.


You would receive a Non Disclosure Agreement to sign at the same time you received your Card.


Those who had Zim and a Humanitarian Project would need to have an appointment at a Redemption Center,where you would hook up with a Wealth Manager.That Manager would coordinate your Humanitarian Project with a Humanitarian committee handling projects across the globe.

那些拥有 Zim 和人道主义项目的人需要在救赎中心预约,在那里你可以和一个财富管理员联系。该经理将协调您的人道主义项目与人道主义委员会处理全球各地的项目。

At your appointment you would fill out a form.They will take your currency,count it,give you rates,a receipt,a trust account,a bank account and your Card.


Most Zim would be paid out in a long term payout.If you had a large amount of currency it would be paid out in a long term payout.If you wanted a guaranteed income for you and your family for the rest of your life you would want to take that long term payout.That long term payout included interest paid you on the money left at the bank during the long term payout.You would chose the length of long term payout.

大多数 Zim 会得到一笔长期支付。如果你有一个大量的货币,它将支付在一个长期的支出。如果你想为你和你的家庭获得一份保障性的收入,那么你应该选择长期的收入。长期支付包括在长期支付期间你在银行存款的利息。你可以选择长期支付的长度。

The better prepared you are with projects and the longer the long term payout period,the better interest rate you could get on your Zim.


Your Zim rate would be determined by your Humanitarian Project and how you were able to carry it out.Those without a Humanitarian Project would be offered a Default Rate.

你的 Zim 率将取决于你的人道主义项目和你如何能够执行它。那些没有人道主义项目的人将被提供一个违约率。

80%of your Zim redemption goes into International Projects and 20%would be for personal use including your Humanitarian Project.

80% Zim 赎回将用于国际项目,20%将用于个人用途,包括你的人道主义项目。

All first Redemption/Exchange Center meetings encompass the first project discussion,if you choose,but everything will take about 20 minutes for this first meeting.You will have project discussion at a second meeting.The higher Contract Rate on the Zim could be,but did not have to be,negotiated at a second appointment with an assigned Wealth Manager.

所有的第一次赎回/交换中心会议都包含第一次项目讨论(如果你愿意的话),但是第一次会议所有的事情都需要20分钟。你们将在第二次会议上进行项目讨论。更高的合同利率的 Zim 可以,但没有必要谈判,在第二次任命与指定的财富管理。

Once Tier 4 B completes in about 10 days,you'll have full access to all of your money.

一旦4b 阶段在大约10天内完成,你就可以完全使用你所有的钱。

Tier 4 B and Tier 5 the General Public were going in together.The only difference between the two groups was that you're going to a Redemption Center,while Tier 5 was going to a bank teller window.If someone shows up in a bank with millions of dollars of VND,etc.,they're would be sent to a Redemption Center.

4 b 级和第5级是公众参与的。这两个组之间的唯一区别是,你去的是救赎中心,而第五层是去银行出纳窗口。如果有人带着数百万越南盾等等出现在银行,他们会被送到救赎中心。

There's going to be a bank fee,but this can be negotiated away.As far as the rates go,the bank fee is not determined on what your currency rate is,it's over all currencies you exchange.We had heard that it was 0.25%but you can negotiate it away.


If you were in a partnership and bought currencies together you have two options:Go together,share the meeting,sign NDA's for each other.Or,split your currency as you agreed and go separately for the appointment.Then,make sure you have a copy of the receipt for future needs,should it be required.


This was not a taxable event.


You can take family members into the Redemption Center.You can sit with them,and you can interpret.If you accompany your friends or family,you'll have to sign an NDA for them.You can share everything before you go in.Then you go in and sign your NDA AND BE QUIET.


Everything goes into the Quantum System,whether D1,2 or 3.D1 is GOVERNMENT and some parts of MILITARY.Debts were owed to China.US made promises,borrowed money from D1 to allow US to access this money.Result was China required US to pay down this debt.This is now being paid down.The Chinese mainly have control over D1 and D2,but the debt is being paid down now and because of this Tier 4 can go in and exchange.

所有的东西都进入量子系统,不管是 d 1,2还是3。首被告是政府和部分军方人员。欠中国的债务。美国作出承诺,向首被告借款,让美国动用这笔资金。结果,中国要求美国偿还这笔债务。这笔钱现在已经付清了。中国人主要控制了 D1 D2,但是债务现在已经还清了,因为这个第4层可以进行交换。

Gifting Currency was still possible.No Gift Letter was required and no tax would be collected.The Gift Letter would be required if the bills were found to have been reported.It was always best to have a Gift Letter.


If you did not have a Humanitarian Project,you could choose to support projects that were provided by the United Nations.Doing so would also give you a higher rate.


There has to be an announcement of USN somehow.But,even if USN isn't announced and NESARA is,this will still take place.The DEBT PAYOFF is evidence that NESARA is beginning.

不管怎样,USN 一定会有一个声明。但是,即使 USN 没有宣布,NESARA 是,这仍然会发生。债务的回报是证明 NESARA 正在开始。

They can partner you up with other people on your humanitarian project so that you share the cost.It's not going to be you alone.


There would be a 3 day rescission period where you could ask for different rates and terms.


In the first 90 days you will receive 20%of your 20%Zim redemption.

在最初的90天里,你将收到你20% Zim 赎回的20%

1%will be on Card at your redemption appointment,99%would be put under a Trust Company.


We have 90 days to change to another Trust Company.


UBI cards would be issued to citizens of all GESARA countries with amounts dependent on people's needs.

将根据人民的需要向全国基督教团结协会所有国家的公民发放 UBI 卡。

E."Twenty Two Faces:inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities,"by Judy Byington,Foreword by Dr.Colin A.Ross,M.D.RAW:Dr.Colin Ross–Robert David Steele

22 Faces:inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her Twenty Two multiple personalityby Judy ByingtonForeword by dr.Colin a.Rossm.d.RAW:dr.Colin Ross-罗伯特·大卫·斯蒂尔

Jenny Hill on a Satanic Child Sacrifice Rite:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F626Lsrdwg4


WARNING:Jenny gave a graphic description about how she at the tender age of five,was raped,tortured,forced to view a Child Sacrifice and save for Divine intervention,was almost killed herself–not unlike the sordid experiences of thousands of other child victims of Satanic Worshippers.Perpetrators worshipping Satan appeared to be organized from the US Inc's CIA,Queen Elizabeth's,Illuminati Banking families'and Vatican's Ninth Circle Child Sacrifice Cult on down to the Clintons,Hollywood,Pizzagate and local teenage covens.They were funded by this same Cabal that ran our global monetary system–the very organization that was in the process of being brought down by activation of the Global Currency Reset.It's no wonder that President Trump has stated,"These people are sick."

警告:珍妮生动地描述了她在5岁时,如何被强奸,折磨,被迫观看儿童祭祀,并为了拯救 Divine Intervention(电影),几乎自杀——这和其他成千上万撒旦崇拜者的儿童受害者的肮脏经历没什么两样。崇拜撒旦的犯罪者似乎来自美国公司的中央情报局,伊丽莎白女王的,光照派银行家庭和梵蒂冈的第九圈儿童祭祀邪教组织,下至克林顿,好莱坞,Pizzagate 和当地的青少年聚会。他们是由管理我们全球货币体系的同一个阴谋集团资助的——正是这个组织正处于被全球货币复位激活而垮台的过程中。难怪特朗普总统会说,"这些人都病了。"

F.Satanic Holidays:Sat.7 Sept.2021 was the next major Satanic Holiday called Marriage to the Satanic Beast Satan.It was celebrated by local,global elite and international Satanic Covens with blood,sexual human sacrifice and dismemberment of an female age infant to 21–followed by eating their flesh and drinking their Adrenochromed blood–all according to the Occult Calendar of Demonic Holidays put together by therapists from childhood accounts of their Satanic Ritually Abused clients.


Be aware of Satanic activities in your neighborhood and help save mind controlled children and teens being forced to participate in the rape,torture and murder of themselves and other children.


Months in advance Satan worshippers planned for their holidays by kidnapping children and teens,while commonly perpetrators impregnated preteens and teens to produce their own victims.The babies,children and teens were starved,tortured and used in sex orgies in preparation for human sacrifice rites.


Please report suspected Satanic activities to your local law enforcement.Since Satanists were known to infiltrate police departments,cover your tracks by also contacting U.S.Immigration and Customs Enforcement(ICE):https://www.ice.gov/webform/hsi-tip-form and the Federal Human Trafficking Website:https://www.state.gov/humantrafficking/

请向当地执法部门报告可疑的撒旦事/件。因为众所周知撒旦教徒会渗透到警察局,所以你可以通过联系美国移民与海关执法局来掩盖你的行踪:美国移民与海关执法 https://www.ICE.gov/webform/hsi-tip-form 和联邦人口贩卖网站:https://www.state.gov/humantrafficking/

Called To Rescue


A non-profit which rescues children who have been abused or trafficked


855-646-5484 http://www.calledtorescue.org/

You Can Anonymously Report Trafficked and Abused Children


If you wished to join the effort in saving children from international sex trafficking,contact Tim Ballard at Operation Underground Railroad and/or the non-profit organization,Saving Innocence.https://ourrescue.org/ https://savinginnocence.org https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FT4tmI8YxCU&feature=emb_rel_end

如果你想加入拯救国际性交易中的儿童的行列,请联系地下铁路行动组织和/或非营利组织保护协会的 Tim Ballard,拯救无辜。Https://ourrescue.org/https://savinginnocence.org https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ft4tmi8yxcu&feature=emb_rel_endG.The Global Currency Reset and NESARA/GESARA was all about the Children

全球货币重置和 NESARA/GESARA 都是关于孩子们的这不是钱的问题。

It's not about the money.It's about the children–the thousands of malnourished and traumatized children who in honor of Satan,were being raped and murdered so their Elite Perpetrators could supposedly gain power and rule the world.The first official act President Trump made the morning before he was sworn into office was to pay a visit to CIA Headquarters and declare a war on an international Child Sex Trafficking Ring run by these global elites.Let us fast and pray for these millions of little ones who were right now being rescued from Cabal underground tunnels across the globe,and tortured and killed by Satanic Covens right next door.Let us also pray for those Military Troops worldwide who were risking their own lives to save them.The ancient doctrine of Fasting and Prayer was explained here at the 10:30:32 mark:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Mb9gU6DmKs

它是关于儿童的——成千上万的营养不良和精神受到创伤的儿童,为了纪念撒旦,他们被强奸和谋杀,这样他们的精英肇事者就可以获得权力和统治世界。特朗普总统在宣誓就职前的第一个上午采取的官方行动是访问中央情报局总部,向这些全球精英经营的国际儿童性交易集团宣战。让我们斋戒祈祷,为这几百万的小孩子祈祷,他们现在正从全球各地的阴谋地下通道中被营救出来,并且正在被隔壁的邪恶巫师所折磨和杀害。让我们也为世界各地冒着生命危险拯救他们的军队祷告。古老的禁食和祈祷教义在10:30:32这里得到了解释:我现在没有,也从来没有收到过写我的更新和文章的 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4mb9gu6dmks

Judy Note:I do not now,nor have I ever,received monies for writing my Updates and articles.The compensation has been in having outlets to help Save the Children by exposing truths about the very secretive Satanic Ritual Abuse,Pedophilia and Child Sacrifice that was rampant in our international society.


The above was a summary of information from the Internet.It would be up to the reader to do their own research and decide whether or not it was valid.


I will send the Safe Link Website out when I find out what it is,plus it will be posted on several Dinar Websites.It is my understanding that by linking into the Safe Link Website it will generate a Non Disclosure Agreement to sign in order to obtain redemption/exchange appointments.


After signing that Non Disclosure I will be unable to email,post or talk to anyone about the exchange process for 90 days,so I will be going silent and taking those 90 days to get my humanitarian project organized and going.


This is not a goodbye.I expect to be working with many of you in the near future.I can't tell you how much I have enjoyed getting to know you.You will remain in my heart forever.


A huge Thank You to those dedicated and brave Intel providers who wished to remain unknown;to humble Wildfire Lady who is adept at exposing the truth;to Martha who has unceasingly worked around the clock to discern what is real in the fake news;to Brad who does great research;to Bonni B who exposes the underlying causes of what is really happening and to Ken who uncovers almost unlimited Intel on pedophilia to help us Save the Children.

一个巨大的感谢你给那些献身和勇敢的英特尔提供者谁希望保持不为人知;谦虚的野火女士谁善于揭露真相;玛莎谁已经不断工作24小时辨别什么是真实的假新闻;布拉德谁做了伟大的研究;邦尼 b 谁暴露了什么是真正发生的根本原因和肯谁揭示几乎无限的英特尔恋童癖帮助我们拯救儿童。

Let us Thank Q that the reset has finally come to be.I wish you well in your humanitarian efforts and look forward to seeing you on the other side where together,we will make life better for all.

让我们感谢 q,重置终于来了。我祝愿你们在人道主义努力中一切顺利,并期待着在另一方看到你们,我们将共同努力,使所有人的生活更加美好。

Patience is a Virtue.Having Virtue is a sign of a good moral being.Good moral beings have the power to overcome evil and change the world.And,we will!!!...Judy




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