One Who Serves: Om, mani, padme, hum; om, mani, padme, hum; hum, hum. Greetings to you! One Who Serv...
First of all, I'd like to point out that I answered a few questions from the comments section of the...
昴宿星|20190701 令人炫目的光到达地球
两个地球日前的11:11 utc,地球的磁场完全崩溃了大约有2分钟的时间,出于一个令人难以置信强大的银河能量波撞击地球
昴宿星|20190621 行星揭露正在进行
great ones, 伟大的一们 two earth weeks ago,an agreement between pleiadian light forces,key ambassadors of...
昴宿星|20190614 昴宿星“潘多拉”协议
great ones, 伟大的一们 on may 29th,2019,the earth alliance announced that benevolent light forces launche...
关键的地球联盟信息更新|20190625 事件已经进入最终的阶段
great ones, 伟大的一们 the earth alliance is reporting that over the last 48 hours,pleiadian delta forces...
柯博拉会议|2018.12.1—2 圣保罗扬升会议个人笔记
(此为个人分享笔记,如有疑问请以官网更新为主) Preface: When i first walked into the large hall and saw Cobra way down in ...