Explosive death-bed confession (pun intended) from a civil engineer who participated in the demolition of World Trade Center Building 7. There will be many similar confessions now that the tsunami of truth is underway. This is a must-read article. Please pass it on.
Excellent little video by an Australian truther outlining the background to the British monarchy's obscene wealth. The Queen (and now Charlie) was officially the RICHEST person on Earth. She was the legal owner of 6.6 billion acres of land - one sixth of the earth's land surface. Please use your discernment but this research seems legitimate.
Interesting. President Trump has been invited to the Queen's funeral.
True story.
Watch King Charlie lose his temper over a pen. This video footage shows that the latest Camilla is a poor replica of the original. The DS coffers are running dry for body doubles - OR the Alliance is mocking them - OR both.
Tucker Carlson enjoyed trolling the [D]eep [S]tate about DeSantis shipping fifty migrants to wealthy Martha's Vineyard. Millions of illegal migrants have crossed the southern border on the DS watch yet all hell breaks loose when just fifty of them land in the DS's own back yard. Too funny.
Martha's Vineyard has long been home to the rich and famous, including the Obamas and the Kennedys. Didn't JFK (Not Junior) leave Martha's Vineyard on his faked last flight..? Maybe this a sign...?? Watch this space.
Here is Klaus Schaub's hand puppet spreading hypocrisy on a grand scale. He urges us NOT to take a holiday on the other side of the world to enjoy ourselves. If you stay at home you will have 'peace of mind'. When we finally see all the DS private jets parked up permanently in chains, we will remember this idiot.
这是克劳斯 · 肖布的傀儡大张旗鼓地散布虚伪。他敦促我们不要到世界的另一端去度假来享受生活。如果你呆在家里,你会有“心灵的平静”。当我们终于看到所有的国安局私人飞机都被锁着永远停在那里时,我们会记住这个白痴的。
Finally, this morning I walked past an elderly man who was walking near the beach alone wearing a mask. It is a stunning warm Spring day. As I walked past him I said gently, 'It's such a lovely day, good to breathe fresh air. You could take your mask off, you know...' He replied. 'No, I can't. I have tested positive and I don't want to pass it on to anyone...' I said, 'Please don't worry, we are okay, you can take it off.' As I walked away, I pondered on the huge amount of damage caused by the government propaganda arm - the MSM. The mind-control has been truly shocking.
最后,今天早上我经过一位戴着面具独自走在海滩附近的老人。这是一个温暖的春日。当我从他身边走过时,我轻轻地说: “今天天气真好,呼吸新鲜空气真好。”。“你可以把面具摘下来,你知道... ...”他回答。不,我不能。“我的检测结果呈阳性,我不想传染给任何人... ...”我说,“请不要担心,我们没事,你可以把它摘下来。”当我走开的时候,我在思考政府宣传部门—— MSM 所造成的巨大损失。精神控制真是令人震惊。
That is why it is vital that we Light Warriors continue to fight against the [D]eep [S]tate - reveal the lies, tell the TRUTH at every opportunity. There are some people who may never be convinced, especially the elderly, but many can be helped to see the Light.
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Where We Go One We Go All.
Love and Light 爱与光